
FPL GW6 Thoughts, Team Selection & Planning Beyond | Off the Cuff | Fantasy Premier League 23/24

Join me on my FPL journey for the 23/24 season as I review my GW5 and all the shenanigans around captaining Maddison over Haaland. I also discuss how I cope with bad GWs despite making good decisions. I share some mantras or values I live by. I spend a fair bit of time discussing my GW6 and beyond transfer plans with two drafts, with and without Alvarez. I also cover my reasons to NOT Wildcard just yet as I look at my transfers up to GW10-12. There is also some Q&A and my final thoughts to wrap up this week's Spaces and YouTube video! If you enjoy this content, please like the video and subscribe for more! ——— Chapters/Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro & general chit-chat 02:40 - GW5 review & all the dramas 16:45 - How I cope with bad outcomes despite making good decisions 25:48 - GW6 transfer plans and beyond - Alvarez and NO Alvarez draft 44:00 - Final thoughts 47:00 - Q&A from Spaces Follow me on X / Twitter: ——— 📈 Previous FPL Finishes: 2nd Season: 2021/22: 2,505 1st Season: 2022/23: 190,711 ——— #FPL #fantasypremierleague #premierleague #GW6


5 months ago

[Music] foreign [Music] hi there everyone hope you're doing well welcome  back for another off the cuff ramble with me FPL Mez so my name is Mira and I have been doing these  regular FPL Rambles it's been about a month or so that I've been doing it now and it's been a lot  of fun and you know I won't sort of talk too much about sort of the experience of actually doing  these um however they're not necessarily there for um hardcore sort of FPL stats or anything like  that I'm not going to be doin
g deep sort of analysis on eye test or anything but some of the  conversation will touch on you know how my game week has been going uh what my sort of thinking  is for future game weeks and you know how I'm sort of yeah it planning on sort of um I guess like  planning ahead Beyond even that next game week so I'm going to be reviewing game week five but also  looking at game week six and almost Beyond as well because I think this week has definitely forced  me to do some planning because my game
week hasn't necessarily gone to plan either um actually it  feels like I don't think anyone's game week has been going to plan I think um you know there's  a bunch of people that are on the uh you know the good side the happy side of variants and you  know some people who are not so in the on the good side of the the variants as well so yeah it's  been it's been a complete sort of mixed bag and that reminds me I should probably just post up um  my team as well so I'll Chuck that into the chat u
m as we're sort of talking that way you can see  you know the team that I'm um I'm going to be um talking about as well in terms of where I'm  sitting at the moment um but before I sort of um before I go into my um my bus team and what  I'm thinking about game week six let me tell you a little bit about my week so um in general I  think I feel like I made sort of transfers without um thinking overly hard about which captaincy  pick I was going to make or which uh you know which uh players I was
going to bring in um I  kind of you know feel like I had game week five um relatively worked out with the captaincy pick  so I went with um with uh Madison as my captaincy pick which I don't know wasn't sort of too much  of a surprise so actually let me um at the same time so as I've mentioned previously I tend  to sort of throw these onto YouTube as well um so I'm just going to pull up my screen for  the sake of everyone that's going to be watching um so for my captaincy pick I went with Madiso
n  and unfortunately it didn't work out as well as I hoped and I don't know I think it was one of those  um game weeks where it could have gone either way and the fixture itself was just really good for a  Spurs Captain a opportunity so whether you had sun or whether you had Madison it just would have been  a really good opportunity to Captain one of them um so unfortunately that's probably like the  the highlight of the week that must have I don't know I think impacted a lot of um a lot  of FPL
managers that's that decided to go with a son or a Madison you know captaincy um I guess a  bit of a punt pick um on this uh on this occasion um I don't regret the decision though so I got  a total of 30 points this week which isn't great um very very disappointed with that I don't know  what I was expecting from a points point of view and I have to admit I've not really been focusing  on things like I'm expecting to get x amount of points I've not really been looking at um you  know data or AI
sort of driven tools that are available to us to have a look at what the points  prediction is giving me for the entire week or you know what each player is giving me I have been  sort of glancing at it to just get a bit of a perspective of it but I've not been using that  as the only way of sort of making decisions so I think from that point of view I was going with  like a gut feel with that so for instance um you know a lot of a lot of managers decided to bring  in you know um son and captai
ns on that game week as well which is there was nothing wrong with that  but I think when you look at it from a you know a proven sort of track record I know we're only  talking about a couple of game weeks but Madison actually had a few game weeks under his belt where  he'd played really well and so you know from that point of view I thought Madison would have been  a really good captaincy pick um this game week which unfortunately like I mentioned didn't really  work out son on the other hand
had a really good um prior game week you know he scored the  uh the hat-trick and so you know everyone sort of jumped onto song as well as a really  good opportunity to bring son in because again the fixture itself was a no-brainer kind of a  fixture to to bring in you know Spurs players and then go for a different captaincy than Harland  because let's face it we are a little bit bored of um captaining Harland but having said that I  know that when I posted up my team after the game week had end
ed you know there was there  was a lot of there was a lot of managers that sort of came in and and said yeah you know  I picked um son or Madison as my captaincy option as well didn't quite work out probably  should have gone with Harland and then there were a few people who were sort of saying  things like well you should have Captain islands like well yeah you're right you  know sure you know hindsight is wonderful um should have Captain Harland and typically we  would be because if you look a
t the upcoming you know fixtures and you look at the prior  fixtures you know yes Colin typically is the best Captain seashell um I have to admit I  did Captain Salah when he was playing against um Bournemouth and you know I thought I thought  yeah my team did relatively well that game week um I was quite happy with going you know Salah  Captain C I think the main sort of message in this is that you can and you should look at look for  opportunities to Captain anyone else other than Harland when
