
Chinese Fishermen Are Dead. And War With Taiwan Is On the Horizon

The Pitfalls of Sexual Desire According to Doki Doki Literature Club Support China Uncensored on Locals at For decades, China has been using a technique called salami slicing to, it hopes, gradually take over Taiwan. Instead of taking Taiwan all in one go, it starts by moving just a little bit closer to Taiwan's airspace and territorial waters. Now just moving a little closer to Taiwan isn't going to trigger an armed response, but if Taiwan isn't careful, it'll wake up one day to find the CCP on its doorstep. In this episode of China Uncensored, we look at how China is salami slicing Taiwan's airspace and territory, how Taiwan has responded, and how China might use civilians to launch a surprise attack on Taiwan. YouTube demonetizes our channels, we need your support! We also accept bitcoin! And Paypal: Buy our merchandise! China Uncensored on Odysee China Uncensored on Rumble Make sure to share this video with your friends! ______________________________ Subscribe for updates: ______________________________ Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: And check out the China Unscripted podcast! #China ______________________________ © All Rights Reserved.

China Uncensored

6 days ago

China is literally inching closer to  Taiwan to make invasion that much easier. Welcome to China Uncensored, I’m Chris Chappell. China is doing something very  devious regarding Taiwan. Wow. I don’t know if I’ve ever said a more  evergreen sentence in the history of this show. But now, China is getting  so brazen that on Monday, its coast guard boarded a  Taiwanese boat full of civilians! Surprised? No, me neither. Something like  this was bound to happen sooner or later. For years, Taiwan has d
ealt with  encroaching Chinese operators. Like Chinese “fishers” who ram boats… …and steal fish… …as well as sand from within Taiwan’s  prohibited and restricted zones. Yes, they’re stealing sand, because how else could China build all  those crumbling infrastructure projects? They gotta get the materials from somewhere! All this is absolutely done with the  Chinese Communist Party’s permission. It’s part of the CCP’s gray zone strategy to  coerce Taiwan with everything short of war. Which leads
us to last week’s sea chase incident. “According to Taiwan's authorities, a  Chinese speedboat carrying four people entered Taiwan-controlled waters  off Kinmen near Beiding Islet, a military outpost just east of the main island.” When the Taiwanese coast guard approached the  speedboat, the fishermen sped away. Their speed boat capsized, and all four occupants  fell overboard. They were all rescued, but two of them were pronounced dead in  Kinmen Hospital after resuscitation failed. That happe
ned near Kinmen Island, which is only  a few miles away from Xiamen in mainland China, making it part of the front line for Taiwan. Of course, China’s Taiwan Affairs Office pounced  on the opportunity to put the blame on Taiwan. Taiwan Affairs Office spokeswoman  Zhu Fenglian called the sea chase a “malicious incident” that has “severely  harmed the feelings of compatriots.” While any rational person would call  this a case of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” With the stupid prize here  b
eing the dumbest death by speed boat of all time. Zhu also stated that Taiwan’s Democratic People’s Party authorities have been using “rough and  dangerous methods towards Chinese fishermen, which is the main reason leading  to this vicious incident.” Yes, because any time Taiwan tells Chinese  nationals to get out of its territory, that’s “using rough and dangerous methods.” That’s like saying cops who tackled an armed  suspect were abusing their authority. “Come on, that’s gonna leave a bruise
! Why didn’t you  just let him shoot 30 or 40 people instead?” And you can tell based on that  analogy that I live in America. Zhu also said that fishermen from China had been  operating in the sea area since ancient times, and that “There is no such a thing as  ‘prohibited or restricted’ waters in the zones.” Of course! China gets to have maritime borders, but Taiwan? Pssht! Those are ancestrally  shared waters. Be a better neighbor, Taiwan! Zhu went on to say, “The mainland is full of  goodwil
l towards Taiwan compatriots, but will not tolerate the Taiwan authorities’ disregard  for the lives and property of mainland fishermen.” Yup. This definitely looks like goodwill to me. The CCP is clearly using the sea chase incident  to justify nibbling away at Taiwan’s territory. Shortly after Zhu’s comments, Chinese  Coast Guard spokesperson Gan Yu said that the Fujian Coast Guard Bureau would mount  regular patrols where the two fishermen died… …supposedly to “maintain operational order in s
ea areas and safeguard  fishermen’s lives and property”. And by “their property” they mean Taiwan. And  who they’re safeguarding it from is… also Taiwan. On Monday morning, online ship tracking  information showed four Chinese coast guard vessels operating just outside of Taiwan’s  prohibited and restricted zones around Kinmen. That same day, Taiwan reported that  Chinese coast guard personnel boarded a Taiwanese tour boat with 11  crew members and 23 passengers. This was after the vessel report
edly veered  slightly off course, which shouldn’t have been an issue, since Chinese tour boats do the  same thing into Taiwanese waters regularly. Because if China didn’t have double standards,  we wouldn’t know they had any standards at all. Two Chinese coast guard boats intercepted the sightseeing vessel at around 4:47  pm local time. Six officers boarded, checked its route plan, certificate, and  crew licenses, and left around 5:19 pm. As the people on board heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunate
ly, the Taiwan vessel returned to Kinmen safe and sound. But this story  easily could have ended differently. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration is now warning  Taiwanese vessels that if similar incidents happen in the future, they should refuse Chinese  requests to board and seek help immediately. Which is probably good advice. Who  knows if the Chinese coast guard officers will do more than just  “inspect” the vessel next time. China is so shady that Taiwan is now  having to teach stranger da
