
Drawing Challenges We Missed

Astute Drawfee viewers may have noticed that sometimes only three of the four hosts participate in a given drawing challenge. On today's Drawfee, Nathan, Jacob, Karina and Julia each get a chance to do a drawing challenge from a previous episode that they did not get to take part in. EPISODES REFERENCED Video Game Armor Sets: Pokémon Back Sprites: Drawings Sound Effects: Badly Translated Pokédex: SUPPORT US ON PATREON! WATCH US ON TWITCH! AND ON TIKTOK! VISIT THE DRAWFEE STORE! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! Your comments here may be used as inspiration for our future shows! By commenting here with an episode prompt, you acknowledge that we may use and reproduce your handle and suggestions on our programs.

Drawfee Show

2 years ago

welcome to drawfee where we take dumb ideas and make even dumber drawings i'm nathan i'm jacob i'm karina and i'm julia and today the people have spoken on this great planet of ours earth it's a great planet they've come together to lend us their power and tell us what episode they wanted to see over on the drawfee official patreon we had a poll we had four episode options and they picked an episode that we like to call makeup work yeah we're gonna do the makeup challenge yeah we're not gonna do
a makeup challenge for youtubers now we're beauty youtubers [Laughter] just what does makeup work mean i thought we just explained it to you it happened we're going to be doing the challenges that we either missed or hosted in the past so the ones that we didn't draw we've picked the ones we wanted to do and and we're going to go through and do them so people can see maybe what it would have been like how are you supposed to do that on our faces we'll have to find out by getting into it nathan
you're going first what was the episode that you missed or hosted that you want to get into i recently hosted an episode called video game armor sets yeah it was a lot of fun uh we drew three friends at an applebee's and i want to draw a friend uh showed up late to the app showed up late just in time for dessert we all have that friend who shows up late at the apple [Laughter] so i believe julia you have a video game character from which i'm going to construct some armor yes nathan yes myth yes
nathan julia can you make armor out of a luigi [Laughter] like a monster hunter monster hunter luigi monster hunter luigi not the apple beast okay okay i can do this yes get a quick guy yeah get yourself a guy let's get a guy wearing this armor so this is the man who killed luigi yeah and skinned him and scanned him and took his clothes i want to read not you expected to available bowser because you're like that's the villain and you would never suspect his closest ally yeah i think it's because
the year of luigi happened and mario was like i'm not in the spotlight for once you can't have this yeah mario was like i've never had a year named and dedicated to me which must mean that i am oppressed oh mario's that type this is the where's mario history month he has like the whole day mario every year is mario year you're on everything mario you're on everything let luigi have one year without killing him and skinning him and wearing his clothes you can't do it can't do it you can't name y
our kid mario anymore you just think of mario of nintendo mario but you can name your kid luigi yep if you name your kid mario they send you a seasoned assist and then the parents are scrambling they're like oh but the kids already gotten used to the name mario we have all this stuff that's mario we gotta do something that's similar wario ah dang it we got another letter from oh no [Music] my son wario angry beautiful son wario [Laughter] how do you make luigi into armor this is this is the ques
tion that has plagued mankind here's kind of what i was thinking nathan kind of like a take on a luigi's mansion okay what does he wear in that game he's wearing a vacuum i thought that was a house [Laughter] yeah what if the mansion is included in the armor set oh that's fine like the booze and the booze luigi's been hitting the drink i've gotta include booze in the armor luigi armor great luigi no the booze and the goos right there's a gooey g no one respect luigi i mean i got to hit the taboo
s guiji was a bad influence on louis oh he's so scared he's so scared of everything this scared man his hat could be something that could be like the hat of an armor yeah yeah yeah okay yeah the nose and mustache could be like a face plate play on maybe like the his big old boots oh face plate yeah yeah face plate boots he does have big he does have big let's start let's start at the boots and work our way up [Laughter] he's gotta have some cool gloves doesn't he have like a dog does luigi have
a dog there's a ghost dog he's got ghost dogs that's a ghost trick ghost trick that's ghost trick yeah a game that everyone should play and maybe about four people have you know what i think about luigi what luigi you look at luigi he's scared he's he's pee in his little pants all the time about everything but you know what he's still getting in there and he's still doing the damn job and i think that's true courage brave luigi mario cannot be brave because mario does not experience fear mario i
s fearless and therefore is not brave yeah you need him in order to be brave mario's dumb and no got good luck no no no okay he's a daddy mario's a daddy yeah you're absolutely right a dumb we can't just call everyone that loses all meaning some people have to be daddies it's just the way of the world there's that youtuber summoning salt that does those like speed run history videos that are really fun if you haven't seen them and um he was doing one on the original mario game and like the origi