the fixtures are right um so what I'm  going to do today you know not only sort of just quickly go through my my sort of review of game  week five I don't want to sort of spend too long talking about game week five what I really want  to do is you know talk about you know the the um the aspects of playing FPL where you  are making good decisions back to back you know like back-to-back weeks of making  good decisions and putting you know enough sort of thought and Analysis into your your  thinki
ng and and decision-making process itself um and then dealing with the unfortunate sort of  outcomes of some of those decision making and so in my case especially I feel like I've made really  good decisions in the past game week and even prior game weeks as well but it's just a shame  that I've now dropped down to about 4.4 mil which is ridiculously low given you know how again you  know I stand by the the decisions that I've made as well um so yeah it's really challenging when  you look at it
from that point of view so when you have a bit of a you know cluster [ __ ] of a  game week you start to sort of question question your own thoughts and feelings about you know  the choices that you're making and so you know I'd like to kind of just yeah if I put my hand  on my heart I don't think I would I would have picked a different captaincy option I went with  Madison and I was quite happy to go with Madison um and like I mentioned I have Captain and  other players other than other than Ha
rland before as well so but it's um look it comes down  to your risk appetite at the end of the day so yeah look the weird thing this week though and I  think um if you'd listen to my um my spaces you know the prior week or watch the uh YouTube video  afterwards as well um I I don't tend to get hung up on the outcome itself you know I tend to sort  of really focus on the decision-making process and and make sure I'm putting enough sort of thought  and Analysis into you know the choices that I'm
making but um you know it doesn't always work out  so you know this time round it was a really weird sensation I didn't even feel bad about the  game week so I scored 30 points and it's got to be one of the lowest scores that I've seen  and when I was looking on FPL Twitter as well um there were a couple of people with like 31 32  or whatever and and I was like oh wow you know I would have killed to have like two or three extra  points and you know when I think about the Point swing between Harl
em captaincy and Madison Captain  c as well you know I think it was like plus um five points that I would have gained if  I did go with Harlan so it just seems like captaining Harlan wasn't the only solution  either so yes yeah you know like someone mentioned no you should have Captain Harlan I'm  like yeah well yeah no [ __ ] Sherlock sure okay um but I I again stand by  the decision of captaining um Madison on this occasion but look the rest of  the team right so when I think about the rest of
my team I had Turner in goal and I think we  knew that was going to be a disaster class like putting Turner in goal and it's just such  a typical thing I mean the fixture itself would have been the ideal fixture to have Turner  playing but it is what it is from that point of view and I'm not I'm not surprised it's just  happened so many times to me in the past as well um but I think what really wound me up is  when I opened up my app in the morning because obviously the matches were on that rid
iculous  o'clock over here in Australia and I remember opening up the app in the morning and seeing  Pig with three points and I was like you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me how did Pickford  score an extra point then Turner like what on Earth happened and so obviously like my  Sunday morning routine of you know watching um watching some of their highlights and having  some pancakes I feel like I'm I'm making pancakes mostly because the sugar is kind of hitting me in  a different way because I'm
having a [ __ ] game week after [ __ ] game week and it really does  help to just just have some pancakes on the side obviously it's the morning for me and so yeah  I mean who cares pancake it all day every day um so yeah I just couldn't believe what I was  seeing um I decided to bench a stupend this week and and so again you know zero points glad you  know he didn't play I probably would have felt worse about that but then you know chill while  being benched as well was just a just again you kn
ow it was it's just so typical of FPL right  like when you have a player like chilwell who's been playing you know left wing and um has been  bombing it down and you know I hadn't really sort of focused on what poch had been saying about  uh chill well and just generally you know his um he's uh um like Defenders you know bombing  it up um down the down the lines and stuff so I hadn't really caught any of the early sort  of you know like presses and things like that because again you know the tim
e difference over  here makes it really challenging to stay across all of that information or even sort of look out  for leaks and things like that um and it just so happened like I was out on Saturday night and  so I had to lock in my team really really early um I went to see um the Tina Turner musical which  was um fantastic I really enjoyed that by the way um not really my era I'm you know I'm not I'm  not that old um if that's what you're thinking um but I've got older siblings who are like 
10 and 12 years older than me and so I grew up you know listening to a lot of Tina Turner  and a lot of other you know rock artists and um as well and so when the opportunity came  up to to go in and to go and watch it I also didn't realize that Liverpool was playing  um that evening and so I was really gutted um to be missing out on you know watching 9 30  p.m matches and that's a luxury over here to be able to watch some 9 30 matches um so look I  I had a great evening and I think by the time
I was like receiving some messages so shout out to  PSB who sort of went out of his way to send me a um you know WhatsApp message and Mohan as well who  sent me a WhatsApp message to say yeah there's no news don't worry about it like there's nothing  really going on nothing notable and so I could you know I could go into um the uh the theater  over here and just enjoy the show and just forget about everything else and and I did and it was  really nice I had a great evening you know I was um sli
ghtly Tipsy that evening as well so yeah I  had a really great time um but I then because I got back really late I don't normally you know  stay up to watch all the matches and and so because I got back really late I managed to catch  I can't remember which one I watched but I managed to catch one of the matches and thought yeah you  know I'll see if I can stay up as long as I can um but I was so shattered so yeah I left it till  Sunday to watch some of the matches but um yeah chill well totally
missed that really pissed off  don't don't think he's going to be staying in my team Walker you know walk has actually been a  bit of a delight to have and um yeah I'm I feel I feel a bit strange you know saying this that you  know as part of my sort of game week six planning and and I guess like future game week planning  as well I am thinking about taking potentially taking Walker out because if you've just seen my  team that I've posted um uh on um on Spaces you know on Twitter um I'm still
