
How Australian Farmers Deal with Millions of Invasive Feral Goat | Farm documentary

How Australian Farmers Deal with Millions of Invasive Feral Goat | Farm documentary In the vast landscapes of Australia, farmers face a unique and challenging battle against millions of invasive feral goats. This captivating YouTube video sheds light on the ingenious methods employed by Australian farmers in dealing with this pervasive issue. As the camera takes you on a journey through the picturesque outback, you'll witness the relentless efforts of these farmers to curb the impact of invasive species on their land. The video delves into the intricate strategies implemented by Australian farmers, showcasing their resourcefulness and determination to manage the burgeoning population of feral goats. From high-tech monitoring systems to traditional herding techniques, viewers will gain insight into the diverse approaches used to address this ecological challenge. Throughout the video, the importance of combating invasive species is emphasized, highlighting the delicate balance that farmers strive to maintain in their ecosystems. As the narrative unfolds, the term "invasive species" resonates, serving as a reminder of the ongoing struggle and the need for sustainable solutions. Experience the resilience of Australian farmers and their commitment to preserving their land in the face of the invasive feral goat onslaught. This YouTube exploration is not merely a documentation of the struggle but an inspiring testament to human ingenuity and environmental stewardship. Hello everyone, welcome to Mouse Farm New channel ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Mouse Farm is a place to help you discover great things about technology in the field of agriculture, livestock technology, processing technology and food processing technology, etc. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔴 COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER Mouse Farm doesn't fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect. We use under: Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. "fair use" is allowed for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarships, and research. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔴 Some of the material used in the video belongs to the esteemed owners. Any issues related to copyright, please contact: copyright@swagmedia. 🔴 You are the owner of the materials used in this video, let us know in the comments. We will follow your request immediately. ♦ Subscribe to the channel here: ♦ Website: ♦ Twitter: ♦ ♦ Video may contain copyrighted content based on Fair Use fair use laws #agriculturetechnology #processingfactory #moderntechnology #mousefarm

