
Day 25 - Video Blogging Challenge Day 25 - Video Blogging Challenge -- How to Transcribe an Audio File into a Blog Post Here's a quick way to export audio from a video file so you can transcribe the audio into a blog post. Follow us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Follow Us on Google +: Join our G+ Video Community:

Bonnie Gean

9 years ago

Hi everybody it's Bonnie Gean from Welcome back to today's video. In today's video, I'm going to show you a quick way to export audio from a video file so that you can use that audio file to later transcribe it into a blog post. So let's get started. As you can see, I'm inside of my Camtasia screen capturing program and I have my video all laid out on the timeline and ready to go. So now, in order to export the audio from this video, we're going to go up here to file and w
e're going to choose Produce Special and then click "Export audio as..." and click that. It's going to open up a box into your computer and then what you want to do is you want to pick the directory that you're going to put this in, and name that file. So since this is my number 24 audio file for the week, I'm going to name it exactly that, and I'm going to hit the Save button. And, it's going to ask you (if it's already there), it's going to ask you if you want to over-write it and if it
's not, just say okay - and that quickly our audio has been exported from this video file. Now the next stage, that we want to do in this video is take that audio file and transcribe it using a program called Dragon Naturally Speaking. So... let's do that next. Go into Dragon Naturally Speaking, choose Tools and Transcribe Recording. Choose next for the default, find the file on your computer, highlight it and then click Open. And... then hit the transcribe button. Dragon Naturally Speaki
ng will go through that audio file and transcribe it for you as best as it can and put it into this little notepad. Now you're going to find out that it's going to give you one big blob of text, but trust me on this... It's going to be a lot easier for you to edit this text, and separate the paragraphs and add the punctuation than it would be for you to sit here at your computer, and type it manually as you're trying to listen to a video. You're going to constantly go back to that video, a
nd stop and start in order for you to copy the text over to your wordpad, so this here, for me, works a lot better and I hope it works, you know, as good for you. So, once Dragon Naturally Speaking is done transcribing this for you than just highlight the text, right-click your mouse, choose copy and then go over to Microsoft word and place your cursor into Microsoft Word and do a Control V on your keyboard to paste the text. And, then you're ready to start your punctuation where it needs to g
