
FullStory Custom Events and FS.Event API

No matter what job you do, you rely on data that's accurate and consistent over time and across platforms. FullStory's new Custom Events capabilities let you import and analyze business-critical events you've already instrumented in Segment or Tealium, or specify events directly in your app using the FS.event API. Visit our knowledge base to learn more:


4 years ago

Hey, I’m Hunter from FullStory, and in this video we’ll take a quick look at Custom Events. In short, Custom Events allows your team to instrument events with the FS.event Javascript API or ingest events that have been indexed on platforms like Tealium and Segment. This allows ultra precise customer experience data that can easily be searched and accessed within FullStory. Let’s see how we can use Custom Events to create a new segment in FullStory. In the dashboard, we can easily select a Custom
Event from Omnisearch and add it to a segment. Notice how the Custom Events are marked by a lightning bolt—we’ll see this later in Playback as well. Custom Events also make it possible to pass as many properties as we like with an event: price, item name, SKU, anything! All these event properties are also searchable. To segment our search even further, I’ll add a display name property to search for customers that added peaches to their cart. We can also pair Custom Events with any number of aut
omatically tracked events—like users that Rage Clicked—to segment the search even further. Now that we have our segment setup, let’s go ahead and jump into Playback to watch a session. In Playback, we’ll see the lightning bolts again—marking where Custom Events occurred in a session. The pink lightning bolts represent events that are currently in our search. Custom Events are also styled to standout in the event stream. Clicking on it will let us dive in and see all the properties that were pass
ed in. And that’s your first look at Custom Events! If you want to learn more, including how to get started setting Custom Events on your site or ingest events from Segment or Tealium, check out the knowledge base article below or at the end of the video.
