
Don't Stay in School

What I learned in school vs. What I didn't learn in school. iTunes: | Bandcamp: I can't remember feeling so passionate whilst writing something in ages. I absolutely love a lot of the subjects I mention in this - astronomy, particle physics, pure maths... but I hate that everyone is forced to learn them. It should be a choice. There are a million other things wrong with education, but this one stood out as the most obvious and most insane. The point of this song is to get people talking - if you share it, use #DontStayInSchool so we can all get involved in the conversation. Lyrics: I wasn’t taught how to get a job but I can remember dissecting a frog I wasn’t taught how to pay tax but I know loads about Shakespeare's classics I was never taught how to vote they devoted that time to defining isotopes I wasn’t taught how to look after my health but mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell Never spent a lesson on current events instead I studied The Old American West I was never taught what laws there are. I was never taught what laws there are. Let me repeat - I was not taught the laws for the country I live in, but I know how Henry the VIII killed his women. Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived glad that’s in my head instead of financial advice I was shown the wavelengths of different hues of light but I was never taught my human rights Apparently there’s 30, do you know them? I don’t Why the hell can’t we both recite them by rote?! I know igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks Yet I don’t know squat about trading stocks Or how money works at all - where does it come from? Who controls it? How does the thing that motivates the world function? not taught how to budget and disburse my earnings I was too busy rehearsing cursive. Didn’t learn how much it costs to raise a kid or what an affidavit is but I spent days on what the quadratic equation is negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac over 2a That’s insane, that’s absolutely insane. They made me learn that over basic first aid How to recognise the most deadly Mental disorders // or diseases with preventable causes // How to buy a house with a mortgage // if I could afford it ‘cause abstract maths was deemed more important than advice that would literally save thousands of lives but it’s cool, ‘cause now I could tell you if the number of unnecessary deaths caused by that choice was prime. Never taught present day practical medicines, but I was told what the ancient hippocratic method is “I’ve got a headache, the pain is ceaseless what should I take?” umm... maybe try some leeches? “Could we discuss domestic abuse and get the facts or how to help my depressed friend with their mental state?” Ummm... no but learn mental maths because “you won’t have a calculator with you every day!” They say it’s not the kids, the parents are the problem Then if you taught the kids to parent that’s the problem solved then! All this advice about using a condom but none for when you actually have a kid when you want one I’m only fluent in this language, for serious? The rest of the world speaks two, do you think I’m an idiot? They chose the solar over the political system So like a typical citizen now I don’t know what I’m voting on which policies exist, or how to make them change mais oui, je parle un peu de Francais So at 18, I was expected to elect a representative For a system I had never ever ever ever been presented with But I won’t take it I’ll tell everyone my childhood was wasted I’ll share it everywhere how I was “educated” And insist these pointless things #DontStayInSchool ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Tumblr: ► Music: ► T-Shirts: ★ ★ ★ THANKS TO MY PATRONS FOR SUPPORTING ME! ► Patreon: Bart aka FantasyIH, Ema Simpson, Thomas Lloyd, Vincent Olsen, Ofer Mustigman, Sergey Khegay, Lance Thackeray.