going to call  it Twitter if you've seen my team on there um you can see I've got foden Harland and Walker  and so you know with Alvarez going off again um you know I Feel Like That Swing of sort of  bringing in Jackson instead of Alvarez a couple of game weeks ago when I rage transferred out Pedra  at the time which hello like what the [ __ ] how is it that Pedro scored a goal you know I just ah  you know it's just so typical I think if you've held on to Pedro and I've got the spaces you know 
um screen grab coming on to the um the YouTube feeds and you know video that I'm gonna post later  give me give me a heart or a you know like I don't know a thumbs up or something if you held on to  Pedro because kudos to you for holding on to Pedro that long I feel like so many FPL managers  managed to kind of ditch him a lot earlier um I couldn't do it you know I wish I had um  actually shifted out Pedro sooner in fact and and I wish I'd gone with um with Alvarez but um  look the fixtures agai
n sort of were in favor of um you know the uh the Chelsea boys and so instead  of going down the pathway of bringing in Sterling I went with foden and you know brought in Jackson  and and I think everyone's pretty much got chill well in their team anyway so um but the mid the  Midfield didn't do that well either rashford and bumo foden Madison you know all with two  points it was just like 222 and you know I saw someone's tweet about sort of uh you know  baby shark and and kind of you know two t
wo twos with their Midfield team and ah it was just it's  just awful right like it's just one of those game weeks where you're looking at the scores at the  um at the end of the game week and thinking how you know how did that even happen I expected that  from Jackson though like Jackson getting a yellow card again like does he even know how to play this  game is what I'm wondering um I can't believe that he got a yellow card again I think he's on like  four yellow cards so if he gets one more y
ou know um suspension sort of comes in um into play  Holland it could have been a lot worse is what I'm thinking so going back to my you know  point about look I captain Madison stand by that I did catch the highlights of that City match  and I just could not believe what I was seeing the amount of sheer the sheer volume of chances  that Harlan missed I feel very very lucky that I kept in Madison the week that Harlan decided to  miss I don't know four big chances or something like that so look y
ou know it um it wasn't great  it wasn't great and I think you know when I think about you know game weeks like these where it's  been pretty [ __ ] and you know it's hard not to kind of question your decision-making process it's  hard not to question you know the um I guess like the you're you're even even eye testing right like  we all do eye testing I'd like to think anyway um but um you know you start to question  if you've seen what you think you've seen as well and when you're looking at d
ata if you  look at data you start questioning if you know what you're seeing there is actually right as  well so I feel like so many things have been been going wrong you know from a an outcomes  point of view you do tend to like question um you know your decision-making sort of process  so I think I will be talking a little bit around um you know just um and I'm going to just get it  up on on my screen as well and I'll see if I can post a screenshot of this afterwards on on Spaces  as well but
some of the things that I do when I'm um having a really [ __ ] game week um I don't  have many I I think I when I first started playing um FPL I had like these like mantras that I  sort of came up with where it helped me to kind of you know good decision making processes  and things that I can do on a on a weekly basis and a bit of like a checklist because I was  completely new to fpl until two seasons ago um but now that's evolved into um I guess  like little values that I'd like to kind of y
ou know align myself to especially when it's  I I have back-to-back [ __ ] game weeks and and um and I'm like you know keeping the bar really  low but you know the the number one something that I've got on my list is you know maintaining  perspective and some of that self-compassion so I have to like remind myself that you know bad  weeks do happen to everyone and sometimes they are you know back to back and even though you've  made really good decisions you know to try and be count kind to your
self and and try to sort  of avoid criticizing yourself as well so I try and detach myself from the outcome and just focus  on again that sort of process of making decisions um I do like to go back and and in fact I was um  talking to fpl planner about this um around you know analyzing uh previous decisions to see you  know just to take a bit of a closer look at the decisions that I've already made and and have a  look at if they were good decisions you know in an isolated way but also in contex
t to um the the  future game weeks that I've played as well so you know for instance we're in game week five I've  gone back to game week two and had a quick look at what sort of transfers I made and just to see  like if there was anything I can learn from that um and it's not necessarily to have you know  the the look at it from a hindsight point of view but just to kind of go back and have a look  at you know the decisions that you've made and if there isn't something that you can learn from i
t  then fantastic you should and and try and sort of apply that to the Future sort of perspectives and  you know I think learning from your choices means that you can make that long-term Improvement  as well um as an FPL manager I do tend to set really realistic expectations and I try to kind of  you know switch those around as well so you know um I I for from a you know what I do from  a career and a living sort of perspective I work in the strategy space and you know mostly  around design stra
tegy and you know working with organizations on setting goals and setting  helping them set up their strategies as well um I try to sort of you know really push them  towards thinking about things like evolving their strategy as their organization is evolving  as well and so if your environment is evolving and things are changing you've got to set realistic  expectations accordingly as well so and not to forget that FPL involves a lot of luck at the same  time so try to set you know realistic ex
pectations try to keep the bar low as well you know so to  avoid that disappointment but look if things go really well then that's a bonus right like you  can you can then reward yourself you know with that feeling and and of course you'll get that  sort of adrenaline rush and endorphin sort of you know gushing gushing around through your veins  because you you made a really good call on it on a you know know a great outcome that you've you know  you've managed to receive one thing that has I do
on a regular basis and sometimes I question  whether I work at all or not and you know it sounds like a very privileged sort of life that  I I lead but I do take a lot of time out and and have holidays not just from you know FPL but from  life as well and and you know work and and just kind of being in a different environment different  surroundings and I like to sort of immerse myself into that into that um uh location wherever I am  and so you know if I can I'll take as many breaks as necessa
