
Dogs & us - The secrets of an unbreakable friendship | DW Documentary

Several thousand years ago, humans and dogs made an emotional pact. Today, that pact of friendship is still unbroken. Whether hunting, sledging or herding, dogs have accompanied humans everywhere, from deserts and jungles to the ice-covered ends of the earth. But while the dog has long embodied true friendship and boundless loyalty, only recently have we started to understand this magnificent animal. What do we really know about our four-legged friends? "Dogs & Us - The Secret of a Friendship" tells beautiful, exciting and extraordinary real-life stories of dogs and humans around the world. From the shelter dog helping a prison inmate find courage, to the specially trained four-legged companion of a young autistic woman, to the rescue dog using smell to locate missing people. In breathtaking pictures, the documentary shows dogs' special skills and uncovers why they are essential to our society. Why can dogs communicate with us so well? How far does this understanding go? And what exactly is the secret of this wonderful friendship? #documentary #dogs #friendship #DWDocumentary #woof ______ DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch top documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary. Subscribe to: ⮞ DW Documentary (English): ⮞ DW Documental (Spanish): ⮞ DW Documentary وثائقية دي دبليو (Arabic): ⮞ DW Doku (German): ⮞ DW Documentary हिन्दी (Hindi): For more visit: Follow DW Documentary on Instagram: Follow DW Documental on Facebook: We kindly ask viewers to read and stick to the DW netiquette policy on our channel:

