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FPL Louis

4 months ago

Hello歡迎黎到FPLlouis既 channel hello welcome to FLP LOUIS channel 咁我係Louis my name is louis 咁今日呢條片就係講下第九週 today we go to talk about game week9 如果我地要用Willard 入邊 how to set up the wildcard team 我哋用$100成本 i will use 100 cost 我哋點樣可以去砌咗一對比較好嘅陣容 hot to make a good team 出嚟去繼續玩落去 事不宜遲咁我哋即刻開始 ok let go 睇吓我會切啲咩人出嚟呢 咁其實我個陣容裏面呢有幾個人選 i have some player 100% use in wildcard team 講咗我啲我自己覺得需要有嘅人先 so let tell the 100% player first 咁第一個係咁孫興慜就好簡單 the first one is SON 因為佢嚟緊嘅賽程第九週對富咸 week 9 VS FUL 作客對水晶宮啦跟住主場對車路士 W10 VS
(A)CRY W11 VS (H)CHE 再加12週都係對狼隊主場對維拉啦 W12 VS (H)AVL 咁呢幾週裏面成個對手都唔係好強 the fix not too stong 再加上今年表現都非常之好啦 and this season SUP is good 而且佢有場波都hat chat啦 and he had 3goal in one match 都有好唔錯既分數 very good point 而我自己覺得成個game入邊 and i think we need to tripe 而家最容易會出現三個同一對嘅話 player is just in this team 應該就係熱刺啦 TOT 因為佢入波數量都多啦 beacuse they have some many score 而且佢仲係而家佢而家響喺第一啦 and now they are No.1 咁所以就我覺得最容易出現triple 同一隊嘅 so i think easy triple player is TOT 話就應該係咁好簡單孫興慜 咁其餘落嚟答嘅嗰一個一定係 so other one is 占士麥midds
ion 因為James middsion 係咁多場波裏面佢嘅分數都非常之好 he have great point every game week 可以呢個價錢黎講 in 8.1 但係而家已經去到8.1啦咁所以就變相 我只能夠都要選擇佢 因為其實佢而家 成個分數都真係好理想 he is so so so good 而且佢會有入波同助攻啦 he can score and assist 成隊波而家熱刺係進攻上面而家 and TOT the att every time 都好明顯係只要孫興慜係最前時候佢會 is him and SON 打正前啦然後熱刺成隊波既組織 if son play in font its good to 都通常係由middsion 去組織出黎 middsion to create every thing 所以變咗就令到佢哋兩個係非常之好啦 so try to pick them in team 玩F p L咁 咁middson佢哋嘅賽程都係非常之好啦 TOT fix is good keep住佢哋兩個呢係一個比較好嘅選擇啦 keep two is good ide
a 而而家黎計啦九個半孫興慜8.1既 SON9.5 middson 8.1 咁然之後第三個需要有嘅人選 so the no3 player is 係我會選擇沙拿 沙拿喺咁多場波入邊啦 salah, salah in this 8 match 一開頭嘅時候其實佢嘅賽程都唔係 the fix is not very well 特別話好好賽程,因為有其他更好既 othe player is better then LIV 賽程係前邊個8隊 咁但係踏入第九週開始呢 but after week8 基本上佢嘅賽程係非常之適合佢去攞分既 salah fix is good now 咁第九週對愛華頓第十週對森林 W9 EVE W10 NFO 十一週對盧頓啦12週對賓福特 W11 LUT W12 BRE 係13週佢要對作客對呢個曼城咁 in W13 MIC 但係對於一個進攻球員13週可能未必 as a attack player its so good 會有好容易攞到分數咁但係 easy to get more point 成件事係之後嘅賽程去到14十五十六 so in W14,15,15 富咸賓福特
錫菲聯水晶宮啦 FUL SHU CRY 都係一個比較好嘅賽程,所以 just one match is not good 對於而家用Willard 既話 so if u use wildcard 必定需要擁有嘅人選一定係沙拿 100% salah 而且睇番前邊果咁多個週 we look for 1-8 week 除咗對熱刺個一場波 因為兩張紅牌既關係 just have 2 red card VS TOT 佢就得一分啦 其他所有嘅比賽係 he got 1 point, but othe match 基本上一係有入波一係有助攻 base 1goal or 1assist 令到玩FPL 係一個比較好嘅人選 so FPL is a great player 所以變相好多人都會係呢個時候用Willard so i think some many people want to use wildcard 去執沙拿入黎令到自己隊波有更多分數 to pink up salah 咁嘅原因咁而家就而家12個六㗎啦 he is 12.6 now 跟住下一個要有嘅人就係屈建斯 after him the o