nger even about their boats. What kinds of names is  China giving their ships? The SS Bad Touch? But China isn’t only inching its way closer to  Taiwan on the sea. There’s something new going on. I’ll tell you more after the break. Welcome back. China is salami-slicing its way into Taiwan’s  borders to make an invasion more possible. Given that every Chinese corporation  answers to the CCP, you bet that even Chinese cargo ships can quickly be  militarized and used against Taiwan. But it’s not ju
st the sea  that Taiwan needs to worry about. Taiwan needs to keep its eyes on the sky. It should already be common knowledge  by now that Chinese military aircraft… …and Chinese spy balloons constantly  make incursions into Taiwanese airspace. But here’s something that Taiwan also needs to  worry about now: Chinese *civilian* airlines. Last month, China unilaterally decided to move its civil aviation flight routes closer  to the Taiwan Strait median line. That’s an unofficial boundary  between
China and Taiwan. And now it’s really unofficial. Beginning on February 1st of this  year, Chinese civilian aircraft on the southbound M503 flight route  are allowed to fly 4.2 nautical miles from the median line, instead of the  formerly agreed upon 6 nautical miles. A 1.8 nautical mile adjustment  may not seem like much, but it puts Chinese aircraft  just that much closer to Taiwan. China also announced that it would start using  two secondary routes connecting M503 with the cities of Fuzhou a
nd Xiamen. These routes are  right near the flight paths that go to the Taiwanese islands of Matsu and Kinmen. It’s  an airline accident just waiting to happen. Sorry. I meant to say it’s *another*  airline accident just waiting to happen. Why would China do something as stupid  as that and risk civilian casualties? Sorry. *More* civilian casualties. Well, part of it is legal warfare. It helps justify the narrative that Taiwan  is already an “inalienable” part of China, especially if civilian ai
rlines end up  crossing over Taiwanese airspace en route to their destinations. It’s one thing for  Chinese military aircraft to make incursions into Taiwanese airspace, but it’s another  if Chinese civilians do it on a daily basis. It also puts a lot of pressure  on Taiwan’s air defense capacity by forcing Taiwan to keep track  of more air traffic incursions. But there could be a far more  sinister plot at play here. Remember, we’re talking about China, an authoritarian regime that  believes in
military-civilian fusion. And while I don’t mean human-tank hybrids,  China would absolutely do this if they could. You can bet that the CCP will  use civilians as cover for an irresponsible and outright dangerous Trojan Horse. How? It’s possible that China could disguise a  military aircraft as a civilian plane to seize airports in Taiwan. Just fly along the route  and then BAM! Go right in to invade Taiwan. A flight route even just a nautical mile or two  closer to Taiwan can make a huge diff
erence. Taiwanese officials are well aware  of this. Former Taiwanese Air Force Deputy Commanding General Chang Yen-ting  warned that “It takes a warplane just 1 minute to fly 11 kilometers. So now we  have 1 minute less of reaction time.” The CCP could even get sneaky and  just fly military aircraft under legit civilian aircraft to fool surveillance. That’s a real possibility that  the CCP may be experimenting with. And if you’re thinking, “Isn’t that dangerous  for civilians?” China’s response
is, “Yeah. And?” They care about civilians about as much  as bears care about hurting salmons’ feelings. A good example of this is when there  were reports last year of a PLA Y-9 plane flying under Flight CX366 on the M503 route, the same route I mentioned that got  moved closer to the median line. Chang warned about that scenario, as well, saying, “If three or five communist warplanes flew in  formations in a vertical up-and-down position, using civilian airliners as cover, we might be  caught
in a surprise attack as the warplanes would be able to fly to Taipei and other  major cities in just five to 10 minutes”. I wouldn’t even put it past China to  blame Taiwan for civilian casualties if China goes ahead with a  plan as dangerous as this. Inch by inch, China is definitely  changing up the status quo, and that’s why the world can’t  be complacent about it. It needs to respond and make sure that China  doesn’t get away with its shenanigans. Now, I’ve got a video I want to show you th
at  I think will tickle your fancy, but first, it’s time to show love to the people who make this  show possible, the China Uncensored 50 Cent Army— Fans who support the show on As my way of thanks, I answer their  questions at the end of these episodes. Today’s question comes from FreedomLover  “Question you can hopefully answer on one of your upcoming videos. What happened to  Locals? I remember for a while that was an option for supporting the channel, but you  d
on't mention it anymore. Thanks for helping illuminate everyone on the dangers  of the CCP. Keep up the good work!” Well thank you. Thanks for bringing it up! Yes, we  do still have Locals. Locals is like an exclusive China Uncensored social media platform where you  can chat with me or other fans of the show for a small monthly contribution. It’s another great  way to help support China Uncensored in addition to Patreon. However, by far the biggest chunk  of the budget to keep making this show
comes from Patreon, which is why I usually talk about it  here. But I do answer questions from Locals on the show too. If you’re interested in supporting us on  Locals, head over to Thanks for your question and  your support Freedom Lover. And here’s that video I want to  show you. It’s from my new show Deep Thoughts While gaming and this  week’s episode is about Doki Doki Literature Club and Buddhism!. Check  it out and let me know what you think. And if you want to
support China Uncensored  on Patreon, click that orange button. Once again, I’m Chris Chappell. See you next time.



