
Is PARIS Still Food Capital Of The World!? We Go To ICONIC Old + New Restaurants To Find Out! 🇫🇷

Is PARIS Really Food Capital Of The World? We Go To ICONIC Old + New Restaurants To Find Out! 🇫🇷 Le Buvette. La Tour D’Argent. Le Select etc If you have enjoyed this video please help us to make more: 👏 Contribute Directly via this PayPal link: via PAYPAL: ☕️ Buy us a Coffee: 🍺 🚙 And check out our NEW Merchandise and Citroen Ami Parts Store: It’s a great way to support the channel. Please do consider supporting as small amounts can make a huge difference and allows us to make more and better content. The Places We Ate In Paris: Buvette Paris: Cafe Benjamin: La Tour D’Argent: Le Pain Au Naturel: Le Select: Le Perrin De Pigalle: The Gear I Use To Shoot Our Videos OSMO DJI Pocket 3: Our music is supplied by Epidemic Sounds: Carpuride CarPlay navigation system. Use the code “Tim Fountain” at checkout to save 15%! Viofo Dashcam: $15 off promo code Tim229Plus. All Powers S2000 Portable PowerBank for recharging Citroen Ami Use the code “meandmonami” at checkout and receive site wide 20% Off! INSTA 360x3 Camera Go Pro Hero 11: iPhone 13 Pro Max: Rode Wireless Microphones: Mavic Mini Pro 3 Drone: DJI Wireless Mic system: iPad Pro: Links to other Products reviewed on the channel: 1. Woowind Tyre Pump: 2. Holts Emergency Puncture Repair Kit: 3. Topdon JS 2000 Jump Starter: 4. USB A Splitter 5. Scotch 10KG Tape: 6. Carpuride CarPlay system: Use the code “Tim Fountain” at checkout to save 15 7. USB roof Light: 8. Handirack Roof Rack This is the Special Offer On The Flextail Tiny Repel: And Enter The Code Tim15 to get 15% off! By clicking on any of these links we get a small commission which helps fund the channel (Even if you dont buy the actual product) so please do click and then we benefit from anything else you buy from Amazon in the next 48 hours.

