
Deadpool 3's Super Bowl Trailer Easter Egg Everyone Missed

Think you noticed everything there was to notice in the new "Deadpool & Wolverine" trailer? Well, if you blinked or reached over to grab another handful of Doritos, you probably missed this big detail. #Deadpool3 #Trailer #EasterEgg Voiceover By: Dexter Manning Read Full Article:


2 weeks ago

Think you noticed everything there was to notice  in the new "Deadpool & Wolverine" trailer? Well, if you blinked or reached over to  grab another handful of Doritos, you probably missed this big detail. Between Deadpool teaming up with Wolverine,  and the inclusion of the Time Variance Authority introduced in "Loki," the "Deadpool &  Wolverine" trailer already sets up how this movie could have some major ramifications  for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. "What does that mean?" There's even a sne
aky Easter egg  in the trailer's final moments that teases a future Avengers movie. If any  Marvel movie can be explicitly direct about what movies are set to drop in the  future, it's a Deadpool installment, right? The egg in question lies — literally  — next to Deadpool as Wolverine hovers over him. If you look closely, you  can see that it's a "Secret Wars" comic book. It's understandable  if fans didn't catch it at first, as they may have been too distracted by Logan's  signature shadow loom
ing over Wade Wilson. The writing and image are a bit hard to make  out, but it does seem to say, "Secret Wars." Additionally, the cover art looks like it might  be from 2015's "Secret Wars Vol. 1" #5. The art, done by Alex Ross, notably depicts Doctor Doom.  It's not confirmed that this is the issue we're seeing; it's merely an educated guess. However,  with "Avengers: Secret Wars" tentatively set to drop in 2027, it's not out of line to assume  that this is a tease for what's to come. It's lon
g been assumed "Deadpool &  Wolverine" will deal heavily with the multiverse. The new trailer confirms this,  with Deadpool getting picked up by the TVA, and one would assume the film will see Wade go on  some kind of journey to wind up in the MCU proper. If that comic in the trailer is indeed from 2015,  it might suggest the future Avengers movie will draw inspiration from the more recent "Secret  Wars" event, rather than the one from 1984. The 2015 "Secret Wars" event deals with  an incursion
between two universes, resulting in the two merging and the creation of  Battleworld. "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" already set up the concept of incursions  within the MCU and how dangerous they can be. Things could become even more perilous from the  events of "Deadpool & Wolverine," and it could set the stage for the MCU reality to merge with some  other universe. It could be one that contains a few familiar faces, whether they be Hugh Jackman's  Wolverine or a few of our favo
rite Spider-Men. "Nice!" Additionally, adapting the 2015 "Secret Wars"  storyline could set the stage for Doctor Doom to become the big bad. With Jonathan Majors getting  dropped as Kang the Conqueror from the MCU due to legal issues, there's always a chance Marvel  could scrap any further Kang storylines. Instead, Doctor Doom could enter the picture to take  his place and establish Battleworld in the upcoming "Avengers: Secret Wars" movie. It's  just a theory, but "Deadpool & Wolverine" is in a
n excellent position to give Marvel fans a  better idea of what's to come in the franchise.



Are you excited for "Deadpool & Wolverine?"


I can't WAIT for this!


Yeah, I noticed it right away, had to go full screenbut saw it said Secret Wars, though couldnt tell the cover. like it was the only thing on the ground besides Deadpool




Im excited for Deadpool 3


Love it


With Kang arrested it’s one million percent avengers vs X-men


And it was the comic that EVERYONE noticed


No offence, but a few people did notice that. I’ve already seen a few other videos with it.


Well with all the stuff that has gone down between Ryan an Huge and Disney they may not be in the secret wars lol


If you are gonna mention the comic book... Everyone noticed it..


6 th🎉


New rockstars already mentioned this in their trailer reaction 13 hours before this uploud.


If EVERYONE missed them, this video would be impossible to make, since you are part of everyone.


Mm doritos


Literally every easter egg video that have been out for hours before this one already mentioned it. No one missed it.


Exactly how unobservant do you think people are? Multiple people saw this right away when we watched this. 😂


If you just came out of a coma and therefore completely lack access to social media or maybe you were born in the last 5 minutes, then you may be shocked to know EVERYONE missed this detail🤪😂