nal mario sprite is so funny to me because he's so still and stoic there's no expression he just stares still unless he's moving at great speeds but his face is still perfectly still it's like perfect focus compared to like today's mario that's always like wow oh no original mario was dead silent dead still and moved i think my favorite implacably towards his goal my favorite animation for the original mario sprite is when he jumps on the flagpole and then he goes down and there's just a beat of
him at the end of the flagpole being like i didn't have to do that this was a waste of time the levels must continue the level was over right i shouldn't have showboated like that i killed a lot of creatures on my way here feels disrespectful i'll kill many more that's his montero moment let him have it there's fireworks going on this is wrong mario's montero should end the original mario game with him giving bowser a lap dance and then snapping his neck [Laughter] you just keep sliding down th
e pole all the way into hell [Laughter] nathan i don't want to call you out like this i have not been able to see what you've been drawing this entire time i mean that seems like a personal problem damn i have had my eyes closed the whole time i want to be surprised try opening them nope you still can't see because of the angle is it because of the angle it might be because of the angle if only there was some sort of secondary monitor i had set up i needed a reference for the mansion yeah maybe
you should have set up a third monitor so that we could have one with the drawing and one with a million pictures of luigi on it there it is what the hell i needed to see luigi oh i love though yeah the blue [Laughter] because they were behind the microphone recording in person is so fun so many little challenges this is one of those times where the audience actually has it better watching from home they get a full view uninterrupted by nathan's head or body or hand or arm or the chair can we li
ke the furniture can we real quick just have like a pic of nathan's hand come up and block part of the street i'm gonna take a picture of what my view looks like from where i am yeah and then the audience can know what we've been dealing with here i think it's important that everyone knows what we've been dealing with here here we go no one talks about our struggles enough yeah it's like our show i feel like we should we should make it more about us yeah yeah it's never about us not not at once
it's always about luigi it's always about luigi thinks he's such hot [ __ ] now that he's had a month of luigi the year of luigi i'm sorry year month whatever it's all the same to him the year of luigi was like three or four years ago but every year now i still think it's the year of luigi it should be it's like the summer of george it's like the summer of george from seinfeld from seinfeld remember that hey everyone in the comments you remember the summer of george from science from seinfeld [M
usic] to be fair i've missed out on the montero reference and seinfeld reference montero is shorter than seinfeld yeah it's a good deal shorter that's good to know have you not watched that music video julia the what the music video montero call me by your name i know you've seen it we've referenced it so many times i was just going through a whole process where i realized that i was confusing or seeing the word montero in the same font as the narcos and i realized that that is that is not that
the classic confusion montero and narcos everybody's made that mistake before i think it happens to the best of us [Laughter] oh my brain is busted oh is that the moustache stash is like buffalo horns helmet moustache i'm trying i'm trying you know i'm just ascended [Laughter] yeah so now we got to put a whole luigi on top of this somehow i love it it's going to be one of them tall helmets yeah i gotta say this friend maybe showed up late to the applebee's but when he did show up everyone was li
ke damn the extra time was worth it this friend has the correct stance for an applebee yeah yeah this person was part of too many photo shoots and just like like whipped into the applebee's being like guys if i made it the wind blew them in i'm ready for my bloomin onion yeah that's an outback steakhouse yeah that's absexy i've never been to an applebee's chili's also has the bloomin onion theirs is called an awesome blossom it's called an awesome blossom what yeah that's a good snack though the
frog the big fried onion with the dip damn i haven't had one of those in so long you should make one wow right now yeah karina and i are hungry we watched korean baking youtube before this yeah that would be a good chance i have to go in the kitchen and try to make a bloomin onion before we finish the episode how hard can it possibly be well i don't have an onion so that's versus artists who will win from the very beginning we're gonna struggle i think you're gonna have to make an onion yeah i
have to grow an onion this is very good nathan i'm not convinced but i appreciate it no i think it's good it kind of looks like jafar up there maybe luigi and jafar are the same if anyone it looks like the the dad jasmine's dad who bind with jafar yeah it's their son yeah how does luigi work it's like he's got a he's got a ball business he's got a more bow big nose kind eyes kind scared eyes we made nathan put away his reference and he drew jafar i mean you can pull it back it just can't be ther