ry disconnect from you know Twitter  especially and and just you know step away from playing FPL or looking at FPL looking at you know  teams and tinkering with the team I mean we've all done it a million times you know if you look at  your phone right now and go to your photos app you'll see how many screenshots you've got of all  of the different possible scenarios that you're going to you know you're going to pick your  players and and how you know your next sort of three or four game weeks l
ook we all do it but  sometimes times it's really worthwhile just taking a break away from that and so I try to do that  on a regular basis and sometimes you know like and while it's getting warmer over here although  I'm sitting here with my jumper on because it's dropped from 35 degrees yesterday to you know it  was like 22 degrees which I'm okay with but it's dropped down to like 15 degrees this evening  which is a lot cooler than the last couple of um evenings that we've had and if you don't
know  it already it does get very very cold in Australia I think the winter is Australia's best kept secret  it does get very very cold um and so over winter you're looking at Sydney dropping down to like you  know five degrees 10 degrees that kind of thing but um the last couple of weeks uh what actually  the last week or so we've had a lot of like fire hazard warnings because the temperature has gone  up to like 35 degrees so I've been heading to the beach a lot and it's been so nice to go on
Coastal  walks and just chill out and you know I have to admit when I am doing that I am listening to  different podcasts or listening to you know audio books and things like that and I do have a couple  of FPL you know podcasts I listen to on a regular basis the funny thing is a lot of it is Banter  a lot of it is like just a good conversation you know it's not a a detailed I mean if I want that  then I will go and find that and so I've tended to sort of you know pick out a couple of things an
d  you know even sort of content creators that I like to follow and just you know watch their videos  and and just balance it out like you know uh Elaine is listening to um the spaces at the moment  and I love watching her videos especially with um Ellie because it's such a good laugh and you know  there's some really good content in there that you can take away you know in the moment for planning  your game week or whatever it is that you're doing um but there's there's a really good  opportuni
ty to just switch off from the detail and the seriousness of of playing  foot um you know Fantasy Premier League and it's supposed to be fun it's a game and so I think  sometimes we sort of you know forget that as well um anyway my last point in terms of  the um how I'm coping with bad outcomes um is around focus on the enjoyment side of it  and just that positive reinforcement and so this is where I focus my attention from you know  winning um in sort of you know each game week by game week but
enjoying the matches watching the  games and and just you know like just focusing on like the games that I'm watching and and actually  reward yourself from making good decisions as well um as well so like I'll I'll you know just kind  of go yeah you know what that was a good decision that I kept hold of Gabriel all this time um I  might regret saying that because there's been you know weeks where I've talked about Gabriel  and not wanting Gabriel and all of that jazz so um but look I'll be hon
est I'm glad that I  did hold on to Gabriel so because he got me Five Points I mean if he hadn't got that yellow  card it would have been six so yeah look again you know I'm I'm happy I'm happy about that and  I think you know those are the types of things that I do to kind of balance out having really  bad game weeks and you know dealing with the consequences unfortunately of some of my decisions  and and yeah you know as part of like going back and having a look you know I did sort of look  at
my Jackson pick and and I have to admit I did the one thing that I don't normally do on  that occasion so I rage transferred out Pedro from my team and it was probably the most earliest  transfer that I've made in a really really long time and when I say early the game week hadn't  even ended and it was a Sunday and I decided to take Pedro out of my team and bring in Jackson  now what I would normally do is probably give it to at least you know deadline day um at the  very least and sometimes t
he deadline is like like 3 A.M 5 a.m for us over here but I try to  sort of you know take it up to the deadline to to make a decision because I've then been able  to step away from the emotions of you know how my team is playing and then make a decision based  on you know like my less heightened emotions and more balanced emotions and you know it's the it's  the saying about you know never never make any big decisions when you're very happy or very sad and  so look I was I wouldn't say that I wa
s very sad but I was pretty pissed off with how things were  going with Pedro and my team so anyway those are the the five-ish also things that I do on a  regular basis to just keep a balanced mind um other than sort of you know like I I do a lot of  yoga and meditation and stuff like that as well so you know it might not be for you but um you know  at least sort of like stepping away you know it's is a gift that you can definitely give to yourself  when things are looking a bit dire as well um
I'm going to shift my focus a little bit onto  um you know talking about my future transfer plans and so um what I have been doing is um I jumped  onto plan FPL this time round because I've noticed that a lot of FPL managers at the moment are  thinking about wildcarding and if you're on a wild card give me a reaction of some sorts on  on Spaces because I'm just Keen to know how many people are thinking about you know or are on the  wild card right now or played their wild card or thinking about
wildcarding you know this game week  and you haven't you know necessarily activated it but while I was doing that I was um I was  starting to think about like what not just beyond um game week sort of eight nine I think again if  I look at the board behind me International bricks between eight and nine and so my initial plans  were that I would um probably wild card when the fixture swings are coming in um probably around  game week nine take it up to even game week 10 but not necessarily sort o
f fixate on exactly when I  wanted to wildcard so what I've been doing then is um just jumping on to plan FPL to see how  far I can go without triggering you know my um without activating my wild card and so I  decided because Alvarez has been playing so well and I have serious fomo um last game week I had a  bit of fomo around you know um uh son hauling and the the week prior and you know not having um not  having um son in my team but um this time around I decided look I'm just gonna I'm just
gonna be  patient with it and I think the one thing that we have seen with with Alvarez and obviously avra  has played really well in the UCL match as well um is that he has been consistent and I  think we didn't really see that with son um previously um either and you know we saw that  sort of in the last um game like last game week as well and it doesn't mean that song is not a good  pick I'm not saying that whatsoever because you know I feel like it's on in game week eight would  be fantastic
