
Lisbon Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Lisbon – Welcome to the capital of Portugal. Explore the hilly streets of this coastal city and take in the rich culture here. Check out the top spots to visit. When ready, browse vacation packages to Lisbon: From a Phoenician outpost to 16th-century trading giant, from the Great Earthquake of 1755 to its glorious reconstruction, #Lisbon has long been a city of shifting fortunes. On a #visit to the waterfront, find the city’s grand gateway, Praça do Comércio. Pass beneath the triumphal arch, a tribute to the city’s reconstruction, and on to Rua Augusta to another of Lisbon’s great squares, the Rossio. Climb aboard Tram 28, which passes some of the city’s most iconic sights, then climb the battlements of Castelo de São Jorge to see the red-tiled roofs of Lisbon spread out before you. Although the Great Earthquake reduced much of Lisbon to rubble, the ancient suburb of Alfama was spared. Lose yourself amid the cobblestones, where cafes, bars and artisan shops have taken residence in the dockworkers’ homes of old. A #vacation here will reward you with some of Europe’s most beautiful beaches. For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it. More travel information around Lisbon: Subscribe to Expedia’s YouTube Channel for great travel videos and join the conversation on the best vacation ideas. --------- Follow us on social media: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST: --------- 0:00 - Lisbon 1:19 - Torre de Belem 1:33 - Monument of the Discoveries 1:59 - Jeronimos Monastery 2:25 - Maritime Museum 3:00 - Belem Patisserie 3:15 - The Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology 3:37 - Oceanario 3:55 - Ponte Vasco da Gama 4:08 - Praca do Comercio 4:28 - The Lisbon Story Centre 5:19 - Triumphal Arch 5:29 - The Rossio 6:21 - Convento do Carmo 6:48 - Castelo de Sao Jorge 7:19 - Miradouro de Sao Pedro de Alcântara 7:46 - Alfama 8:21 - Lisbon’s Cathedral 8:39 - Fado Museum 8:55 - Fado Bar 9:15 - National Azulejo Museum 9:50 - Fronteira Palace 10:17 - Calouste Gulbenkian Museum 10:33 - LX Factory 10:57 - Mercado da Ribeira 11:14 - Cascais 12:00 - Sintra 12:52 - Sintra-Cascais Natural Park 13:18 - Adraga and Ursa 13:32 - Cape Roca