e forever or else is this going to be mystery drawing for for me you want me to put up a picture luigi on my phone that's fine i like how long he is yeah this looks like a like a gladiator like a luigi like a luigi gladiator it's kind of a luigi clay is what i was going for yeah luigi in a world where one of the most fearsome creatures is a luigi so you design your armor to look like a luigi to scare your opponents yeah she's a creature yeah wild luigi's roam the countryside causing havoc you're
walking with a guy and all of a sudden here guy holds up his hand there's a luigi you have to do like boo rules against him you know like if you're looking at him yeah he doesn't move and then you turn around that'd be so scary in real life because if you like couldn't look at something but you know it's there yeah and it won't hurt you if you're not looking at it but you know it's behind you you know it's there it's like the opposite of the weeping angels from doctor who which is also very sca
ry yeah yeah you gotta look away yeah i'm gonna do the um the raymond trick and just put another mustache yeah hell yeah the classic raymond trick yeah raymond invented it raymond's gambit they call it there's wild luigi's then mario's luigi isn't his brother it's like a domesticated right yeah i mean if if we accept that there are wild luigis then that must be true this world or maybe maybe his mario's parents mr and mrs marie mario right yeah yeah adopted a baby luigi from the wild and you kno
w how like some families are like oh they're like siblings with like dogs in there like in stuart little like in stuart little they pulled a stew a little and they were like mario this is your brother luigi and mario's like sure i'm a baby what do i know what do i know except we know for a fact that as a baby mario never even made it to his parents he was being carried by the stork and the stork fell and he landed with the yoshis you're right this is the problem with my whole story we also know
we also know that baby luigi and baby mario participated in multiple sports and racing events with their adult with their adult shelves simultaneously but that would explain why you know wild luigis that's how they had a baby luigi and an adult luigi at the same time because they're everywhere that's true it's true there's actually infinite baby luigi's infinite crisis on infinite that's how animals work there's infinite there's infinite in them well you try counting them you have one in your la
p right now yeah i got one but you know there's other ones oh she's rolling oh we know there's other ones that well that's one olive right there that's one olive cat yeah that's true that helmet is so spooky it's so good it really is like one of those gladiator helmets this is luigi this is i think you're doing an excellent job he's got a very proud he's got a goo this entire time i've been trying to think of that speech from gladiator but substituting in luigi but instead you did the one from y
eah oh you know what i figured it out would you figure out the gloves they can be like like this that's the reference to the the vacuum oh they're like suck gloves they're like suck glasses luigi's suck gloves embrace suck gloves yeah i'll i'll clean this up later but this is luigi armor you all need to do your makeup work this is great nathan you did an awesome job i love it yeah he's right in he's crushed he's gonna just clean up all those desserts because everybody's gonna be full of apps he'
s gonna suck him up with his suck gloves [Laughter] okay so it's time for me to do my makeup work i've been leaving this one sitting in the pile for too long i want to do the pokemon back sprites well good news jacob i got a backsprite for you it's one of my faves this was a pokemon that was on my team when i played the original pokemon game and it always made me laugh every time i saw it oh yeah even back then go go ahead and reveal that layer oh it's golem what is his deal really it's like a r
ock doing crab arms yeah yeah there's just no i i figured this is a nice open-ended one it's a nice round shape for you to really any literally anything could be on the front of this yeah absolutely and those arms can be coming out from anywhere are they gonna be a turtle yeah are they even arms are those little eye stalks maybe they oh they do they do look like snakes or just a couple of snakes a couple of snakes who are up to no good just a rock full of snakes the most powerful pokemon it look
s like to me snake rock you know when you go to hard boil an egg uh-huh it's a tiny tiny crack a little bit of the egg a little egg white shoots out i'm so glad i'm so glad we get some egg talk that really planted the hits keep them going we gotta talk about eggs you gotta julia i'm getting concerned about the eggs i'm thinking about eggs i know you're thinking about eggs you're always thinking about eggs we we were all together hanging out and we got to watch the scene in rescuers down under th
at julia referenced on a previous episode these are not joanna's eggs imagine joanna gets all spoilers joanna gets all the eggs imagine you're me and you live with julia yeah and every day once a day julia says these are not joanna's eggs and it's never for any sort of relevant reason are you sure lately lately my quote has been piecer that's been my quote recently that's another great scene it's a good it's a good movie it's always a rescue jacob have you seen have you seen rescuers down under
