
Hindi Movie Trailer New 2024 | Swatantra Veer Savarkar | Randeep Honda | Explain By RAM

Hindi Movie Trailer New 2024 | Swatantra Veer Savarkar | Randeep Honda | Explain By RAM #sawtnartaveersawarkar

Filmi Ram

1 day ago

All are Hindus, Jai Akhand Bharat ki, Hello everyone, how are you all, I hope you all will be very well. The topic of today's video is Freedom Bar Samarak, a movie which is most important and main in getting India's independence. Role played by people as characters in this movie is amazing and awesome. Today in this video we are going to talk about the actors of Swatantra Veer Savarkar, about the video quality, about the music, how will this movie be, what kind of movie . Is it related to patrio
tism or is it a movie which is full of action and killing? We will discuss all these things and we will also discuss whether this movie will be a hit at the box office or not. Let me talk about it now. So, this movie is the most hyped, many people are liking this movie. Actually, this movie is related to patriotism, so every citizen of India is interested that today we are somewhere because of these people. It is true that today we are taking a few breaths while sitting in our homes, otherwise h
ow difficult was it that we should be able to sit in our homes and do our work as per our own, one such one man army who freed the people from slavery and slavery. Those who used to be there earlier, such people emerged as Swatantrata Veer Savarkar who tried to get freedom for India as an independent India. Swatantrata Veer Sarkar is a movie which played an important role in getting independence for our country. This is clearly visible in the story of this movie. Let us talk about the important
role characters of this movie who played such a role in the real incident that they shed blood for their country without any hesitation and without judgment . The names of these people were number one in the roles, while let us talk about the story of this movie is that those warriors of Swatantra Veer Circle who played an important role in the independence of India, Swatantra Veer Savarkar was such a warrior who was instrumental in giving freedom to India. His important role was one of his dial
ogues in Taylor's Last was Akhand Bharat Amar Rahe, that is, his vision of India was that we should breathe peace in our homes and live our lives independently and this The thing that the British never wanted was that Randeep Honda is such an actor that no matter what kind of acting he is made to do, he does it without any hesitation, he is wonderful and brilliant, and he does exactly that and makes a place in the hearts of the audience. If I talk about it, then the first and most important role
is the one he plays. Ankita Lokhande tries to leave no stone unturned in any way. A few days ago, she used to work in serials, but today her role in the movie is that of an actress. She has also played a good role and there are many such characters. Who has given a very good performance which is quite amazing and the audience is liking it very much. Now this Swatantrata Veer Wakar movie will be released on 22nd March in Taylor. Would you like to watch it? Do tell by commenting yes or no and inf
ormation about Swatantra Veer Wakar. If yes then please press the bell icon and we will meet you in the next video till then bye bye take care [music]
