
Data Science: Explore the Possibilities in Purdue Agriculture

As data continues to become more important throughout all aspects of society, skills in digital agriculture and data science are becoming “must haves” for the next generation workforce in the agriculture, food, life and natural resource sciences. As an undergraduate in Purdue's College of Agriculture, you can find multiple opportunities to gain knowledge and skills in the area of data science and digital agriculture, including data-focused courses within all 11 of our academic departments. Learn more about opportunities in data science, including courses and a minor: Follow Purdue Agriculture @PurdueAg Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: News and Features Stories: Contact: Agricultural Communications at Purdue University’s College of Agriculture leads globally in the science and business of agriculture, food, life, and natural resources, positively changing the world through our unwavering commitment to excellence in serving the land grant missions of learning, discovery, and engagement. #purdue #purdueagriculture #purdueag

Purdue Agriculture

1 year ago

The technologies we use to collect real-time, high-quality data give us a staggering amount of information: From crop traits in the field; to measurements of forests; to consumer preferences and market conditions. Data driven agriculture at Purdue means collecting data with the latest in ever changing tools that in some cases your professors developed and built. The challenge is that there's so much data, it's hard to know how to calculate and what to invest in, collecting and analyzing that
will systematically inform your decisions. This is why you should consider adding a minor or a certificate in data science to your major, or take the data focused courses that nearly every department in the college offers. Learn to manage data, use statistics, or build skills in programing, databases, and geographic information systems. Explain your work using data visualization and storytelling. Verify your decisions with facts and metrics. You can also join a learning community where you'll l
ive and learn with other students, solving real-world problems through data. This combination knowledge in your major and skills in data science is exactly what companies in fast growing industries tell us they're looking for in your future. Data may help you improve the environment, grow better crops in changing conditions, ensure animal well-being, and make sound decisions for productivity and profitability. You're a student in the digital age. You know the value of understanding and communica
ting data. Talk to your advisor about including data science in your degree plan.



really exciting