
How to Use Blogs (Campaign Management Tools) to Enhance Your TTRPG

Dr. Ben discusses how to use blogs (campaign management tools) to enhance your TTRPG (Episode 24) Campaign Organization Tools Website RPG PHD swag!!! Facebook Instagram Patreon Music and Sounds: Music:


8 months ago

ever wanted to enhance the storytelling immersion and World building of your game everyone has some tips on how to use a blog or other campaign tools to enhance and deepen role play then stay tuned for today's episode [Music] hello and welcome to RPG PhD I'm Dr Ben and today we will discuss the benefits of blogging or using other campaign tools to enhance your tabletop RPGs in our age of digital connectivity we have powerful tools at our disposal to enhance our gaming experiences one such tool i
s a blog or other campaign organization software check out the description below for links to some of those I'm defining blog in this context as tools software website that allow you to share information and collaborate with your players or a larger Community whether you're a game master or a player utilizing a Blog can take your adventures to new heights in this video we'll explore ways in which using a Blog can enrich and elevate your tabletop role-playing games collaborative storytelling RPGs
are all about creative and immersive engaging narratives and a Blog can serve as a perfect platform for collaborative storytelling among your gaming group with a Blog you can invite your players to contribute to the ongoing Story by writing their own posts or chapters from their character's perspective this collaborative approach allows each player to delve deeper into their character's motivations inner thoughts and personal experiences it adds layers of depth and richness to the overall narra
tive imagine the excitement of reading a blog post from another player detailing their character's heroic Deeds or uncovering a secret that impacts the entire Party by sharing their stories on the blog players can surprise and Inspire one another creating a tapestry of interconnected narratives that weave together to form a captivating Adventure furthermore the blog can serve as a repository of collective storytelling where players can collectively contribute to World building introduce new plot
threads or develop intriguing side quests this collaborative storytelling approach allows everyone to have a hand in shaping the game world and creates a sense of ownership and investment among the players by embracing collaborative storytelling on a Blog you unlock the full creative potential of your gaming group it encourages players to think critically engaged with the narrative on a deeper level and actively contribute to the collective storytelling experience centralized game information o
ne way a Blog can enhance your game is by providing a centralized hub for all of your game related information no more searching through piles of papers or lost files with a Blog you can organize and access crucial details about your campaign characters and world with ease you can create separate sections or categories for character profiles campaign notes World lore rules references Homebrew and campaign restrictions like which classes are spells that you allow in your game this centralization
ensures that you and your players can easily access and update crucial details making it easier to stay organized and keep track of important information during your gaming sessions I've used this often in my games to introduce new subsystems or to make a formal ruling on a particular rules question that might have come up in the game where I Ruled in the moment to keep the game moving but have now settled on a more permanent solution character backstories character backstories can be an essenti
al component of any tabletop RPG as they provide depth motivation and a sense of History to your characters a Blog can serve as the perfect platform to delve into and share these backstories with your fellow players encourage your players to write engaging backstories for their characters on the blog this allows them to explore their characters past including their upbringing experiences and defining Moments by sharing these backstories players can gain a deeper understanding of each other's cha
racters fostering stronger connections within the gaming group not only does writing character backstories on a Blog help in character development but also provides a treasure Trove of plot Hooks and story ideas for the game master the GM can draw inspiration from the character backstories to weave them into overarching narrative creating personalized story arcs and quests tailored to each character's history and goals additionally a Blog can serve as a repository of character development over t
ime as the campaign progresses players can't update their character's backstory post to reflect the growth changes in new experiences their characters undergo this creates a dynamic and evolving narrative that mirrors the character's Journey session Recaps and storytelling after each gaming session writing detailed Recaps on your blog not only serves as a Chronicle of your campaign but also allows players to revisit past Adventures these Recaps can be crafted as engaging narratives adding depth
and flavor to the ongoing story of your game these Recaps serve multiple purposes first they act as a Chronicle of your campaign allowing you to look back on previous adventures and remember important plot points secondly they serve as a storytelling medium enabling you to add depth and flavor to the ongoing narrative you can bring the characters interactions memorable moments and key decisions to life providing an engaging reading experience for both players and other readers I've had players w
ho during the game write down memorable funny or interesting character and player quotes that are often then posted on the blog they may also write a brief summary of what happened during the game and this is something that my groups have done for years and what's really interesting to me is how much past campaigns are almost completely forgotten unless some of these details are chronicled character journals and development encourage your players to maintain character journals on the blog this g
