
"If You Are 22 Years Old, Watch This Video!" - Study Motivation

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Mike Dee

6 years ago

if you are 22 years old and graduating from college if you're 22 years old and not graduating from college if you are 22 years old you are entering first of all some of the greatest years of your life a but b this this is the moment watch this video twice if Mama's watching this send this to your daughter Sally right now because you have to understand this next five year window is when you don't go practical and safe this is not the time to get the job mom wanted you to this is not the time to t
ry to maximize as much money so you can buy a fat whip this is the time to realize that you have a five-year window and it's three for some it's 8 for others but there's a fine new window for you to attack the life that you want to win not because it's the secret because the world so Zen because it's hardest out there as a matter of fact I'm probably more scared about your naivete how hard class is easy right what you've been doing for the last 16 years is easy it's a bullshit game it's structur
ed it's easy the world this thing this thing is hard however that contradicts what I'm gonna tell you right now which is this is the best and easiest five years of your life because this is when you need to attack what you love and what you want to do here's why you don't have all the baggage you may have college loans respect it's Harnish you may have the expectations of your parents mentally hard fake hard you may have a lot of other things but this is exactly when you can live with four roomm
ates in a basement and eat fast food do you understand this is not when the baby's there some of your babies this is not when you've been married and you promised this is not when the world is sucked out all your dreams and hopes yet you still got this window and yet so many of you are so hungry for short term short term gains like maximizing the job that paid you $3,000 more but it's not as fun but you want that $3,000 for what for what for a new iPhone for what you get to live life one and thi
s is the time right now to understand what's actually happening and actually map your behavior to something that will impact you for the next 80 years so promise me promise me all you youngsters that are watching this right now in the comments because I'll jump in and talk to you promise me that you understand that the land grab of happiness starts right now that you don't have to worry about getting that job what you should do is go and travel and learn go and start that business that you've al
ways wanted hook up with those three teammates and start that band you've always wanted this is the time to be massively risk massively risk oriented I know that this is when you're supposed to grow up and go see the world but guess what the world isn't what mommy and daddy told you the world is exactly going to be what its going to be with or without the way you thought it was going to be a ton of is gonna change the world changes every goddamn day right now what you need to recognize is you ca
n afford to this is what I want to share it doesn't matter how far you might rise at some point you are bound to stumble because if you're constantly doing what we do raising the bar if you are constantly pushing yourself higher higher the law of averages not to mention the myth of Icarus predicts that you will at some point fall and when you do I want you to know this remember this there is no such thing as failure failure is just life trying to move us in another direction now when you're down
there in a hole it looks like failure so this past year I had to spoon-feed those words to myself and when you're down in the hole when that moment comes it's really okay to feel bad for a little while give yourself time to mourn what you think you may have lost but then here's the key learn from every mistake because every experience encounter and particularly your mistakes are there to cheat you and force you into being more of who you are and then figure out what is the next right move and t
he key to life is to develop an internal moral emotional GPS that can tell you which way to go want you define personal success the the amount of misery that you take in versus put out like like how much pain is coming in and how much pleasure is going out to other people it's like a like a plant you know just co2 and o2 like like like are is your account in the black oh as far as like so if somebody hurts you if somebody punches you in the face and it hurts like hell and you're really mad you'r
e an unsuccessful life if you then go punch five people of a face because you took in pain and caused five times as much even if they're but yeah look if you're John wick and all those guys are like Facebook sure so look this there's nuance there I guess that's why we love those movies like the idea that you could solve the world's problems by just punching more people than you got punch but but it but in reality so I think success is defined by King you actually convert when somebody punches yo
u in the face can you actually then go put on a one-woman show about why did I make it a woman just for the face-punching that I was like why don't you do that thing where you switch pronouns like like every other time it's like a known for it record so that's like if you get punched in the face then you a woman I thought I thought the phrase one-man show would be so oppressive like that's the patriarchy like coming down what it's a one-man show in my hypothetical theatrical endeavor if we get p
unched in the face put on a one-man show called I got punched in the face and it's like people that go into it that are having bad days we didn't even get punched in the face or are like fighting cancer or something that they come out going like I feel so much better now that I saw that guys show thank God he got punched in the face I can't just wait for inspiration to act that's the biggest mistake people make don't wait to be inspired to do the action you have to do the action first and then y
ou'll be inspired so what I would do is I would sit there and draw out the comic and I would come up with it but some days I'd come home from school sit down and go I'm just gonna wait for the inspiration to him you know wait for the idea to come fully formed and when I got a joke then I'll go draw it and I would sit there for maybe three or four hours and then go all right secured I had to get up and then I got to do the process I got to sit there and just start drawing I don't even know why or
how I'm gonna get there and then two things would come together and it'll be oh there's an idea this is the first panel just saying but and then it would come together always it would not take very long I would fight that process so much because what was I doing I was waiting for inspiration before I acted it's always the other way around act first then the inspiration will come draw first then the inspiration will come just start shooting then the occasional cut just start moving then the insp
iration will come don't wait so many people will wait or tell you they're gonna write this novel or they're gonna do this they're gonna make this film they never do it because they're waiting for all this stuff to come to them it comes through doing it but you are very much in control of your career it's not it's not an easy thing to do how did you learn how to do that tell me about the process of learning how to be in control well I've always been a control freak from a very young age and but I
would have credit my management for that like when I'm really really tired and I'm like can you just decide I can't involve it right now no staying up to 5:00 a.m. until you understand everything and then you can give me a yes or a No with a good reason and stuff like that so definitely my maths good me as well yeah oh no my management are great like and also like they want me to make the decisions on everything small things big things where verge I mean so that and it's my music and I'm the ar
tist so why someone in a boardroom who's never written a record in their lives should be making decisions for me no we are the artists and we should be allowed to decide growing up what I've discovered is that this world is a very vast a very wonderful and beautiful one and there are so many things to discover but the most important journey I think all of us will go through is the journey in ourselves to find our truth to find who we are and what makes us happy and in our culture we are told tha
t if we're beautiful if we're skinny if we're successful famous if we fit in if everyone loves us that we'll be happy but that's not entirely true I'm gonna start with a poem that I wrote when I wasn't very happy I actually wrote this a year ago but again as if you know depression it comes back it's a reoccurring thing that you can't really sort away anyway Who am I Who am I trying to be not myself anyone but myself living in a fantasy to bury the reality making myself the mystery a strong facad
e disguising the misery empty beyond the point of emptiness full to the brim of fake confidence a God that will never be broken because I broke a long time ago I'm hurting but don't tell anyone no one needs to know don't show all you've failed always okay always fine always on show the show must go on it will never stop the show must not go on but I know it well I give up I give up giving up I am lost I don't need to be saved I need to be found basically it's kind of just the same reoccurring th
ing of yeah and not knowing



