
Daniel Wins TRUST from RZ Twin to Defeat GAME MASTER! (E2 Event Date Reveal Clues Found at Meeting)

New BEST FRIENDS SONG Reveals SECRET Hidden Cameras in HOUSE! (24 Hour Music Video Challenge) We trick RZ Twin into an E2 date reveal when our cameraman agrees to join the Quadrant. ▶ Last Game Master clues and riddles to solve: ▶ New ZamFam Merch is here! Rebecca Zamolo did a GAME MASTER FACE REVEAL in Real Life! (GM Rescue in 24 hours at Quadrant Headquarters), then Matt and Rebecca had a Game Master Experiment on Matt at 3am (RZ twin Hypnotized him with Quadrant Device). To win back our trust, Daniel agrees to trick RZ twin by pretending to join the Quadrant while at our safe house. We need to find out information about the hidden mystery device and the event date of E2. Rebecca and Matt convince our cameraman to call the Quadrant member and she gives him coordinates for a secret meeting. I hope the next 24 hours will convince her he wants to defeat the Game Master and work as a spy for this challenge. To keep him safe, we bring our spy gadgets and ninja gadgets and begin spying in a hidden location. When she arrives, she does a face reveal and we see her red eyes under the mask. We need him to be last to leave so our undercover disguise isn’t revealed to RZ twin. Before leaving, she tells Daniel his first mission is to trap Rebecca Zamolo. I’m not sure if he wins $10,000 like Chad Wild Clay and Vy Qwaint for following the plan or if she’ll make me take a lie detector test, but we need to keep the GM safe and stop E2. Who do you think the next YouTuber target is from the dollhouse? Thank you for watching my PG entertainment comedy videos for in 2019! Watch my friend’s awesome videos: Chad Wild Clay | REAL LIFE TRICK SHOTS Ninja Wins PROJECT ZORGO Hacker Challenge The Labrant Fam | We Bought Our Dream House!!! WE'RE MOVING!!!! Liza Koshy | DOLLAR STORE WITH LIZA, THE MUSIC VIDEO | UNDERCOVER as TOP SECRET AGENT to Intercept GAME MASTER Mystery Box Package Delivery!! Find Me! Rebecca Zamolo: Instagram #gamemaster