DW Documentary

2 years ago

[Music] dogs they're playful headstrong fun-loving and above all loyal our emotional connection with them stemming back thousands of years remains unbroken to this day [Music] their evolution millennia in the making has made them perfectly suited to us i'm working with somebody who's really much much cleverer than me their phenomenal senses make them an indispensable member of any team and their great sense of smell means they can detect diseases even in their earliest stages they saved my life
for some a dog offers a last glimmer of hope it's really like having my best friend in the world right here in the cell with me you know what i mean like sometimes i don't want to talk to anybody else but i always want to hang out with my dog what makes them so unique in the animal world is their ability to communicate and understand us your dog is smarter than you think but why did dogs become our ideal companion and co-worker why are dogs so loyal that they would follow us to the ends of the e
arth what exactly is the secret behind this unique friendship inset a small town in northern norway kilometers north of the arctic circle [Music] the greenland dogs here are the living inheritors of the ancient wolf's genome they belong to one of the oldest dog breeds in the world [Music] here humans and dogs still lead a life left untouched by modernity i emigrated from hamburg 30 years ago and set up a husky farm here when i first started offering guided tours my main goal was just being outsi
de i wanted to be out in nature with the dogs it's kind of like living the life of a farmer who keeps to himself and doesn't get around too much and even though i haven't seen very much of the world somehow i can really say that i have found one of the most beautiful spots on earth it all started when bjorn klower was on a hiking tour across norway he longed for a solitary life away from society a greenland dog joined him on this journey not only pulling his bags but also keeping him company wit
hout the dog bjorn would have grown very lonely greenland dogs are just perfect for these extreme expeditions in the far north their thick fur protects them from temperatures as low as -40 degrees celsius [Music] they are sled dogs through and through [Music] [Music] [Music] dogs is dictated by the weather in winter he spends more than 100 days in the great outdoors each day these bundles of energy run up to 60 kilometers [Music] is on these trips that bjorn and the dogs have forged their specia
l bond the lead dog runs out in front of the team he is the one that i communicate with who i have direct contact with he always wants to do everything just right just like all dogs he wants to do everything right for his owner but you have to build trust with the lead that means the dog must first know that my commands are actually always good i won't ever put them in danger on the other hand if the dog backs away from something i must also know okay there's got to be something in the way your
dog is basically your life insurance policy out here and it trusts you no matter what the highlands of northern norway seemingly endless lonely tundra covered in dense snow for more than half a year what has now become a passion for bjorn was once essential to the survival of our nordic ancestors sled dogs and humans have shared a close relationship for more than 2 000 years with nomads in siberia with inuits the natives of north america and with the inhabitants of greenland the home of bjorn's
greenland dogs [Music] in a landscape dominated by ice and snow our ancestors were dependent on their dogs and not only for hunting with their sleds they were able to reach other settlements to buy and sell goods the dogs played a key role in expanding trade routes [Music] even at this point in time dogs proved themselves to be highly sociable animals these endearing traits have endured until today [Music] dogs are the only working animals in the world that you cannot pressure to do what you wan
t them to they just have their own motivation and and if the snow is really deep i may have to go grab my snow shoes and it is this collaboration in my opinion which is the greatest experience this really deepens our connection with nature even more for thousands of years sled dogs have been at our side ready to help and in the process they've learned to understand us [Music] when i'm there standing on the sled and watching the dogs having fun just running and when i take in the mountains and en
joy the scenery that's an unbelievable sense of freedom our relationship with dogs are really quite remarkable dogs are among the few animals that can respond to where we look where we point and how we speak according to recent studies dogs are not only able to interpret our tone of voice but actually understand exactly what we are saying to them researchers have found that dogs only feel appreciated when both our words and tone express praise also how a dog tilts its head gives us another clue
about how they understand the language it suggests that dogs process speech in much the same way as we humans do meaningful words are processed in the left half of the brain and the tone of voice in the right [Music] the unique sophisticated ways in which we are able to communicate with dogs has changed lives dogs have taken on tasks that humans otherwise could not do on their own [Music] these sheepdogs they're very compulsive in their nature working sheep is almost like a drug to them they lov
e that drug so they'll do anything to have the pleasure of hunting and working sheep here on the english scottish border is the home of the world's most famous herding dog the border collie derek scrimgore has lived in the mountains of cumbria for the last 50 years besides running a sheep farm he specializes in breeding border collies the minute i started to work with a border collie i realized this completely different type of dog and it was clever and it wanted to please me and the whole conce
pt of the dog work in shape it's like magic it felt like magic and it was just so intriguing [Music] compared to humans dogs have a much more extensive field of vision this is what makes them true masters of hurting while we perceive our environment like this dogs see the world pretty much like this with a field of vision of about 250 degrees this means they are very sensitive to the movements all around them this heightened awareness helps them watch over the sheep at all times and to instantly
recognize dangers but what is most important is communication lynn listens carefully to derek's commands [Music] these brief commands are enough to let lynn know which sheep she needs to take and where her work is a balancing act between obedience and acting on her own initiative [Music] these dogs will run out so half a mile easily and take directions left and right to fetch sheep to where we want them i don't know anybody who can take direction like a dog if anybody sort of gave me as many di