but um you know Alvarez right now is actually you know performing really really well  and he's been consistent and he's playing that um kdb role I think a lot of us thought that  maybe foden would be playing that kdb role um with grealish out as well and you know and but  but with doku coming in there and I I don't know it's just it's been interesting how pep has been  lining up his team but I think the one thing that we have definitely seen is that um Harlan hasn't  been Holland has been getti
ng all the chances but he's not necessarily been converting those chances  but then right behind Harlan you know we have um we have Alvarez so yes I've been thinking about  what does a draft with Alvarez look like like and without Alvarez look like and so you know for the  sake of everyone that's probably going to look at this on YouTube or listening to this on Spaces  afterwards please go check out the Youtube video um if you can um yeah have a look  over there there'll be some more um screensh
ots that I'm using there and visuals  and and things that you can have a look at that I'm you know talking about in spaces today um but  um I'm thinking about using the two free transfers that I've got at the moment and so my you know  no Alvarez draft at the moment looks um looks to have chilwell leaving and trippier coming  in and you know I haven't necessarily decided which Newcastle Defender I'm just looking at the  fixtures and thinking you know I want the one that's going to get me the mos
t attacking returns  and and even though botman is like two mil cheaper um it makes look it does make a lot of sense to go  for the cheaper option especially if I'm thinking about not wild card carding you know so soon um  I think going with a botman would make a lot of sense or even sort of like if you've got money  to spend going up to if you know Fabian shares it makes sense as well but um look on this occasion  um and this particular sort of draft that I've done I'm thinking about you know t
rippier because  why not I trippier was great in my team last year um Newcastle haven't necessarily had all the  best fixtures leading up to this point but the fixtures do turn so they've got um Sheffield  next they've got Burnley next and so I thought yeah let me sort of do a draft with uh chill  while going to um you know going transferring out your world and bringing in trippier I'm  then thinking about transferring out Nico Jackson I think everyone's thinking about like  ditching um Jackson
which kind of then makes me think maybe I should hold on to him just because  you know he might he might actually prove to be fruitful in them in the following game week but  um given that um given that Chelsea are playing um Aston Villa you know I feel like that is  going to be a tougher fixture than what it looks like on paper I think it's just kind of a  you know in their fixture sort of ratings it's it's saying it's a blank fixture you know like  it's just like a plain white in the backgroun
d not green not red or anything like that so I  think from that point of view it's actually going to be a harder fixture because Villa are  on form and they're playing really really well and you know the defense is really not that bad  I mean there are conceding chances of course but um you know they their defense in general is not  as bad um and especially because Chelsea is not converting the attacking sort of opportunities  that they're creating like all the goal scoring opportunities that Ja
ckson has had he's not been  able to convert and so you know when I look at it from that point of view you know I just  don't feel confident about having Jackson in my team just like everyone everyone else that has  Jackson in their team as well I know some people that transfer Jackson out you know last game week  or the game week prior um but um yeah so at the moment I'm thinking chill World trippier Jackson  to Edward um uh the other side of that is actually because I'd be very tempted to brin
g in Alvarez  and like many others you know I don't want to necessarily rip up my team to bring in Alvarez  either and so it just so happens that I have got Walker in the team but I really like having  Walker in the team because right now he's a huge differential for me and so if you know City can  manage to keep clean sheets he's he's definitely going to be bagging that sort of six pointer but  also we've seen Walker bombing it down and just creating so many opportunities and you know I just  f
eel like a an assist in him is definitely coming um I think he had an opportunity to  score a goal as well so yeah I just feel I feel really Bittersweet about taking out you  know Walker and so if I took out Walker I'd be bringing in botman in this case um not necessarily  trippier and you'll see why or understand why when I sort of go through the next game weeks but  Jackson would then go to Alvarez so at the moment because I've got three Man City players I have  to yeah I have to remove Walker
from the team so for game week six um I feel like you know I'd  be lining up relatively okay I'll only be using two free transfers I'm okay with that if I look  at game week seven and and of course this is the the double game week that we've got for um for  uh Luton and Burnley and I have to be honest I'm not super excited about bringing in any of the  double game weakers and I think largely because um I have got sort of you know a bit of a bias  there from a couple of you know like couple of s
easons ago but also last season as well where  um you know where I've sort of brought in double game weakers they've just not performed very  well either and so you know those of us that sort of had Denison King and yes I I did that and  I got the red you know my uh I think it was Dennis who got the red card it was very unfortunate but  it was very very frustrating as well to be you know to have a team like that and then you know  on paper everything looking really good and and I was just thinki
ng about the I guess like the  appearance points right but um you know sometimes that doesn't work out either and I'm a firm  believer of you know you've got to be in it to win it mentality as well and so you know in this  scenario I'm thinking to myself well if I don't sort of put myself in a position to to sort of bag  some of those appearance points and opportunities then you know I'm not going to I'm definitely not  going to get it but um I don't feel good about it at the moment so I have go
t an option to you know  take out uh mubama and um and bring in Morris is what is probably the only move that I would  potentially make for game week seven but it does sort of then leave a 5.5 forward or 5.6 he might  be now I'm not sure in my team team that I may not want to have and I don't want to sort of fixate  on playing a wild card so soon either so at the moment I'm thinking I will just roll that transfer  and if I look if I do sort of if I go without Alvarez I'd probably bench Edward at
that point  because they're playing man united I'm not saying that that is a a hard fixture an easy fixture I  think you know at the moment just with you know the way United are playing it's not necessarily  sort of you know that Edward you know Edward's not going to be able to score a goal I'm sure he will  but I I kind of want to play a stupid Nyan who has um Villa so at the back I'd then play Gabriel who  has Bournemouth trippier who has you know Burnley Walker who has wolves and astopian wh