Me and Mon Ami

4 days ago

hi welcome back to Me and Mon Ami and today  we're in Paris in fact we're in our little Boutique Hotel in the Pigalle the red light  district of Paris and we're about to to go on I think a sort of two-day binge of eating  drinking shopping gallery-ing and even visiting Paris's oldest restaurant tonight the Tour  d'Argent [Music] hi Welcome to our room this is our Boutique hotel room actually we're rather  pleased with it we only paid I think about €99 a night which for Paris you know not bad in
fact  it was cheaper than most Airbnbs we looked at and well we came in here and we thought this  is not bad I mean just take a look at this giant bed I mean I can really get away from  Mr Boo here but actually it's an enormous bed the slight downfall is that if you want to get  past enormous bed you you do need to be quite thin to get past the Telly you know you could  you could sort of garrot yourself on the Telly but it's super comfortable isn't it Mr Boo  it's very comfortable give it the be
d test there you go that's proof super comfortable but  um yeah aside from having to negotiate the end of the bed needing to be thin to do so it's got  everything you need there's a wardrobe there are a ton of sockets which I really approve of because  it's impossible to do what we do with vlogging and all the equipment when they don't have lots of  sockets it's got tea and coffee making facilities it's even got a copy of Rudyard Kipling's If  because apparently there's some connection with Mr K
ipling he does make exceedingly good  hotels but out here you've got the streets of the Pigalle you've got Hotel Josephine after opposite  I mean not tonight but one night we might go there Josephine and get this for our 98 euro a night we  even got a toilet no I mean we even got a bath a bath right hotel room tour completed  let's hit the streets and get some breakfast Mr Boo some petit dejeuner is  that what they call it all all [Music] right I think it's a bit early  to go to the Moulin Rouge
Mr Boo have you seen the size of the Sexodrome I  know I mean it's 10:02 on a Tuesday morning I don't think I need any Sexodrome do you it's  the world's biggest love store don't there's any love involved it's lust Mr Boo lust now it's  a little known fact that Mr Boo used to live in Paris didn't you a long long time ago what did you  do here did you work in the Pigalle I didn't work in the Pigalle I was a teacher here a teacher yeah  what were you teaching teaching people to behave better and
to be nicer to people oh oh was it  like a deportment school yes something like School of Deportment was it like Sound of Music  it was like a finishing school finishing school I bet I bet it finished off half of them students  but anyway he thinks he's a bit of an expert on Paris whereas I know I've only been about three  times and to be honest I'm not that much of a fan but I'm going to give it a go this time  but you're going to direct us aren't you Mr Boo to what I can remember yes he's goin
g to take us  to all the hot spots so where are we headed now for somewhere for breakfast we're going to head  for breakfast on the rue des Martyrs the rue des Martyrs martyr Street the mata Street and were we having  toasted tomatoes yeah something like that oh and have you got a specific venue in mind no oh we're  just going to search on this this street are we something like that yes well let's get [Music]  going what's this Mr Boo this Madame Arthur it says it's the divin du monde which pres
umably is  the bed of the world it's Madame Arthur is uh the oldest transexual bar in Paris really is  this what you taught your pupils something like that so we are going to this place  the Buvette now buvette usually in French across just means a little  uh sandwich stand on the side of the road really a truck but this is  the name um let's see what it's like oh that looks a nice  set cappuccino Mr boo give it a go oh that's nice is it it got nice  elastic milk tastes like elastic milk the Bo
o's laughing about my elastic milk  comment but I'm make coffee every day and when you stretch the milk which is when you  get the air into the milk if I don't get it right I get really annoyed I said I've done  it wrong today but if I get it right get the elasticity so I'm gone for oeufs brouille with the  jambon of bayonne which is basically scrambled  eggs on toast and so it looks tasty it's also got some  Parmesan on top let's see what it's [Music] like delicious light scrambled eggs Got a F
eeling  eggs are their thing here they've they've got a lot of eggs on their shelf and the Ham's lovely  very fine light salty Bayon ham delicious well what have you got Mr Boo I have got a Croque Monsieur  a classic Croque Monsieur which is what cheese and ham toasty cheese and ham toasty they got the Breville out  looks like it might have been cheaper um but take a look at this this is a posh toasty give  it a whirl served with little cornichons I'm laying off the Cornishons I've had terrible
wind since  that train trapped what the verdict [Music] what's in it so good um g a and ham and a bit  of bechamel sauce o taste of [Music] that well that came to €39 now that's pretty steep for a  bit of breakfast to toasty and uh and you know scrambled eggs and some ham I have to  say the scrambled eggs and ham were superb the ham particular was on cble and you really  enjoyed your toast and the coffee was very good um I still think it's a bit on the dear  side and do bear in mind that in Par
is we've discovered that the service charge is optional  but is extra down in the South it's often compris isn't it so this is twice now we've  been caught out and given Mr Boo got the wrong order initially I found found it quite  difficult to give 10% service charge but I did cuz I was feeling generous the other thing  to note is it's one of those places where all the furniture is reclaimed and I'm I'm afraid  I'm just too old to sit on a reclaimed stool so I ended up having to sit on me coat c