you know i have we all watched it together no but has jacob seen it jacob have you seen it jacob have you seen it like it was on but did you see it i truly see it yeah i mean is there any way to truly see anybody well jacob's a millennial you never know you could be on his phone while the movie's going multitasking were you out there tick tocking and tweeting while we were watching wow the movie i've never what's it what's a tweet is it tweeze a tweet was i tweezing i don't know what that is i r
eally want i really want there to be a like an official commission of like you are under arrest for tweezing high tweezing [Laughter] out for your west again i sentence you to wife in prison wife and prison i have a wife in prison no wife in prison not my wife anything but that what about my waifu squeeze mr johnson please mr judgey wedgie i hate this why oh i decided their eyes that their eye stalks yes i like that that was the correct move i love his little feet [Laughter] everything looks lik
e a digimon to you first of all ojamas are yugioh monsters not digimon does kind of look like ojama wearing it it does look like ojama a shower cap this is ojama turtle drama fresh out of the shower make them wet please give them this little underoos it's the one they designed specifically to sell shower products [Laughter] because there was such a demand for it yeah this is like an elderly uh [ __ ] what's it called newman flat newman mine yeah oh yeah yes low mouth he's like a snail you want t
o do battle with me it re uses an ojama well now i got it in my head i want him to have a little toast i was kind of right it's like a karasuki numeron you just made that up oh my god oh my god it is oh no but like like something happened to him he grew older you had a bad day this is karasuke newman after a year plus in quarantine [Laughter] nervous about going out and seeing the other ojama it looks like it looks like he was in the shower and his doorbell rang he knew it was the package he's b
een waiting for he's on the last day they'll deliver it again i don't want to go to the post office later and get it so i'm just gonna they're just gonna have to see me like this [Laughter] i'm not putting on a towel though this does not look like a pokemon but i like him it's really good if this was a pokemon i'd be all about it i don't know what type you would be i think all pokemon should look more like digimon especially yeah this is a walk rock this is a rock water type she's really popular
in the meta right now it knows shell smash asterix blush asterix package i like him yeah there's nothing else i can do to this i know this was fast but you like him but do you love him i love him i love him too and i don't think he needs any i think anything else i do will only harm him at this point yeah this is like one of the drawings that people would get a tattoo of and and so they should yeah send me pics when you get this tattooed [Music] but i like him i do kind of like it but he is nas
ty karina's gonna get an ojama tattoo and to knock off oh dramatic yeah i mean we're small i would totally get this right on your neck right on my neck um i'm done karina do you want to go sure i decided the one i wanted to do was the sound effect challenge i think that's a really cool idea but i had a really high fever that day it would have been fun to see what you would have made feverish listening to a strange noise i mean i'm usually in that state of mind so we can just do it right now yeah
perfect well i have gathered for you a custom sound a custom did you record a custom sound that i downloaded from a website oh and uh you can go ahead and play it whenever you're ready [Music] jazzy interesting let's get it one more time so we can really get a feel for it [Music] no i i have a very specific idea of this yeah i'm picturing some what is everyone have a thought in what they're hearing i'm imagining you got thoughts a musician dad trying to replicate the sound of their whiny kid on
oh like a mocking sort of sort of like that's you that's what you sound like to me dude because my my thought was like a horse oh yeah it is kind of like a cartoon horse yeah my immediate thought was pony gone from saskatchewan from zach bell this is the sacha bell episode no no i said no pony gone no zach bell should i draw pony guns this is what pony gone looks like many comments on that video are requesting a zach bell episode i don't even remember zach bell i just like pony gone they don't
mean that they say it because we've mentioned in the episode but they don't really want it it's not yeah is that the one where the eyes are just what i would call too big they're pretty big in zac ponygon is perfect ponygon's pretty good this is like a long pony gone yeah i was just gonna draw a regular horse but now that i know that it upsets jacob i'm just gonna draw a pony gone so as long as it's long ponycon there has to be something wrong with this pony guy yeah there will be that's why it'
s making jazz noises and not saying remember me yeah oh this one's so sad yeah oh sad pony girl yeah this is crying [Music] wait he does have a nose he has like multiple noses what that's beautiful i don't like that shape no that's his nose yeah that is a little bitter [Music] should i look up reference for a trumpet or should i do another episode of karina doesn't know what musical instruments it's basically like a paper clip with one end that exploded because it's uh yeah it's got the three tw