o has more so  for the attacking returns potential against Villa and so my Midfield you know doesn't really change  I've still got the same five you know midfielders but in my Alvarez option what I then end up doing  is benching is to pinyan and playing you know Harland and Alvarez of course and at the back  I would no longer have Walker but I will have chillwell still in my team who play Fulham um and  so from that point of view taking out chill well or keeping chill well just seems like yeah I
mean  it could go either way because Fulham is a really good fixture um to have and and of course you  know Chelsea have Burnley shortly after so if I go then to game week eight and this is where  you know everyone I think a lot of people are thinking about wildcarding and I have to admit  you know again I'm sort of look at my team and and wonder to myself do I really need to walk Hard  um even though you know when I looked at it from an expected points point of view and I'm trying  not to do t
hat because so much can change between now and game week eight but if I look at the  expected points um right now it's fairly low it's fairly low for either option like either the one  you know with heart with Alvarez without Alvarez um but at this point I would make two free  transfers because I rolled in seven so if I was to do that um in my you know no Alvarez plan  I'd probably go Gabriel to uh your doggy um if not your doggy maybe cash but I would then also  probably take out foden for drb
because I really like you know the um the Villa fixtures that  are coming up as well and so you know as we know um City are playing Arsenal and I'm not saying  that I mean that could be that could be a very much a nil nil match um it could be 1-1 you know  I don't know if it's going to be high scoring you know that particular one so I feel a little  bit comfortable you know taking out a foden um in my no Alvarez um you know team and bringing  in the drb now if I look at my Alvarez team though um
I'd still go third into drb and I would  probably still go Gabriel to cash or or your doggy so I would still make the same transfers in  in that same scenario I would play eduard though in the the no Alvarez um draft that I have because  you know Palace is playing forest and so it just seems like a really good fixture for them as well  not to say again Forest is super easy or anything like that as we can see and I was talking to you  know um a good friend earlier in the week who I caught up wit
h about um about their team and  you know just talking about FPL and football in general and we were saying how like some of  these teams that are deemed as easier fixtures like your sheffields and burnley's and forests  and you know Bournemouth they're not necessarily the easy fixtures we think they are you know that  they were previously um they're not so easy and so you know you you're getting Sheffield I mean we  saw what happened with spurs in in last game week um it wasn't until really in
the last sort of  what eight minutes um 10 minutes um I could just imagine how Sheffield supporters were were  feeling you know with having um uh uh 12 minutes come up on how much extra time they were getting  so yes I think we need to start considering some of these fixtures as slightly tougher fixtures  than what they seem like on paper and the sooner we do that the better I reckon because I think you  know we're going into some of these um fixtures thinking yeah everything's everything's look
ing  great and you know my team is going to do to to do you know do wonders but Edward on the other hand  might not be the best option to have but then the alternative for game week eight is it's having  Alvarez and the team and you know and they're playing Arsenal so yeah hard to say um if I then  you know think about game week nine and so noting we're gonna have international break between um  between that period as well so you know game week eight and game week nine we've got you know two  we
eks between then a lot of things can happen um in both of my drafts from where I am at the  moment I can actually you know just use one free transfer and go rashford to Salah and because I  can go rashford to sallow with one free transfer in both the drafts that I have as well I've  got like point one in the in the bank in my no um no Alvarez draft and and that's mostly because  I've gone trippier and so if I save myself the money and not go trippier and go with like a a  Fabian chair or a botma
n then all of a sudden I've got you know like maybe two mil to play with um so  you know it is really tight and obviously there's going to be lots of price Rises you know and and  falls during that time as well so I'm a little bit conscious like you know if I go rashford to  Salah I may or may not have enough money because people are jumping on Salah you know even now and  he's still 12.5 mil but as soon as Salah hits like 12.6 and rashford drops again or something like  that then I'm going to b
e priced out of that one so I think whether I go trippier or go with a  different Newcastle defender or cheaper Defender this week is really going to be pivotal because  you know by the time I get to game week nine I'm either going to be able to go rashford to Salah  or not whereas in the Alvarez draft that I have um I would be able to go rashford to Salah  with about 0.3 in the bank and so that gives me a little bit of leeway if you know rashford  does drop again and Salah you know increases in
um in price so a couple of options there um  I did take the liberty of going all the way up to like game week 10 and just to have  a look at you know what I'd end up doing um in my no uh in my Alvarez draft actually I  didn't go too far and but in my you know uh no Alvarez draft um I thought yeah let me just have  a look at what some of my options are so I was actually teasing the idea of going Madison  to Bowen because you know by game week 10 um West Ham have a bit of a fixture swing as well 
and they've got Everton Brentford and and Forrest you know shortly after and so yeah I quite  like I quite like how that could look as well um and then you know even as far as like game week  11 so at this point I'd be thinking potentially about removing and boomo from my team and so if  I do that so Brentford is actually playing West Ham and if I do that then I'd probably bring in  a Brighton midfielder and that's something that we're probably not thinking about if we're not  wildcarding at th
e moment you know that we're going to want Brighton Defenders um sorry Brighton  midfielders back in our teams or even forwards right and so I've actually not made any changes to  my forward line from the the first few decisions that I'm making for game week six all the way  up to game week 11 at the moment is is where my thinking is going but my my midfield's now looking  like you know Salah drb soccer bow in matoma with Edward and Harland upfront and the reason why  I've still got eduard in th
e team is because by game week 11 Palace are playing Burnley and then  Everton and then Luton so actually I'm quite Keen to to maybe go down the you know the no Alvarez  pathway and maybe reconsider picking trippier or not picking trippier I think that's probably going  to be the biggest decision for me from that point of view so look I didn't go further than that I  think you know going going further than game week um even game week nine feels like it's too far  ahead and so much can happen in