uz I  was so uncomfortable but um the food is good I can't knock it anyway right Mr boo where are we  going now we're heading to a surprise destination surprise destination is that going to surprise the  viewers yes and you you oh are we going shopping baby M Street and uh the Rose Bakery is very  very trendy very oh let's go have a look it looks like something you find in Notting  Hill but I'm not sure there isn't one oh yeah very nice look at this in the window  wow that's Posh that's Posh it
looks delicious really is food having this Zone look  at this cheese shop it's unable and there is a butchers over the road that I'm literally  I want to run over to I'm so excited but wow look at that this is a fromager and a  half what's this area called Mr boo so it's South Pigalle but they call it So-Pi So-Pi  like No-Ho like no ho or No-Lita and bohoo but this is The Butchers wow wow wow look at  that now that that is a coated to Pork look at those apologist to vegetarian some beautiful  pi
ntard incredible pulle Fier 15 a kilo though COA pigeon pigeon you don't see a lot of that  and just look at that be wower that is quite a butcher just look at this pastries in here and  then incredible uh Terin look at these patties Mr Boo and oh that that that uh that pork pie  looks lovely God that looks lovely that looks so delicious anybody says France is losing its  Crown as the food nation of the world I think you better come to South  Pigalle incredible stuff a fantastic proner Oran so w
e just discovered this alley where are  we in sort of sand sand off through sand and it's sort of almost like a Edwardian arcade we've got  one of these in jewsbury but it's h certainly down this far end it's got uh it's got quite a lot of  sort of Korean japanesey food and intriguing so it seem to have happened upon Chinatown here which  is fabulous not uh not enormous but there's enough of it it looks this looks great in here do you  like this I love this little diner this is really reasonable
and this place right at the  end of Chinatown that street very very reasonable 1350 and a form for lunch Onre and  Plateau platin dessert for $650 can't go wrong there have your egg mayonnaise for 550 loving  egg mayonnaise oh discovered a little market Food Market it's quite buzzing today having  some spritzers over there nice little apparo Spritz bar here it's a little bit like thingy  Market in London bar Market it's got h of bar Market lots of food stalls um may not be quite  busy St lots o
f sort of drink places as well quite Buzz this looks good hopefully 38 um  yes this s of place you just come and perch grab a bit of food there b some good stuff  in here traditional Pizza getts over here craps and then next to it sort  of fruit and veg all going on fun doesn't it this where you um you  used to take your students Mr Boo this isn't where I used to take my stud  this is what you used to teach them no I might have called in for for to be  social for a spritz of the day whatever we
used to drink Thursday's golden showers  and Punishment Night is that a drink must be so so when I used to live here it was actually  much more of a market which shows how much things have changed it was properly a fruit and veg  market and now it's all nearly almost all food stalls The Way of the World The Way of the  World and do you know why it's called the mar oou no because it used to be an orphanage and the  orphans would wear red clothes so that's how you knew they were orphans oh top Mr
boack top tip  I have to say we still haven't seen a Citron of meat but this is quite a buy look at this this  is cake electric scooter you'd think that was a lead acid battery I don't think it is I think  it just looks like one but um quite a number and this is kle Epstein Parker who make RuPaul suits  who's rup Paul oh jeez is that that hairdresser yeah it's that hairdresser in jewsbury oh rup  Paul I used to go to [Music] him finally spot an electric vehicle but it's not on a me it's a  bro u
m and it seems to be a the buo of an optical shop they are a bit bit nody car to me so we've  come to a very traditional sort of family bistrot thing because we spotted outside  of the Blackboard that they did onion soup and I like an onion soup so we're just going to have  an onion soup because then we headed to the uh to the Picasso exhibition don't worry we won't  bore you with endless pictures by Picasso but we might we might show you some choice bits  but let's see what the onion soups like
first in uh what's the it's called the Benjamin  the Benjamin and it's actually on a kind of very mainstream almost like Oxford Street uh  place to be honest we just got tired we need to sit down and it looked nice and the onion  soup grabbed us so let's see what happens the French onion soup has arrived let's see what  it's like look at that thick French onions cheese is it gruyere yeah gruyere some bread  in there that look looks nice I'm [Music] excited homemade homemade nice beef stock yeah
  yummy yummy that is delicious I just think it's the perfect dish for a Winter's day and boy  have we done some steps to get it but it is the most lovely dish and it's €9 top 10 tip if  you want a cheap lunch €9 onion soup La Benjamin well that was very nice in the end we had a  bit of a bit of a contratemps when we got in cuz I didn't want to sit by the door but then the  way to warm to us in fact he particularly warm to you Mr boo didn't he I am adorable and young but  um what was the total b
ill that was €35 €35 now the soup was only 9 each so how did we get  to 35 the answer is well we had vast amounts of Perrier water Perrier water was very nice but  uh then a couple of coffees duper electric BMW motorcycle but still no Citroen Ami we went to  the Picasso but the best thing about the Picasso wasn't the Picasso because actually a couple of  floors were closed uh was oddly the Rosenberg collection wasn't ited and basically it was this  wonderful collection of cubers of this guy put