ives them a space to explore their character's thoughts Reflections and personal growth throughout the campaign it deepens the emotional connection between players and their in-game personas creating memorable character development arcs this allows the players an opportunity to share their thoughts and react on what has occurred in the game especially if a major character or story event has occurred character journals also provide a wonderful opportunity for character development and inter-party
interactions generally can help your players role play more authentically at the table because they've had an opportunity to process their characters thoughts and feelings between games I found that some players get more into this side of Storytelling and character exploration than the actual game itself having an opportunity for a character to reflect on their thoughts and feelings about in-game events and relationships can be a powerful way of deepening a character adding to immersion and cre
ating more memorable moments writing from NPC's perspectives NPCs play a crucial role in any game world and giving them a voice through blog posts can add depth and immersion to your game imagine creating blog entries written by important NPCs sharing their thoughts experiences and interactions with the player characters these entries can offer unique insights hints or clues about the game World quests or upcoming events by writing from the NPC's perspectives you provide players with a deeper un
derstanding of their motivations and create more Dynamic interactions between the characters additionally writing from NPC's perspectives can serve as a valuable tool for the game master it allows you to flesh out the personalities backstories and relationships of the NPCs it's an opportunity to showcase their unique voices and make them feel more alive in the game world I have found this to be a great storytelling tool that gives insight into the inner lives of major NPCs and can be great for N
PCs who are love interests or who are important to particular player characters you can check out my video on adding love interests more here the GM can also utilize the blog to provide additional information clues or foreshadowing to guide the players toward the next plot Point sharing hints or teasers through blog posts creates anticipation an Intrigue keeping the players engaged and invested in uncovering the mysteries of the campaign writing from the villain's perspective give your villains
a voice by creating blog posts or articles from their point of view this adds depth to their motivation explores their schemes and allows your players to gain insight into their adversaries it creates a unique storytelling experience as players can delve into the mind of the antagonists and understand their actions on a deeper level this can be used to foreshadow future in-game events or delve into the past of a villain to show motivation or tell a deeper story it can show off-screen conversatio
ns and give the players a deeper understanding of what is happening even if their characters are unaware as a GM this is one of my favorite uses for blogging having those Throne Room scenes where the villain discusses their plans with an underling or is out in the world taking some action that will later involve the PCS it can be a great way of building interesting antagonists and providing insight to their motivations World building supplements expand your game World by creating supplementary c
ontent on the blog you can write detailed articles about various aspects of the settings such as history cultures factions and magical systems this additional lore provides players with a deeper understanding of the world and inspires their role-playing choices by providing additional lore and context you enrich the player's understanding of that world and offer them more opportunities for role-playing and decision making within the game blogs also give the opportunity to add tons of character i
mages maps and other visual aids that can bring a campaign to life player resources and handouts keep the flow of your game smooth and immersive by uploading resources and handouts to the blog Maps item descriptions and important NPC profile can be easily accessed by players during the game allowing them to review details and stay engaged in the adventure a Blog is an excellent platform for sharing player resources and handouts by making these resources easily accessible players can refer to the
m during the game saving time and keeping the flow of the game smooth additionally having these resources readily available outside of the gaming session allows the players to review and study the details fostering deeper engagement with the game world interactive player forums set up a dedicated Forum section on your blog for players to engage in out of character discussions this creates a sense of community and encourages players to share ideas ask questions and collaborate on strategies it Fo
sters a stronger Bond among the gaming group both during and between sessions it also provides a platform for players to share their experiences and to learn from one another and there you have it a few of the ways that using a Blog can enhance your tabletop role-playing games from organizing game information to fostering collaboration storytelling and building a Vibrant Community the possibilities are really awesome please share your thoughts or experiences about blogs or other software and how
you use them in your games I hope you've enjoyed this video on using a Blog to enhance your tabletop RPG if so please hit those like And subscribe buttons it's much appreciated thanks for watching see you next time thank you



Encouraging player expression outside of the game itself is always a good thing. It shows immersion and investment. Having them write stories and journals from their character's perspective can lead to great RP moments.


We do something like this with google docs.