
How to Create Article Tags - On-Page SEO SEO On page - Kategori 1. Apa itu Tag Artikel? Tag artikel adalah elemen yang digunakan untuk mengkategorikan, mengelompokkan, dan memberi informasi tambahan tentang suatu konten di halaman web. Tag ini membantu mesin pencari memahami dan mengindeks konten Anda dengan lebih baik. Dalam konteks SEO, tag artikel memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam mengoptimalkan keseluruhan struktur konten dan memperkuat relevansi topik yang ditampilkan. 2. Manfaat Penggunaan Tag Artikel dalam SEO: a. Mengorganisir Konten: Dengan menggunakan tag artikel yang relevan, Anda dapat mengorganisir konten Anda menjadi kategori yang logis dan terstruktur. Hal ini membantu mesin pencari memahami bagaimana konten Anda terhubung satu sama lain dan meningkatkan navigasi pengguna di situs web Anda. b. Meningkatkan Visibilitas: Tag artikel yang dipilih dengan baik dapat membantu meningkatkan visibilitas konten Anda di hasil mesin pencari. Misalnya, dengan menggunakan tag yang sesuai dengan topik atau kata kunci populer, konten Anda dapat muncul di bagian teratas hasil pencarian yang relevan. c. Meningkatkan Relevansi: Dalam SEO, relevansi konten terhadap kata kunci atau topik tertentu sangat penting. Dengan menggunakan tag artikel yang relevan, Anda dapat membantu mesin pencari memahami topik dan konteks konten Anda dengan lebih baik. Ini akan meningkatkan kemungkinan konten Anda muncul di hasil pencarian yang relevan dan menarik lalu lintas organik yang lebih banyak. d. Peningkatan Pengalaman Pengguna: Tag artikel yang tepat juga dapat meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna di situs web Anda. Dengan menyediakan struktur yang terorganisir dan navigasi yang mudah, pengguna akan lebih mudah menemukan informasi yang mereka cari. Hal ini akan meningkatkan tingkat retensi pengguna, waktu tinggal di situs web, dan interaksi dengan konten Anda. 3. Tips untuk Penggunaan Optimal Tag Artikel: a. Riset Kata Kunci: Lakukan riset kata kunci yang cermat untuk menemukan kata kunci yang relevan dan populer dalam industri atau topik yang Anda bahas. Gunakan kata kunci ini sebagai acuan untuk memilih tag artikel yang sesuai. b. Pertimbangkan Relevansi: Pastikan tag artikel yang Anda gunakan benar-benar relevan dengan konten yang ada. Jangan menggunakan tag yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan konten hanya untuk mendapatkan lalu lintas yang lebih tinggi. Mesin pencari dapat mengenali upaya seperti ini dan dapat berdampak negatif pada peringkat Anda c. Gunakan Tag yang Spesifik: Hindari penggunaan tag yang terlalu umum atau generik. Lebih baik menggunakan tag yang lebih spesifik dan mendefinisikan topik konten Anda dengan lebih baik. Misalnya, jika Anda menulis tentang "SEO", lebih baik menggunakan tag seperti "apa itu seo" atau "belajar seo" daripada hanya menggunakan tag "seo". d. Hindari Duplikasi Tag: Setiap tag artikel harus unik dan tidak boleh digunakan secara berlebihan. Jangan menggunakan tag yang sama untuk setiap artikel atau konten di situs web Anda. Ini akan membantu mencegah konten Anda bersaing dengan dirinya sendiri dalam hasil pencarian. e. Gunakan Tag Meta yang Relevan: Selain tag artikel, pastikan Anda menggunakan tag meta yang relevan seperti meta deskripsi, meta judul, dan meta kata kunci. Tag-tag ini memberikan informasi tambahan kepada mesin pencari tentang konten Anda dan dapat mempengaruhi tampilan hasil pencarian. f. Perbarui Tag Secara Berkala: Lakukan evaluasi dan perbarui tag artikel secara berkala sesuai dengan perubahan tren dan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Perkembangan dalam industri atau pergeseran preferensi pengguna dapat mempengaruhi tag yang paling efektif untuk digunakan. Dalam perspektif SEO, penggunaan tag artikel yang tepat dan relevan sangat penting. Tag artikel membantu mengorganisir konten, meningkatkan visibilitas, meningkatkan relevansi, dan meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna di situs web Anda. Dengan melakukan riset kata kunci yang baik, memilih tag yang spesifik, menghindari duplikasi tag, dan menggunakan tag meta yang relevan, Anda dapat mengoptimalkan konten Anda dan meningkatkan peringkat di mesin pencari. Tetap memantau dan memperbarui tag artikel secara berkala juga penting untuk tetap relevan dengan perubahan tren dan kebutuhan pengguna. Dengan menerapkan strategi tag artikel yang optimal, Anda dapat memperkuat upaya SEO Anda dan mencapai tujuan pemasaran online yang lebih baik. ============================================== ๐Ÿ’ฒ Donasi : ๐Ÿ’ฒ ============================================== โœ”๏ธ Kursus dan Konsultasi SEO please contact ๐Ÿ‘ : ๐Ÿ“ง : ============================================== Hosting - Domain disc 5% : Kode Kupon : blogtips ==============================================