a rich guy put in his Parisian apartment in the  20s and well up to about the 1930 and then he lost all his money in the in the crash and it  had all got dispersed around the world but um he had some top stuff anyway it's now time to  head back to the hotel where we're going to change for dinner at paris's oldest most famous  and well I imagine quite Posh Restaurant the [Music] Tour d'Argent so tonight Mr boo is wearing tonight we are  in uh Asos and we are in a bit of Gucci and we are in vintag
e All Saints and you've got a  pearl necklace and I've got a pearl necklace because who doesn't love a pearl necklace let's  see and what are you wearing well I I I have no idea what I got this this shirt came from a  friend of mine who died it's Turnbull & Asser and he always used to say it was um uh suppli by  the shirt makers to the shirt lifters now that is a really bad joke it Politically Incorrect  and it probably won't make the final edit the sleeves um well he was very keen on five butt
on  cuffs so I don't if you can see this no three button cuffs should I say three button cuffs  um and he always did covered buttons and you can see these buttons are all covered um  this vest underneath is very cheap and I'm rather hot already but um anyway this is this  is my outfit down below I'm wearing super dry combats and uh uh and Converse I think it's uh  it's it's the luck of Paris this [Music] season [Music] so we've arrived at the T Deon now  and we're absolutely not sure we're going
to get to film in here not least because it is our  friend's birthday party and I I don't think it's fair to just Vlog somebody else's birthday much  as you know I'd like to um but we are excited it is I think we've decided both of us have never  been to a one star mix in restaurant so on that level it's exciting um now what I'm going  to try and do if we can't film at the table I'm going to nip out into the lav between  courses keep you updated how's about that then smells like fire it's like 
been back in your auction you me me ATI used to have a fire cold  fire like this she used to do a [Music] chip [Music] with some  Discord in and [Music] noish [Music] [Music] he well we've just come out of uh touron it's half  12 we went in there at halfast 8 that was possibly the most Monumental meal I have ever eaten oh  my oh my oh my I mean that place is incredible the sense of theater uh is I mean unmatched and  I've never been anywhere I mean just incredible The Waiting staff The View ont
o notam Cathedral  uh the whole thing is an incredible experience um I mean I have never eaten anything like it or so  much food I mean their duck is unbelievable the fuagra course was gigantic oh my God uh the Amo B  which were the stus you know stus stuff I thought were the most incredible things really they were  so special the wine uh we had one the white for the faga was 19 1995 it came up with cobwebs on  it and dust I mean I don't know they just added them but no uh the wine list itself c
ame out  it is like three telephone directories it has 320,000 bottles of wine um uh we're not going to  name any names in this video we just want to say thank you to uh the people who pay for this meal  because I'd right now be uh uh um I'd be I'd be at the doors of the bank pleading with the bank  manager for Mercy um but incredible experience if you ever get a chance to go to the tour daon  you will never forget it it is quite unlike anywhere else um anyway we're off home to bed and  uh and a
few renes I think because that was a rich meal so it's the morning after the night before and  we've come for a bit of duck for our breakfast not true not true um we've uh We've made it  stumbled out into the into the light of Paris the gray light of Paris uh it's about 11:45  and uh Mr Boo's having a quass and I just had a banana and uh we're headed to mon panas where  we are booked in for lunch really does seem like the greediest holiday ever uh but we booked  him for lunch at a place called
the select which I'm intrigued by because it's a sort of old  school brazer that um used to be frequented by the Bohemian intellectuals between the wars so  Hemingway's been here and Scott Fitzgerald and and Jean maray and uh well let's see what it's  like but first let's see what Mr Buu makes of breakfast what are you having Mr Buu I'm having a  capuco a capuano and uh and and a a quason a Pano raison panor raisan show us the panor raisan oh  we've all seen a panor raisan but it's very nice and
one are these little things here some little  treats for you because she thought you'd feel left out oh a little and what are they they're  like little uh pastry buns with some crystalized sugar on top whatever they're called this area  this soapy area that we looked at yesterday with uh all the Fantastic Food Shops today we sort of  came down here via some of the streets that run adjacent to those and there's some great little  uh local restaurants and there's also some sort of I guess on the
fine dining but quite reasonable  quite reasonably price so if you come to Paris and you're looking for a good area to explore that  perhaps he's not instantly on the map in terms of food soapy I would say is is the area south of  piguel south of pigal check it out it's my top tip pretty easy to use the uh Metro 230 oh You'  got four yeah cuz we'll be coming back oh okay 230 a journey isn't it but if you get the  card you get that pass it's 22 a journey and it's a flat rate isn't it yeah there's
no  zoning it's not like London not until you get outside the peripher oh not until they get  outside the peripher you heard it here F [Music] first what's that Mr boo it's the tall mananas it's the tallest building  in in the center of Paris well we've come into M panas rail  station because we were hoping to find this incredible electric mini fire truck  that the pompier used for emergencies to sort of pick up injured people and all of that  stuff but well we can't find it short of faking an