the one is watkins 點解呢 維拉其實好簡單 AVL is good 係對白禮頓果場波啦 in BHA 大家都應該記得佢有3入波兩個助攻 he got 3 goal 2 assist 23分果場波咁所以就變相以佢嚟講啦 23point so we want him too 佢係一個非常之好嘅選擇 its very good pick 我自己覺得佢keep住都有一個 and he have 唔錯嘅expect goal,所以就令到 great EX goal 佢成對波來講 好多時入波都係佢 he is the main attacker in AVL 變相我覺得屈建斯而家係一個 Watkins u cant miss it 非常之好嘅選擇再睇返賽程啦 good fix 第九週主場對韋斯咸 W9 WHU(H) 而家維拉嘅主場入邊呢佢係非常之強勁嘅 AVL in home game is so powerful 佢keep住都會有一個好嘅表現 so just need him in the team 變相就算對韋斯咸覺得都可以可以keep佢 佢狀態好啦成對波入波嘅來源 通常都
會係佢 咁喺呢個情況下啦我覺得佢係 必須要有第十週主場對勞頓 W10 (H)LUT 作客森林啦主場對富咸 W11 (A)NFO W12(H)FUL is easy 去到13週先要作客熱刺 go to W13(A)TOT here 可能呢場波我地先再考慮 just think about tra him in W13 maybe 會唔會換走佢啦 但14週又對番般尼矛夫 W14 (A)BOU 自己覺得屈建斯可以keep到14週啦 i will keep him to W14 in myself 因為第15週就要主場對曼城 because W15 (H)MIC 之後16週主場對阿仙奴其實如果 W16 (H)ARS 以前峰黎計啦 AS FWD 對呢兩對波15 16週佢都會比較強勁啊 W15,16 match is not good 呢兩個對手但係未至於到真係 but not 100% transfer 要即刻換走佢係視乎你有冇其他人係 move on to W15 16 可能需要去選擇去用啦或者如果冇 think about it do we have othe player we want
嘅話其實keep住都唔係一個問題嚟嘅 just keep it is not a ploblem 不過去到15 16週先到時先再算 頭先前邊9-14週既賽程黎計啦 inW9-14 我自己覺得屈建斯係而家wilcard 入邊 Watkins 100% use 必定要有既一個人選 咁屈建斯而家8.2 Watkins 8.2 咁我哋而家son孫興慜 middson we have SON Middson 沙拿 屈建斯跟住之後另外一個就係 Salah Watkins and othe one is Cash啦因為今季維拉嘅踢法啦 Cash, ALV is good this season 或者以維拉嘅今年呢八場嘅狀態黎計 AS this 8week is very good 非常之好嘅表現啦 變相係防守方面唔係太過弱 also good on defend 所以變相Cash嘅進攻能力呢 and Cash have good attack 8場波入邊大家都應該會睇到 we ccan see in 8 weeks 佢嘅進攻能力cash係一個非常之好 he is super attacker so
去做後防嘅球員咁但係佢而家 we put him on DEF is good 已經去到$5啦 he is $5 now $5嘅話呢其實呢係維拉入邊 in case $5 AVL DEF 有癲尼咁我自己覺得啦癲尼就 Digne is other chose 平過cash少少啦咁但係 chaper then Cash, 4.7 Cash既助攻能力我自己覺得俾癲尼 but Cash assist better then Digne 好d既咁所以如果你要我揀嘅話 so Cash is the first option 我都會揀Cash 多啲 咁係啦$5入邊佢而家仲有亞力士摩難奴 and other one is Alex Moreno 但係亞力士摩難奴我就唔知道 i dont know he is injuried again 係咪仲係傷緊但我記得前幾週見到佢好似 i saw him in W6,7 he is ok 已經出番黎操練 唔知係咪係操練再傷 i dont know is it injuried again? 因為如果計所有閘位黎講 AVL wing back 維拉嘅閘位啦亞力士