9 years ago

لم يعلموني كيف احصل على وظيفة لكني اتذكر كيفية تشريح ضفدع لم يعلموني كيف ادفع الضرائب لكنني اعرف الكثير عن روايات شكسبيرالكلاسيكية لم يعلموني كيفية التصويت لكنهم كرسوا ذلك الوقت لتعليمي بعض النظريات لم يعلموني كيف اعتني بصحتي لكنهم علموني ان الميتوكندريا هي التي توفر القوة للخلايا لم يعطوني اي درس عن الاحداث الحالية بل بالمقابل درست التاريخ الامريكي القديم لم أعلم قط ماذا هناك من قوانين لم أعلم قط ماذا هناك من قوانين!! دعوني أكرر لم أعلم قط ماذا هناك من قوانين في البلد الي اعيش فيه لكنني أعرف ك
يف قتل هنري الثامن زوجاته مطلقة , قطع رأسها , ماتت , مطلقة , قطع رأسها , نجت مسرور لان هذه الامور محفوظة في رأسي بدل من أي نصيحة مالية مفيدة لقد أروني الموجات ذات الأشكال المختلفة للضوء لكنهم لم يخبروني ما هي حقوقي الخاصة على ما يبدو ان هناك 30 حق , هل كنت تعلم؟ انا لم أعلم لماذا بحق الجحيم لسنا نرددها عن ظهر قلب ؟! وأنا أعرف انواع الصخور التي هي النارية والمتحولة والرسوبية لكنني لا أفقه شي في مداولة الاسهم ولا حتى آلية عمل المال , من أين يأتي المال بالاساس؟ كيف الشيء الذي يحفز العالم يعمل؟ لم ي
علموني كيفية الموازنة وصرف أرباحي كنت مشغولا جدا بتعلم الكتابة بالاحرف المتصلة لم اتعلم كم يكلف لتربية طفل لكنني امضيت ايام اتعلم كيفية حل معادلة من الدرجة الثانية سالب ب في موجب او سالب جذر ب تربيع ناقص 4 في أ في ج قسمة 2 في أ هذا جنون! هذا جنون بالكامل جعلوني اتعلم ذلك بدل من الاسعافات الاولية لم يعلمونني كيفية التعرف على الاضطرابات النفسية الأكثر فتكا أو الأمراض التي لها أسباب يمكن الوقاية منها كيف أشتري منزلا بقرض! هذا إذا استطعت تحمل تكلفته بسبب اعتقادهم ان الرياضيات اكثر اهمية من كل هذا ا
كثر اهمية من نصيحة قد تنقذ حياة الالاف من الناس لكن لا بأس, لأنني الان استطيع ان اقول ان الوفيات غير المبررة التي حصلت بسبب هذه المشكلة عددها هو عدد أولي لم يعلمونني قط كيفية ممارسة الطب الحديث لكنهم علموني كيف كانت طرق ممارسة الطب القديمة "لدي صداع , الألم فظيع ماذا يجب ان افعل؟"اممم ... ربما تجرب بعض العلق؟ "هل يمكننا مناقشة العنف المنزلي والحصول على الحقائق أو كيف اساعد صديقي المكتئب الذي لديه حالة نفسية؟" اممم ... لا! لكن تعلم الرياضيات الذهنية لأنك "لن تملك آلة حاسبة معك كل يوم!" يقولون الم
شكلة ليست في الابناء بل في الآباء اذا لو علمت الابن في المدرسة كيف يصبح أب ناجح لحلت المشكلة! وكل هذه النصائح عن استخدام الواقي لكن لا نصيحة عندما يكون لديك طفل بالفعل وتريد أي نصيحة انا فقط اتحدث اللغة الانجليزية بطلاقة, حقا؟!! بقية العالم يتحدث لغتين فقط , هل تظنني غبيا؟ اختاروا ان يشرحوا النظام الشمسي على النظام السياسي والان كمواطن انا لا اعرف ماذا اختار أي سياسية توجد , وأي سياسة ستحدث التغير بالفرنسي: لكن لا! فضلوا ان يعلموني بعض الفرنسية! وها انا ذو الـ18 عاما يفترض ان اختار وكيل لي لنظا
م انا ابدا لم افهمه ولم يتم شرحه لي لكني لن استحمل بعد الان سأخبر الجميع ان طفولتي ومراهقتي ضاعت هباءً سأشارك الجميع "العلم المفيد" الذي اعطيتموني إياه وأصر على هذه الاشياء عديمة المنفعة -لا تبقوا في المدرسة-



This video is getting a lot of attention now so I just want to clarify - "Don't Stay in School" isn't inferring students shouldn't stay in school, it's saying topics which aren't practically useful shouldn't stay in school. There are obviously a lot of benefits to getting an education, I'm just concerned that the topics are not prioritized well at all.


Holy crap the number of likes already, this response is amazing!   How many of you guys would watch a series where I taught what we missed?


"I don't know what laws there are"- child grooming is in fact illegal.