o bees in the in the yeah and it's got like the buttons yeah all the way back there is where they go yes fine jacob whatever you did it this is probably a trumpet nobody say i did it wrong i'm not gonna listen i can't read if someone looks at this they'll say that's a trumpet for sure you don't need a reed to play the trumpet yeah oh good joke julia yay someone about my good joke yes we can do that now this is pony gone sad because he doesn't know how to play the trumpet yeah and he's going home
he's really bad at it [Laughter] it's like pony gun you need to practice your scales you can't just go straight into playing songs you gotta practice the fundamentals i know i know it's not fun but it's that's how you improve is you actually you need to build up the the muscle memory of like what the the different because there are only three buttons but you can make a lot of different notes you got to do a lot of things with your mouth yeah it has to do with the mouth the way you do the mouth
on it because he just keeps saying medium yeah he's like oh my god you know you're not even person you need to purse you need to purse your lips i'm a horse i don't have lips what that's not what it says he says that's his that's his catchphrase i'm a horse i don't have a lips well he says but then the the subtitle says yeah of course i don't have lips why do i say it in baby talk when i was in band in school i'd had to do a thing where you you'd teach one of the other students how to play your
instrument and they teach you how to play their instrument and trumpet was the one that i had to learn and i gotta say i was not a fan coming from saxophone where every button is a note yeah and trumpet's like there's three buttons and you just got to figure the rest out with your mouth and i'm like i don't want to do that just give me more buttons for each note trumpet's got to get it together both instruments got spit valves though that's true they get they get gross in there did he just put t
he whole thing in his mouth yeah he's eating it oh ponygong no holding on you're not supposed to use teeth yes it's a teethless instrument he doesn't know any better he's just a little pony don't bite it ponygon why does his body look so weird why can't i not do this it's just i'm liking it it's just i feel like you've done it you know i feel like you're doing it i'm not capturing the perfect essence of pony gone pony gone is peak character design so if i don't get it right i'll feel bad i think
pony gone is more top heavy than what you've drawn yeah you made it more balanced and that's why it looked wrong to you yeah exactly pony gone is like yeah always about to fall over yeah you like art fixed pony god i shouldn't poke that's already perfect though he's such a cute character and i stand by that ponygun looks like it's propping himself up using the trumpet karina's going to post this on twitter later at sacha bell and say fixed this for you no you did it wrong beautiful and fixing a
rt is rude it's incredibly rude i would never do that we here at drawfee do not support fixing art i appreciate that no one has tried to fix anything i've drawn on drawfee even though i'm sure if you ever want to fix our all right just just do fan art and don't say your own art yeah it'll be better yeah people have done fan art of my drawings and improved the design but they didn't say fixed yeah i know it's it's better it's so easy but it's not rude yeah instead it's cool and makes people feel
good yeah yeah it's like i was inspired by the thing you drew and i drew something that looks like it but cooler i'm like hell yeah yeah i get to feel like if it weren't for me this cool art wouldn't exist and i didn't even have to draw it i just had to inspire it with worse art what a gift i'm more of an ideas guy we're kind of an ideas guy show yeah we're an ideas guy what's the idea guys podcast uh welcome to the ideas collectively one ideas guy yeah we all share one idea i hope you like it a
nd the nice thing about uh doing makeup of the the sound effect is now when we fade in the render i can do what everyone in the comments said i should have done in the last one and play the sound again over the wrench oh yeah so you can fix i'll fix your own previous mistake yeah that's allowed it's my when's my own episode it was unwatchable yeah we um since posting that episode we have taken it and put it in the trash yes we printed the episode out yeah physical trash yeah frame by frame it to
ok a very long time we said a lot of ink and paper and money and money and time in here but we did it i like the art style of zach bell i just don't remember what any of it was about it's about babies who fight and they have spell books yeah it's pokemon but they're babies but they're babies they're weird babies they're just yeah they're like weird magical babies so who is this pony he's also a baby a baby a pony can be a baby anything yeah stop baby gating yeah no babies are only baby humans no
you're big baby animals you're baby gating right now live in 4k how can you babygate ponygon look at his face he's beautiful and he's like what are you doing i'm gonna beat you up i'm gonna blast you with magic yeah i'm gonna i think it's lightning i think his is lightning because zach bell's just like a human pikachu yeah yeah they were like you thought pikachu was cool check this [ __ ] out what if it was a little baby and everyone's like we don't like this as much and it should be obvious wh
