
Goldfish Drives Robot Car | Dodo Kids | Animal Videos

Most people think goldfish can only swim and eat and remember things for three seconds. Not so, say these scientists! When they saw goldfish performing tricks underwater, they got to thinking: Would fish be able to drive a car? One robot car later, it seems the answer is...yes! For another incredible Dodo Kids video, watch salamanders grow from wiggly egg sacs into four-legged adventurers! ➡️ #animalvideos #videosforkids #animalvideosforkids

Dodo Kids

10 months ago

Goldfish driving a car, coming through! Wait, what? What in the "Finding Nemo" is going on here? For years, people have underestimated fish. Not anymore, buddy. (horn honking) Welcome to the world of fish navigation. Most people only thought fish could swim and eat and look shiny, of course. But scientists knew they were capable of so much more. Fish could do things that people never thought were possible. What? And the crowd goes wild! So the scientists wondered, “Could fish learn how to drive
a car?” "We told you not to underestimate us." So they built a little vehicle that would run on fish power. It had a small camera above the tank that tracked which direction the fish was swimming, which would then tell the wheels of the car to turn left or right. This way? Oh no? This way. But was the fish actually going somewhere on purpose or just driving around in circles? The scientists had a feeling the fish knew exactly what they were doing. They set up an experiment. On one side of the ro
om was a target. On the other, the fish. Once the fish drove over to the pink paper, they'd get a treat. Goldfish, start your engines! In car number one, we've got Mr. Darcy. He's headed towards the corner. Oh, he's making the turn. Can he straighten out? Yes. Bring it home. Treat for Mr. Darcy. In car number two, we have Mr. Wickham. And go! Go. Mr. Darcy again, faster towards the target now. And Mr. Wickham. Mr. Darcy, speeding over. Learning faster and faster how to get there. Mr. Wickham. Wh
at's happening? Oh, wait. He's putting pedal to the metal. And that's a treat for Mr. Wickham too. Now that these fish know how to drive, the world is their oyster. "Oh, hey, Susan." "Room for two on that bench?" "Ha!" "Ah, jeez. I’m a jokester.” "Hey, Greg-O!" "You got that presentation ready yet for the big meeting at 11?" And thus, fish proved that they have a lot more going on behind those big, beautiful unblinking eyes of theirs. Just ask the scientists: "So many people say, ‘Hey, fish can
remember only three seconds,’ and we are like, 'No. They can remember for one year, and they can drive a robot.'" What's next for these swimming drivers? Fish airplanes? Fish astronauts? Or most likely, they just wanna hit the road to tell the world: "How many times do we have to tell you not to underestimate us?" ♪ Driving down the road with the wind in my back ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪
