
"Hurt" Reaction (Part 2) - Vocal Coach Analysis feat. Johnny Cash (Nine Inch Nails Cover)

We started the week watching the original version of this song by Nine Inch Nails. Today we're watching Johnny Cash's cover of the same song, "Hurt." Watch the original video uninterrupted: Website: Join the A-Lyst: #nineinchnails #johnnycash #reaction

The Vocalyst

6 days ago

欢迎回到歌手,正如今天所承诺的那样,我们正在听约翰尼·卡什 (Johnny Cash) 翻唱的这首歌, 如果你错过了我们听过的 9in Nails 现场表演这首歌的上一个视频,那么今天我们 会做一些比较和对比,声音分析在这里,我们[音乐] [音乐] 今天我伤害了自己,看看我是否仍然感觉我专注于疼痛唯一真实的东西针 撕裂了洞旧熟悉的刺试图杀死它一切但我记得 我 成为了我最甜蜜的 朋友,我认识的每个人都消失在A中,你可以拥有我的 污垢帝国,我会让你 失望,我会让你 受伤[音乐]你离我远点,你他我穿这把 荆棘王冠放在我的骗子椅子上,充满了破碎的 思想,我无法修复,时间的污点,感情 消失了,你是 另一个人,我还在这里,我 成为了我最甜蜜的朋友 ,我认识的每个人最终都消失了,而你可以拥有 我的污垢帝国我会让你 失望我会让你回到她身边如果我能再次开始[音乐]一百万英里 之外我会保持 自己我会找到一种 方法 好吧我们要回去了我们将分解一些东西,但我想 在我的评论前说,虽然我们从技术上讲是同一首歌的两个版本,但我确实 觉得这些只是两首完全不同的歌曲,我这么说是因为我 对这个版本有一个反应我对另一个版本
有另一种反应,我的 反应并不意味着一个版本比另一个版本更好,它们只是不同, 所以我想在我们讨论这个问题时将这一点放在你的脑海中,因为 每当我们这样做时比较和对比并不是一个比另一个更好,因为作为 人类,音乐是如此主观,影响你的东西可能不会影响其他人,或者你 对一首音乐或一场表演的感受,其他人可能会有完全不同的 反应,所以说了这么多,让我们看看,让我们看看,在我们 真正开始之前,让我们先看看,我喜欢这首歌的简单性 在这个封面中得以保留,我认为这是一个如此美丽的选择,嗯,真的嗯提升了这个 特殊的封面,因为他没有撕开原来的,嗯,他在这里尊重它,我们[音乐] [音乐]去吧 ,我今天伤害了自己,看看我是否仍然觉得我专注于痛苦,唯一真正的 针撕破了那个老熟悉的洞,试图一路杀死它,但我记得 一切,约翰尼·卡什,多么美妙的声音,听到歌手的声音真是太可爱了,嗯,随着他们年龄的增长, 他们的声音中仍然带有并保持着我们只是我不知道的一些品质不知道这 让他们如此容易被认出,他声音的丰富性、勇气和深度是 我一直钦佩的事情之一,所以我喜欢我们在这篇 特别的作品中听到这些,而且你知道只要你在翻唱时将歌曲放在正确的调上
就可以有所帮助 你知道选择一个对你有好处的调它不一定是原创的 嗯我认为这就是这首歌如此受欢迎的原因之一不同的含义是,你知道 Johnny Cash 在他生活中的位置,与歌曲第一次发行时相比,你知道 9in Nails 整体在他们生活中的位置,我认为生活经历起着重要作用 ,而且作为局外人也是如此看着[音乐],嗯,这首曲子感觉更具反思性,嗯, 另一个版本是原版,嗯,我想到的第一个词是原版,感觉 它更紧迫,我可能会改变主意,但我们会继续前进我是否已经 成为我最甜蜜的 朋友了,我认识的每个人都消失了,所以我认为这句话是一个非常 美丽的例子,说明了如何一次又一次地有这么多可以 解释的地方,但当我在听和比较时两个当我听到那句 台词时,就像每个人最终都消失了当我听到9in Nails时,我想你知道有些人 要么抛弃你,要么只是让你失去联系,嗯,他们可能不是最真诚的 朋友,就像这些人一样当我听到表演时想到的想法 在这里,我觉得你知道更多的回忆,嗯,也许甚至后悔,只是你 知道不珍惜再次与人相处的时光,这就是我的来源, 但这是一个很好的例子,说明你如何能够拥有同样的时光歌词,你真的可以用 潜台词来改变它们,
嗯,只是一个整体的表演,以及你如何表达台词,你可以拥有 我的污垢帝国 , 我会让你 失望,我会让 你,他有如此明亮美丽的品质他的语气,我认为这是另一个原因, 嗯,我的意思是,他是一位令人难以置信的音乐家、词曲作者、表演者,在很多事情上,但 他有能力,他有声音,当他唱出低音时, 这帮助我后退了一步,认出我之前听到的是什么 ,这就是我非常喜欢的真正甜美的完整声音, 你离我远点,你他我把这顶荆棘王冠戴在我的骗子 椅子上,里面充满了 我无法修复的破碎的想法时间的污点[音乐]感觉 消失了你是 另一个人我还在这里我 成为了我最甜蜜的 朋友我有这么多这个视频做得如此精美嗯我认为另一件事 给了我一点点更具反思性的是看到他 年轻时的这些片段,我喜欢这一次,当他唱着“我成为我最甜蜜的 朋友”时,我们在镜头中看到了琼小姐,在其中一些片段中也只是这样让人感觉 他现在正在和她说话,我不知道,我不知道这是不是故意的,我 真的很喜欢这样,虽然我们走了,我知道这一年就会消失,你可以拥有 我的污垢帝国我会让你失望 我会让你受伤 如果我能再次开始[音乐] 一百万英里 之外 我会保持 自己 我会找到一种 方法 我将再次演奏
最后一段 那孤独的钢琴 键 的铃声 太强大了,当然我们已经有了所有这些剪辑,只是我不能 说得足够多,这个封面与这个音乐视频的搭配做得非常漂亮, 我只是我喜欢它,我认识的每个人最终都会走得很远,你可以拥有 我的泥土帝国 我会让你 失望 我会让你 哈 如果我能在一百万英里 之外 重新开始 我会保持 自己 我会找到一种 方法 我没有太多其他的话可以说 你们已经知道了我对翻唱的感觉如何,我认为他们可以 在这个行业做很多神奇的事情,嗯,显然约翰尼·卡什和 9in 钉子不属于 同一流派,所以交叉推广流派让人们接触不同的艺术家 和不同的歌手是一个巨大的优势涵盖了嗯,但最重要的是交互 ,就是把一些如此美丽和完整的东西,然后把它转变 为一群全新的人可以欣赏的东西,我认为这只是一件美丽的 事情,你知道的没有对错之分,我相信你们很多人都 对哪一首更好有自己的看法,但他们只是在这 一点上我脑子里有两首完全不同的歌曲,我只是我来这里是为了它我很高兴我们能认识我很高兴我们认识你们,所以 今天就这样,非常感谢你们和我一起观看,希望下次能见到你们