rections as i give my dog i think i could stand it for about maybe 20 minutes before i left where these dogs will work all day and take advice and try to be helpful and keep an open mind which is so they're very useful the ancestors of the border collies lived in england and scotland in the 16th century here shepherds discovered their skills and developed them even further especially on large barren pastures these dogs became indispensable only with their help could shepherds lead their sheep to
fresh pastures and water even today working in this vast landscape would be impossible without the dogs the sheep are more than 800 meters away but the shepherds can communicate with their dogs across this distance derrick fully trusts his dogs and they in turn trust him [Music] there now come by lay down there teaches his dogs to channel their natural hunting behavior into their herding to do this the dogs use their special skills derived from hunting targeting prey stalking it and circling an
d getting their prey right where they want it yeah we there now [Music] for shepherds like derek the border collies are just as valuable as they were centuries [Music] ago every day every minute of every day i just enjoy working with the dogs and especially when you get one that's a little bit better something that's a little bit special sometimes you get a dog it's just a little bit of a genius in dog terms he's much more of a genius than i could ever be and i'm working with somebody who's real
ly much much cleverer than me so this dog i've got just now lynn she's an example of that she was born to work the minute she started working it was almost as if she'd been here before [Music] even to this day many shepherds and herders around the world are only able to overcome their challenges with the help of these trusty dogs [Music] [Music] dogs with their desire to work and live with humans are quite unique in the animal world researchers even hypothesize that dogs have played an important
role in our own development without our close relationship with dogs humans would probably not be where they are today one ability that has made dogs particularly important to us is their keen sense of smell unlike humans dogs spend their lives immersed in a world of sense [Music] gratvine in styria austria here we meet some dogs that science is only now starting to catch up with [Music] today franz huggle is visiting wolfgang and his dogs rocky and lucy although he was having regular checkups
by his urologists it was the dogs that were able to detect his prostate cancer and its initial stages could these dogs really have done that its rival so why shouldn't they find cancer in the end those dogs saved my life wolfgang trains these cancer detection dogs at this farmhouse just over 10 years ago this former police dog handler founded the world's first cancer detection canine team it is all run entirely on donations despite widespread skepticism those who believe in these dogs unique tal
ents are regularly sending out tubes filled with breath urine and saliva [Music] the new samples are placed in a beam to make sure that the dog's nose is working properly they include negative and positive control samples in the setup but what exactly can these dogs smell cancer detection dogs are trained to detect odors released by certain tumor cells cancer cells are known to release alkaline odors these scent molecules have been detected in breath samples from lung cancer patients and in the
urine of prostate cancer patients and it is exactly this odor that the dogs should be able to recognize wolfgang needs to make sure that rocky sniffs each sample thoroughly so that no odor escapes his nose each cancer detection dog has developed their own individual signal when they find something i will statements get to my mention you always have to keep in mind that a human life is at stake i feel like you cannot take this work lightly you have to be careful to keep the error rates as low as
possible after each round the beam is disinfected to get rid of odors left by the other dogs then the setup is repeated placing the probes at different positions this is repeated five times with five different dogs to do a thorough cross-check we test and evaluate samples at least 15 times before we consider it's positive or negative [Music] working under the close supervision of pulmonologists wolfgang glichweight conducted tests confirming the overwhelming accuracy of his trained sniffer dogs
from over 2 200 documented cancer cases 93 of their results have turned out to be correct the dogs are actually my partners my life's work and the feedback we just received goes to show us how reliable they really are that is so rewarding we know it's worth it and we've saved another human life we have caught a disease in its initial stage that otherwise might have taken years to catch wolfgang's team is now planning to perform the cancer tests directly on humans dogs such as bagheera the labrad
or are currently being trained for this vision this approach could prove particularly helpful in skin cancer detection the labrador first sniffs a cancer sample so it can recall the scent during the actual test in this training session the cancer smell on the volunteer subject comes from a tube sample attached to their arm after the test phases bagheera is supposed to detect the cancer and indicate its location on the skin with approximately 220 million olfactory cells about 40 times as many as
we humans have dogs can pick up and distinguish between the faintest sense they can even recognize a single scent molecule among a trillion others even now we are unable to truly understand just how complex this world of sense is which is why scientists still don't know how widely dogs can be used to sniff out things [Music] in south carolina on the east coast of the united states lisa briggs lives and works with her dog layla she has trained her golden retriever to detect human remains for poli
ce investigations layla is a crossover dog so she lives in my home with me she goes everywhere with me she's a kind of a pet and then i can put her vest on and she's a working dog she's just turned three but already closed eight cases by finding human remains so she's a good she's good at what she does trained cadaver dogs are thought to have the keenest sense of smell among all other dogs the decomposition process creates a chemical cocktail of hundreds of different odors death's scent can trul
