
Illustration of 3D Characters on Your iPad using Procreate - Course by Román García Mora | Domestika

Aprende a diseñar y modelar criaturas en 3D con Nomad y a convertirlas en ilustraciones realistas desde Procreate: Dar forma a criaturas que ya no existen o que solo viven en tu imaginación a veces puede ser todo un reto. Para el ilustrador Román García Mora, la unión de técnicas de modelado 3D y de ilustración digital es la solución más rápida y eficaz para retratar a estos seres fantásticos. En este curso aprenderás a diseñar y modelar en un iPad una criatura 3D y a convertirla en una ilustración realista, combinando Nomad y Procreate. A partir de formas aleatorias crearás al protagonista de tu proyecto e irás añadiendo detalles hasta conseguir un resultado único y creíble. Ver más cursos de 3D y Animación: Ver más cursos de Domestika: Aprende a tu ritmo y desde donde quieras, sin horarios ni entregas. Descubre las técnicas de los expertos del sector creativo a través de vídeos de máxima calidad con acceso ilimitado. Interactúa con otros alumnos y el profesor del curso. Comparte y aprende lo que te apasiona. Suscríbete a nuestro canal: #Ilustracion3D #Procreate #Domestika


2 years ago

Hi, my name is Román García Mora, and I'm an illustrator, 3D modeling artist, and biologist. I've specialized in scientific and naturalist illustration, which has allowed me to combine my passion for drawing and nature. Over the past few years, I've published projects in media like "National Geographic," "Quo Magazine," "P.M.," "Bild," and "Desperta Ferro." As part of my routine, I often have to visually represent animals that are extinct or imaginary. I've found that combining 3D modeling with
digital illustration techniques offers a fast and effective way to create these fantastic creatures. I carefully craft every detail in my models, striving to capture realistic and credible scenes. And now I have the possibility of doing this on my iPad. In this Domestika course, you'll learn to design and model a 3D creature on your iPad and transform it into a realistic illustration. As a final project, you'll design a fantastic, three-dimensional character in Nomad and finalize the image in Pr
ocreate with 2D illustration techniques. I'll start by providing an overview of Nomad's interface. You'll play with its modeling tools and learn how to import a 3D model. Next, you'll look for references for your creature and design it in Procreate using random shapes by applying the mirror design technique. Once you've chosen the subject for your final project, you'll start the digital modeling phase using Nomad. You'll start with the most basic shapes and work up to applying color and texture.
I'll also show you how to explore various materials, lights, and cameras. We'll create several images of our model to work on in Procreate, organizing the renders in various layers with different blend modes. Last, you'll add details such as hair, wrinkles, and textures and export your illustration. By the end of this course, you'll feel like an artistic explorer, capable of creating extinct or imaginary beings using a variety of visual references. To follow my steps, you'll need an iPad Pro wi
th Procreate and Nomad installed and an Apple Pencil. Learn to create impressive and convincing illustrations of otherworldly creatures. Sign up at Create. Share. Learn.