摩難奴 i think Alex is the best one 應該係最好嘅助攻能力 但可能都要一段時間操番起個狀態 but i think need more time 因為都傷左一段時間 而而家cash同癲尼黎計啦狀態黎計 Cash Digne is great state 我自己覺得佢哋會繼續正選 i think they are first choose 咁我自己會選擇用cash多啲 so i pick Cash 咁cash而家$5啦wilcard係必須要有 100% in wildcard 都係佢 然之後仲有一個我哋係仲未講嘅 after him other one is 我都覺得係必定要有 咁就係夏蘭特啦 100% Haaland 咁haaland 都係一定要有㗎喇 基本上點解呢唔能夠因為喺上嗰兩場 u cant just focus on 2match 波佢得2分嘅關係而選擇 2point and sell him 唔用佢 因為唔用佢基本上你會影響到你 he is the big one 自己一個好大嘅問題就係 你嘅對手大部份人都有啦,而家佢 擁有嘅人成隻遊戲擁有haa
land 既人88.4% 88.4% to have him in FPL game 都仲係第一 he is no.1 基本上用得夏蘭嘅人大部份嘅人 Haaland is the optoin of 都可能有機會會captain佢 captain in evrey game week 而且如果你captain佢嘅話佢一場波真係hat chat既話 he is easy to get more point 真係大約有十幾20分 咁你變相如果你captain表現唔好既話 if u captain other one and he got a high point 就好難去再keep到呢一個嘅分數 its difficult climb up again 你變咗你可能落緊佢哋20至40分 咁你就變咗好難去追得返 所以令到我自己覺得唔可能因為 so i dont think u cant just 佢呢兩場波對狼隊同埋阿仙奴裏面 fous on this 2 match 佢expect goal得0.06啦 EXG 0.06 and sold him 但係咁嘅關係而令到自己換走佢 it wil
l be regret 因為一換走佢基本上要換番佢入黎 other one is u buy him to team 一定要用差唔多兩個嘅換人名額 u need 2 - 3 trf to do this 二至三個換人先有機換得到佢 its not good for the plan 雖然下一場波佢對白禮頓啦 next match BHA 咁其實主場對白禮頓黎講 it is MIC home game 我自己覺得冇乜太大問題 i think is good 因為白禮頓嘅進攻能力係非常之好啦 BHA attack is good but 但係其實佢防守能力 Defense is not too good 你睇返佢咁多場波,8場波入邊 BHA in this 8 mtach have 都有失波 lose score 仲要喺主場就緊加唔驚佢哋 so MIC home i think is good 唔驚haaland 入唔到波 i think he can score 所以我自己覺得haaland 一定要有 so Haaland is 100% use 嚟緊嘅賽程啦可能對曼聯啦對般尼茅夫 ot
he fix VS MUN VS BOU 對車路士對利物浦對熱刺啦 VS CHE VS LIIV VS TOT 真係真係選擇去換嘅時候 if u need to trf him 可能你係等到佢係12 13週先換 i think W12 13 better than now 對車路士雖然今季踢得唔係好好 CHE not well in this season 但上一場波上返少少力啦 But W8 CHE is good 覺得佢會重整到 i think CHE is back. 可能到時先再決定 not now to hink bout it 咁可能而家$14啦咁所以都好簡單啦 Haaland $14 now 而家咁樣去建構成個陣容出嚟 so this is my base on this 6 player 啦都係由呢幾個人開始去製造落去先 因為呢幾個人係必定要有 i think this 100% use 我自己覺得咁好啦 然之後就開始講嘅講返龍門 so we talk about GK 因為我大部份嘅錢我都放咗落去喺 i put many money in other positio
n 其他球員入邊 變相我既龍門一定係用最低嘅價錢 so put just an take 2 chaper GK 去選擇而家最低價錢嘅兩個龍門 low $ best 2 GK 基本上都係由一路一至八週裏面 base on W1-8 最多人用嘅嗰幾個龍門咁 is some many pick it 其中一個就係tune啦另外一個 one is tuner 就係areola 咁呢兩個龍門啦 other one is Areola 可以交叉咁樣keep住用嘅時候 we can mix it to use them 成日對賽啦係非常之夾嘅 lokk at the fix it is perfet match 咁你如果唔係用一個比較貴嘅龍門 if u dont pink high cost GK($5Up) 嘅話啦我哋我哋可以交叉咁樣去用嘅話 2 GK mix it to play is very good 係對於彈性十分之高 u can have more money othe position 將所有嘅錢放返落去bank度又好啊 or put in to the bank back up