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Motivation ain't shit without self-descipline. Build better habits for yourself and have consistency on making it happen daily.


I m 22 years. And i promise you that i m going to succeed on my dreams no matter what becuase i m prepared for it


I'm 21 turning 22 this year. I've been dealing with a lot of health problems over the past 3 years now, that have affected my life to the point where I have no social life, and very little motivation to do anything productive. I ended up in a very dark place. I felt robbed of basic life experiences, and felt like I'd been betrayed by God. Last year I told myself that if I continue to let my illnesses and mental health problems get in the way of experiencing life by the time I turn 30 I'll probably end my life because of the regrets. I now run an online business, and study fine arts as a hobby (I draw nearly everyday) I'm in pain all the time but I don't let it swallow up both my life, and my goals to become an established artist who's mastered all mediums and styles, and created an entirely new art style. If you're reading this, remember to always be kind, and try to break away from the perpetual cycle of suffering and pain us humans unfortunately enflict on each other. You're already successful, you just don't know it.


I'm 23 and studing and working at the same time! Sometimes i just want to give up and just run away from all my responsibilities. If i did that i will hate myself for years, so i won't. I have no support from anyone what so ever which makes it 10 times harder but I'm doing it for me not for someone. Does anyone feel like me! I feel relieved when i know I'm not alone in this.