Mouse Farm & Agriculture New

6 days ago

millions of invasive wild goats compete  for food with some native species and a FIY habitat they destroy vegetation  and some roads are affected as well so how do Australian Farmers cope  with millions of invasive wild goats please watch this whole entire video with mouse f the Australian wild goat originating  from Africa is a mammal with an average size of about 100 to 150 cm in  length and weighing 20 to 30 kg wild goats are omnivorous they like to  eat grass leaves fruits and many other pla
nts however the invasion  of wild goats in Australia has caused significant negative impacts on the environment first of all their ability  to eat everything pose a major problem in terms of vegetation destruction wild  goats not only eat grass but also native plants leading to the environmental  degradation and loss of biodiversity and addition competition with native  animals is also an important issue wild goats compete with them for  food and shelter which can lead to significant declines an
d the  numbers and diversity of native animals not only that but while goats also  have the potential to transmit diseases faced with these challenges farmers in Australia have  taken counter measures by capturing wild goats to raise they take advantage of this species  Resources by using meat and milk from Wild goats while reducing their invasive  pressure on the environment and native animals they changed the way they  cared for wild goats to Dom icate them raising them in captivity on farms f
or a while than letting them roam freely  in fenced areas prevents them from escaping grazing wild goats Outdoors will  help them adapt and develop better during the breed in and Care process they  will be free to eat the leaves and grass they like on the H grazing areas  this process requires a lot of skills and perseverance however wild goats  are one of the species with quite good Natures so they can quickly be  raised like other domestic goat farms additionally to deal with this challenge  t
he Australian government has introduced a series of hunting measures to control the  size of the population government statistics shows that every day Australian  Farmers conduct about 100 wild goat hunts all although a decrease of about  20% in wild goat numbers has been recorded a high stable population still exists  posing a challenge to the environmental balance every year Australian  Farmers destroy about 2 million wild goats however the number of  wild goats remains High about 20 million a
clear indication that current  hunting methods are not effective at all for hunting measures to be more effective  close coordination between the government farmers and relevant organizations is  needed the government needs to have policies to support farmers in hunting wild  goats such as providing modern and effective hunting tools training hunting skills  for farmers and supporting farmers in hunting collecting and treatment of wild goat  carcasses Farmers need to be fully equipped with Know
ledge and Skills about hunting  to ensure safety for themselves and the environment relevant organizations need to participate in  monitoring wild goat hunting to ensure hunting is carried out legally and effectively at the same  time researching and applying new methods is also an important tool to improve the effectiveness of  control measures and minimize unwanted negative impacts by taking advantage of the Innovative use  of bows and arrows Australian Farmers have established a unique strate
gy  that is especially effective and mountainous areas where wild goats  often encroach and cause environmental damage and in addition to being  an ancient weapon the bow and arrow has become a tool that brings  High Precision helping to minimize negative impacts on the environment  every day Hunters can Harvest 5 to 10 wild goats making an important contribution  to controlling the number of invasive wild goats this stabilization not only  reduces damage to vegetation but also limits competitio
n with native  animals and reduces the risk of diseases transmission when archery hunting  was introduced Australia recorded an approximately 20% reduction in wild  goat numbers an encroaching achievement in efforts to control invasive wild goats  this is not only the result of the choice of hunting tools but also the effectiveness  of intelligent management and Environmental Protection consuming wild goats meat  is both an effective and a sustainable way to deal with wild goats in Australia wil
d goat meat is of high quality and can be  processed into many delicious dishes consuming wild goat meat will help  solve the problem of overabundance of wild goat meat while also creating a  source of income for farmers and related organizations according to the study by  the University of New South Wales Australia consuming wild goat meat can help reduce the  number of wild goats in Australia by about 20% this study shows that as more wild  goat meat is consumed the price of wild goat meat wil
l decrease making wild goat  hunting more attractive to Farmers so this will lead to an increase in the  number of wild goats being hunted and destroyed according to a report  by the Australian Environmental Management agency EPA in 2022 Australia  will consume about 10,000 tons of wild goat meat equivalent to about 22 million  this number has doubled compared to 2012 than increas in wild goat meat consumption  has helped create jobs for about 5,000 Hunters these Hunters are usually  Farmers or
local people they earn income from hunting and selling wild  goat meat income from wild goat meat consumption is estimated at $100 million  per year this money is used to support wild goat contr control activities  as well as Environmental Conservation programs be RS are native to South America but  have been introduced to many other areas of the world including  the United States Canada and Europe these species was first  introduced to the United States in the 1800s and has quickly spread to ma
ny other areas invasive Beaver rats can have negative  impacts on the environment they can destroy trees cause landslides and pollute water sources  Beaver rats can also compete with native animals lick traps and wire traps are popular and  effective methods used to capture beavers providing many benefits in managing and  controlling Beaver populations and Aquatic environments this trap Works simply by climbing  down on the beaver's legs as they try to eat the prey beavers often move along river
banks  and canals where they reach and search for food placing food traps in these  locations is an effective way to capture them please pay attention during the Trap  sitting process to be careful of injuries pinning the Trap carefully and firmly  to the land bank is also very important because when a beaver gets caught in the  Trap it'll struggle and the trap may come loose special attention to chicking traps to  harvest them they can be captured or released this method has been rated as one
of the most effective  methods for dealing with invasive Beaver rat populations the wild boar is a mammal native to Europe Asia  and Africa these wild boes have been introduced to many other areas of the world including  North and South America Australia and New Zealand wild boes are omnivores and they  can eat a wide varieties of plants and animals including grass grains fruits  vegetables rotten small mammals and birds invasive wild boes cause negative  impacts on the environment they can dest