或者放返落去其餘嗰啲人入邊 我覺得攞到嘅分數個價值會更加多 i think it is the best value 變相選擇用返呢兩個龍門 this is my GK pick 咁好啦,之後就講呢個後衛先啦 let go to DEF 係基本上我建構嘅淨係講咗一個姐 we just talk one DEF 咁而家之後就講另外果期如果我三個先 ok u go to other 3DEF 我會選擇咗用udogie咁佢4.9啦熱刺啦 ok it is ugodie 4.9 form TOT 咁我哋頭先係一早嘅時間我哋都講咗啦 we talk about TOT befor 佢成個一至八週裏面其實佢哋 they play good 都睇得非常之好啦,變相 Udogie 其實係一個幾好嘅一個選擇 so i think he is good pick 啦咁而且佢亦都有進攻嘅能力 he have great attack 咁但係以而家嚟計啦佢有進攻嘅能力 and have assist 咁但係如果有睇熱刺嘅話其實你會 iif u saw TOT i this 8week 知道如果可以嘅話呢係會選
擇去用 that why u want him 另外嗰邊嗰pedro 5.1 other one is pedro 5.1 othe wing back 但係因為5.1嚟講啦,而家都比較貴啦 5.1 its little expensive its good 喺我哋有限嘅錢裏邊只可以揀Udogie i have limit for blance so i just can pick udogie 啦如果你有更多嘅錢嘅話其實可以選擇 it u have more 0.2 u can pick him Pedor因為佢成個進攻啊 pedor is attack he can score and assist 有睇嘅話你都見到佢其實會有少少嘅射門 ,選擇用熱刺嘅話係 so TOT the best DEF in FPL 一個比較好嘅人選嚟嘅 is a good pick 而且佢會佢嘅進攻能力係好過Udogie he is better than udogie 咁5.1其實都有少少貴㗎喇 if u can just try it him 咁以佢繼續而家嘅表現我覺得佢會升上去 if TOT c
an keep i hink they can go up$ 而且之後嘅賽程都係非常之好踢 after next 4 fix is good. 咁好啦,之後我哋就選擇去講咁睇吓 ok let move on other one 另外一個防守球員就係Burn so it is Burn 咁點解會簡burn呢? why Burn ? 可以用紐卡素嘅球員一定 if u can use NEW DEF 後防一定選擇查比亞先 100% Trippier first 但係如果用咗查比亞嘅話 but he will use more money 基本上你喺其他裏面執嘅陣容都會比較困難 in my wildcard team i think i cant 咁捨棄嘅話我自己覺得 so i just leve him out 查比亞係最好嘅選擇啦 but tippier is great pick 雖然查比亞真係非常之高分 he have many point 咁但係真係計成個wilcard 陣容執出嚟嘅話 but i cant 我自己覺得只能夠捨棄查比亞 同時間我哋都需要擁有 and i need on
e NEW DEF 一個紐卡素嘅防守球員 咁紐卡素防守球員可以選擇既 so i pick it Burn 就係burn 咁嚟緊嘅賽程啦你見到佢 u can see the fix 第九週隊主場對水晶宮 VS (H) CRY 作客對狼隊11週就主場對阿仙奴 (A) WOL W11 (H)ARS 之後再對番般尼矛夫 W12 (A)BOU 咁成個賽程黎計啦 see the 4 fix 如果我哋有四個防守球員去更換嘅話 if u have 4 DEF to mix it is better 其實可能係呢一個11周裏面 just think about W11 放佢係後備席到 put one in brach 就唔需要用佢啦 嚟緊既兩場波佢都應該會出到場 in think Burn can play all match 而且佢亦都到我自己覺得 and i think NEW 會有機會攞到份就係咁樣啦 cna have clean in this 2 match 之後講埋另外一個防守球員 so talk about othe one 啊就係Gabriel 咁點解要用Gabriel 呢 it is
Gabriel 而家個價錢係4.7 4.7 4.7係阿仙奴嘅後防球員 4.7 have ARS DEF is good 正選黎計都無邊個有呢個價錢 i dont think in ARS have one chaper in him 最平都應該5 other one is 5 所以Gabriel 係呢到選擇係 so Gabriel pick is good 一個非常之吸引既價錢黎既 very good cost of him 非常之平,而且佢好大機會上番5 i think he can back to $5 以阿仙奴點解Gabriel 會跌落去 why he go down 4.7 因為頭個幾場波佢無出既關係 ARS in first 4 match do not use him 好多人換走佢啦而令到佢跌左落 FPL many player pick him so he go down little bit 呢個價錢,但頭個四場波啦 i think in first 4 match 我自己覺得亞迪達 ARS coach 係喺度試緊陣或者係有啲新嘅諗法 he have some ide
