
Learn First Words & Gestures For Baby - Baby Learning Videos + Nursery Rhymes

Learn first words & sounds like CAR ,BEEP, DUCK, QUACK, VROOM, UP, DOWN, BIG & SMALL Learn To Play With Teddy & learn MOVEMENTS with our fun movement sing to the tune of BABY SHARK, we learn to JUMP, STOMP, SWAY, SHHH, SPIN & FLY 😆 Have your baby learn with Miss Katie in this baby video designed to introduce new words and gestures to your baby and even toddlers as well as sing baby songs & nursery rhymes like " Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around" & "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to help with their development. This baby learning video will introduce your baby to first words and gestures like clapping and waving. You will also learn the ways that you can play and sing with your baby to help them learn and grow. This baby video is great for ages 0-3 yrs and is packed will fun-filled songs, adventures, and toys like teddy bears and cars as well as nice cute animations that will act as a baby sensory video. Song and Nursery Rhymes included are Car Song (Miss Katie's Song) Baby Shark Actions Song (Miss Katie's Fun movement song great for word recognition) Round and Round the Garden Like A Teddy Bear Baby Rhyme "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around" Nursery Rhyme The Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes Itsy Bitsy Spider Nursery Rhyme If you're toddler or baby enjoys watching the songs for littles Ms Rachel or Paisley's Corner Silly Miss Lily then please check us out too Subscribe here for our weekly videos 🌟 Welcome to an exciting world of learning and playtime adventures for your little ones! 🎉 Explore a variety of engaging toddler learning videos and baby learning videos that are sure to captivate your child's imagination and foster their development. Click on the links below to embark on educational journeys filled with fun, laughter, and valuable lessons: 1. [Fun Toddler Learning Video]( 2. [Learning Toddler]( 3. [Toddler & Baby Learning]( 4. [Talking Toddler & Baby Talk]( 5. [Talking Time]( 6. [Learn To Talk & Nursery Rhymes]( 7. [Baby First Learning Video]( 8. [Farm Animals Episode Animal Names & Sounds]( 9. [Learn Animals, ABC'S & More]( 10. [Sea Animals For Kids]( 11. [Toddler Fun Learning Loud & Quiet]( 12. [Learn To Talk, Play & Sing]( 🔹 These videos are designed to enhance your child's early learning experience, teaching them valuable skills while having a great time. Click the links and let the learning adventure begin! 🌈✨ 🌟 Check out these delightful short videos designed to engage and entertain your little ones! 🎶🚀 Dive into the world of learning and fun with our curated selection of shorts: 1. [Five Little Monkeys]( 2. [Zoom Zoom Zoom]( 3. [Unlock their potential]( 4. [Fun Movement Song]( 🔹 These engaging shorts are perfect for a quick burst of entertainment while providing valuable learning experiences. Click the links and let the fun begin! 🚀🎉 #babyvideos #nurseryrhymes #babylearning #learntotalk #babylearningvideo #toddlervideos #toddlerlearningvideo #babysongs #videosfortoddlers #videosforbabies #songsforlittles #baby #toddlers #kids #babyclass #babygroup #babytalk #talkingbaby #itsybitsyspider #teddybear #teddybearteddybear #roundandround #misskatie #learningvideosfortoddlers #babylearningvideos