The Pitfalls of Sexual Desire According to Doki Doki Literature Club Support China Uncensored on Locals at


A century ago China was defensive about anyone messing with their boats. This spawned the phrase "don't touch my junk"


Had you hear about Phillipines Fishery Association accusing Chinese fishing vessles were using cyanide in a rich fishing zone in Phillipine controlled waters? They claim the cyanide is systematically killing coral reefs, the nursery area for fish. They are investigating further with fishermen who sighted the cyanide use


Taiwan is a free nation.


The purpose of stealing sand maybe the same reason the allies collected sand samples on the shores of Normandy. To test viable landing zones and ground compositions


At some point Taiwan has to defend itself.


The algorithms hate your channel so much, they don’t even put advertisements in front of your videos. It’s one of my favorite things about this channel.


Thank you to the people who support this show financially!.


To be Pro-China is more like a diagnosis rather than a position.... ✊️🇹🇼


Oh boy I can't wait to hear about the latest Chinese shinanigans


"Rough treatment" - Chinese media Firing water cannons at crewmen, ramming ships and all manner of other things - Chinese Coastguard vessels not utilising "rough treatment".


Glad you guys are still supporting locals. Patreon has involved itself in the culture war in ways that I find to be chilling to free speech, so I'm glad to have an alternative.


"Because if China didn't have double standards, we wouldn't know they had any standards at all" 😂👌


If the Chinese Fishermen were fleeing from the Taiwanese inspection ship - what were they trying to hide? Play stupid games, Win stupid prizes


"i'll tell you more after the break..." the break: a line of blokes lining up in front of a monster woman's crotch from Hero Wars game such an Adpocalypse we live in


China is like that jealous ex boyfriend who didn't know about the obvious break-up.


If Taiwan is a part of China then surely the CCP should be held accountable for government actions that resulted in the deaths of 2 fishermen?


Keep the news coming, Chris! It's so frustrating that the PRC is doing this stuff more and more!


The irony, of getting a chinese company ad, on a video calling out the Chinese, on a channel that notoriously censored by Youtube.


Before D-Day special missions were conducted on the beaches of Normandy for sand samples to determine the suitability of the beaches for heavy equipment. Don’t assume it’s only for building