9 months ago

[Music] Before we start, don't forget to hit the like button. Thank you very much. Welcome to the blog tips channel. This time, we will continue the material about Po, because based on the poll for the highest position, there is still material about CEOs around 40% something. I want to continue the problem that we yesterday discussing that category, I hope that you already understand, now we just want to add a little problem. The categories you use as categories are keywords that have a large vo
lume. If you use AFF, you use the parent topic, if you don't have one rem can't use Google planner yet and you check the check that you took it is the one with the highest search volume as the main category and in that category the contents of the pillar articles or the description will be left, right ? here it's the same as the category, only here what I want to explain is the benefits because I've already checked on YouTube and on Google Search I think what I want to say has never been discuss
ed before so maybe I can just say it myself first disclaimer so this is just my opinion so it's not certain that someone will agree maybe other people and I know I've also given video material about no and that's really for the method that is in quotation marks Yes it's like making hundreds not in that instant I'm humble, that's the version. Now, we want the straight version, because I want to make this blog timeless, for example, I don't want my blog to always deal with names. I forgot to Googl
e, I'm tired, right? is the material, maybe you often see on Google Search there are short articles but how come they can be trending on page 1 if you see them often That's how we eventually form an opinion in our heads What's the use of that I make long pillar articles like that right it's really crap that I'm tired, just a short article can rank. Well, that's mostly the thoughts of friends who want a short route like that, like this in the keyword west coast land if we look at this, but a lot
of people really don't use the article it's really long, for example, let's look for it, try to check the Tribune, let's see, right? there are 1000 for the destination keyword, this is his category . 400 Ah, it's a lie to teach Oni Yes, but if we know in Google's eyes, it turns out that the description is already 1000 World and there is 400 watts . if one brain contains approx. OK, we'll take another containing 600 World, OK? 6 * 6. That's 3,600, 3,600. Add articles and add descriptions from the
1400 category. That's a total. This article is probably 5,000 long [Music] , so we save the article here and We also save the article in the category description column, so later in the shop we will categorize it and not index it, and these two have their own notation, so don't look at it, it's true, as the saying goes, don't judge something by its cover, right ? so it turns out that a lot of us can't see because we have to fill in the hiding right, well, most of the time when we fill in the ta
t questions, friends usually fill in the tags with the main keywords, the main brand keywords, the main keywords again, basically, maybe there are friends, right? it's important Maybe he stuck in the column not like that using up to 10-20 not like that but there's no description for a short time yes for short Tom yes for a period of time after it's indexed by Google because the content team doesn't have any content it drops again the ranking often have a week or so, next week, it'll fall again b
ecause it's practically Google the index, right ? Oh, there's no content, that's okay because it's considered content. Because like this, there are so many players. It's really deliberately left in Tak. Until the contents, even the ink, if we check it looks like this, if we check it, maybe there isn't even an article, sometimes there's an article. other players, there's no article here, it's just empty, but like this index, that's what Google does on Index, but it's indexed because there's nothi
ng in it to avoid that, it's filled with a safe description, it's afraid . The good thing is, how come there are many versions? There are many versions, there are many sects. Maybe there is the one that you hear the most often, the one that is used is derivative, but in my opinion, I won't use a derivative keyboard, but what I use is the semantics of this article For example, this article is a tourist destination for Bali. Let's check. If we look at the location of the one with the stands, he do
esn't use the descent, but he uses the semantics of the limestone cliffs. You know that you're a Balinese . The road is on the left and right, it closes the limestone frame to get to the Batak land beach. On the left and right, the road is limestone cliffs, because of that, the limestone mountain that was split was made a road. Have you ever been there, have you not seen from the pictures, I already understand why there are demons on the land beach The Batak can see the sunset, the view of Sunse
t, those are the semantic keywords or keywords that really emphasize the contents of this content. Suddenly, this is no wonder Tanjung Barat Beach is anything. Can you also include Hidden games because it's not new, the beach is still new, so put it in Hidden games as a semantic then it's a tourist destination for Bali, of course it's clear that it can be derived and can be used as semantics. Well, I agree with the workings of the Bali Tribune using cement to use [Music] Don't know Yes it's not
forbidden to use try down and but it's better for us to use this tag if you have a video channel there isn't your video if you want to rank on YouTube That's actually we use the semantics of our content is exactly the same, except if you use hashtags like on social media, which means using the main keyword, right ? I have to fill in the semantic keywords, right? I have to spend more money, please buy tools like LSI grab like that, right? Yes, you don't have to, right? I've already given you a vi
