
Comedian Effortlessly Handles Miserable MAGA Couple

Comedian Michael Lenoci gave a masterclass in how to handle a couple of MAGA hecklers at a recent comedy show at the Laugh Factory in Las Vegas. cranky Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below! Check out the full segment HERE: Rick Strom TIKTOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: Follow TYT Sports on Facebook! TYT Sports - one of the most dynamic sports shows on YouTube - is coming to Tune In! We cover all the latest need to know NBA, NFL, MMA, World Football [soccer] and breaking news specifically tailored to the young, dialed-in, and pop-culture savvy sports fan. Subscribe today and prepare to get hooked. #TYTsports #Sports #RickStrom

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5 months ago

what' you guys do before this yeah well you but you you've been talking the whole joke that's why I stopped I wonder who you voted for no no I just hold on hold on how how how old are you you guys got to be my age at least [Music] older really yeah because like look how you're acting in public but look how upset you're you're going 0 to 100 really quick no she is well I mean you're with her Biden what is it we're getting political already at a comedy show Michael lenoi deals with Maga hecklers y
ou guys are inv Vegas you're supposed to be having a good time why are you so hostile because have you never been to a comedy show for you're very confrontational is this is this how you guys always are confront no can't a yeah cuz I'm more into this this is fun I want to find out how mentally ill people make it in society this is a word from the wise never argue with a comedian like ever why are you so angry did you guys lose $3 today what happened you guys you guys need to each other so you ca
n be a little bit more calm how am I supposed to do my show at this point you guys have ruined the evening for everyone having fun I get paid regardless guys you know this is crazy right now right no let's wait four more minutes let's look let's take an outside look at this whole situation do you think this is a normal interaction in society because you guys were chatting from the GetGo that's the problem is you guys think it's okay to talk at a live performance show you're right just like when
I'm at work people yeah that's this isn't work this is a live show that other people you're ruining you're ruin other people paid a lot of money to be here that's not your job this is my job is to scold you my job is to school you if you can please check out Michael's full performance on his YouTube he also has a sports show I have reached out to him and we're going to try to get him on here's what I'll say you know I view this as like the way that Elon Musk views Twitter this is a safe space uh
comedy is free now everyone embraced for comedy is forever but also you said something I don't agree with so I'm going to try and remove you from the platform why why do these people go to these shows disrupt the show go after the comedian who is holding the microphone and think you're going to win you know we've showed these other comedy shows previously I have seen some magga idiots go up there and assault a comedian I've seen another idiot get mad at I'm blinking on his name but a dude that
was on wild and out went up there and told him your joke is offensive it's a comedy show it's a comedy show and here's the thing if it is offensive and if you don't like it you could do one very simple subtle thing you could not raise any objections you could allow the show to go on you could get up out of your chair grab your drink they're in Vegas so you can walk around with it and leave simple as that but Maga won't let you do that they got to let you know their feelings 24/7 on everything at
every turn at all times they have to be because they claim they're the silent majority and for being the silent majority they never shut up ever so kudos to you you made an ass out of yourself and you're helping Michael out Michael also has a sport show that I think everyone should check out um so we've reached out to him I would love to talk to him and also other comedians on them looking back on the clip and also what they would handle how they would handle it differently and just the overall
psychology of being in that position on stage and having to deal with folks like that



One of the worst parts of the Trump era is the inescapable realization of just how many truly awful people walk among us.


If you're offended by what the performer says.....LEAVE.


Their feelings were hurt after they brought the situation upon themselves. Typical MAGA. And she brought up Biden. Just. Wow.


They are narcissists. They would be upset if other people disrupted them, but they think they are allowed to disrupt others.


No manners. That's what the first amendment means to republicans.


Funny how conservatives always think it's others who are "entitled", but 100% of the time the people who always express "entitled" behavior are ALWAYS conservative.


As a mentally ill person, please don't lump us in with those weirdos.


You can't fix stupid -- but you can sell it a MAGA HAT.


People who play the "freedom of speech" card right off the bat almost always never know the context of freedom of speech.


They’re neither silent, nor the majority.


Nothing pisses angry people off more than arguing with someone who refuses to get angry. Just laughing at them drives them mad.


Trump really has shown how many terrible people exist in society. Karens have become too comfortable.


MAGA or not, talking over the performers is effing RUDE.


You want to make a Democrat angry lie to him. You want to make a Republican angry tell him the truth


MAGA is the definition of "peaked in high school"


MAGAs always feel put upon. No matter what they say or do, it is always them who are being oppressed.


The reason you don't confront the comedian is not because "you’ll lose," it's because that's not how you behave at a performance. Even stupid people used to know that.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.


"Biggest silent majority that NEVER shuts up" 100%


I guess if you're willing to ruin a country, a comedy show doesn't seem like such a big deal to you.