
Cyberpunk 2077: Car Chase AI & How It Affects Vehicle Combat. [CC]

#CDPR #Cyberpunk2077 #CDProjektred Welcome to Deconstructing The Game folks. In todays Cyberpunk 2077 video I'll be showing you what the current sate of the vehicle chase and ambush system is. This is why vehicle combat is not in the game. Lets Get To It ! SUBTITLES AVAILABLE Patreon Honor Roll: Bitter You can join the Discord here and become one of the Deconstruction crew, share your thoughts and ideas about Cyberpunk and other games you want to see featured here. Patreon Page: You can find Me on Twitch here: You can find Ryan on Twitch & YouTube here: You can also find me on Reddit here: I'm now on which is an alternative video platform. Music: Empire Seasons - Dan Henig (YouTube Library) Nexus Mod:

Deconstructing The Game

2 years ago

Most of you who play Cyberpunk 2077 won't  be surprised to hear that there's a bunch of cut content and features that never made it into the  game. In fact if you've been watching my channel for long you'll know that I've covered a bunch  of it. Today I want to talk about something that wasn't fully cut from the game, but wasn't  fully implemented because it wasn't ready yet that of course is the vehicle chase system  which could be utilized by police officers and gang members on ambushes, and h
ow that  missing feature affects the car combat system we see remnants of today. My name is Mike, you're  watching Deconstructing The Game, let's get to it. [CAMERA SHUTTER] So within Cyberpunk 2077 there's a mission  called "Rebel Rebel". This mission involves you helping Kerry Eurodyne stop a van full of musical  equipment for the US cracks. Towards the end of the mission you'll be chased by two police vehicles that aren't overly hard to shake off. but if you allow them to chase you you'll see
how the vehicle  chase system actually works and what the state of the system is right now in the default version of  the game if you're not using mods. Most of the time any car combat that happens or any chase sequence that happens is an on-rails experience where you're being driven around and then you're the one  shooting at the window to shake off the assailants. This is somewhat true in "The Beast In Me"  missions as well when you're doing the races the only difference is, you're the driver
  and Claire is the one shooting out the window but for the AI vehicles they're still on  the track and it's an on-rails experience. The problem with the police system or the vehicle  chase system is that you as a player character in the free roam of the game can go anywhere  you want and that system has to actively seek you out and try and stop you. There's two  objectives to the AI here which are obvious. One is to seek out the player character and number  two is when they get to a certain dis
tance away from the player character, stick to them like glue  and mimic every movement. The police vehicle does have some form of AI where it will try and get around obstacles if it crashes and then it will revert back to trying to seek you out and then  chase you again, but in truth the vehicle never really tries to stop you it doesn't try and ram  you off the road and it doesn't try and pass you. The police vehicle mimics your every movement so  much that if you hit the brakes they will also
hit the brakes preventing a collision. It's kind  of funny because if i swerve left and right the police vehicle will also swerve left and right to  the point where it looks like I'm towing a trailer. Now I'm sorry to say this but it's obvious to me  that Cyberpunk 2077 has been dumbed down by CD Projekt Red to accommodate the older generation  consoles because of the processing issues. In fact you can see this in "Rebel Rebel"  where there isn't a single vehicle on the road apart from you and t
he two police vehicles, and  the police vehicles soon become one because the AI isn't strong enough to make both police vehicles  work at the same time as a team. They crash into each other constantly one is always ramming  the other off the road they're trying to squeeze into that spot right behind your vehicle to be  able to follow you and mimic your every move, and if you get to a certain distance away from  the police vehicle it will stop and it will refuse to chase you even if you drive pas
t it in  the opposite direction. The police officers will just continue to shoot at you until you drive  away. The police officers will get the vehicle if you exit your vehicle the mission but they  won't return to the vehicle and chase you down and this is the same for other police officers  in the street they'll just run after you and they won't jump in the vehicle there beside. So how  do the police actually intend to stop you? Well in short they just shoot at you from the windows just  like
Claire does in "The Beast In Me" missions but what surprised me the most was that the driving  police officer also shoots out the window at you. This is a mechanic I've never actually seen  implemented in Cyberpunk before and the only time I've seen a glimpse of it was when I accidentally  glitched a weapon into my hand while driving a truck during my initial glitch video. We can see  that the passenger combat system is pretty solid the NPC characters will actively shoot at  enemies and they're