between that time as well so I don't want to sort of go too too far  um because you know at the moment you know some of those transfers that I've just mentioned and that  you'll you know see up on the screen if you do end up watching the YouTube video um as well you'll  see that um the the the fixtures I'm relatively happy with them at the moment I don't really have  this straw a strong desire to wildcard just yet um I think I can get away with not wildcarding  until you know much after game wee
k 10 11 in fact um and just the fact that I'm just using  free free transfers is enough for me to just stick it out for the time being so yeah  like that's that's basically what I'm thinking um at the moment um when I um I was  like looking around on on Twitter um shortly after I'd sort of done a bit of  planning and um I saw that um the FPL boys had uh posted a um a a tweet about um you know wild  cards and you know what uh like to show the Wild Card teams basically that they you know you have 
um different fmeo managers have then posted their Wild Card drafts as well um as I start looking at  them I'm realizing more and more that I actually have a lot of the players I mean I mean there's  some variations of the players that you know that um that we have and and I'm trying also not  to look at my the the picks that I'm bringing into my team in isolation because you've got  to think about the the team as a whole and how they're playing as a team as well so um yeah  I'm sort of you know
looking at some of these um these Wild Card drafts and thinking actually I'm  not that far away from those those and so yeah I very quickly scrapped my plan to um uh to to  wildcard basically so where I am at the moment is um I'm heading towards the Avenue of not bringing  in Alvarez and going down the Edward and a a uh you know uh Newcastle Defender pathway and yeah  I feel quite comfortable with that as well so you know for the time being I might regret that  deeply again it's one of those th
ings where um when I think about Alvarez I think  yeah consistent really good player um playing really well and I wish I'd gone on to  him you know a couple of game weeks ago and so I do feel like I've missed the boat on on Alvarez  a little bit and not to say that um he won't play well or anything like that you know we're talking  about cities cities City can rip through any team you know so I I'm not so concerned about that  but it's the very fact that I've got Walker in the team and foden tea
m already and I feel like  I'm making slightly a you know slightly sideways sort of moves um which I probably should have  made two game weeks ago three game weeks ago or so and so if I'd gone on to it a little bit  earlier then yeah look I'd be a much happier FPL manager I'm sure but also um yeah I probably  would have been thinking about um Dead ending you know and then wild carding and looking at my  team from that point of view which is typically how I've played in the in the previous um in
the  previous Seasons that I've been playing FPL so yeah so there you go there you have it that's  basically what I'm thinking at the moment um no no Alvarez and my team I might feel differently  about it when when deadline sort of you know um comes around as well um yeah but I'm feeling  good about that decision and again you know going back to the points that I made earlier about you  know the decision making process you know the these are the types of things that I end up doing  you know I us
e um you know planning tools if I can um you know I'm I'm sort of you know scribbling  in my FPL sort of um planning book um that I've got as well and and just you know Post-it notes  that you've probably seen on on my YouTube channel um and my videos as well you know I do use a  lot of Post-it notes all over over the place and I'll leave little clues for myself  because sometimes I can't make out what the hell you know I meant with some of  the Post-it notes that I've written but um that's just
generally how I do my planning  so you know having sort of gone back and looked at my team and the decisions that I've made  I'm happy with the decisions that I've made I really do feel like I that's the only thing  that I can do just keep making good decisions you know stand by those decisions not get too  attached to the outcome because I can't control that outcome I've just rattled off you know a  whole bunch of transfers you know to you guys and and thank you again for you know being there 
and listening and and making suggestions along the way and giving you know giving some advice  along the way as well I really do appreciate it um but yeah that look that's how I that's how  I've been playing FPL and I've really been enjoying it and so yeah thank you thank you again  I'm just going to have a look at if there's any um any messages in the uh in the in the chat so if  you do have any messages you want to like pop in there as I've mentioned previously these are very  much you know o
ne-way conversations at the moment I have been doing some you know having some guests  on here as well it's been lovely to have some of those conversations with some of you um around  you know just coming on and having a bit of a chit chat uh about the gay week about life about  any other things that are going on in between as well and some some of the decisions that you're  thinking about making for your team um would love to do more of that so if you're interested in in  sort of you know jumpi
ng on and having a bit of a chit chat let me know just send me a message you  know my DMs are open yeah just drop me a message um happy to have a chat but um so FPL gamer  you've got a message here um around I'm seriously thinking about wildcarding not trusting United  and there are other things I need to fix yep yes yes and yes um yeah but you know what I  don't mind United in my like having rashford in my team for instance at the moment I'm not crazy  about having him in my team I think if I h
ad an option to go back and and decide which um United  midfielder to have I probably would have gone with rashford this time and not necessarily you know  sorry Bruno instead of rashford but I went down you know picking picking rashford instead so but  look I'm okay with that I'm not sort of you know um too wedded to keeping hold of rashford for too  long as you know like I'll probably be taking him out for for Salah eventually um Mel I'm thinking  about wildcarding not ideal week but defense i
s a mess chill well Pickford Etc and Jackson  Sterling issues you know what like just just for a moment let's you know um looking back at  that Chelsea game um Sterling actually played all right so Sterling was I think the only player  that played relatively well um and so I think if you're thinking about ditching some of your  Chelsea players I I would say hold on to maybe hold on to Sterling he was the only one that sort  of was doing anything like making yeah creating chances and and even you