deo chat with me later, right ? just type here, I'm Mantik, then enter, we'll look for this, right? Like this, for example, just enter it, for example, what do I want to do, I have a post here. Let's check with the boss before we make it . Yesterday there was our category CEO, so this is another derivative of the Seo category, right? Okay, now I want to fill in the tags. We'll enter here to learn Seo to search for me later, enter . You choose what's in your article, this is my article, I underst
and the basic concept of keyword research, optimization on page or off page. This quality content is from the results of the generator, patience and consistency. We look for what is here. We look for the semantics in the points. in our article, which is close to at least, I'm looking for here what are these keywords? I think here I'm watching quality keyword research, so here it is, so not all of them, you take what is presented with GPT paint, but you can be picky. accordingly there in your con
tent because what we want to use is the semantics so don't you don't need to use something that isn't in your article because if we use it once we use it and we use the focus keyword later later I'll explain the keyword okay now we just have to make it up to us make this now, it's finished, I'll copy it straight away, we'll go back to this section of the text, right, let's go back to the tags section, we want to make tags for keywords first, right here in the focus keyword section, just fill in
the keywords, this is what I said earlier Why did you take it to the points in your article? Because when we want to include the focus keyword here, it turns green, so it's a habit, I don't know if that's it, and others, if we already use one focus keyword, it doesn't work. I will be able to use it again for another article later I will get a duplicate focus keyword notification. Please use another article. Please use a different keyword. This keyword has already been used . ran out of keywords
because it's used the same so it really has to be a concept that's why I chose me it's better to use I'm looking forward to it than I'm using the keyboard down and because if the derivative keyboard that I use is not when I fill in the keyboard focus it runs out all later I'll have problems I'm having a hard time making it green because you're happy, the op is making it green, right? If it's red, it seems really dizzy . for us, I 'll understand later . -really detailed, if you make a wrong move
, isn't it still O, it's getting better, but you're actually over-themed because you use the same tag for articles for your other articles over and over again, that's not allowed, so if you want to index tags, make sure the tags are it's only used for one article, so you don't need a lot, it's just enough for 34 seeds like that. In Bali, the same keyword can come from, can come from. Describe carefully, but if you are someone who isn't detailed and is still just learning, my safest advice is don
't index your technique, so you're free if he has no index status, you're free to use taxon is free as much as you want to be free because it has no influence and no effect on your article So if this is an option, don't get it wrong Okay, is there a question, can I use the texts that have been used again, I can't once again press can't, it's better to just use the A tag, don't use it anymore, don't use the tag for article B, use it again for the article, don't understand it, don't get me wrong,
because a lot of people are wrong, there are lots of duplicates, there's a lot of cannibalism, it's not from the article, check it out, friends, check the content, if it's in the index, check it, there are several articles that use the same tag, because maybe it's from there that you've dropped from there, it's dropped because maybe it's considered too over-the-top good for us go straight back to the post, how many of these have we just entered here, use the keyword earlier, just enter the keywo
rd , click keyword . maybe 600 around 800's and in the category section it's in the description section maybe it's also long too yes yesterday we made it there were around 800's too if we think about it clearly three of them 600D 600 watts so that's all 1800 World plus the articles. Assume that it's around 600 too, so indirectly all of our content is a total of about 6x4. So maybe around 2,400, that's why it's content, so content looks short like this, but actually it's long like this, right, no
t to mention in the section here, in the section what's the name, in the profile section, we use two keywords and content relevant to this SEO category, so it's like using ulti, yes , in the co, we use the main keyword, then in the article, we use a derivative keyboard, then on the other side We use my keyword Mantik, I use this really complementary outside of the internal link and then outside of the relate, this article doesn't have an internal link yet, it doesn't exist yet in the later secti
on. Usually we will also appear popular posts from the SEO category, that's triple. the combo is really Ultimate, it's Ultimate, if models like this are already perfect, it's really easy to optimize it, all you have to do is play a little backlink, it seems like it should go right away, yeah, sometimes our expectations are high, but in reality, he knows himself. Yes, in this way, it should last, no matter what the rain, the algorithm, there are updates of all kinds, your article shouldn't shake
or shake. Then the last one, you just have to enter Range or enter the section, enter the op section, again using the make for the cellphone section in the wings, activate it, turn it on so that in this Index, I just go to the tags section, we activate it when there is a link, this is what you need to do later. Samid goes to the city. This site on Google Web Master doesn't exist because we just made it. I've got my materials here, we'll meet in the next cave materials. Still together