illness I don't think we're going to  find it but um we'll put a picture up for you it's a very Buzzy crowd I have to say it's  a very lovely crowd there's people writing scripts there's people in very fashionable  clothes there's lots of old couples there's lot people who clearly come here quite a lot  have been here coming here for years um so let's see what the food's like but it's definitely  still got that buzz you got Mr boo I've got one of my all-time favorites egg mayonnaise  egg mayonna
ise now how French is that have a taste is it eggs with mayonnaise it's eggs  with mayonnaise can't really go wrong I guess unless the eggs aren't very nice egg  mayonnaise egg mayonnaise it's just so yummy well we've both gone for the same  which is um a very good deal but we'll tell you about that in a bit uh I've gone for  the starter which is a red cabbage soup a vute it's nice it's a very  hearty red cabbage soup very intellectual what have you got  Mr boo just got some sausage and beans sa
usage and beans let's  have a look at that right took in it's like a sausage Hedgehog I tell you  what I think if I had that I I well I'd need a kite what are the beans I don't know they're like they're like  Hines they're not Hines it's like Haro Blanc like or like in a tomato sauce in a tomato sauce  um and it's too sausages valo sausages too too oh so what's in a tooo sausage well it's pork  sausage from tooo but with garlic no it's not very garlicy I've gone for something very unusual fish 
I do like fish when I get it but I never think to order it I don't know why the minute I see beef  or steak or beef I just get excited anyway I've gone for a swordfish and it was meant to  come with uh Onie but it uh they were out so that have Haro there um but it's got foaming  butter on the top um and it certainly looks like it'll be very tasty and I actually I do like  tun and saltfish is a bit in that zone isn't it oh that's lovely that's almost like a steeve  not a be tell you're in an inte
llectual restaurant because the blocked up toilet's got Palestine r on  it well we've actually Shelter From the rain now we've come out of Le Select being an intellectual  does not protect you from the weather now what did you make of the the intellectual crowd in  there Mr boo well I might have had a little running with our neighbors of the next table it's  a great crowd but um um they they they were there in intelligence very heavily Cuz Mr buat to  asked for some salt and pepper and when what
happened well there's one thing that I love is  having my perfect French corrected you were you were corrected about intellectual weren't you  yeah because I said can I um steal your salt and pepper and he said oh we don't really say  steel we would really say can I take your salt and pepper well you know what he can take I I  wasn't sure it was a he well I think it was a sheep I think they were annoying anyway what about  the bill it came to at 50 it's a really good deal it's two courses it in
cludes a free glass of  wine wasn't the best wine but it's perfectly drinkable and you get a coffee so it comes to  about £45 lunch for two with wine and coffee in um I think a really great old school brazer with  a a really Tip Top crowd anyway we were going to take you to M panas Cemetery now and don't say we  don't treat you but it is absolutely ter tanking down so I don't know what we're going to do  run for it Mr boo run to a department store I guess very good you get a laminated itinery  n
ot many cemeteries have [Music] that well we just discovered that there's the  grave of Samuel Becky he waiting for godo Fame in here and also Andre Citroen  the inventor of the Citron look Mr boers the Tardis [Music] here and here he is old  Sam The Godfather of existential theater 1989 somebody's left him some Metro tickets let's  go they do not move The Adams Family oh yeah The Adams [Music] Family well we just dashed from  the cemetery into bom marhe and uh checked out that food Hall prit di
fficult to film and in  there but my God is it a COR copia of French food it's not cheap but it's h it's good to  rub a neck anyway we're now headed back to the [Music] figal well it's our final morning in  the City of Dreams and uh guess what it's raining again but we're we're now going to a sandwich  shop we spotted a couple of days ago that we decided we were going to get a picnic didn't we  to take on the train to be authentically French cuz the train would go till 2:00 so we're  going to ge
t a big picnic and uh head for the G Leon G Leon gon let's see what they've  [Music] got I love a macchiato or something already we saying about this been such a fun funky cool area this is a shop just  for DJs look at this [Music] amazing and then just at the end of guitar  stick you've got this very trendy bar which was robbing the other night at sort of  1:30 a.m. and uh it's called what's he called this pink Mama pink Mama this  looks a very very down with the kids groovy place kind of place
hang hang [Music]  out well we have just had a Monumental 1 hour taxi ride across the town because it was  terrenal rain um but we're at G Leon and we're just about in time so let's go find the  train and uh hopefully then we can have our picnic so we managed to make it to 5:31 without  eating but we're now leaving marsill oh lovely nice then I got some sandwich sandwi we bought  those at 11:00 they might have gone off look a bit that exploded a bit oh yeah one is  copper with sundried tomatoes
copper show us show us the coppers oh now that looks  that looks Tip Top copper look that and this is brola that's mine with some uh avocado  oh the camera that oh avocado I didn't know I got avocado I don't like avocado can have a bit  of each not much it's too modish for [Music] me this is a beautiful drink that I can't stru to  myself from some old whiskey and some lemonade but we forgot a cup anyway um we're going to carry on  eating this and uh hopefully in a couple of hours we're going to
be back in nice really hope you've  enjoyed this video if you have please give us a like please give us a comment and um think about  man a coffee really help support the channel and enables us to do more adventurous things but  most of all folks stay charged bye [Music] bye