6 years ago

葡萄牙首都里斯本 位於伊比利亞半島西岸 塔霍河流入大西洋的交會點 這座城市約於 3000 年前落成 比羅馬 巴黎以至倫敦建成時期還要早幾個世紀 而且擁有與之相符的精彩歷史 由早期的腓尼基人前哨基地 到後來擴展成為 16 世紀的貿易重地 再經歷了 1755 年的大地震 以及後來的宏大重建工程 里斯本這城市實在歷盡輝煌與風霜 里斯本於 20 世紀一直面對各種艱辛 但是後來幸運女神 再次站在里斯本的一方 曾經失去光彩的里斯本 在 21 世紀再次成為遍地機會的都市 這座城市的一切 總與大海緊密相連 因此城內最重要的地標 均位於海濱 實在一點也不奇怪 貝倫塔位於塔霍河的河岸 其極盡突出的優雅風情 讓人不禁回想起 葡萄牙過去的傳統與輝煌歷史 沿河而上,坐落著發現者紀念碑 紀念著葡萄牙最為人尊敬的航海家 例如大航海家亨利王子 華士古達嘉馬和麥哲倫等等 走上屋頂,俯瞰地板上的 世界地圖 上面記錄著葡萄牙勇敢無畏的水手 航行過的路線與各種大發現 在鄰近地區繼續旅程 在哲羅姆派修道院 進一步了解里斯本的航海歷史 1497 年,華士古達嘉馬 展開偉大的遠東之旅前 花了最後一晚 在這裡祈禱 今天大家所看到的
這個廣闊的修道院 全賴達嘉馬進行香料貿易的航海路線 為這城市帶來莫大財富,才得以建成 這修道院更是城內 海事博物館的所在地 當中保留了葡萄牙 黃金航海時代的文物 1800 年代初期 葡萄牙統治者強迫在那居住的僧侶 搬離他們所深愛的這個修道院 赤貧的僧侶們出售了非常珍貴的私藏 即他們的秘製蛋撻食譜 經過了五代之後 鄰近的 Belem Patisserie 糕點店 每日都為甜點愛好者 供應超過二萬件葡撻 時至今日,葡撻的食譜 仍然是一個秘密 在品嚐過全球 最地道美味的葡撻後 可啟程前往全新創意天地 參觀藝術、建築與科技博物館 再沿河而上 葡萄牙人對大海的熱愛 繼續從城內知名的海洋水族館體現出來 遊客可在那裡欣賞來自各地海洋的 幾百種海洋生物 從這裡乘搭纜車 繼續迎河而上 就能俯瞰城內景色與總長 11 英里的 歐洲最長大橋 - 華士古達嘉馬大橋 在這片海濱,還可見識到 里斯本的宏偉通道 商業廣場 這宏偉的廣場位於龐巴爾區中心 這裡昔日是皇宮的所在之處 直至 1755 年那多災多難的諸聖節 天災將里斯本,甚至整個歐洲 完全地改頭換面 在里斯本故事中心可感受到 6 分鐘地震的毀滅性顫動 海嘯的驚
駭,以及緊接而來 長達 5 天的大火災的恐怖 85% 的建築物被大地震摧毀 但正所謂「有危便有機」 在短短一年內,里斯本的重建工作 就進展得相當良好 寬闊的大道取代了 中世紀的擁擠環境 全新風格的抗震 優雅建築 - 龐巴爾應運而生 大地震亦摧毀了里斯本的 古舊教義 被摧毀的城市造就了 啟蒙時代的誕生 穿過凱旋門,就能看到 榮耀女神、勇者與智者的雕像 以紀念讚頌里斯本迅速重建成功 之後沿著奧古斯塔街走,就能進入 城內另一個寬闊廣場 - 羅西烏廣場 如果商業廣場是里斯本的通道 那羅西烏廣場就是里斯本的中心了 自中世紀開始,里斯本的人民 都聚首於此欣賞鬥牛與舉辦慶典 時至今日,這裡成為了完美的休閒景點 那裡的噴泉為人帶來涼快感覺 讓人可在波浪紋人行道上盡情放鬆 里斯本是其中一個 七丘之城 因此不論走到哪裡,最後都是 往上走才方便盡覽景色 幸好,里斯本人想到了 一些創新方案 在炎炎夏日得以節省登山體力 從下城乘坐聖胡斯塔升降機 就能前往上城區 然後就能找到卡爾莫修道院 其未修復好的半圓拱 是經歷過 1755 年的 里斯本大地震後的證明 乘上 28 號電車,就能穿越 城內最具代表性的景點 從太陽
