
How to Win at Content

There’s just no way around it – when you’re in this business, you have to put out video content. And in the beginning, that can feel pretty uncomfortable. Well, get over it. Nobody’s a natural at this. Getting comfortable in front of the camera is like training a muscle… You just have to keep showing up and working at it. You have to get comfortable… with feeling uncomfortable. That’s how you win as an entrepreneur.

Jeff Walker

2 days ago

so how do you win at content and specifically how  do you get comfortable with content how do you get comfortable with sharing yourself especially  on video I know this is a thing that holds so many people back and the reality is is video is  incredibly powerful and it's so much easier to do than writing most of us aren't amazingly talented  writers and we're a lot better at speaking so video for almost all of us I think Absol abolutely  needs to be part of the picture for you and people struggl
e with this and so I just had I just did  a a podcast we recorded a podcast an interview with Will Hamilton and will is someone I've known  he's been on my Mastermind for 14 years now and we asked him this question because he's done a lot of  video over the years and what he said is you know this probably isn't a very good answer because  in the beginning everyone feels uncomfortable everyone feels uncomfortable getting in front of  the camera that seeing that red dot or that Green Dot I'm looki
ng at you right now that Green  Dot right there everyone's uncomfortable with that and you just have to get over it and and he  said but it's you know this isn't what people want to hear this isn't a good answer for you because  people don't want to feel uncomfortable and then he went on to say a lot more but I thought that  was such an interesting thing because the truth is that most people are uncomfortable and they  don't want to feel uncomfortable so they put off shooting the video they put
off turning on the  camera and that shows you how you win you win as an entrepreneur by doing the things that make  you feel uncomfortable you know I'm if you've been watching my channel for a while you know I'm  a I'm your biggest cheerleader I believe all of us can can build something great I feel all of  us can can just make a great impact and I just want to be your cheerleader but I also you know I  I also just want to be the truth teller that says if you're going to build a business you're
going  to have to do things that are uncomfortable and you're going to have to feel you're going to  have to be okay with feeling uncomfortable and you're going to have to almost celebrate feeling  uncomfortable and you're going to it's part of the journey it is part of the journey and there's  no way around it whether it's video or something else there are going to be things that make  you uncomfortable and you have to get get good at being uncomfortable and you know no one is a  natural at vid
eo when I think back when I guess it was about 2010 when I started doing videos and  believe me when I started my business it was just 100% email based there's the the idea that I  would ever be sharing any part of my life or shooting videos was so far from what I thought  was you know possible or or it just it wasn't in the realm of possibility I mean doing online  video wasn't a thing back then but in 2010 I was like okay yeah video is going to be a big thing I  got to get this figured out and
I remember those first videos I would literally do them one line  at a time I would script them out I would script them out and I would have them on a teleprompter  and I would do one line and one sentence and it would typically take me 10 or 11 or 12 takes per  sentence I was horrible absolutely horrible and you know what you just get better by putting in  the Reps and now I don't know on this channel I'm well over 500 videos and you know you probably  noticed I'm not super scripted I'm out wa
lking in the woods I'm not super scripted I have the  capability to just turn on the camera and talk and I think appears somewhat normal no one's a natural  I wasn't a natural if you ever think anyone is a natural just go to their YouTube channel and go  to their videos go to the video page and sort by the the oldest videos you know and then just  scroll and look at their first videos in a few channels they go back and they they they kill the  old ones they delete them because they're so ugly bu
t for those Chan many channels don't and you  can go back and look at their earliest videos and then look at their newest videos and you can  see the difference that a bunch of reps make that just put in the work so another star of our plf  community is Ann lafalette and an didn't start in this business until she was in her 60s and  she just started doing doing lives she started doing Facebook lives teaching on her topic matter  which is surface design and initially it was just her cousin was th
e only person showing up and she  was just putting in the Reps she was learning how to do it she was learning to feel comfortable on  camera to speak to the camera and then eventually when she started to feel enough comfort with just  having her cousin showing up and watching her then she started running some Facebook ads and just  had one or two people on and then gradually grew her audience from there she she put in the Reps  she learned she found her voice she found what resonated and built f
rom there putting one foot  in front of the other so no one's in natural at this you have to get comfortable with it and you  also have to understand when you start out there's probably not going to be very very many people  watching it none of us starts off with an audience so yay you if you don't have a big audience you're  just starting out Fant fantastic because that means there's going to be very very few people  seeing your early mistakes you know another friend of mine Jeff Johnson he sai
d practice on your B  clients in other words don't go for the biggest stage right away you don't want a massive stage  the first time you step on stage and it'll be the same with your content the same with your video  you're probably not going to have that many people showing up and watching early on put in those reps  get comfortable and get comfortable with feeling feeling uncomfortable I'm Jeff Walker we ever  watching this scroll down leave a comment for me give me a thumbs up tell some tell
some friends  about my videos and let's go get them this week



That is how we all begin! I recall, just 5 years ago, it took me 17 takes to introduce myself on video that I wanted to post on Facebook! People who say "i am not going to do video", or "I hate video" are only creating a mental hurdle, and hide in their comfort. Well, I did that too: hid under the fact that I can speak to large audiences 'live in person' -- I have done that -- so why do I need to be solo on video? THAT IS THE POINT! Entrepreneur vs. employee is a great metaphor for how FULLY FREE you want to feel! Thank you Jeff.


What made all the difference for me was having an expert teacher and coach in Michelle Lange at Visible Impact Now who''s taught me how to improve my messaging, how to be strategic in the videos I’m producing... and of course, tech! Learning made the road to feeling comfortable and confident on camera faster and fun. Thank you for this video, Jeff! As always, such an important message you've shared with us.


This was just exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you so much for the reminder that everyone starts out small and inexperienced and in order to move forward, you just need to keep.going! This is true for almost every single goal. The only way to fail is to quit! 🙏🏽


Hi, Jeff. Thank you for your kind nudge! I need this advice, and I`ll put myself in the reps!


Hey, Jeff. I agree with Nehaknautiyal and Rajupanjwani2024. I needed to hear it (again—how many times have you said this since you started doing videos?). Thank God we didn't start trying to walk later on in life. We would have fallen that first time and never attempted to get up. Perfectionism is another issue that holds many of us back (I know it has me). Thank you for the reminder about not having a big audience (yet). Practice improves our ability to come across as we want to (and so does good editing!).