ManInAnOrchestra: I like adult women and making good music


Hi to everyone coming over from the fine bros!   For everyone looking to make an impact, a lot of schools have started teaching some of this stuff after kids sent it to their teachers/principals, so sending it to their emails (usually on the school website) is a great start.


I haven't felt as angry as I did writing this song in a long time.   


Man, if only he was taught what laws there are


I remember being in middle school and thinking this was deep


If you feel useless, remember stop bullying posters exist


School taught me that a man would just casually buy 300 watermelons


He was never taught what laws there were guys c'mon


He said this cuz he can’t be in school zones 💀


Kid: Dies School Nurses: IcE


"98 percent of what you learn is a waste."


Everyone talking about the “I was never taught what laws there are” line, but “can we discuss domestic abuse?” Line is way more ironic now 💀


he was never taught what laws there are


"Divorced, beheaded, died Divorced, beheaded, survived" Me: screeches in Six


Actually I didn't know that I had 30 human rights


YOUR RIGHTS 30 HUMAN RIGHTS (you're welcome) 1. All human beings are born free and equal (right not to be discriminated against) 2. Everyone is entitled to these rights, regardless of factors beyond their control (sex, age, race etc. It's kind of like number 1, but specifically pertains to the document itself) 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person (you can't be imprisoned, assaulted, or killed without a damn good reason, like you commited a crime for instance. 4. You have the right not to be enslaved in any form 5. You have ther right to not be tortured or subjected to inhumane or degrading punishment 6. Everyone, everywhere has the right to recognition as a person under the law 7. Everyone has the right to protection under the law, and to be subject to the same laws as everyone else (nobody is imune from the law, and nobody is to be punnished any differently from anyone else for breaking it) 8. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. (Verbatim) 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. (verbatim, self explanitory) 10. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. (everyone is equal in law) 11. You have the right to be presume innocent until proven guilty in a court of law where you were given all aplicble defence. Also you cant be punished for a crime retroactively (in other words you can't be punished for commitiing a crime that wasn't a crime at the time you did it, and you can't be given a harsher sentence now, if the penalty was less at the time you commited the offence) 12. You have the right to privacy and not to be slandered or have your private corespondence messed interfeed with (right not to be bugged without a warrant, that sort of thing) and the right not to be slandered or defamed. 13. You have the right to go where you like and stay where you like within the borders of your state, and you have the right to leave your country if you want and return to your country if you want. 14. You have the right to asylum 15. You have the right to a nationality. nobody can be denied their nationality, or denied the right to change their nationality legaly 16. You have the right to a family and to marry whoevery you want, provided everyone is consenting and of legal age. 17. Everyone has the right to property, and to not be deprived of that property without a legal reson. 18. You're entitled to believe what you like and to be a member of any religion you want 19. You have the right to freedom of expression and opinion 20. You have the right to peaceful assembly and association, and the right not to be forced to be a member of any group you don't want to be a part of 21. You have the right to vote, and take part in the politics of your country regardless of sex, race etc 22. You have the right to social security 23. Everyone has the right to work and to not be forced to work, everyone has the right to be paid equally and fairly and the right to belong to a trade union 24. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. (verbatim) 25. You have the right to an adequate standard of living (food, Clean drinking water, shelter, healthcare, social security help and so on) 26. You have the right to education 27. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. <and> Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. (verbatim, but the two parts before and after <and> are numbered and would fuck up my numbering here lol) 28. Everyone has the right to live in a society that observes these rights 29. Everyone has the right to live in a society where everyon has a duty to uphold these rights 30. nobody has the right to interpret any of these rights as permision to deprive you of your rights (basically lol) I have summerised many of these for brevity (and because I honestly don't know how many characters you're allowed in these coments lol). If i have misinterpreted any of them please forgive me and of course feel free to correct me in the coments. Some juristictions have adional rights enshrined in law that apend to this, such as the american constitution, wherein the first amendment details the "bill of rights". Also the European human rights act both of which I encourage you to read. Below is a link to the Document I have sumerised here. So now you know what rights there are. I would encourage many of the people in the coments to pay particular attention to to numbers 10, 11 and 12 (just sayin)


Guys don’t cancel him he was never taught what laws there are