
How my ADHD and Autism (audhd) Help Me in the Workplace as a Manager #neurodivergent

I'm taking a quick delve into the unique strengths I'm able to bring with #adhd and #autism (#audhd) to the workplace, especially as a people manager. Be sure to follow @AuDHDBoss for more Neurodiversity in the Workplace videos.

Brett, The AuDHD Boss

2 weeks ago

one thing we don't I think talk about enough is when we're at work we have to tend to advocate for ourselves with our autism and ADHD but there's a lot of benefits to both that advocating and also just how we can become better employees and better at our jobs in general one specific thing for me is I'm a much better manager I'm a much better leader because of my autism and ADHD I'm able to have more nuanced conversations and think more with the people on my team the people that I interact with I
'm able to Advocate more for the people on my team because when I think about how I need to advocate for myself in my specific needs I then take that expand that to my team I ask other people what do you need how can this work best for you how can you best approach this project this task this idea just simply having those more nuanced conversations to do their jobs well instantly makes it an easier place to work