Ilmu baru.. Makasi Bang


Akhirnya muncul juga ni, keren bang, gas lagi seo on pagenya.


Bang lanjutin tentang semua wordpress di tunggu kelanjutannya,terimakasih semua ilmunya semoga bermanfaat


Gokil. Baru tau gw. Mantap bang Indrak


materi ini udah dijelasin sama bang indrak (lupa konten yg mana). ane langsung praktikin. kesimpulan ane, selama kontennya relevan dengan tag gak perlu takut tabarkan dengan kategori/judul/isi konten. ane pernah ngalamin tag-nya yg rank 1. lama-lama crawling google bisa paham kalau yg diinginkan visitor adalah artikelnya akhirnya artikel ane bisa rank 1 dengan trik ini


Juara memang.. ๐Ÿ‘ Berkat om indra,ane ga jd ikut paid course seo,krn blog tips lebih lengkap materinya..wkwkwk ๐Ÿ˜ Salam kopi liong ๐Ÿฒ


mantap om . langsung beli hosting ini mh ๐Ÿ˜‚


Ini yang saya tunggu dari kemari, soalnya saya masih binggung buat tag, takut tabrakan sama karegori sama judul sama isi konten


jos mah, baru tau ane wkwkw, berarti khusus vol diatas 1k nih sm pilar


bang bahas niche Automotiv bule lah sekali


Bang Misal optimasi di tag kn otomatis buat artikel baru ,kalo ternyata disemantik artikel utama ada banyak tag trs baru di tambahin lagi setelah 2 atau 3 hari kemudian apa perlu di index ulang?


Lah kan om indrak yg ajarin isi tag sebanyak mungkin ada video sebelumnya tuh om


Bang izin nanya klo beberapa artikelnya udh terlanjur gunain tag yg sama, bagus ya di apapin bang, terimakasih.


Bang bahas ping youtube, marketplace, dan sosmed terima kasih


saya pakai cara yang lama kena cononical tag di gsc ada ga bang toolsnya ini buat yg blogspot bir ga kena kanonical


mungkin masih banyak yang gk ngerti on-page SEO om makanya bnyak yg voting hehe


kang indra maaf diluar kontex ni, klo untuk Orphaned content itu gimana cara mengatasinya.. Tag dan katagori sudah saya kasih diskripsi dan intrnalink juga ada di dlamnya. dDan untuk artikel saya sudah kasih internalink juga tapi posnya malah kena Orphaned content .. mohon pencerahanya kang. kirany apa yang salah.. dan Orphaned content seberapa besar pengaruhnya terhadap blog kita.. terimakasih


kalo woocommerce produk kan banyak tuh yang sama naman ya misal kaos a, kaos b dan kaos c, otomatis tagnya jg bayak yang sama, caranya gimana mbah?