What a great episode! This is just the sort of thing that should be on TV. I vicariously enjoyed all of your meals and the exploring and you both looked great in your unique tux outfits! Many thanks as always 🙏👏


Strangely, your most charming and enjoyable feature yet.


Two dapper gentlemen take on Paris. Your dinner at Tour d’Argent looked so delicious and I really admire your filming skills, such beautiful food photos. I really wanted more! Thank you so much! ❤❤❤


❤ This was a really enjoyable vlog,we have never visited Paris and we love the rain... Aĺl the eats looked incredible right down to your picnic. ......and eating your soup the posh way Tim 😉 and no licking the plate as my mother would to say . Love you two,thank you for another wonderful vlog ❤ x


Wonderful on many levels. Deserves much more visibility.


This was indeed a cracking episode; I thoroughly enjoyed the tour of all these iconic locations, and the dinner was truly something exquisite and exclusive. Paris always has something special and unique, and indeed, besides all it possesses, it boasts an unparalleled haute cuisine recognized worldwide, I am extremely grateful for this truly unique and special Sunday episode, for the tour, and for showcasing all these places that make the capital of France a place apart. I hope you had an excellent journey back home!


wow what a treat. thanks for taking us along. loved mr boo’s byeeeeeee


Love you two, you must be so much fun to be in the company of, thank you


Lived, studied and taught in Paris and still hanker after another long visit from here in Northern France. The cost of meat is much higher than I pay but it is Paris after all. A really excellent and absorbing video Tim and Mr Boo. Paris still has its magic doesn't it.


Another brilliant Episode! Look forward to your videos every week. I still can't work out how your subscriber numbers aren't significantly more.. Keep up the good work and look forward to your future adventures...


I love your videos & look forward to every Sunday for a new one. Today’s didn’t disappoint - although it wasn’t my beloved French Riviera - it was a nice change to see your Parisian adventures. Mr Boo makes an excellent tour guide, I was salivating at all the food. ❤


What a lovely photo of Mr. Boo just after dessert (at 20:25.) So handsome!


Fantastic Video guys, absolutely loved it!! Got me pining for a trip to Paris.. keep up the Fantastic work!! 😊


Hope the Paris Tourist gave you a wad of money for this very professional, amusing and enjoyable video.. Thanks


Fabulous episode.......Made my mother's day ❤


Incroyable! And most honestly, after trying to endure the top recommended boringly stiff and 'Intellectual' Paris videos over the last week, this was the best and delightfully refreshing and enjoyable, one of your best. Not some stiff talking head on a stool but but a real trip to Paris with real friends. Best loved bits: 2:55 "No love involved" 9:00 Food heaven 17:48 'From shirt-makers to Shirt Lifters' 19:05 Dinner at Tour D' ARGENT 29:38 'Mr Boo's Heavily Intelligenced correction", 35:00 'Some Old Wiskey and Lemonade'


Brilliant thanks


Love following you on your travels and discoveries. Please don’t stop, you make my day each time...


Beautifully constructed as usual. Great content too. Thank you guys.


Happy, happy memories of Paris and no - at13.16 - it's not a drink🤣🤣🤣