usually pretty good. I've actually showcased this in a video I did  previously about the Johnny Silverhand exploit and the vehicle combat system which allows you  to get some pretty unique character pictures, using Rogue and the Nomad, but it highlights that  the car combat system was actually pretty close to being finished. In this instance the police officers also shoot at you, they chase you and the driving police officer also shoots you as well.  So why was this system never implemented and
why was a car combat system never a bigger thing ? Well  in my opinion and it's only my opinion (because I have no experience in programming whatsoever)  I just play the games but in my opinion it's because the system wasn't fully fleshed out and  they couldn't get AI good enough to actively seek out the player in free roam and try and stop them.  So in short this is a system that could have been used for police officers and gang ambushes that  wasn't fully fleshed out because the system was sti
ll on-rails and the AI wasn't good enough  to seek out the player and try and stop them. In relation to traffic as a whole in Night City  I think CD Projekt Red implemented a program they had for The Witcher 3. Because in The Witcher 3 all  you have to do is tell your horse to move forward and they'll follow the path or the road without  you having to input any directions whatsoever. I think this is true for the traffic in general in  Night City and they follow their own predetermined paths and
that's why you saw some vehicles  crashing into buildings and going through barriers that they weren't actually meant to be  going through. The vehicles are on rails and they have no artificial intelligence to tell them to  go around or actively avoid obstacles, and it's certainly not good enough to follow the player and  actually try and stop them and is only good enough to follow them and mimic their every movement.  Horseback pursuits are very similar in the fact that the enemies will chase y
ou to a certain  point and then completely ignore you. They won't even try and block you in or attack you as you're  running away from them and this is very similar to Cyberpunk 2077's police system. So maybe this is  just a copied program they had for Red Engine 3.5 and they copied it across to Red Engine 4. Now I  know every single person watching this is going to be screaming at me saying that Grand Theft Auto 3  perfected this way back when, but unfortunately I can't speak for the developmen
t of Cyberpunk  2077 and I just play the game and report in layman's terms what I find. I'm certainly not going  to make any excuses for CD Projekt Red but I just like to play the game and report in my own way  of how i feel about things and how i find them. Don't get me wrong the police chase system  or the vehicle chase system as a whole is almost there. It's just not fully fleshed out yet  and they haven't nailed the AI to be able to make decisions based on where the character is going  or wh
at they have to do to stop you. So if they were to nail the AI for this police chase system  I'd like some expansion on what our consequences are for a higher star level. maybe AV's chasing us,  maybe roadblocks with stingers we do see a stinger in the mission "Rebel Rebel" but after a single use  we drive over it and we don't see any consequences to our vehicle because of course we all know the  tires in Cyberpunk 2077 are like lead and they never burst. CD Projekt Red might also implement a  g
ang warfare system or just rival gangs in general try and chase you down because of something  you did in that area in relation to a gig or side mission, and if they do this it'll be  nice to implement the vehicle combat system for you as the driver to be able to shoot out the  window just like we saw in some of the trailers. BUT don't get me started on the trailers because  that's a totally different topic. There's also a lot more improvements and tweaking to be done  with police officers on fo
ot but for today I just wanted to talk about the car chase system and  how that kind of ties in with the vehicle combat system as well and why we may not have seen those  things implemented in the game so far. Now I fully expect this feature to be implemented within  the Cyberpunk multiplayer if CD Projekt Red are to be believed. But until that point comes we'll  just have to wait and see if this actually makes an appearance in the single player game or is  reserved as a test bed for the multipl
ayer to come. Unfortunately if you're on a consult you have to  wait for a patch or an update for this to work properly. But if you're on PC you can always go  to Nexus Mods and download the police improved AI which I'll link in the description below. It's  worth noting at this point that on PC I've never seen a police vehicle on patrol and I've only ever  seen one police vehicle on patrol and that was in the Beta version for Xbox one x, I have yet to see  a police vehicle on patrol anywhere in
the game so far that reacts accordingly. Unfortunately i don't  have any footage of this because it was during the livestream I did with Ryan and that footage is now  deleted. I appreciate this information might be a bit late for some people and it's been discussed  already but it was something i wanted to dig into for myself to see just exactly what's going on.  If you like the video you've seen today you can check out more on YouTube and you can also get  involved in the discussion on Discord
as well or you can check out the new Patreon page for  tiers to get these videos a day early. My name is Mike, you've been watching Deconstructing The Game,  thanks for watching, and I'll catch you all later.



2019 :Cyberpunk have over 300 hand made animation 2021: omg omg the car are chasing us for like 000.1 seconds


I like how they made a big deal about how driving armored cars would be important in bad parts of the city and not only is every part of the city exactly the same since there aren’t random events and crime is literally nonexistent unless you deliberately go to a blue “crime in progress” location but the cars all have zero durability and blow up instantly from gunfire as if they’re propane tanks lol. Aside from all the bs you hear and read about happening (which you never see in game) Night City is safer than a midwest suburb


super sad that the entire system of vehicles & their interactions are underdeveloped and brushed over. think we would all love to see an overhaul in how they are integrated into the open-world. great video!


the movement of the two police cars ramming into each other looks more realistic than the behavior the police car actually does to chase you


Crazy thing is this is a future world where GPS and trackers could be in anything and cameras everywhere how can't you be found by the police?


This game really could’ve been one of the best out there if stupid management decisions didn’t push it out the door before it was done cooking.


Id love to see a wanted system more alike to GTA, where at max wanted level MaxTac comes in to wipe you out like you see in the beginning of the game, similar to how the military in earlier GTA games would swoop in just to kill you.


its really unacceptable that the could not nail down the AI! All they had to do was get the AI correct in this game and it would off been 50% beter!


I know we all hold developers in high regard and that the state of this game was absolutely the fault of their board of directors. However... wtf have the AI developers at CDPR been doing for the last five years? Surely this isn't the sum of their work?


Not that I have any info on Cyberpunk's AI development, but I'm a C developer and dabbed into AI in an open environment a few times (without making anything great I might add) so here's my 2 cents: Making AI is *HARD*, especially if they have to follow you through an open map like Cyberpunk's, you've got to keep in consideration the height of the player, where it's located, calculate where to spawn the "cops", which cop you should spawn etc... It takes many cpu cycles and they PROBABLY had to cut the whole ting because they couldn't make it good enough for consoles which were already struggling to hit 30fps, as you can see in the Us Cracks mission you've mentioned, there's little to no traffic when the cops are chasing you, probably because some console could explode or something like that


I think that if the game wasn't old gen compatible, the game would've been amazing and liked by people


2:20 this is so true, the next-generation update should also give PC players everything that was removed because of hardware constraints on console.


Imagine a Night City where V can have a wanted level with the police, and an affinity level with each individual gang. For example, friendly with the Mox and the Valentinos, but can't set foot in Watson without conflict because he's hated by the Maelstrom.


Imagine walking out of an alley that’s quiet until all the sudden a police car chases a gang of maelstrom with gunfire that causes crowds to scream.☹️ I just wanted more armored Delemain heist experience.


They should've looked at GTA 5's traffic system, police system, those are pretty awesome... the more crime you do the bigger and nastier units you have to take on. Honestly they could've copy pasted it and it'd be game of the year.

they def removed patrol cars because the AI wasnt ready, very interesting to see what state it was in though. if expanding the maxtac story and tons of police AI updates got wrapped into one thing down the road that would be amazing


I thoroughly enjoyed this game, Played it on a PS4 Pro with an SSD installed so I never suffered from the asset streaming issues etc. Yes it's flawed but I really enjoyed it and the story was great. Restarted the game on a new Corpo character, loving the updates and hopefully it will continue to improve. Thanks for video 👍🏻


I think what happened was: they made the game for pc then around 2019 they tried it on console and realised how awful it was. Then half the development time went down the bin!


Minor correction, it's "affects" - the verb form!


The police chase is a very simple "follow past player positions" algorithm. Like following breadcrumbs. This is not actual pathfinding ai that can calculate a lane on the fly to reach a variable position. Its seems to have a very basic "backup and avoid" obstacle avoidance code, that is not working that well either. Without fundamental rewrites, even mods will only get the police to have a very basic short range chase mechanic. Especially if there is other ai traffic active.