
Heart Sutra Mind & Soul Meditation | Healing, Relaxing, Peaceful, Calm, Zen Music

13 minutes Meditation You Can Do Anywhere When things change inside you, things change around you. When there is the realisation that we are a microcosm of the macrocosm that the sun is our eye, the earth is our body, water our creative fluid, the physical form is part of the universal there is the possibility of wellness And all of it, everything is held in that space inside the heart When this is the experience there is health Which is establishment in your true Self Feel better, be better, and do better. Subscribe to Calm Mind channel for all your healthy self care needs. Thank you for practicing with me. Wishing you peace joy love. #heartsutra #meditation #healing #calm #peace #般若波羅蜜多心經 #心經

Calm Mind

18 hours ago

抄心經是一種很好的冥想方式, 一種很好的修行方式,“活在當下” 以平靜、平和、沉默、恭敬的方式去寫 我只專注於我正在寫的文字並沉思 此刻活在當下,平靜。 我相信你也能用英文抄寫 當我們學會將自己的思想、言語和行為與所寫的內容結合起來時 你會感到內心的平靜 抄經以淨化自己 越多佛經中所表達的慈悲和智慧應該滲透到我們的日常生活中 對我不正統的中文筆跡表示歉意…… 因為我還在學習中 如果你觀看到這裡 謝謝你和我一起練習 如果我的視頻有所啟發,記得訂閱並與其他人分享視頻 把抄經的功德迴向給宇宙中的一切眾生是很好的 “身心健康的秘訣,不是哀悼過去,也不是憂慮未來,而是明智並真誠地活在當下” - 佛陀