Rebecca Zamolo

4 years ago

hey Sam Sam it's Rebecca and right now Matt is on a walk with our dog and last night he was acting very strange what exactly happened I don't exactly know I was sleeping but Matt kata better a.m. and then I found him staring at the computer screen with the device that we found from our Z twin remember whoa yes really yeah the one we found it hurt oh yeah drop in this weekend don't be on the Rebecca symbol of calm websites so stay tuned we finally got some slave merch I'll be wearing it soon who
knows doing well actually I was just giving a shout-out to the xanthium that are wearing the merch and attacked me on Instagram so right here shout-out to you guys and you guys remember in my last video that we escaped the quadrants top-secret headquarters with the gamemaster after spending 24 hours there but when we did a face reveal we realized that it was actually our cameraman Daniel it was the only way to keep them safe also you guys saw that we found this mystery device over at kurt hugo s
chneider z-- house we think that the RZ twin planted it behind his recording studio we definitely need to figure out what this device is going to be used because it don't you hear that whoa it's like coming from the left okay what are you doing okay Matt we were filming a video and then you just took off I just I guess making something you sure your phone all right Matt I honestly feel great do you remember anything that you just did yeah we were hanging out it's ours eat what Daniel okay what I
told you guys this remember we were in the control room and I when I let her go here I whispered in her ear that I wanted to join the quadrat I guess she's taking me up on the offer right now wait Matt do you remember at the shed the Sam team told us that the arsy twins said are you ready to join and she was on the phone with Daniel that means that she's asked you to join the quadrat right she yeah she did do that you really said yes yeah I wanted to get an inside enemy lines basically okay hol
d on um I need to talk to Matt really quickly can you just say I'll call you back in five oh yeah the shooter like a text yeah yeah yeah but hold on though like we'll be right back like wait so you're in a safe place Matt this is our perfect opportunity to get information from our Z twin if she trusts Daniel and wants him to join the quadrant we can have him pretend to join the quadrant and to join her can you really trust Daniels Oh in the woods he was on his phone while we were chiefs in the R
Z twin you're right and before we went into the quadrants top-secret headquarters when I was talking to you guys in the back he was on his watch which is actually a phone and he was probably text messaging or something right who was he texting okay I have no idea if he does this that means that we can trust him fully and that he is working with the gamemaster and not against the gamemaster and it's a relatively low risk because we're not having to go and do anything it's all Daniel yeah we can b
e spying in the background while he does all of this and have surveillance footage so we can see exactly what's going on honestly though I don't know this is a good idea I don't know either but this is the only way I can think of to figure out what that device is used for so we can stop me - damn p.m. smashed the thumbs up button if you think this plan is a good one and that we need to go through with it then we just need to convince Daniel no you're right ok I hope he does it you guys comment I
think Daniel well if you think hey hey so I let her know that I can just contact her when I'm in a safer places I bought us a little bit of time that works out great because we actually have a proposition for you ok Matt and I just talked about it and we want you to pretend to join the quadrant No I don't think that's safe right now guys Daniel you need to only trust back plus you need to earn the same fans trust back that's true it's the only way for us to figure out what that device is used f
or yeah you're right okay I'll go along with it okay so I'll contact her right now yeah exactly okay I'll put it on speaker guys so you can hear it okay I think that's a great idea okay see if um smash the thumbs up button if you think ours each one is gonna pick up and gonna accept Daniel to join the quadrant here we go she's taking the call yeah well thanks for calling me back are you ready to join hi yeah yes I'm ready I'm ready to join great we need to meet up ed useful coordinate oh okay co
ordinates sounds sounds good okay I'll be so fast I was like that took no work he just wants me to join right away so she said she's sending coordinates when she gonna send that I don't know oh she sent them right now what that means map we need to get spy equipment and we need to get ready we gotta get ready for this meeting yeah yeah this is crazy so you're gonna meet up with our Z twin and we're gonna be hiding we're gonna hear everything that she has to say cook another secret meeting here's
gonna make sure I'm safe right yeah we're gonna get all of our spy ninja gadgets right mat then we're gonna have a listening device just like the other secret meetings that we've better each other at 10:00 but this time it's you Daniel okay alright I can do this I can do this let's get packed we don't have a lot of time sounds good okay so we have spy gadgets for you Daniel so we can keep you safe but we also have certain questions that we need you to ask the ars each one in the meeting so we c
an figure things out exactly we have a ton of different things two cameras right here these are spy cameras they're gonna be concealed underneath you probably this one I think is gonna work the best just in case that will bring GoPro that way we can document everything with our Z twin like all of her facial expressions and movements right additionally we need to communicate so right here for the cab some of these you're gonna hold on to this one great cool on the other yeah we use these the quad
rants top-secret headquarters and it worked great when the three of us had to split up yeah except during lockdown we couldn't talk to each other well in case that happens again we can keep an eye on you from a distance okay you're the whole conversation so when you go into this meeting there's some specific questions we need you to ask our Z twin okay the most important is the e to date what is the actual date of e 2 we also need to figure out what the device is used for the one that we found a
t Kirk you go Snyder's house throat ejector okay so need to figure out what happened to Matt yeah you're asking like what the device does to different youtubers okay and and we also need to figure out who is next is there another youtuber that they're timely the next target right you're right yeah okay exactly so is the am/pm also comment below any questions you think Daniel should ask our Z twin are you guys ready I'm as ready as I can be I guess all right there buzz that's you okay okay all ri
ght let's go you guys all right Sam fam so we're heading to the location right now where Daniel is going to meet our Z twin Daniel are you ready yeah it's just it's right up there a little bit I don't know I'm pretty nervous guys you think I'm gonna be safe I hope so that's it the meetings about right there that we're gonna see in the car well Daniel goes inside you got this man I'm glad we got your little you can get prep okay so Daniel do you have your I have the comm device so I'll be able to
hear what you guys are saying to me and then I also have my spy camera which I'll tuck away in here because I'll be able to film the whole meeting okay Matt and I will be in here so if anything goes wrong like we'll be right here to become Savior three-on-one I got a earn your trust again and the Sam fan norm yeah more importantly the same fan one two three Gianna Daniel I'd say go maybe to the left a little bit earth way yeah we're about to the meeting place we need to know okay yeah then go t
here Matt it's gonna be hard to see him through the tree not yeah yeah Matt duck don't don't get down get down Daniel what happened she's on her way yeah she's on her way so so just be ready okay we're hiding right now so she can't see us okay okay okay okay you know what gate it's up to you what do you feel like it's gonna be maybe glasses it's gonna be glasses if I feel like I'm in trouble I'm gonna say something's on my glasses and then we'll come out and get a honk the horn right away she's
right in front of me yeah you going under thank you for helping me escape Rebecca's lie-detector test and then warning me about the truck the shed at Matt Murdock his cabin Daniel who have now earned my trust oh all right I have some bad news Daniel unfortunately a matter that I've helped the gamemaster asleep the quadrants top-secret headquarters Oh No good job Daniel way to play it off that's good it's unfortunate oh right II - wait Daniel asked about the e to date now this is your perfect cha
nce yes April 30th wait I thought the game master said mid-april Hobson's bourbon please Oh April April 30th that's for sure now yes it was mid April but due to these circumstances and the tea master being missing another peepers house that they did a clerk Hugo Schneider's house for operation listen in 42 operation listen Matt who's the other youtubers that means that those devices have something to do with E - Zam BAM so you said another youtuber who's the other youtuber who's the other target
it will be another youtuber that effect from the dollhouse in case anything goes wrong they can switch places unknown the people who had clones at the dollhouse wore rope and see no Carter share visi share and they've already gotten to power so so it's only one of the three of them you guys let us know which of the three you think it's going to be you need to trap Rebecca and bring her to you no I mean you can't do it you can't do it Daniel no no yes yes do it Mountain oh yeah that's the only w
ay we're gonna be able to stop eat you we have to get more information yeah Daniel do it yeah yeah okay okay I'll do it I'll do it fine I'll do it what's going on I think I have to go the larger needs me oh but we'll be in touch Daniel Daniel ask her what the device is for what was that Dean ooh she's gone she took off the FBM if you heard what she said when she was leaving comment below dan you'll come back to the cart come back to the car come on come on get in okay Sam fam so I am purposely g
oing to get trapped by Daniel and taken to the RZ twist don't like this back you're really gonna follow through with this I think we have to Zam Pham let me know if you think this is a good idea but I don't think we have any other choice I'm gonna get trapped by hours between [Music]