y take many forms and layla is one of the few who can identify it my job is to read my dog i've taught her what to do but if when we're out on a search i have to pay attention to her body language people when they watch the dogs they can see it through the tail through the nose through the air spinning they may start barking early when they get into odor and her job is to actually not just get me close to source but actually get me right on the source [Music] good girl yay in a nearby forest lay
la is learning to sniff out different types of decomposition they can be outdoors underground or even in water lisa has hidden a real decaying human hand which is allowed in the u.s for just this purpose thanks to her trained nose layla can detect a corpse in deep water and even distinguish between a dead rat and human remains for layla this is all just a game when she plays she gets rewards and this is no different in a real case when the police or family members are hoping to find important cl
ues my first search and the first time i found human remains i was depressed afterwards i was very very sad because i felt sad for the victim i felt sad for what we found and then i realized i was making my dog sad you know and so i have to do a good job making sure that she stays happy at her job so um it's taken you know it's taken quite a bit of work to still remain a human being and have empathy for the family but not to do so much of it that my dogs are picking up on the fact that i'm sad l
isa and layla work like a well-oiled machine superior to many other forensic methods but their work also shows how empathetic dogs can be [Music] the most important people in dogs lives are their owners dogs can identify with us and see things from our perspective which is why we can rely on them and give them a lot of responsibility in some cases this close relationship can even change lives [Music] pina an australian shepherd dog is trained to assist her owner kagleta kama in her daily life wh
en kahlata was 13 years old she was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome a mild form of autism [Music] for me i just cannot deal with crowds at all and it's particularly hard for me to spend a lot of time with other people especially when they're strangers or to try out new things on my own and it's very very hard for me to talk to people if i don't know what's coming next vice versa [Music] it was nearly impossible for the now 22 year old to cope with everyday situations her entire life was bligh
ted by limitations depression and even self-harming behavior it was only when pina came into her life that she found a way to escape her loneliness and started meeting other people she helps me in my everyday life just by being there when we go downtown together people automatically step back especially when she is wearing her service dog vest people will say oh there's someone who needs help peanut radiates charm and a special sense of responsibility dogs are perfect in this care-taking role be
cause of their ability to develop empathy [Music] they can feel when we are happy or sad and this is something that carlota feels every day you don't ever have to be afraid and i think that's just the most important thing i can count on her every second she's always there for me and she always makes me feel like i'm loved and that there's someone here looking out for me thanks to pina carlota can now cope with daily life on her own she can study and she has found the love of her life but most im
portantly pina has managed something incredible to put a smile back on carlotta's face [Music] [Music] dogs are observant and have the unique ability of putting themselves in our shoes while we mainly communicate with them using our voice they can actually read our faces like an open book [Music] the thing is our faces cannot lie intuitively the right side of a person's face is more expressive than the left side therefore we instinctively focus on this right half when we want to understand the m
ood or feelings of our counterpart it's our unconscious way to recognize each other's feelings scientists have now discovered that dogs look at us in exactly the same way we look at each other they focus on our right side and recognize our feelings this is why they have such insight into our thoughts and feelings [Music] and they only do this with us not with other dogs but they can use this perceptiveness in other ways too they show how well they can read us through their favorite pastime eatin
g johanna has taught mario to wait before he can start eating his food so he's given a sign that he's not allowed to approach his bowl of food [Music] mario watches johanna quite closely yet at the same time he never loses sight of the food he knows is waiting for him [Music] only when mario feels that he's no longer being watched does he venture closer to his bowl always keeping a watchful eye on johanna making sure she doesn't notice although mario desperately wants his food he's so smart that
he adapts his behavior in fact he's weighing up the consequences he would face if he gets caught he is constantly reassessing what johanna can see and what she can't this is a sign of great intelligence and it's clearly why dogs are such good communicators and learners [Music] chaser is a border collie who has made history her owner is john pilly an american professor of psychology together they have revolutionized science and shown that dogs are even more intelligent than was ever thought poss
ible [Music] chaser came into john pilley's life just after he retired sally my wife grew tired of me moping around from retirement she knew that i needed some new challenge so sally told me one day just before christmas you're going to have a new dog and that made me happy [Music] yeah pop up got it here it comes girl it comes chaser has become john's four-legged research subject with some very surprising results he noticed that chaser learned and memorized things quite quickly when they played
together [Music] chase stand stand back back back good girl chaser is eager to learn all she has to do is hear john's verbal commands and her eyes lock onto her favorite ball called blue no step stand step step one two step step there step stay stay chase drop drop call call call girl crawl crawl crawl there one two three good girl you did good to pop up the key thing that inspired me from the very beginning was when she learned the name of objects or she showed that she knew the names of objec
ts after one trial where's soccer find soccer find soccer girl that's it we taught her three commands we taught her to nose an object we taught her to paw an object and we taught her to take an object into her her mouth what we found was chaser could obey those commands demonstrating that each one of those words has an independent meaning nose frisbee knows frisbee good girl chase take peanuts good girl good girl okay out chase paul powder puff good chase take powder puff do it take take powder
