
Desi Parents and RELATIONSHIPS



8 years ago

greetings hey look the blue Wall's back of course it's back it never went anywhere it's never gonna go anywhere so shut up I'm so sorry they were talking about now dating in relationships is still quite the Taboo in our community it's these values that have been passed down throughout the years to keep us depressed and not popping on unwanted babies being in a relationship was quite tough you had to pull a lot of Maneuvers and tricks and trickery we had to hide a lot of things from our parents t
o avoid getting our ass kicked I remember going to the gurdola or the temple when I was very young the extent to my relationships with any females will just make an eye contact from across the hall that was love for like the first 13 years of my life couldn't talk to him definitely couldn't touch them shouldn't be anyways because I'm 13 year old idiot right how old are you 10 10. don't ever touch a girl until you are 45 I'm gonna be a great dad so here's the thing I grew up in the 90s now being
in the 90s was a little bit of a different difficult time to maintain a relationships we weren't fortunate and lucky like you kids today that have your cell phones we didn't have that we had one landline at home and that was it that's what everybody used in the house to call someone meaning every time that I would try to talk to a girl my parents would always pick up oh my God Mom get off the phone mom I can hear you breathing get off the phone Mom get off the phone thank you sorry about that th
is is my mom yeah the worst was when you're trying to like lay down some game on a girl over the phone you know what I mean don't get mad but I may have picked you up something a little nice you shouldn't have I know I get it I'm like the best guy in the world totally I for sure and out of nowhere your dad just decides to pick up the phone and just start dialing so naturally the best time to talk to a girl would be uh at night time but then it would just turn into like a whisper yelling contest
hello hey yeah I can't hear you oh you need to whisper louder no whisper loud or how about what MSN used to be popping remember that the good old days and our prayers used to think that they had an idea what Kit Kat it used to be who are you like why are you laughing so loud no one I'm just uh doing my paper no I saw that man I saw you on the screen no it was I had to check something on the page and then I'd close it I'm gonna call the internet company and I gotta tell them I want to give all th
e chat everybody on the chat that he has my son has been doing all that chat certainly all that yeah pretty sure you can't do that I'm gonna call Ben Rogers whoever the hell we are with right now no you can't yeah you can no you can't no yeah yeah you can yeah you can do that yeah okay let's get back to my work now man do your homework probably don't do your not homework don't do your not homework and do your homework thank you this one time I was actually dumb enough to bring a girl home becaus
e I assume my parents weren't home um a little news flash never do that because one way or another your parents have senses they'll find a way to get home I know I know anyways so listen I'm doing a little bit of thinking here and we've been seeing each other for quite some time now two and a half weeks why don't we uh why don't we take this to the uh the next level why don't I go and change to something thing that's a little bit more comfortable then oh why don't you uh silver play close your e
yes okay all right and just when things started to heat up oh guess who decides to come back home foreign foreign projector how about those times that you got booked for um lying about where you were I used to tell my mom that I was going over to my friend's house for a few days to work on well absolutely nothing because I actually wasn't going to my friend's house one time my mom actually decided to call their mom just to find out where I was because I hadn't called home which is my fault total
ly my fault I get it I get it it's my fault I should have called home I'm an idiot I set myself up for this one okay that was almost as scary as coming home like a little too like way too late hello I was just I chopped my turning to come what time did I tell you come home 11 yeah 11 o'clock look at the time it's four o'clock in the morning that's the time people usually get up man good people get up to do party do you remember the part you remember that part no because you're going to hell go t
o sleep right now yeah good night speaking of dating outside of your culture we're all humans right we're we're supposed to live together and one one units that kind of stuff that whatever so I brought this girl home to meet my parents one time hey now keep in mind that this story is 100 and fully fabricated because how this had actually had happened I would not be alive standing here making this video today and go ahead and make yourself uh um thank you so much for having me what you are doing
for a living me I'm a model oh wow you are definitely looking like a model that's me do you guys have utensils no no it's just it's just anyways that's some of the horror stories from my life what are some of your guys's stories I would love to hear some hilarious stories that you guys have been booked in or been uh up over by your parents and always if you have another uh Disney parents topic feel free to leave it in the comments below and I probably will do it because I've the last like three
have been purely requests from you guys so I'm a nice guy I'm a good guy I listen to you all right I I listen to blue wall I brought it back just for you I'm a great man and once again thank you for watching I'm gonna go upstairs and get lectured by my parents to get married so God damn it



I died at the "Jasmeet? How the hell you are in India?" 💀💀💀


The paper with long ass numbers for India, my dad. Literally.


I just watched a 7 min non skippable ad and THIS JR VIDEO WAS WORTH IT. Enjoy the 5$ buddy and keep making epic content 👌🏼 shukriya


“No dating until you’re married”


"Wtf did u just bring to my house" 😂😂😂😂 I'm done


'' Don't do your not homework, and do your homework ''


"It's four o'clock in the morning" clock shows 12:25 😂😂😂


I got beat up by my parents for something, I called the cops, the cop is the same nationality as my parents, he laughed and said "good night"


LOL Rupan needs an award for that amazing acting XD. No one can do it better.


I love Rupan Bal's roles in JusReign's sketches so much. He plays the crazy Indian mom so well and in such a hilarious way, its always awesome when I see him in a video.


I died when the mom said 'wtf did u just bring to my house .'


You could be an editor for actual Indian soaps with those skills.


Brought a girl home. Home is no longer there.


I told my parents i was gonna go study for the SAT's last week and they believed me. I'm 20 and went to a girls house


I am in Jus reign Re run and I still laughed at scenes in this


Rupan Bal is a god


i know this is off topic but my parents used to write phone number everywhere, sometimes i would find the numbers on my homework.


The dad's face when he reaches his phone number note and then opens it to continue +100 numbers hahahahahahh


9:55 Mom: “I will wear lingerie for you just stop looking at her pics” Dad - (barfs) I’m dying of laughter lmao 😂


I miss Jus Reign. Quality content every time. Infinitely rewatchable. Consistently laugh out loud jokes. Thank your brother for so much entertainment 👍 “Good, you are doing good” 👍