
Jesse Eisenberg Transforms Into A Sasquatch In New Offbeat Comedy | The View

Eisenberg takes us behind-the-scenes of filming "Sasquatch Sunset," which he calls one of the best scripts he's ever read. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: MORE FROM 'THE VIEW': Full episodes: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:

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14 hours ago

the wild new comedy Sasquatch Sunset takes you along on a that's right it takes you along on a year in the life of a Bigfoot family an Oscar nominated actor Jesse Eisenberg gives a performance that is literally beyond words take a look oh oh oh please welcome Jesse Eisenberg here thank you so much tell you I I love everything about this crazy movie there's no dialogue but you said it was one of the best scripts you've ever read yes it was absolutely brilliant so I'm friends with the writers and
directors they're these brothers the zelner brothers and they pitched me this thing over the phone they said we have the script and you have no dialogue and we don't see your face and I said thank you I can't wait to read it as a friend and um and then I read it and within like two pages and I think audiences feel the same way like within 2 minutes you feel connected to these characters as though they're like you're watching people and it's just this brilliant combination of something so unusual
and something so wonderfully made yeah yeah well the movie also Stars Riley Kio as the lone female Sasquatch of the family that's never a comfortable spot to be in but um not that anyone can recognize either of you but you were in full the makeup chair uh for hours every day um even before putting on the costume so what was that process like and how was it how hard was it to emote from under all of that oh the whole thing was terrible um yeah it's um there was like an hour and 45 minutes at 4 i
n the morning I mean it sounds like I'm asking for pity I'm not but kind of I am you basically and you get glue on every single part of your face because the makeup is so amazing but it has to really like kind of fit with every single twitch of your face and so it was just like glue all over the face it was like an hour 45 minutes for like the face and then you get on this suit that's tighter than like it's smaller than what your actual body is and uh and you're just in this thing for 12 hours a
nd it's just a strange you go to the bathroom good question usually that comes like four or five questions in um but uh no no we each had like a designated like makeup person and my person Kayla she I would go to like this um you we were shooting out like way in the wilderness in the Redwoods and uh she would hold my shoes and and sometimes my mustache um and my and my sippy bottle with my protein in it because we can't eat um and uh and I would go pee for a minute and then the crew would all be
pissed off because it would take like 20 minutes to put the thing back on were you people were you smelly too yeah I was prior to the film though yeah so fully immersive okay they knew you'd be the right guy exactly it was consistent so to prepare for this role I understand you went to Sasquatch boot camp what did that entail can I go is it a thing it's not a thing but it should be a thing yes uh we did like a little boot camp together which meant just like kind of learning how to move learning
what grunts to say in different situations if we're calling out for our friends it's like a like a high pitch Grunt and then like anger you know like when you're um you know uh walking near a dog that's eating and this like we had those um and uh learning how to walk to eat to all do all this stuff and it was really fascinating and I recommend Sasquatch boot camp don't search it there's nothing there now but maybe we should create it so I that there's this really smart like the world's smartest
ape in De Moine Iowa yes and that you brought so yes I I'm from Iowa as well really yeah same do you know kie I I wish I his name it's a God boy right is his 43 years old actually we were the same year and and you go back through your old yearbooks and you and you showed him Clips right yeah you showed the eight Clips how did how did he react to that it was incredible so there's this ape initiative in De Mo Iowa where they have the only like Boba monkeys outside of the Dr outside of the Democra
tic Republic of Congo where they where their where their main habitat is and kanzi is a 43-year old bonobo the smartest non-human animal in the world wow and um has some overlaps with what our characters are doing in this movie movement and you know kind of behaviors and so he showed kanzi the movie and um so the screen so kzi Loves movies like watches movies Scrolls through and chooses his own movies does watch your own movie he he watches some of my movies likes the drames um just it has both
um no but um so anyway so no Ki is watching the movie the movie like the screen that kzi watches on is behind like this very thick plexiglass uh wall because kanzi just kind of casually watching it and then just boom like out of nowhere smashes the screen and bonobos are like smaller than us but they have five times the strength of human beings and so K just kind of as casually you know the way like we would like go like that but it's five times on my face so he was annoyed he didn't like it I w
as told that it's not necessarily annoyance it's kind of a show of dominance and so he charge aren't the bonobos the ones who are don't ever commit adultery bonobos maybe I think they're all they're very faithful I think that's in his next month you read that Joy read no no I saw adultery there yes adultery happens in person uh all the time actually I think you might be right in certain aspects but it depends on the definition of adultery um and if it's the definition that I'm think occasion ari
ses then they become adulterers and the no they come and they they just kind of like seemingly like yes I yeah it's too early in the morning but I'll send a picture yes we can we can move on but but the film is so interesting because it's almost like 25 minutes in I think if you start feeling like you're watching a documentary about about a group of animals or people exactly thank you for saying that that's exactly that's the feeling exactly that you get exactly so the St all the emotions that c
ome along with it it's exactly right it's like when you're watching a nature documentary and you suddenly feel like oh I understand what they're going through exactly because I was like watching with my husband I said see that's you exactly this is a flattering thing to tell your that's you that's what they so anyway but but people should see this um you were nominated for an Oscar for playing Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg of course in the 201 10 film The Social Network I think everyone's see
n that the director David Fincher and writer Aaron sorin admit they've talked about a sequel okay I'm always looking for some tea would you be willing to revisit that role I have no tea I have no cff or bag or water no I don't know anything they typically don't do sequels to movies that you know don't have robots or explosions in them so I can't there be a sequel for this are you saying Mark zugerberg is not a robot wow that is the best response you could have given me oh um next up you're direc
ting your second film called a real pain as well as uh starring it Opposite successions Kieran kulen oh I love now you shot it in Poland what can you tell us about it other than you won't be dressed as a sass yes yes yes I wear all my own skin um yes um uh this company search lights putting it out October 18th it's a movie that's like a very kind of personal movie it even shot at the house my family fled in 1938 and uh and it was just this but it's like it's a comedy it's like a kind of Buddy co
medy through Poland um and Kieran is just absolutely brilliant in it that's so cool congratulations you know so we're going to thank Jesse Eisenberg Sasquatch sunset opens in Select theaters April 12th and Nationwide April 19th I'm telling you do yourself a favor because you going to see so many people you recognize y you're going to feel them you're going to hear and you're going to think oh that's not glandy it it's it's remarkable it's a remarkable and fun film