know going for goal as  well so yeah I would probably hold on to Sterling um and maybe yeah think about the Jackson chilwell  sort of stuff and I don't tend to make um you know goalkeeper transfers but I have been thinking  about it as well like I think in the the team that you know I'd sort of rattled off earlier about  some of the transfers I'm thinking about and if you look at the um I'll probably time stamp this  video actually is that way you can go back and look at the the transfers that
I'm thinking about  you know because this this um spaces and video is going to end up being you know a lot longer than  um then I often Sort of hope that they will be um I always sort of set out thinking oh it's only  going to be like a 20 minute conversation half an hour max or something and you know here I am  hitting almost sort of you know 50 minutes or so um but oh yeah I'll try and do some time stamps  that way you can go back and have a look at you know the um I think I did change my goal
keeper  along the way to um areola and so that's one of um yeah one of the transfer plans I'm thinking  about later on down the line but yeah I don't like making goalkeeper transfers early um I wouldn't  mind Alison actually because I don't know if I I don't know which Liverpool Defender I'd want to  go for if I don't wild card so soon like a lot of people are thinking so yeah I wouldn't mind  sort of Alison in the team just just a you know something I've been thinking about um Mohan your  quest
ion around what week according to you is the best to Wild Card taking in mind the fixtures  regardless of how well placed you are right now um I I actually quite look look like the look of  wild carding in game week eight um and I think I'm pretty sure you're thinking may be similar I'm not  sure if you said game weekday or game week nine um for yourself but you know I think game week eight  four game week eight because it's a really it's a really really tough fixtures you know that we  have dur
ing that um that game week unfortunately so if I have a quick look at um what game week  8 is looking like from a fixtures point of view um yeah you know like yeah I think it's because  Arsenal and um and City are playing each other right and so yeah it's looking you know it's  looking tricky and yes I think I reckon around game week eight game week nine um but like  previous years I've not really fixed on any particular the game week to to make transfers  uh sorry to pull the wild card so I don
't know I don't know it's a tough one but if I had to pick  I'd probably say either game week nine eight nine ten depending on how you're placed and your team  um based on some of the fixtures and and so for instance if if there are managers out there that  have three Arsenal players three City players do you want six players that are playing each  other and it could end up being nil nil you know um I don't think it will be but  yeah it's it's possible right um I'm just looking if there's anythi
ng else uh  prices are changing so fast this season if we delay it it can easily price us out from the wild  card we want Salah Newcastle Aston Villa West Ham 100 and that's exactly why you know when I was  looking at my team in plan FPL I realized that um you know by the time I get to the the rashford  to Salah move um in game week nine for the the Beautiful You Know fixtures that Liverpool  then start to start to have from game week nine um I may only have like 0.1 or 0.3 in the bank  which is
seriously not realistic with what will end up happening in that time so I think you know  you can do all the planning and still be priced out you know from that perspective so I think this  is where by doing so I've now realized that maybe I can't go trippier this game week because that  extra two mil will make a huge difference with what moves I can make so even though I'm talking  about you know game week six to game week nine and and you know a little bit beyond that I talked  about um by ha
ving that extra two mil in in the bank means that if things do change or if players  do get injured during that time or whatever anything is possible right it's FPL um and so from  that point of view I'd rather have a couple of options available to me so the more money that I  have in my in in the bank is better so 100 agree yeah could easily get priced out I not ideal of  course but yeah I could could definitely happen um I'm just seeing if there's any other messages  or questions um and I thin
k I I feel like I've probably covered most of them that came through  um actually there's one more here from OBD miles um so what do you think about Odegaard I  have him in the UCL fantasy do you think he'll perform better at this game week in FPL I  have no idea I think you know I think if anyone had the Magic 8-Ball to to kind of you know know  how some of these players are going to perform oh gosh you know wouldn't that be amazing  it's really hard to say because I think like Odegaard often s
ort of you know he does take the  chances that are created for him or you know he's creating them himself so yeah I think I think  I would hold over God though like I think it's one of those he's one of those players I mean  I don't know who else you have in your team um I've got sucker and I'm quite  happy to hold Saka for a little while um so I think from that point of view if  you only have Odegaard then I would hold him um but yeah it's really it's hard to say  yeah sorry I can't help you wi
th that one um I think that's pretty much it from a  conversational point of view again like I mentioned a lot longer than what I expected it to  be um thank you so much for for joining today you know I've been um I've been experimenting a little  bit with the time I don't think that there's been a perfect time or anything like that obviously  for me it's after work and evening and you know I've had enough time to kind of you know settle  off you know for the for the rest of the evening and day
and and just kind of chill out a little  bit and you know I've I've had a bit of a busy week so I have been working a little bit late  into the evening um which isn't ideal but you know I think like 8 P.M slot between 8 p.m and  9pm over here which is about 11 A.M to you know 12 p.m in the in the UK works really well for me  and um I can then you know sort of uh immediately post this video up on onto my YouTube channel as  well so you can you know see the visuals as well um so thank you again an
d look if you haven't  checked out my YouTube Channel please do um you you know it'll be one wonderful to kind  of see you on there as well like I said you can see the visuals and and all of that I just love  doing the spaces version as well because you can it's an entirely different audience but if you  do fancy looking at the visuals as well please do check that out I'll try and sort of time stamp  this one just because we covered a fair bit this time around than previous you know game weeks u
m  as well so thank you again and hope you have a great game week let me know what you're thinking  um in terms of you know if you're going to go with Alvarez not going with Alvarez or if you have  Alvarez based on the team that I've shared with you if you have any advice for me please bring  it on give me feedback give me any advice that you have I really do appreciate it so at the  moment like I mentioned I'm leaning towards no Alvarez in the team so thank you once again  really appreciate you
being here and listening um to me ramble um and yeah hopefully catch  you next week again and yeah take it easy all right



Very insightful video 💯💎