a and new from to try 想試吓可唔可以有機會 want to give up him first 收埋Gabriel 先啦 咁之後你見到佢之後幾場波 but after week3 佢都係出番,四至到八週 he play 90mins W4-8 佢都係出番90分鐘 咁耐嘅比賽變相而家穩定番 so i think he go back to the match 有一個阿仙奴一隊爭標球隊 4.7 have one ARS DEF 防守球員非常非常之吸引 its very good 你諗吓而家cash$5udogie$4.9 u can see Cash5 Udogie 4.9 所有人嚟講啦,4.7可以有一個阿仙奴 and 4.7 now 爭標球隊嘅防守球員覺得係 i think i need him 非常之好嘅選擇 咁可以交叉咁用啦都係嗰句啦 mix it other 3 DEFplayer 咁睇吓11週大家想選擇去用 so W11 過阿仙奴嘅主場吖 as u like ARS hom game 定係覺得紐卡素嘅威力會勁啲啦 or u want to NEW away
game 其實佢哋兩個基本上我哋都係 博緊會唔會有機會攞到6分 base on we just need 6 point this 2 pick 佢哋大家嘅助攻能力未必好好 they dont have too much attack 咁睇吓到時點樣再選擇啦 so move on to this 4 pick to play 咁正常就四個後防啦 咁最後個個就會選擇 ok final DEF is 咁跟住之後另外一個 用番般尼3.9taylor BUR 3.9 taylor 好簡單原因,因為有限既金錢 we have a limt in 100 cost 入邊3.9taylor雖然佢分數好低 3.9 is too low 咁佢一個正選球員 he play every game 有佢係到真係有啲咩問題嘅時候 he just is back up 我都可以有一個正常嘅替補可以出到場 in case i have ploblem in my team 就係咁樣去選擇啦 好咁之後就得返三個未講 ok we just have 3 player 一個前鋒兩個中場 1 FWD 2 MID 咁我哋先講
中場先啦 MID first 咁我係會選擇擺Gordon i choose Gordon Gordon嘅原因係因為紐卡素 Gordon NEW 係班尼斯受傷情況下 Barnes get injuied 佢都應該都穩定係有正選嘅機會㗎啦 i think he can play every game 咁所以變相我自己覺得5.6有卡素 so 5.6 NEW MID 嘅一個進攻球員啦我自己覺得係 he have good attack and this cost 一個非常之好嘅選擇 咁嚟緊嘅賽程啦都係一樣啦 same fix 同burn 係得11週對阿仙奴比較難踢 just W11 ARS ,咁但係進攻球員嚟講都唔需要理會 MID i dont thibk about it 佢究竟難唔難踢 睇下佢有無機會mark得住Gordon just see ARS how to do in with him 咁出色嘅進攻質素嘅 gordon 5.6 have this quality 可以選擇放佢係度 i will pick him 5.6呢個層面裏面呢我哋 in this cost (6 down
) 其實可以仲有第二個選擇 we have other chose 咁第二個選擇係咩呢? who is second chose 第二個選擇就係講緊呢個黃喜燦 its is hee chan 5.4而家喺呢幾場波裏面 he is 5.4 呢佢嘅到佢嘅分數都好高 he got some point 咁點解會提一提黃喜燦呢 why i want to say about him 因為佢直接會影響咗我哋個陣容 because we can have some change 嘅如果你覺得黃喜燦係值得放喺 if u like hee chan 你自己對波入邊啦咁其實我哋 u can put him in your team 可以換黃喜燦入嚟 入嚟啦咁變相我哋就可以 騰出到兩蚊0.2 0.2出嚟 and we can have more $0.2 咁0.2係放喺邊度呢 so $0.2 0.2呢係可以令到你放入perdo we can put it to perdo 咁變相啦你就會將你自己既陣容 冇用到Gordon啊變咗黃喜燦 so Gordon to Hee chan 然後放咗入去perdo