y cover the ears we don't want to hear it pony gone yeah we're sick of it i'm not sick of it pony gone it's part of the learning process pony i love ponygon p character design cute catchphrase bad at music bad at music just eats the whole instrument that was definitely on purpose it was he's crying he's not even sad that it's not good music it's sad that it doesn't taste good like i wish i didn't have to eat this i wish you would fed me something else oh my god eat something else no i need to fi
nish this i don't want to waste it [Laughter] yay i got to drop pony gone yay this is kareena's real con beautiful sound effect yeah thank you karina for giving us this wonderful pony gone no problem and here's that sound again i heard it so much it really goes with the drawing me julia what challenge are you making up for right now i think you all did a pokemon episode without me recently yeah yeah we heard about it yeah you weren't in it oh i heard about it we tried to preempt the comments eve
n and talked about it in the episode it didn't matter no it didn't matter people didn't even wait to get to the explanation before commenting yeah if it's a pokemon episode and you're not in it the people feel bad well here i am and that's just you know that's part of life so it was a it was a badly translated pokedex episode so that's the one that i missed so has someone come up with a pokemon translation for me i have is this your drawing this is egg yeah this is yeah pink i love this but woul
d you like to hear the pokedex translation i have prepared for you karina i would love to hear i'm gonna throw a few at you because there's a lot going on here oh goodness so here's one from shield males have a bigger feeling it is squeezed by a scalpel instead of a stubborn voice wow this is philosophical yeah males have a bigger feeling listen i don't want to get political on this program but according to the pokedex according to the pokedex males just have a bigger feeling and another one yes
this maybe is this translation of the same thing in kanji males cry louder females like it who screams with a low and terrifying voice males cry louder it's sorry ladies yeah well they they like it apparently yeah males cry louder and females like it listen listen that's just what it says in the pokedex i'm just trying to give you stuff to work with so that explains all those youtubers finally are we getting into youtube beef i didn't realize youtuber was a type of pokemon good is this a youtub
er pokemon i am going to have to draw a youtuber now another one is even though it was a screaming ballad a composer made a beautiful balance so it's a beautiful screaming crying yeah pokemon and because yeah this is this is one last one last one i swear but this one has a bit of physical descriptor let's get rid of it it's not beautiful but it has a hydrangea just describing youtubers it's always been youtube let's get rid of it let's get rid of it i think we're done with this one it does have
a hydrangea yeah so it's not beautiful not beautiful not beautiful but it has a hydrangea that's all i'll throw at you i'm sorry if it was a lot but no it's it's good it's good i wanted to really cover all the bases of screaming and ugly and hydrangea and hydrangea yes yes feeling it got it yes fives vibes still choosing not to chant in time even though we can do it now no we can totally pull it off on purpose yeah fives fives fives fives five five trees five spiders [ __ ] fives fives fives fiv
es [Laughter] the stock market sounds like vibes vibes vibes [Laughter] they're viving they're vibing oh no they're beefing it turns around so fast the youtube stock market is a wild place vibes and beefs [Laughter] this is the new thumbs up thumbs down [Laughter] remember to leave the leave some vibes down below yeah if you like this video remember to vibe and then if you got beefs take them elsewhere yeah yeah click the bell still the bell is the same it's the wall street bell the bell wall st
reet you know they they ring the bell they ring the bell yeah the end of the lovely movie the bell of wall street that last pokedex entry about the hydrangeas really struck me as like you meet your friends news like partner or new boyfriend or girlfriend and you're trying to find something nice to say about them you're like um he had that hydrangea get rid of it that was sweet hydrangea at least there was that yeah like you know you know he's not beautiful and i i think you'd be happy if you got
rid of it but but the hydrangea it's kind of nice an open-faced compliment sandwich i'm trying to draw this hydrangea as fast as possible really doing it i'm oh i'm doing it it's happening we're seeing it in real time i'm still thinking about the youtube stock market and for some reason i'm picturing beauty and the beast and the beefs who's starting up that disney band it's like a hardcore disney band that they only make covers of disney songs hardcore covers or scott screamo they're still tryi
ng to figure out their sound they just do whatever they feel like yeah scream scar it's come on oh is that gonna be an eyeball yeah it's kind of like a flower [Music] oh it's a mustache a little goatee yeah and there you go this is this is alternate luigi armor oh because they cry the last he cries the loudest yeah he does cry the loudest and he has a mustache yeah screaming valid so this is like he's just about to start screaming yeah the tears are beginning yeah this is the lead singer of beau
ty and the beefs [Laughter] he's letting the sadness build up [Laughter] let it out buddy it's better to get it out dude females love it females they love it or at the very least like it yeah they like it they like it it's a vibe yeah i like this yeah yeah okay good i'm glad everyone we've drawn on this episode has been sad what was your guy said yeah if your guy was sad the i guess the luigi face on his helmet was certain yeah the luigi who died to make that helmet yeah but he's one of many lui
