
Don't Put People in Boxes

When we label people and put them in different boxes, we don't see PEOPLE for who they truly are. This video proves that we have a lot more in common than we think and we should keep that in mind when we encounter anyone who might seem different than we are. Credit to TV2Danmark for inspiring us to make this. Need prayer or have something to celebrate? Text AMEN to 59769 For more inspirational videos or messages from our current series check out #FindingHope #newhopemovement newhope church Musicbed SyncID: MB01UQD9U6LKUFT

NewHope Church

6 years ago

It's so easy to place people in boxes. Drawing lines. Creating sides. There's us. And there's them. Those we feel comfortable around, And those we don't. There are those of us with many chapters. And those just starting their own story. There's the well to do. And those doing what they can. There are those who we share something with. And those we don't seem to share anything with. Welcome and thank you for coming today guys. Today I'm gonna be conducting an experiment. Where I'll ask you a seri
es of questions. Now these questions will be very personal questions. And for us to get a true result I need you to be completely honest with how you respond. The first question I have is who in here was the class clown? Who is never on time? And then. There's us. We who have tattoos. We who feel lonely. We who have been bullied. We who have bullied others. We who are madly in love. We who have overcome great adversity. And there's the lucky ones. Who's team won the championship this year. We wh
o beat cancer. And then... There's all of us. Who are created in the image of God. And as one body, we stand together. United as one. United as one. Under his grace.