22 & I needed this today. I’ve been freaking out a bit lately but this definitely helps💙


I’m 20 and I feel as if I have no direction.


I’m 21 and I just applied for fafsa to start college wish me luck please I have high hopes for myself I my future being super bright but I gotta put the work in. Thank you for making this video


I turned 22 on March. I’m graduating college in the summer. I felt so unmotivated bc being 100% honest with you guys, I don’t want to graduate school and then start working immediately. I want to finally go for my actual dreams. Right now is where we start chasing our dreams. We’re still very young and we have to take advantage of taking risks and doing things we really want to do. Go reach for the stars guys. My favorite motivation was the Rock. When he graduated college, he only had 7 dollars in his pocket and he never had the opportunity to be an NFL Star, well at age 25 he was a pro wrestler and worked himself to the top. He became a super star wrestler in the late 90s and he’s now one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood history. It’s a matter of not giving up and trying new things. Everyone can do it. Remember, we are still very young. Now is the time!!


I turned 22 this year.. This mirror age is something very special. Next time it will be 33… So lately I was feeling really depressed, having negative thoughts looping all day long. I can say I have been like this almost 2 years, that’s scary when you realize that if you don’t do anything about your mental health it is not healing. I understood it now. The reason I am writing this comment is that I want to come back here in 3-4 years and dont regret. I regretted too much. I don’t want to feel the same in the future. I will do my best, study hard, work hard, don’t let my mental health get worse and take care of it. Coming back here in the future I want to feel happy when I will see this. I won’t give up, I promise! -22 year old aliia


I’m 22, I feel like I’ve lost out on some much. Like time is just being stolen away, way way way to fast.


Im 22 and this video literally speaks for me like literally it describes me and my life. im senior in college and I’ve planned for too many big things i feel being 22 years old is the most crucial year in your life because it’s ships you from theoretical and educational life to experience reality and face your being. it’s important to spend time on planning and thinking about the decision you make at 22 because it sets you on a continuous path that will be hard for you to reset the whole path for yourself in years. All im saying if you’re behind on your life chapter or your struggle emotionally/financially in your life don’t back off and whine in your corner it’s your time it’s your life stand up and make a decision everything will turn up the second you learn to say no. NO to sit back NO to stop trying NO bc im afraid NO bc he or she or they said that. learn to leave behind what your about to experience has nothing to do with your path you have your chances and you better take it if not somebody else would.


I'M 22 YEARS OLD!!!I'm still a sophomore in college...I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY LIFE IN ORDER...


Just turned 22 and I’m just now seeing this in 2021...only went to 1 year of college and I’ve been living on my own since I was 20 and I’m getting married in 4 months. Crap is HARD out here but omg there’s so much of the work out there! I’m beginning to level out the ground to start laying a foundation for a business that I’ve dreamed of working towards for years and I’m so excited and terrified


I'm turning 22 in a few days time and the intro struck me so much! I will be starting med school in August and that will be a 5-year long journey and I'm looking for vids like this because the thought of not starting my life at this moment, at this age, scared the nerves out of me! My friends are starting to settle in their lives, they're starting to build their homes/families, securing their jobs, making money, and that made me feel left out. It feels like.. it will be too late for me to do and have all those things after I finish school.


22 today and i aim to change my mindset, ive been to lazy, my eating habit is very bad, due to lockdowns i have been smoking ciggarettes alot more, ive been so behind at my uni assignments, im the loneliest ive ever been (i practically talk to no one) however i feel oddly optimistic and feel like this is the year im going to really change i aim to start at the little things like sleep, exercise, healthy eating etc i want to be more methodical in my approach to things, i wanna talk less and do more, i cant wait to elevate myself this year and hope that anyone else reading this regardless of age has the strength to progress in life aswell, happy birthday me.


I'm almost 25, married and have two kids. And I'll do it anyways 💪


22 just got my bachelors working on my masters now... felt the need to watch this. 22 is so magical.


Watching this video at 23. I've still got this 4 years window. And I promise to myself, my mom and you that I will utilize this time to focus on what's gonna have its impact on my life. 😭❤


I watch you every morning bro you’re the reason I’m going to win a Grammy