gi's out in the wild yeah yeah free range luigi that's the new there's plenty of fish in the sea there's plenty of luigi's in the wild yeah next time your friend goes through a breakup with the hydrangea guy yeah plenty of luigi plenty of luigi's out there you get to be domesticated you just gotta find your luigi [Laughter] and you know drawn these flowers no pokemon has ever been this detailed yeah i love it he is going to have like a little a little leaf mullet because just because i want him
to yeah yeah you're the artist you get to decide that's what i was feeling already in the back intrigued to discover what the body situation is yeah you wouldn't be both jacob if it's just like a man's body or it's a uh something else youtuber a youtuber body a youtuber body like luigi's youtubers are also a species yeah youtubers tend to just be shoulders up that's true there's no way to know what they've got going on there's no way to know is this his apology [Applause] [Laughter] but not too
many karina can you read the suggest the um translations again please it says males have a bigger feeling it is squeezed by a scalpel instead of a stubborn voice scream like the emotion or the body or the creature yeah it is squeezed it is squeezed i will clarify that when i say it it is to replace the name of the pogie in the translation so it so the pokemon is being squeezed pogie is squeezed by a scalpel instead of a stubborn voice typically scalpels do cutting not squeezing not a squeezing t
ool that's the wrong tool to it sounds incredibly painful males cry louder females like the pokey who screams with a low and terrifying voice if i was getting squeezed by a scalpel i'd probably scream with a maybe not a low interest yeah that was a low beautiful voice jacob i wasn't terrified even a little no gonna have to try harder okay now you're just being silly [Laughter] i got sort of a is it a collar or is it a stem oh i like that i don't understand what's happening yet well it's being sq
ueezed oh it's being squeezed by a little lady she's hugging it she's having a good time because females females love it yeah they like it they like it they like it about as much as they think of being referred to as females is her name scalpel that's what i'm thinking oh maybe she has like blade looking hair yeah this is a second pokemon this is one of those it's one of those one of those yeah one of those a slow bro situation yeah so like the bass pokemon screams and cries and then once the sc
alpel pokemon comes and squeezes it it evolves so beautiful yeah and then it gets its hydrangea yeah he is like a guy so let me try to work a guy into this oh boy okay how do you intend to do that [Laughter] and i tell you summer 2021 is just this all over the place scream boy summer people are just out expressing their affection for one another yeah it's a beautiful thing or they're beef with their beef all the emotions are on display affection screaming vibes beef was there a line about a comp
oser or something um yeah kind of uh even though it was a screaming ballad a composer made a beautiful ballad you asked i did so he is the composer so he is the composer and he's making a beautiful ballad out of his own screaming ballad yeah which i think is just called singing but that's okay he's discovering singing well he invented it again this is his youtube video this is the composing while being squeezed and screaming challenge 3am at 3am am with my girlfriend first do not watch yeah 7.5
million views it just keeps showing up in my recommended i have no interest in watching it but it just keeps showing up there i'm probably going to watch it eventually okay just to make it go away i think this is it this is definitely it this is so fun what is the are we supposed to talk about with the actual pokemon yeah what pokemon is that'd be nice it's polly toad oh is that the one that's like you can look with your eyes right now what in the hell is that it's a frog it's a frog [Laughter]
he's a frog i've never seen this thing in my life it's cute though right it is cute it doesn't look like the kind of thing that would be on like a kid's bubble bath label yeah alternate evolution the hell was i drawing of poliwag yeah so what you're drawing is you're drawing you're drawing poly whirl yeah and poliwhirl can evolve into poly wrath or it can evolve into poly toad yeah i think it evolves into polytoad if you give it the king's rock and trade it if you give it the king's speech if yo
u make him watch the king's [Laughter] our makeup work now we're ready for the next semester of dropping we've done all our homework flunk these are the only episodes we've missed these are the only ones don't correct us we're done we're made up stop typing stop typing no beef and then let's see this person did this stop typing unless you're typing into the url bar dropy where you can go to kick us a few bucks each month and if you're at a certain tier uh you can vote on what episode
s we do like this one which was voted on by our patreon audience so go look into that see if anything there interests you or if you just want to support us you can go there give us a little bit of money well you can also just click the like button click the subscribe button go in the comments click the vibe button say a nice thing in the comments click the vibe button no beefs no beefs please please we're sorry we're sorry sorry sorry



