
"How has human rationality led to the advancement of science and technology?" 이성은 어떻게 과학기술발전으로 향했나?

I'll share with you while I study philosophers. I'll try to understand their terms, their worries and their thoughts.

I wonder what philosophers ponder about!

4 hours ago

imagine you're sitting around a campfire under a starry night sky and I start telling you a story that's as old as Humanity itself once upon a time in a world not so different from ours people started asking questions why does the sun rise and set how do birds fly what makes the seasons change you see the spark that Lit the fire of Science and Technology was nothing more than our own curiosity our need to understand the world around us humans by Nature are pretty rational creatures we look for p
atterns try to figure out the rules of the game the universe is playing this snack for spotting patterns and solving puzzles is what we call rationality and it's this very rationality that nudged us down the path of Discovery and invention think of it like this early humans noticed that seeds fall from plants and grow into new ones so they started farming using their understanding to control their food supply that was technology back then fast forward a bit and we've got folks like Isaac Newton
getting bonked on the head by an apple and starting to ponder gravity or Archimedes chilling in his bath figuring out displacement and shouting Eureka at its core all these moments of Brilliance were just human rationality in action we observed we wondered and then we used our reasoning to uncover the laws that govern everything from the fall of an apple to the orbits of planets and here's the cool part every Discovery every invent ion Builds on the one before it it's like we're all standing on
the shoulders of giants seeing a little further because of the work of those who came before us the wheel the printing press the computer the internet each Leap Forward was made possible by our ability to think reason and apply our knowledge so next time you're texting a friend or you're catching a flight across the ocean remember it's all thanks to human rationality Our Endless Quest to understand and manipulate the world has taken us from stone tools to smartphones from cave paintings to virtu
al reality and the journey oh it's far from over who knows what wonders human rationality will lead us to next as we sit here sharing stories under the night sky we part of that Grand Adventure my friend and that's a pretty exciting thing to be part of don't you think