and Perdo 咁變相你後防度嘅嗰位Udogie udogie to Perdo 變左做perdo 咁perdo 就會 有更好嘅進攻能力 great attack 咁呢個就視乎大家點樣去選擇 just what about u think Udgoie perdo 我都係會選擇返用Udogie i will use udogie in my team Gordon啦佢嘅逆風能力覺得係 Gordon is better than Hee chan 比較好嘅一個選擇咁係啦 賽程上邊頭先講左都ok 既 咁好我地之後到下一位 so the final MID is 下一位就係獲特包斯 JWP 咁點解要揀獲特包斯 一黎成本嘅限制,6.3入邊 as the cost 6.3 JWP 揀獲特包斯係最好嘅一個選擇 we can get good value 每一個角球 罰球啦由佢去處理既 every con and free kick is him to do 喺之後嘅賽程啦佢對維拉 the fix W9 is AVL 對愛華對賓福特對森林 W10 EVE W11 NFO 對般尼對水晶宮咁都係一
個比較好既賽程 W13 BUR W14 CRY i think its good fix fro him 以一個平既價錢黎講啦 in this 6.3 cost is very good 韋斯咸入邊有兩個人可以選擇 WHU we can have 2 player 獲特包斯啦查落保雲啦 one is JWP one is Bowen 因為查落保雲比較貴 but Bowen is 7.3 冇辦法嘅情況下 i cant pick him 我就選擇左獲特包斯 so JWP is good for WHU 咁獲特包斯我自己覺得呢個選擇 只要有罰球佢就係入波既機會 if WHU have free kick its big chance 佢非常之勁 he is very stong on free kick 覺得佢係一個唔錯嘅選擇嚟嘅 咁好啦跟住我哋到最尾講嘅嗰一個 ok the final one is 前峰就唔洗點講因為我哋而家得返4.3 no need to say i just have 4.3 4.3前峰得一個,咁呢一個 FWD just have one 4.3 in WHU 都係嘅
韋斯咸既球員 咁但係呢一個係基本上唔會出 i think he do not play every week 咁喺限制嘅價錢入邊我只能夠咁樣去揀 i just can pick him as 100 cost 啦咁基本上呢一個球員都唔會出㗎啦 變相我哋放棄咗一個位置去做 just level one to makr the team more powerful 咁呢個就係我第九週Willard 既陣容 ok this is my week9 wildcard team 如果真係需要用wilcard 嘅話 if u need just try to player 我自己覺得咁樣執出嚟嘅話 俾少少意見大家去參考吓 just let me know do u like it 睇吓你哋會唔會有啦 因為有機會呢一個係$100嘅成本 as 100 cost so one have more money 裏面去做嘅話冇好多人 有啲人可能係你自己本身有嘅話 你會有一個平啲嘅價錢去攞到 u can have more cheap $ have great player 使用到佢 再有其他更好嘅選擇啦咁可
能 但係如果真係$100成本去做既話 i think this all player in 100 is good 呢個陣容係比較好既 咁講返我自己嘅一個小小嘅諗法啦 i want to say more about myself 我自己就唔建議大家 i dont think use wildcard this week now 第九週用Wildcard嘅 因為第十周裏面呢其實會有一個 beacuse have some diffent at W10 其他嘅變化咁睇返賽程 we go to the fix 其實我自己覺得白禮頓嘅賽程 BAH have a good fix 會開始變返好你有機會 so u have a change 可能要用返白禮頓嘅進攻球員 some BAH attacker in MID FWD 白禮進進攻球員mitoma 費格遜啦馬治 Mitoma Ferguson March ,三個其實都係一個幾好嘅選擇 this 3 player is good in BHA 咁變相要睇吓大家點樣去諗 因為冇可能係呢一周去放白禮頓 but u cant put him in
this week 嘅進攻球員入去 因為第九週佢對曼城 because BHA VS MIC this week 如果真係要用嘅話係一個比較唔好嘅選擇 so its not good pick for wildcard 如果真係用Wildcard嘅話 i think wildcard in w10 可能喺第10週用會比較好啲 is the best time 但係都俾大家參考吓啦 just give some people to look 睇吓大家會唔會有機會有一個選擇 have change to play 啦咁今日條片就到呢度 so thank you evryeone 咁希望大家鍾意如果可以嘅話俾返個like hope u can give me a like and share with Share 比朋友或者 your firends 有啲咩問題下邊留言去同我講 and leve comment what do think about FPL 咁我哋大家一齊分享大家去有一個機會去交流下都係一個好嘅選擇咁我哋下次見拜拜 just play with me and all goo
d thank you bye
