
Lawyers with Taylor Swift sending cease and desist letter against college student

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3 weeks ago

this morning Taylor Swift is threatening legal action against a college student for tracking her private plane and posting its whereabouts online news H Charles Hart joining us in studio this morning with the details just days before the Super Bowl Charles what is this all about yeah good morning Devin well with Swift's upcoming Trek to Sin City garnering Mass speculation people are wondering if she will get to Allegiance Stadium on time and with swift being one of the biggest names out there it
begs the question do we have a right to know where her flight is this morning lawyers for Taylor Swift are sounding off on a Florida College student sending a seize and deiss letter to Jack Sweeney urging him to stop tracking Swift's private jet on social media the letter States because the offending accounts share live updates on her destination and the exact time our client will arrive at a given location you essentially provide individuals intent on physically harming her or with nefar ious
or violent intentions a road map to carry out their plans Sweeney firing back in a statement to ABC News saying you should have a decent expectation that your jet will be tracked whether or not I do it as after all it is public information Taylor Swift isn't the first celebrity he's tracked Sweeney first made headlines for tracking Elon musk's private jet Taylor Swift's lawyers say tracking her plane amounts to stalking and harassment and puts her safety at risk alluding to a man arrested three
times after lurking outside her New York City Home the latest incident just weeks ago Swift's lawyers adding this reality has forced our client to live her life in a constant state of fear for her personal safety and sween's other accounts track Mark Zuckerberg Bill Gates and other celebrities now he says their Jets tracking their Jets rather is legal and the FAA can't stop him from doing this and this of course of interest in particular this Super Bowl weekend where people are tracking Swift's
travel from Tokyo to Vegas for the big game Devon all right thank you Charles now the junior is at the University of Central Florida studies and he's actually major in information and Technology he's also a programmer and entrepreneur



It's legal. You can even track the president's plane


Lawyers should be disbarred for drafting a fribulous claim. Is it Ethical for lawyers to sue on fribulous grounds? Radar, all airplanes are public knowledge, even presidents and prime ministers.


Does he have a go fund me account?


Good luck with that Taylor. Even military aircraft can be tracked, what makes her so special.


How can she do that after all you can track all aircraft online, it publicly available information that anyone can see . Surely If it illegal for him to post the information (which is publicly available), then surely all the air tracking web sites are also breaking the law posting the live information She is just having a hissy fit in my view


lol, entitled much?


The pilot or aircraft owner can op out their aircraft from being publicly tracked.


Hey WQAD...


I can’t tell if the news is circling her or if she is putting herself directly in the news. This is so stupid. I don’t really feel that bad for someone flying private jets wanting the law to bend to their discomfort. How much more privacy does she need? Why doesn’t she sue the Oxford shooters mothers lawyer for opening with Taylor swifts lyrics to defend a mass child murderer’s negligent mother. For all the things she’s crying about; that would disturb me more.


the pretenders song precious


Idk why yall are acting like it’s not super weird that someone’s posting her private jet location on social media. At first I thought this would be something dramatic on her part, but I totally agree with her. It should not be legal to post someone’s active location at all times for the world to see


She loves wearing dipped on stage. Why???


Some of my friends get Emails and swag from Taylor. Why does Taylor treat some fans better than other fans?