
Kronii doesn't like Gura's favorite food…【Hololive Animation|Eng sub】

🥜 ●Source 【Powerwash Simulator】Me Hoy Minoy With @GawrGura ●Hololive / VTuber Gawr Gura / がうる・ぐら Ouro Kronii / オーロ・クロニー ●Used Music Hall of the Mountain King - Kevin MacLeod リコーダー初級 (Recorder beginner) ●Used Sounds OtoLogic : ■My Account X (Twitter): JP Account(とりぷる): EN Account(Tripl3): ■Note If you have a hard time seeing captions on your iPhone, I recommend customizing it. How to set captions on iPhone (on the device) [Settings] → [Accessibility] → [Subtitles & Captioning] → [Style] Choose your preferred style #がうる・ぐら #オーロ・クロニー #ホロライブ #Hololive #ホロライブ切り抜き #切り抜き #Hololiveclip #Clip #Vtuber #手描き #Animation

Tripl3 [EN sub]

4 months ago

我以前 不知道什麼是「花生果凍三明治」 我覺得很噁心,想說 「為什麼要把果凍加進花生醬裡?」 後來才知道他們是指jam(果醬) 因為妳從小就是説jam(果醬)嗎? 對啊, 花生果醬三明治! 那妳喜歡花生果醬三明治嗎? 當然! 真的假的… ...!!? 妳不喜歡嗎? 誒?為什麼!? 我必須向妳坦白 我並不喜歡花生醬 妳還會跟我好嗎? 啊… 妳只是討厭花生醬嗎? 是的 那妳喜歡其他的堅果醬嗎? 不喜歡 真的嗎? 我不喜歡 可是妳還是會跟我好對吧! 當然…! 我會但是… 妳喜歡Nutella嗎? ... !!!! 妳不喜歡Nutella嗎…? 為什麼??? 妳對堅果過敏嗎? 它們有哪裡不好?告訴我! 那是- 妳說啊! 等等 等等 等等 妳只是討厭花生醬 但這並不代表妳也討厭花生果醬三明治… 對吧? 那花生棉花糖醬呢? 花生棉花糖醬三明治 烤花生棉花糖醬三明治 花生巧克力醬三明治呢? ... 我... 我不懂它的魅力 一定有很多人都喜歡它的理由 Uh-huh 可是妳不喜歡? 等等 等等 等等 可是妳去Subway的時候 感覺會點個鮪魚三明治 -然後說「哦!太好吃了♥」 -閉嘴, 別在說關於三明



Gura looks at her like she wants her to get help lmao


The genuine shock Gura had realizing Kronii doesn’t like even Nutella is what got me. 😂


That "shut the F*ck up about sandwiches!" wasn't directed at Gura, it was directed at the universe.


I live for these conversations. Literally can sit and watch the Hololive girls talk for hours without getting bored. They're just so fun to listen to haha


Gura and Kronii are destined to fight each other, they're rival in the making. Both are blue yet so different from each other. She has mature voice, mature body, and tal vs Gura's youthful voice & body, and a shortie. Kronii doesn't like peanut & jam. Gura & Kronii always fight each other somehow.


1:13 Gura understood it wasn't a joke and that Kronini was absolutely serious there. And she felt fear.


I like how the expressions and awkwardness being projected by the animation fits. Also the genuine childlike amazement from Gura and Kronii's tone just hit great for this piece


Gura's face is like saying "I didn't get paid enough to deal do theraphy on her" xD Kronii and her unique love for sandwiches will never get old like Sench-


These expressions are absolutely amazing


Kronii: “would you still talk to be, even after that confession?” Gura: disconnect Discord Sound


The friendship between Kronii and Gura is one of the sweetest things in Hololive... People don't get the level of comfort with the other person you need to be able to have a conversation like this with them. It's so adorable.


As a peanut butter lover, Kronii is wounding me on a spiritual level that hurts more than the blood pressure problems I'll probably develop.


The gasp and slightly hurt way Gura says "you don't like Nutella?" makes me cry and laugh at the same time. Poor Gooba.


This has to be your best work yet. The setting choice, the pacing, and especially the way you portrayed emotions of both disgust of Kronii and Gura's doubt in the clip is spot on.


the frontal facing expressions are amazing, loved this animation episode a lot, kronii and gura are always amazing together 💙


I like how flabbergasted Gura is with Kronii's taste


I understand that some don't prefer it, but Gura's hesitation after "Would you still talk to me, even after that confession?"


This combo is always so funny to watch and hear! Both of them really are at the same wavelenght and I feel like they can talk nonstop about various topics for hours! I really love watching them collab together!


The face gura made after she realized that kroni eats tuna sandwiches at subway was hilarious good job animating that


Yo. what an improvement in the expressions. Props to you