Miss Katie's Class- Toddler Learning Videos

9 months ago

we're going on a walk today you and me  let's try and name something we can see I see a car one red car goes beep and  broom one red car goes beep and room one red car goes [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what is it do you know it's a  a car it's a car this car is also the color red red car red car red car [Music] wow are you ready to go room with the  car [Music] ready to say pop foreign great job [Music] hey [Music] your time pop whoa my turn  hey [Music] your turn whoa let's
say it together after  three ready one two three [Music] wow great job save pop what's that [Music]  what's that it's a car what does the car say beep beep can you do that beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep let me hear you beep beep  yay great job foreign [Music] ready car goes broom car  goes broom car goes [Music] yay let's do fast and slow car is fast car  is slow car is fast car is slow fast fast [Music] slow fast fast fast and slow yay this time  let's do up and down [Music] car
goes down car goes up car goes down up up down down up  up up and down up up down down Up Up and Down yay that's too big and small car is big car  is small car is big car is small big big small small big big big and small big big small  small big big [Music] great job [Music] foreign [Music] this card needs to go down the hill if you  say go the car will go down are you ready [Music] one two three go oh wow the car is going  down the hill good job this is [Music] jumping jump jump jump this is j
umping jump jump jump this is jumping jump jump jump this  is jumping jump jump jump [Music] waving [Music] waving can you wave can you show me a big wave [Music] clapping ping can you clap [Music] can you clap wow good clapping can you jump [Music] how about dump can you stump boom  boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom it's jumping boom boom boom I'm stomping  can you jump jump jump can you jump jump jump can you jump jump jump can you  jump can you stomp stomp stomp stomp can
you stomp stomp stomp stomp can you stomp  stomp stomp stomp can you stomp can you spin [Music] [Music] we're all done [Music] one teddy bear  two teddy bears three teddy bears peekaboo peekaboo [Music] boo bye bye round and round the garden like a teddy bear  a wild step two step in a tickly under there oh [Music] [Laughter] let's do more ready round and round the garden  like a teddy bear a one step two step and then this is my friend Teddy can you wave to Teddy good  waving hi everyone Teddy
is here today because he wants to share his favorite game with you don't  you teddy yeah he does good so do you have a teddy bear at home go get it let's play all together  ready get Teddy up like this are you ready yay teddy bear teddy bear turn around teddy bear teddy  bear touch the ground teddy bear teddy bear teddy bear teddy bear touch the sky teddy bear teddy  bear reach down low teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes teddy bear teddy bears are not the  LIE teddy bear teddy bear say good
night [Music] or ready teddy bear teddy bear turn around  teddy bear teddy bear touch the ground teddy bear teddy bear reach up high teddy bear  teddy bear touch the sky teddy bear teddy bear reach down low teddy bear teddy  bear touch your toes teddy bear teddy bear turn out the light teddy bear teddy  bear say good night wow that was so much fun we're going on a walk today you and  me let's try and name something we can I see ducks ducks I see Ducks two  yellow ducks go paddle and Quack two li
ttle ducks two little ducks go paddle  and Quack paddle paddle paddle paddle quack foreign ducks I see ducks ducks  start with the letter D ducks do you know what a duck says do you know the  duck says hmm moo no no the duck doesn't say moo hmm Does the Duck Say cluck cluck no  how about quack quack yes that's that's right the duck says quack quack quack quack can  you do that quack quack quack quack yay [Music] a baby duck is called duckling ah this duckling  is swimming with its mummy at duckl
ing [Music] this little duck wants to jump into the water  can you help yeah yeah you say go and the duck will jump into the water Ready Set [Music] go  [Music] wow the duck jumped into the water you did it [Music] whoa look at all these colorful  ducks will you help me find the ducks with the green balloons will you help me yeah can you  nod your head to say yeah good job ready one oh there's another one two oh is there any more no there's two ducks with green balloons  thank you for helping me
good job up up wow ready to knock it down one two three Oh yay ready to step back up up up [Music] wow your turn to say up ready yay [Music] doing it wow you said up and the stacked up  yay ready to say down one two three [Music] oh [Music] oh it's a baby a baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby  baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby [Music] mama mama mama the baby's trying to talk mama mama mama Let's Help the baby talk what do  you think the baby's trying to say ma
ma can you say mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama  Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama yay great job saying mama da da da da da da da da da da da  what's the baby trying to say now um [Music] dada dada dada dada dada dada dada oh dada mama baby [Music] ah let's sing the Finger  Family song to the baby [Music] finger daddy finger where are you here I  am here I am how do you do Mommy finger Mommy finger where are you here I  am here I am how do you do [Music] brother finger brother
finger where are  you here I am here I am how do you do sister finger sister finger where are  you here I am here I am how do you do it's baby next ready [Music] baby finger baby finger where are you here  I am here I am how do you do family finger family where are you here we are here we are  how do you do yay great job singing to the baby peekaboo peekaboo peekaboo let's do Itsy Bitsy Spider [Music] the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water  spout down came the rain and washed that spider out
out came the sunshine and dry to  pull the rain and itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again [Music] great job with your  spiders let's do more ready foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