At 11:55 the RZ twin said “mind control!” Please like so Rebecca can see!👍🏻👍🏻


I think matt might be a clone because in the dollhouse the clones just froze with the flash


mabye since they have already cloned HS prabably (dont let matt see this)but he mite be the next person because he has less control of himself


I💝Youso much from jade and Lacey 🥳🤩🥺


if you reading this, I hope you had a great day... (read more) And a great week, and a great month, and a great 2019!!!❤️❤️ - Also a youtuber btw


I think he will😘OMG I LOVE YOU Rebecca and Mat


Rebecca Zamlo Merch Links Below




The Gm said :The patch is inside the cameraman(Daniel) vest


You should say code 10 cause if he starts walking away he’s himpmatised


Just remember this code might be useful for something 362


Daniel has a patch in his vest. You need to get it. The GM posted a nex video about it. Like so Matt, Rebecca, and Daniel see this.


Rebecca check on Daniels vest there's a patch the game master said you might need that for something else I don't know what that's I know from the game master


Shows bikes in a north or so it’s a little closet actually it’s because it’s the best or so so if you could give me a shout let me know what’s going on do you carry else Mr. do you and trust your wife or meAllergic to test I’ll be there if you guys don’t trust me then I don’t wanna go to every picture I don’t like to fight by


She said “mind control”


You know the coocoo clock that rang in the dollhouse and the clones did a new think whenever it rung. Well that sound is the same Like so that Rebecca can see!!!


~*Matt, Rebecca*~ there is a patch on Daniel's vest - Game Master :) :?


I think E2 is actually in 27th April also Matt is hypnotised every time when he hears the noise he get hypnotised