puff take good girl good girl where we've recently gone further with this research is that we've gone beyond two words we've gone to the point of having three elements of grammar chase to blue take powder puffs do it go do it do it do it do it go do it do it do it yes good girl that's it that's it that's it okay how talk to pop-pop to pop-up chaser was asked to take certain objects to another object now she did that correctly indicating her understanding of syntax and one time i would say the po
wder puff take peanuts and then the peanuts take powder puff and so we used in our major study the three elements of grammar using objects so that we could demonstrate not just syntax the learning the rules of grammar but also the semantics where the meaning was changed when the words or objects were inverted in the sentence john pilly has published his findings about chaser in numerous scientific publications other dog researchers have reviewed his studies and found chaser is hardly an isolated
case rather canine intelligence has been underestimated until now [Music] chaser's love of games her instincts and her bond with her owner show the world what dogs are capable of doing chaser has become a star and is known as the smartest dog in the world good girl yeah you you're the smartest dog yeah you're so sweet learning the names of over a thousand objects learning common nouns these kind of findings definitely show what dog lovers have always known that their dog is smarter really than
they think intelligent sensitive loyal and outgoing no wonder dogs are such popular pets the world over and they have yet another quality that hardly anyone can resist their gentle pleading eyes this feature developed especially for their relationship with humans and has played a central role in their evolutionary history and these eyes are more powerful than we think when we see our dogs as a baby with fur there's actually science behind it when they stare into our eyes the same hormones that b
ind a mother to her newborn get activated oxytocin and dopamine the cuddle hormone and the happiness hormone we fall for this baby-like cuteness every time [Music] but even dogs themselves are not immune to this rush of love they also have a hormonal response to us gwenet county jail in atlanta georgia has launched a unique program prisoners take in dogs from a nearby animal shelter and look after them day and night and train them until they found a new home michael pomroy has been looking after
his pitbull mix roxy for three years now you know jail kind of takes you away from your family you get removed from the people you love and you know i've been here almost three years and after a while everybody kind of starts to you get less and less postcards and people answer the phone less so it's really like having my best friend in the world right here in the cell with me you know what i mean like sometimes i don't want to talk to anybody else but i always want to hang out with my dog i'll
come back from court i may have bad news from the judge and she's there and it's unconditional you know what i mean she's just if i don't want to play and all that she'll just sit down next to me and lay down and be there for me [Music] i made some bad decisions a hotel room got raided they found a large amount of heroin and i've been sitting here for a while just kind of waiting on a better plea offer really these dogs like roxy come from a shelter just around the corner from the jail [Music]
sheriff brad dougherty is the driving force behind this program which he is called operation second chance he focuses on dogs that are in a critical situation and would be put down unless they are quickly adopted like this little old one charlotte [Music] charlotte is an 11 year old poodle she we know that she's got an abscess tooth and other than that medically we're not sure [Music] it breaks my heart the things that happen to these dogs but when i see them [Music] being loved and cared for an
d nurtured by these inmates and i watch these dogs transform from victims to members of families it makes it all worthwhile [Music] then we have the inmates a lot of these guys have never had love or respect given to them um and these dogs love these men and they need these guys the inmates are doing great the program is working [Music] we very rarely have any kind of behavioral issues in these units the dogs just seem to bring a piece in there it's quieter than most you know you would think wit
h a bunch of dogs that it would be very noisy but it's not it's very quiet very clean very quiet and everybody behaves themselves it's just it's a very it's a peaceful place [Music] this close bond between the dogs and the prisoners can do a lot many of these men are able to see themselves in the dogs rejected and abandoned the dogs helped them come to terms with their past and present actions and behavior [Music] before i got arrested i was real impulsive you know if i wanted to do something i
went and did it if i had a thought i went and did it it was an immediate like there was no thinking through and decision making when you're training a dog you can't be impulsive like that you can't be crazy and hyperactive you know what i mean because they'll respond to that and it'll make them worse it's brought me a long way it made me a lot more ready to transition back into society you know i was a mess i was a mess before i got arrested more than 400 dogs from the program have been adopted
by new families since 2010. michael hopes that won't happen with roxy and she can stay with him i would cry my eyes out i'd cry i'm not gonna hide it either i've seen grown men in this dorm many many times you know they get really attached to their dog their dog will get adopted and they they'll lock themselves in their room and cry it's like it's like i said earlier it's like a kid you know what i mean it's it's like your kid just got adopted and ran off she knows i'm talking about her ain't th
at right [Music] our relationship with dogs is something very special it is built on a foundation of positivity trust and loyalty dogs don't judge us they only want us to see them as they are and finally there's one last secret to be revealed dog's brains respond to us with the same feelings in the same brain areas as we respond to them this means we can now answer the most pressing question on every dog owner's mind yes your dog does truly love you and that is probably the secret to our wonderf
ul and lasting friendship [Music] everything's going wrong just remember you're never alone you've always got yours you'll [Music] you've always got your that's what they're there for you



