
Korean Street Food - GIANT OCTOPUS Seoul Seafood

Octopus is eaten in many cultures and is a common food on the Mediterranean and Asian coasts. The arms and sometimes other body parts are prepared in various ways, often varying by species or geography.

Travel Thirsty

6 years ago

hello its me i was looking for spagetti



"brblrbrp" - Octopus


That was vicious. You can literally look into it's eye as it dies. Crazy.


Octopuses are extremely smart, look I'm no vegan, at least give it a quick painless death, this is torture man


"Hello, yes, I'd like one octopus." (Runs away with octopus)


Somewhere, a long time ago, someone actually saw an octopus and said “I wonder what that tastes like?”


When you look at this metaphorically, this situation represents our life. Someone in a position with greater power interferes with your life and does whatever he wants to fullfil his selfish desires, without recognizing your pain. But on the other side, with your sacrifice you help someone to get bigger. There can't be a disconnection in this universe, because we are made in unity and so we will be connected for ever.


Does anybody else look this videos sometimes in the night?


100% knowledge about food 0% knowledge about life


Очень познавательно, но мне немного не по себе смотреть как осьминог сваривается заживо


Felicidades, encontraste un comentario en español :)


I love octopus but I couldn't help but feel sorry for it when it was dropped in the hot water.


I came here right after watching 'My Octopus Teacher' on Netflix. Yes. That's the kind of monster I am


Not a vegan but damn. At least kill it before cooking.


watching it just- turn pale after it dies is kinda horrifying lmao


You can hear the octopus suffering while boiling alive... cruel


This Octopus is officially having the worst day ever.


God!! I just wanted to see some octopus dish but ended up feeling so bad for him. Some people say you can't feel sorry for food but damn, that was cruel! I am pretty sure there are better ways or at least I hope so!! 😣


0:01 Imagine you’re arguing with the seafood vendor and they hurl this bucket at you. Yikes. I get chills imagining dozens of live octopuses crawling on my body




This made me quite sad to watch. The scene at 2:36 reminded me again that every living thing or any thing had this kind of force or a soul that made them who and what they are. Damn, you can see very clearly the difference between when it’s still breathing and when it died. It’s just not the same. 🥺