It is said that when Johnny's daughter saw the video, she said, "It's almost like you're saying goodbye" in which he replied, "I am."


Lyrically identical - presentation is EVERYTHING. NIN is feeling the harsh reality of life - Johnny is feeling the weight of a lifetime of decisions.


First time I've seen you get through an entire song without a pause. It's definitely an emotional ride.


Sees someone is reacting to this song. Asks himself "Do I want to ugly cry right now?" The video really helps hit you in the feels...


77 years old and I watch this and wonder what the hell was the point of a lifetime of work ,family, laughter tears etc etc. The finality of Johnny closing that piano cover sucks the tears out of this old guy every time. IT IS DONE


Trent from Nine Inch Nails was asked how he felt about Johnny's cover of his song, Trent said "that song belongs to Johnny now"


The line "everyone I know goes away in the end" hits harder with Cash's cover. A life heavy with regret, after watching so many people you love die, and the rest abandoning you to age alone, as the world leaves you behind. There is nothing more tragic, and yet it's a doom that hangs over us all. Help is never coming, any hope is empty. All you can do is process the reality and the regrets to try to make peace. This rendition breaks my heart every time I hear it. It's pure tragic beauty, and it captures an intrinsic part of the mortal Human experience (namely the last chapters).


It is sad to think within 11 months, they both died. R.i.p. Johnny and June Carter Cash.


Johnny's version has a finality to it, while Nine Inch Nails' was an intermezzo, a momentary state. A life lived versus a life in transition.


When I heard Johnny's cover and especially with the video, I swore it was like Trent wrote this song for Mr. Cash. Knowing the little I do about Johnny's life, it just seems so fitting for him to sing it. Add to that how old he looks, the emotion in his eyes, and just the age and tiredness in his still beautiful voice... let's just say I was not surprised that he passed on not too long after this. RIP, Johnny. I still recall that time me dad found a way to sneak his 8 year old son to the side of the stage to watch you sing a song in concert. And if the security guard who caught us but let us stay until it ended is still alive, thank you to you as well.


The artistic courage of Cash recording this cover so late in his life is beyond impressive.


I'm 47 years old now, and the lyrics of this song hit progressively harder with the closing of each new day. Brilliant writing, and a timeless and perfect cover/tribute to Reznor's penned genius. We all have an empire of dirt.


As an older person, the lyrics definitely hit different. Hearing Cash sing this at the end of his career and life is so powerful and resonant. RIP to The Man In Black.


Man, I cry every time I watch the video and listen to the song. So vulnerable and yet powerful. I need a minute...


Greetings from Scotland. Absolutely love your reactions. I can never watch this version without crying. As someone nearer the end than the beginning it has an added resonance. Regards, Howard.


I cry every time I watch this video. It captures all the emotions, experiences, reflections, and regrets of a life.


"The needle tears a hole" hits like a bolt of lightning when Cash sings it (he's an old Junky). It's as if Trent wrote the song for himself and Johnny Cash.


"Hearing it was like someone kissing your girlfriend." - Trent Reznor


One of my favorite stories about this cover is that when they asked for permission from Trent to record it Johnny wanted to change one of the lyrics. He changed crown of shit to crown of thorns. Trent said that he would never let anybody else change one of his lyrics, but when Johnny Cash asks you, you just say yes


I could see you fighting back the tears toward the end of this video. No shame in crying from what Johnny makes you feel with this. Everyone does. It's very human.