門廣場出發,就能登上 聖若熱城堡 這個 11 世紀山上槍砲 摩爾城垛要塞 讓人可盡覽里斯本的一大片紅磚屋頂景致 並一路漫延至下城 到達蔚藍的塔霍河畔 電車遍及里斯本各地 但當中最受歡迎的是 Gloria 電車 這路線由下城 往返阿爾坎塔拉聖伯多祿花園 實在是與摯愛欣賞 城市日出美景的理想地點 雖然大地震將里斯本 變成頹垣敗瓦 但古老城區阿爾法瑪卻倖存下來 不妨在古老的 鵝卵石路與樓梯盡情漫步 咖啡廳、酒吧與工匠商店 進駐了 古代碼頭工人的家居 然而這城區仍保留著古村氣氛 特別是仲夏節慶 讓里斯本每個角落充斥著 50 多個街頭派對,相當熱鬧 阿爾法瑪是里斯本大教堂 羅馬式塔樓的所在之處 當中的牆壁可追溯至第二次十字軍東征時期 當時里斯本剛從摩爾人手上解放出來 如果阿爾法瑪古城能唱出歷史 那肯定會是苦樂參半的 葡萄牙怨曲哀詩 在葡萄牙怨曲博物館,可盡情發掘 葡萄牙傳統歌曲 其源頭正正來自阿爾法瑪的 酒吧與巷道 夕陽時分,可加入當地人的聚會 流連葡萄牙怨曲酒吧 細心聆聽專業歌手以及 新晉葡萄牙怨曲歌手 傾情演唱,唱出勞動階層 與大海的揪心故事 里斯本的城牆不會說話 但其瓷磚卻令他們發展
出 獨有的特色音樂 瓷磚畫首先由阿拉伯人引入,經過多個世紀 葡萄牙人已發展出獨有的 瓷磚畫藝術 國家瓷磚博物館的前身 是一間女修道院 現在展出葡萄牙多個世紀以來 瓷磚藝術的演化 由古老《聖經》故事到全新的 瓷磚設計創意先鋒,均一應俱全 在里斯本每個角落都能找到瓷磚 由實用到純裝飾用瓷磚都不難找到 但要欣賞西斯廷禮拜堂的瓷磚畫 就要到城市北部的弗隆泰拉侯爵宮 前往東部的古爾本基安美術館 就能欣賞到其他世界頂尖藝術收藏品 博物館內的 6000 多件藝術瑰寶 以及古代收藏品 正正是油王古爾本的 畢生收藏品 里斯本的非凡創意 不止可在藝術館中找到 更能從市區更新項目中找到 例如是 LX Factory 讓已荒廢多時的 紡織工廠再次 獲得新生命,活躍起來 在里斯本河濱市場的公共桌子上 就能見識到當地人的無窮創意 在這裡,里斯本最具創意的 廚師與啤酒釀造者均重新詮釋出傳統經典 里斯本一直都是探索之都 因此如果準備好進一步 探索一下遠方,就能發掘無窮歷險驚喜 卡斯凱什與里斯本西方相隔不足 20 英里 這條古老漁村在 1800 年代後期 因里斯本貴族 發現其黃金海岸 而為世人所知悉 辛特拉是葡萄牙君
主的另一個遊覽熱點 是夏日避暑皇宮的所在地 由里斯本西北前往辛特拉 車程約為半小時,是週末遊玩的好去處 簡直就是夢寐以求的童話之旅 安徒生愛上了辛特拉 一次又一次到訪這個地方 更稱之為葡萄牙最美麗的地方 從辛特拉駕車片刻 就能欣賞到 辛特拉 - 卡斯卡伊斯自然公園的絕美海岸景色 不妨花幾天探索歐洲 一些最美麗的海灘 例如馬卡斯海灘 就以從附近果園漂流至下游 再沖上沙灘的蘋果而命名 從這裡開始往南方探索,就能發掘 偏遠的阿德拉加與烏爾薩海灘 在這裡可欣賞到大西洋海浪 在荷馬的奧德賽雕畫出宏偉的海岸線 到了羅卡角,可把握機會登上懸崖頂部 這裡直至 14 世紀為止,一直被視為 世界的盡頭 這裡是歐洲大陸的西端 位於宏偉的大西洋 400 英尺之上 這裡讓人明白里斯本的航海家 是如何被遠方彼岸吸引 激起他們前往探險的熱誠 然而,不論他們見識到什麼神奇事物 找到什麼寶藏 都總是渴望回到自己的家鄉 大海的帝王之都 - 里斯本



