
English World Documentary: Space tourism

A few minutes of weightlessness, or maybe even a few days. A short hop above the Earth’s atmosphere, or a journey to the moon and back. The era of space tourism is upon us, and – for those who can pay – it comes with many options. ___________________________________________ INSTITUCIÓN UNIVERSITARIA PASCUAL BRAVO - La transformación continúa La Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo es una institución de educación superior, comprometida socialmente con la formación de profesionales y en busca de la excelencia académica, a través de modelos pedagógicos dinámicos que responden a las necesidades de la región y del país. La I.U. Pascual Bravo está sujeta a vigilancia del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, según el artículo 39 del decreto 1295 de 2010. - Medellín Colombia ___________________________________________ Dirección: Calle 73 No. 73A - 226 Medellín, Colombia / PBX Campus Robledo (+574) 4480520 ___________________________________________ UNIDAD DE EDUCACIÓN DIGITAL - 2021 La Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo ha avanzado en los diferentes modelos de educación y ha convertido la Educación Digital en una instancia transversal que integra el proceso de docencia y a todos los procesos institucionales, en aspectos relacionados con la planificación curricular por competencias (Competencias Integrales), didáctica digital, producción de REDA, producción de contenidos digitales y tutorización de procesos formativos mediados por la TIC, desde posturas disruptivas, dinámicas e innovadoras que propenden por el mejoramiento de la calidad educativa y una grata experiencia de aprendizaje. La unidad trabaja sobre cuatro dimensiones de la educación digital: Dimensión pedagógica: Asume el modelo pedagógico orientado a la metodología de educación digital de los programas, la definición de cada malla curricular y el diseño instruccional de los mismos. Dimensión tecnológica: Hace referencia a la infraestructura tecnológica y recursos físicos que apoyan el proceso de educación digital. Dimensión comunicativa: Comprende los lineamientos comunicativos y de metodología e-learning, orientados a la producción de contenidos articulados al modelo pedagógico digital de la Institución. Dimensión organizacional: Asume el recurso humano institucional como apoyo al proceso de educación digital. RAMIRO ANTONIO LOPERA SÁNCHEZ Coordinador


1 year ago

Hello from the studios at Pascual Bravo University. A few minutes of weightlessness, or maybe even a few days. A short hop above the Earth’s atmosphere or a journey to the moon and back. The era of space tourism is upon us, and – for those who can pay – it comes with many options. Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos, multi-billionaires, have opened space to commercial flights and tourism. Richard Branson’s project, Virgin Galactic, is an experience that launches its passengers from the earth in a gig
antic carrier plane, which takes off from a normal runway, reaches a high altitude, then drops a rocket-powered space-plane into the sky, which then accelerates towards space. After the first successful space flight with four non-astronauts, Branson remarked, “Just imagine a world where people of all ages, all backgrounds, from anywhere, of any gender, of any ethnicity, have equal access to space,” Branson said on returning. “Welcome to the dawn of a new space age!” Another highly publicized com
mercial space project is from Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos. He has founded the company, Blue Origin, to realize his childhood dream of reaching space. In July of 2020, Jeff was among the first 4 passengers to orbit earth from space in his reusable spacecraft. So what is the price tag to travel to space? For a ride on Virgin Galactic, the cost is a mere $250,000.00. There is already a waiting list of 600 customers for the experience. If you wish to experience space with Blue Origin, you will have t
o outbid your fellow amateur astronauts, as seats are auctioned off on its website. The seats on the inaugural flight were going for about 2.8 million dollars. However, the highest price tag goes to the 3-day space flight aboard the NASA built spacecraft, SpaceX. Although the experience was paid for entirely by billionaire, Jared Isaacman, it had a total cost of over 220 million dollars. Thus, the average price for the adventure averaged out to roughly 55 million dollars per passenger. As you ca
n see, commercial space travel and tourism is in its infant phase, but just like Charles Lindbergh, the first pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone, famously helped propel commercial aviation from its infancy in the 1920s and 1930s to the multi-billion dollar industry that it is today, or Steve Jobs or Bill Gates at the dawn of the commercial desktop computer industry at the end of the 20th century, a few intrepid souls, with deep pockets, are opening a market that will surely one day be
as mainstream as a Delta Airlines flight or a Dell computer. I am Gary Vernier and this has been a Pascual Bravo English documentary. Until next time, good luck with English.



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