
Is a Claw Machine an Example of Gambling?

What are claw machines? Are claw machines chance-based or skill-based games? Are they a form of gambling accessible to minors? Is there a relationship between claw machine games and problem gambling? The Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) provides a multi-faceted and innovative approach to problem gambling prevention through outreach, community education, and community awareness activities like community involvement events and youth engagement projects. To learn more and book a free workshop, please visit:

YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program

8 days ago

[Laughter] [Music] it's finally the weekend and we can go to the arcade check out the new machines hm which one should we play first that CL machine looks like fun with the flashing lights and catchy ringtone let's play [Music] it oh [Music] no I lost it again this claw machine seems a lot like gambling you are playing a game and risking money for a chance to win something similar to gambling you can't guarantee the outcome let's examine some similarities the first one is about the near miss it
looked like you were winning but at the last minute the item fell the second one is about the illusion of control the player may think I think I will get better if I play more and maybe I will win you think you have the skill to control the claw but the machine is set by the owner and in reality is set to give out prizes every so often the third one is about the gambler's fallacy when the player may think I lost a few times so I must be more likely to win this time just because you lost it doesn
't change the odds on your next play the fourth one are the audio and visual cues the audio and visual cues are similar to spot machines similar to gambling we have both physical and landbased claw machines and the online version each machine is set up differently and our skills may not necessarily play a role here well you didn't get the toy you wanted but hey at least you got something a new yo-yo I don't really play with them and they aren't worth much maybe $6 or $7 I played eight times to g
et it and spent $16 just like gambling you never know what you will get it might be something great something worth very little or nothing at all you spent $16 for a chance to get the plushy you didn't get it but you stayed within your budget and had fun and that is the best way to look at it hope to win but expect to lose have you ever wondered if a relationship exists between playing claw machines and problem gambling the answer is yes fre use of these machines as children is associated with g
reater gambling problems as adults uh so how can we stay safe because it's really easy to lose track of time and spend more money than you mean to sometimes I play video games for so long that I don't have time to do my homework I've even missed soccer practice next time we should make a plan before we start to play we can decide how long we want to stay at the arcade how many games we want to play and how much money we can afford to play with I will try this when I play video games too I I can
set time limits and decide how much money I want to spend on loot crates before I start to play good thinking let's make sure we always set time and money limits and participate in other activities we enjoy if you ever need to talk to someone about gambling gaming mental health or anything else going on in your life kids help phone and connects Ontario are great resources to explore if you would like to learn more about other unconventional forms of gambling accessible to youth you can contact t
he youth gambling awareness program