"Is Mario a himbo?" hit me like a truck, and "no, he's a daddy" ran down the street and kicked my mangled body in the ribs.


The idea of stock market people exclaiming stocks are "vibing" or "beefing" instead of "rising" or "falling" has me laughing so hard my stomach hurts.


This is the longest Nathan has ever taken. He’s usually so concerned about time, it makes me so happy to see him take his time. Luigi turned out perfectly!


I know a woman who named her first son Mario, and a few years later when she was pregnant with another boy, Mario and her husband goaded her into naming the second son Luigi. She did it. There is at least one set of brothers in America actually named Mario and Luigi


"I can't believe I have to eat this whole trumpet." "You don't have to." "No, I gotta."


karina’s “wewe you committing tweason??” absolutely dealt me psychic damage


As someone who works with horses, unfortunately I must inform you Horses Have Lips and enjoy using them for Crimes


“Is Mario a himbo” “No he’s a daddy” Better be in the next “Drawfee out of context” compilation


A rock full of snakes IS the most powerful pokemon. Everyone knows not to fuckle with Shuckle.


Draw characters who represent the phrases "We All Have Them", "They're Just Like Us", and "Who Needs Them?"


‘The Man who Killed Luigi’ is a gritty film noir where Waluigi has been framed for the murder of Luigi. Living a life on the run, Waluigi tries to find the man who killed his rival, while also outrunning Mario, who has sworn revenge.


"where's mario history month?" "you are under arrest for high tweason." "beef. beef. beef. vibes."


“Is Mario a himbo?” “No, no no.. he’s a daddy.”


“Killed him, skinned him, and wore his clothes.” Why… Why did he skin Luigi just to wear his clothes?


34:23 Jacob: "We're collectively one Ideas Guy." EVERYONE, IN SYNC: "yeah." Nathan: "We all share One Idea."


I'm not sure why but hearing Julia say "uwu" just hits different than anyone else I've ever heard say "uwu".


I'm glad Karina is gatekeeping himbos- someone had to.


"The Year of Luigi was like three or four years ago" The Year of Luigi was in 2013 The passage of time is a scary concept that haunts us all, much like the Boos haunt Luigi


gaming setup staples: - main monitor - second monitor - luigi monitor


There are THREE ESSENTIAL RULES to being a himbo. 1. Strong 2. Stupid 3. Kind Mario is missing number 3, thus he cannot be a himbo