The best thing that ever happened to humankind is dogs.


Had my dog from age 5, and he died when I was 20. I buried him in the front yard under a tree. It wasn't until I laid him down in the hole I dug, that I started to cry, it was overwhelming. I still dream about him 9 years later.


I'm an old man now but when I open my eyes each morning just me and my dogs --- without dogs and music life would not be worth living for me --- dogs are really angel's from heaven.


I showed my chihuahuas this. I said “look at how smart and helpful dogs are…not you guys but other dogs”.


I had to put my dog down recently and it’s been devastating beyond words. I’ve been so grieved I lost my job and become a complete recluse. Duncan had been my best friend, therapy animal, constant companion, source of comfort and protection, and source of pure joy for 12 years. Seems like other people have had a hard time understanding the depth of my grieving because Duncan was “just a dog.” Watching this helped. There are others who get it and feel it, I didn’t lose a dog I lost a big part of my world-my baby boy. I am grateful for this video. I’m not alone in the unexplainable bond I had with my boy. Thank you for this.


I adopted a dog from a shelter. Ever since that day I’ve never had a sad, depressed day ever; which I struggled with before. He saved my life.


“Sometimes I don’t want to hang out with anyone else, but I always want to hang out with my dog.” I can totally relate to that.


When the narrator said "Yes your dog does truly love you" I cried a little


The prison rehabilitation with the dogs took my breath away! I love that program and have a lot of respect for the gentleman that started that program. Wish there more of this positivity all over the US.


A friend of mine got one of these dogs from a shelter that was trained in prison. One of the best behaved dogs I have ever seen from a shelter or otherwise.


Recently lost my emotional, mental, self-trained dog. He was a rescue dog, and he saved me during the most difficult times. He could read me like a book. He never left my side even when the world did. I held him as he took his last breath, staring out at an untamed field. I RAN out of the clinic. He was 12 years old. Dogs are immeasurably valuable. RIP Sweet Bandit, aka BubbaPhats. Forever in my heart. More love, less hate❤


Dogs teach us many things, unconditional love, empathy, and loyalty. I can't imagine life without them, I never get tired of their company.


My dog saved my life I was a suicidal meth addict, and now because of her I have been clean for 2 1/2 years and want to live because I couldn't possibly leave her, they are truly angels ♥ ❤


I can't watch this without crying. I love these animals so much.


Dogs are angels on Earth


What I've always loved about Chaser. She's called the smartest dog in the world, but what I absolutely love, is that this is not true. So many dogs have this level of intelligence. Dogs are so much smarter than people understand. There are probably uncountable dogs that are as smart as Chaser. Where Chaser is extraordinary, is in her owner. He took the time to work with her, talk to her. Not only talk, but really communicate with her, and she responded. She understood, because he put in the time and effort. He tried. So many people don't realize that their dogs are just as smart as Chaser. The human just doesn't take the time to tap into that intelligence. Chaser is absolutely a smart dog, but where she really shines is in her partner. He took the time to communicate with her, and his devotion is what makes Chaser the smartest dog in the world. She has the smartest dog partner we have ever seen, allowing her amazing brain to be set loose on the world. People, spend time with your dog. You will not be disappointed if you kindly put in some time and effort. Thank you to Chaser and her extraordinary partner for showing us what dogs can really understand. You are an inspiration to everyone who has ever lived with a clever dog.


Many times during my stressful days as an ER RN during Covid, I would stop and think how much I wanted to go home and be healed by my dogs. They never disappointed.


We humans don’t deserve them. They are incredibly loyal, loving, smart, and sometimes dumb in the cute way.. They are so special.


"Sometimes I don't want to talk to people, but I always want to hang out with my dog"... truth!!


The ending literally made me cry. As I saw the dogs getting a second chance, so were the prisoners <3