roy trees pollute water  sources and compete with native animals wild board trapping is an effective  method to control wild board populations in mountainous areas to ensure maximum  performance trap location selection is important animal trails and wooded areas  are common locations for wild board to pass through at the same time it is important to  hide traps carefully because wild board have poor eyesight these large cage traps are  effective methods used to control feral pegs and large areas
to set up  large cage traps it is important to choose the Trap location which should  be in places where wild Boors often appe then they go hole large enough to  accommodate the cage and make sure that the cage is firmly secured the bait  is also playing an important role as it needs to be the type of bait  that the wild borers are always eating when all preparations are completed the cage door is closed when the wild  Boors enters from which they are captured the number of wild Bo harvested ea
ch  year depends on many different factors the extent of wild boore encroachment on the  environment will influence decisions about harvesting in addition laws and regulations also plays an important role as some areas  have restrictions on trapping Wild boes human accessibility also influences this decision  as hard to reach areas will make trapping more difficult according to the estimat by The  usn Fish Wildlife service approximately 2 million fural Hogs are harvested each year  in the United
States a sensible management measure to minimize their impact in the  wildlife environment and the human life as well so how exactly did American  farmers deal with these species if you want to know more and more let's  continue watching the rest of the video w negative animals of the  Arctic and high mountain areas are increasingly invading many areas  of the world including Snowy Mountain areas their appearance and their special  terrains pose many challenges to the local environment and bias
fee they can  compete with native animals such as reenders and attack the livestock as  well posing a threat to the local bias fee one of the most effective ways to control  coyote populations is the use of foot traps this trap works by clamping down on  the coyotes legs as they try to eat the prey to effectively trap coyotes in Snowy  Mountains it is necessary to choose locations where coyotes often pass such as animal  trails and water points Place traps and locations with deep snow to hide t
he Trap  and make it difficult for wolves to DET take choose a trap that is designed  to be sturdy and able to withstand the harsh weather conditions of Snowy  Mountain check the trap at least once a day to make sure it is working  properly and that coyotes have been caught according to estimates by the US  fish and wildlife service about 10,000 coyotes are harvested in the United States  each year and controlling wolves and snowy mountain regions implementing effective  and suitable measures is
important to predict the ecological balance and ensure the  well-being of both the environment and local communities the next creature we're going  to head to the east coast of the United States like the invasive species we're  going to look at is the lion fish which usually refers to a genus of fish Venom and  there are quite a few species in this genus the Predator is native to the Indo  Pacific they are specially adapted to Ambush Predators lion fish have a line  of venomous spines along the
ir back and these spines are capable of puncturing  human skin and creating a very painful sting however these spines are  not the only useful adaptations of their long broad fins that can make them great swimmers they have come from  the Eastern United States to be precise as all great oceans  are connected they may have swam there in the Caribbean about  93% of red lion fish are found these fish fish were first discovered off the coast of Florida in 1985 and  they began to be published in the
1990s it is thought hurricanes may be part  of the reason that in 1992 Hurricane Andrew destroyed an aquarium in South Florida and  six lion fish are believed to have escaped there so far the lion fish has  caused a lot of damage in the The Reef ecosystem lion fish affect  the number of fry of other animals as well Studies have shown that a single  line of fish located on a reef reduces juveniles several traps have been designed  to catch these lion fish but despite tens of thousands of these fi
sh pulling out  of the ocean each year numbers are still growing the red fox is the most  numerous of the fox species and it is one of the most widely  distributed mammals on the planet they can be found throughout the entire  Northern Hemisphere there are 45 different subspecies one of the reasons why the red fox is so successful in increasing its  numbers is because it is very adaptable the red fox was first introduced  into Australia in 1833 it is one of the hunting species although fox hunti
ng in  England and Wales was banned in 2004 some people still go there  and release them into the wild to hunt this is a stupid excuse to put  an animal in an ecosystem where it doesn't belong and it's had disaster consequences today it is currently classified as  the most damaging invasive species in Australia and is widespread throughout most of the country foxes thrive in densely populated  in Suburban areas in big cities like Melbourne they are very good at  targeting Burrows in the ground t
oday there have been quite a few  attempts to manage and control them seems to be quite a failure  as they tend to hunt at night they are estimated by about 1.7  million individuals in Australia it really seems like it's too  late to get rid of red foxes in Australia so since these Solutions have  been affecting in preventing the growth of colonies of some invasive species do you  believe in any other better solution if so please don't forget to share your comments and  opinions down below plus
don't forget to share like And subscribe to support our Channel with  our upcoming videos and lastly don't forget to share this video with all your friends so  that you can watch it and enjoy it as well



How Australian Farmers Deal with Millions of Invasive Feral Goat | Farm documentary


Impressive work by Australian farmers in managing the invasive feral goat population! Their dedication to sustainable farming practices is truly commendable


Invasive species can have significant economic impacts, affecting industries such as agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.


Implementing innovative and humane strategies becomes imperative for farmers dealing with the destructive behavior of feral goats.


Farmers adaptability is crucial in minimizing economic losses caused by feral goats on agricultural land.


Invasive species hunting can provide economic opportunities for local communities through the sale of harvested animals and the development of related industries


Balancing ethical considerations, farmers explore methods to address the feral goat issue while preserving biodiversity.


The ecological impact of feral goats on native vegetation underscores the urgency of finding responsible solutions.


Australian farmers grapple with the challenge of millions of invasive feral goats impacting agricultural landscapes.


The economic and ecological consequences of invasive feral goats prompt farmers to find effective control measures.