
How to use OPTUS SPORTS on a TCL Android TV

Enjoy all the exciting sports that Optus Sports app has to offer! Follow the steps to download and install the Optus Sports App on your TCL Android TV! Follow us! Facebook Instagram Twitter #tcl #tcltv #TCL2021 #androidTV #howtovideos #optussports


3 years ago

[Music] hi i'm richard falzon product manager at tcl electronics australia and new zealand today i'm going to show you how to download and install the optus sports app on your tcl android tv first of all you're going to go to the google play store which is on your favorites page and then once in the google play store you're going to you're going gonna go to your little search icon and here you're gonna type optus sports actually all you probably need to type is optus and there you can see optusp
orts has appeared so you just select enter and select the optosports app so you can install it okay so optosports is now installed on your tv but we want to make sure it's visible on your home page so just go back to your home page by either hitting the back arrow on your remote control or the home button then we're going to go to the plus icon here which is your add apps to favorite icon and you're going to scroll down and there you can see optusport so just select that and there you go optispo
rt is now installed on your home screen you can now enjoy all the exciting sports that optosports has to offer be sure to subscribe to our channel for more exciting tips and tricks thank you very much [Music]



My home page looks nothing like that and I have no access to google play. Where is the option for MS6586 series?