
Entertainment Tonight - 01/14/21

Entertainment Tonight - 01/14/21

KOLR10 & Fox49

3 years ago

wand divisions is the marvel cinematic universe's first trip to the small screen now will it be another massive kit entertainment tonight's kevin frazier has the story kevin joy and tom you know marvel movies have made over 22 billion dollars at the box office and now they're coming for disney plus in the small screen the cast told our nichelle turner the secrets of their strange new wand division this is our home now i want us to fit in this marvel universe looks very different we're used to ex
plosive action not classic sitcoms the new direction was a little strange for elizabeth olsen yeah the first episode was definitely like a full thrust into sitcom land with having the audience there and having two days to shoot an episode is something that i've never experienced in my life we are an unusual couple you know oh i don't think that was ever in question with a reported 150 million budget the nine episode comedy series picks up right after avengers end game and will be a gift for all
marvel devotees i think the end of this is enormous for fans that have really been watching marvel oh play off is huge so if you haven't seen all 23 marvel movies how can you prepare what is your best tip in cramming marvel movies then to come into this well if it's just specific for our show i think all they really have to watch is the ones with paul and eyes that's as simple as that we'll have more juan division secrets tonight on e.t including elizabeth's full house nod to her olson twin sist
ers plus the death of siegfried and roy's siegfried fishbacher our time with the legends in vegas don't miss it for entertainment tonight i'm kevin frazier all right kevin thanks you know they'll be doing something on siegfried and roy that's end of an era oh yeah interesting series though i'll i'll watch it but i'm i'm reserved it's kind of odd to put that everything that everybody's seen about the marvel universe and now they're you know rob and laura petry all of a sudden i don't know enough
about the marvel universe right over the top of my head all right up next um it's into the kitchen for my latest creation yeah you don't want to miss joy's latest crock-pot craze so don't go away we'll see if it's good
