
[Documentary English] 紀錄片學英文 ♦《吉米·薩維爾:英倫夢魘》Jimmy Savile:A British Horror Story-EP2 ♦英文聽力練習及跟讀訓練-英式口音

《吉米·薩維爾:英倫夢魘》是2022年在Netflix上發行的迷你影集紀錄片,講述英國電視名人吉米·薩維爾,其以古怪風格和慈善行為風靡全英國,然而在其去世後,醜聞性侵指控揭開了他駭人的陰暗面。。 紀錄片學英文系列是以從紀錄片中的台詞來學習英文的系列,對比影集中學習生活對話的英文,紀錄片中敘事的文法時態、當地常用短語及專門領域的用字,可以提供英文學習者加強各個不同層面的英文;而且也可從紀錄片了解不同地方發生的事情,更加了解不同區域的文化,進而有更加精確的英文表達方式。 喜歡本頻道的內容,要記得“按讚、訂閱、分享、開啟小鈴鐺”,讓我更有動力繼續製作喔~~~ 對多益單字學習有興趣,可至本頻道“15分鐘學會多益3000字”: 如果您有興趣了解更多關於“英文學習”主題的信息,您需要查看:▶ 我的影片展示了 英文聽力練習 主題,但我也嘗試涵蓋以下主題: -跟讀法Shadowing -英文聽力技巧 -英式口音訓練 感謝您的光臨,您是否正在尋找有關 英文聽力訓練 的更多信息,觀看這個影片,您會得到您正在尋找的答案。 我了解到您會訪問到我的影片是因為您想了解更多關於 英文學習 的資訊,此頻道都是我圍繞該主題所創建的影片。 我對 英文聽力 及 跟讀法 很感興趣,所以我做了一些研究並製作了這個 YouTube 影片。 為什麼不將此影片添加到您的播放列表中,以便以後欣賞。 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 關注我們關於 英文學習 和其他類似主題的影片 Youtube頻道: Blog: Facebook: 如果可以,請發表評論並告訴我您的主要關注點是什麼,讓我知道您是否喜歡我的影片內容~~~ ^^ #CyndiGoEnglish #英文聽力#英國腔 #英式英文 #口音 #Britishaccent #學英文 #TOEICvocabulary

CyndiGo English

1 year ago

When Jimmy Savile's crimes were eventually uncovered, they shocked the nation. Between 1955 and 2009 he committed hundreds of sexual offenses, mainly against children. My investigation into Jimmy Savile began by chance. He kept turning up. I thought it was strange. But when I tried to track them down, I could never find a witness or a victim. I remember I didn't really get anywhere. He was too important. Jimmy Savile had inordinate power. You've got to decide between the mad and bad, which is a
simplification in terms. They're criminals in the sense that they've broken the law. That there's something terribly exciting about being able to pull the wool over people's eyes. He's not what you think, you know. The forces of darkness are at work there. I don't really have to justify why I like it. Jimmy Savile was a huge figure, but he was also an enigma. Spare the rod and spoil the child. That was the case with you. He was very, very recognizable and distinctive. I don't think you can under
stand Jimmy Savile without appreciating that he was a Catholic. My God is for me, and I reckon I've come off the best because my God is a real great guy. There's a constant theme in Jimmy Savile's interviews. The more he was doing on the bad side, the more he had to do on the good side. I suspected that things had gone on. They were nervous and frightened. I mean, they had to be coaxed. I was aware that he did prominent cases. What he was best known for was defamation. You are exposing any weakn
esses or deficiencies in your own life for public scrutiny. So there was this attitude of the police at the time, you know, of almost a defeatist approach to this. The head of the unit fears that public  awareness of the problem is lagging far behind. They live almost a parallel life. They try to **** with your head as well. Please do not let him get away with this perversion. Don't let him continue to think he's untouchable or that his secret is too well hidden. I'd forgotten how much the audie
nce  liked that joke. He managed to coexist with a public image of being a national treasure, hugely valued. I'm sure he was booked on the program because he was a controversial figure. He was a deeply creepy bloke, but people didn't mind this, and that was about the level of it. It did make me think. It was at the back of my mind. We used to get into a fit of giggles at church. There was something amok. He was upset. You stated at the very beginning of this interview your policy on this sort of
thing. I would love to see him get what he just deserves. He loved vulnerable ones because he knew he could manipulate us. You start getting a picture that things were more widespread. He's going to his grave with me not saying my truth. A foreign visitor would have thought it was a member of the royal family or a prime minister's funeral or something. The BBC broadcasts wall-to-wall Jimmy Savile tributes. The claims first appeared this weekend, based on a yet-to-be-seen television documentary.
The previous claims had been brushed aside by the police and been dropped. The so-called kangaroo court needs to stop. Being a teenager, you do blame yourself, and I didn't understand it. 13 different police forces are now dealing with a catalog of complaints. Police say there are now 400 lines of inquiry into sexual abuse by Jimmy Savile. There is a range of offending, from inappropriate touching to indecent assault and to rape. It's because of this immense change in public opinion. Being able
to lock things away was the way I coped. By 2016 over 400 people had come forward with allegations of sexual abuse against Jimmy Savile. Investigations found his crimes had  taken place at the BBC, in schools, children's homes, and hospitals all over Britain.