“Try to keep this one to seven minutes, okay." These are the words our production manager routinely dispenses as our team embark on a new destination guide. One look at the footage of Lisbon, however, and we quickly realized there was zero chance of a seven minute video. In fact we had a hard time bringing this one in at under fifteen! Well, there's always next time. Until then, come with us and explore Portugal's incredible capital; a place where beauty, tradition, creativity and adventure knows no limit.


Nobody knows how I love Lisboa. Greetings from the Dominican Republic.


Been away from Portugal for 35 years going back to my roots in less then 5 days with my children and grand children. I miss my family and friends and the way of the Portuguese life, Love from Sydney, Australia.


The best seafood I've ever had in my life was in Lisbon at the restaurant Ramiro. The freshest ever.


Lisbon and Portugal in general are so exotic and I like the narrator's portuguese accent. This is one of the best presentations ever


Visited Lisbon in summer 2019. Was absolutely spellbound by the hilltop views of the city and by the castles in Sintra. And those egg tarts were crazy addictive. The tile work on the walls of the buildings in Lisbon (as well as Porto) are absolutely gorgeous. There's a lot of steep hills to navigate so bring good walking shoes, but so compact that you can cover lots of ground in a short time. And the seafood in Lisbon is top notch (and super affordable). I saw shockingly few American tourists there compared to elsewhere in western Europe, but was warmly received by every Lisboeta I encountered. Portugal is truly the most underrated European country I've been to thusfar.


I first visited Lisbon & Porto in 1994, with my - then girlfriend from NYC. Both cities were diamonds in the rough back then...poor, and ramshackle - like Havana. I returned in 1996 - alone, and stayed 6 months. I had fallen under Lisbon's spell, and felt then that the city would be "Discovered" again, and Man! - was that a prescient thought! I returned again in 2008, and 2009, and the changes were Phenomenal! I have not been back since, but from most of my Portuguese friends I hear that the city is firing on ALL Cylinders, and yet - Tourism is beginning to erode the Portuguese Way of Life! Madonna has apparently purchased a small palace in Sintra, and property in Lisbon, so... you know the "Hand of Doom" is looming over Portugal in a way not seen since the 1755 Earthquake! I love the place like no other, and hope to live there again. My suggestion to Travelers who wish to experience this still magical place - DO NOT act like uninformed, spoilt brats!...... 1. Learn some Portuguese! - most Lisboetas under the age of 45 are semi-fluent in English, French, and definitely Spanish, not speak Spanish! - It's seen as an insult! Familiarize yourself with Fernando Pessoa - the great 20th century Poet of Lisbon! He is IMPORTANT as a key to understanding the Portuguese emotional state, aka "Saudades"! 2. Avoid the restaurants with the "Touristas" menus,, and seek out LOCAL places - they're plentiful, and inexpensive, usually. They tend to be in areas like Santa Catarina (Bicos), Mouraria, Principe Real, Lapa, Anjos, Graca (Especially!), and Belem. Bario Alto has a plethora of good restaurants, but it tends towards touristy, and the crowds are massive! Alfama is atmospheric as fuck!, but also caters to tourist. If the "Clown School" - CHAPITO, in Castelo is still open, that's a very nice 'alternative' hang. 3. SUPPORT LOCAL CULTURE!!! - There are quite a few good museums, and that's cool, but try to see the Calouste Gulbenkian, as not only is the collection marvelous, The Foundation supports a wide range of music, theater, and dance with the emphasis on Contemporary. And, although Fado can be heart-breakingly beautiful - it can also be kitschy, and 'meh' if the performers heart's not into it! Explore with caution...go to the Fado Museum and get an understanding, first! Lisbon is the home of CLEAN FEED Records - Europe's premiere Avant-Garde Jazz, and Music label! On some nights you can find more challenging, and experimental music than you can in NYC! The award winning Avant Saxophonist, Rodrigo Amado is from Lisbon, as well as the awesome noise/experimental Guitarist - Luis Lopes. If either is playing (they often work together!) by all means - GO see them! Lisbon has become a Mecca for alternative music - much more so than Madrid, and Barcelona! Bands to keep your ears open for: The Anarchicks (all-girl Punk/Alt Rock), Linda Martini (Post-Rock, ala Sonic Youth, Mogwai...), Alexander Search (kinda Radiohead-ish), and by all means - check-out the music venues - Music Box (Cais du Soidre), ZBD (Bario Alto), Hot Clube du Jazz (Principe Real), and Praca da Prata. If this isn't enough! - there is the music being made my the People from the former Colonies of Portugal - Mozambique, Cape Verde, Angola, and Brazil! Sorry for this long-winded posting, but this is for anyone looking for a unique experience... Obviously - I LOVE LISBON! The People are beautiful, kind, and thoughtful, The Beaches - unearthly gorgeous, and Sintra should not even's THAT Beautiful! PLEASE! Be incredibly grateful you are THERE! Treat it as if it were your own - with Respect, and Loving Kindness! You will be rewarded in spades with the best trip EVER! I know It's selfish of me, but I want it to still be "Lisbon" when I move back!


Lisbon is a beautiful city. My love & respect to "Portugal" from Dhaka, Bangladesh.


I am visiting Lisbon right now, it's a truly incredible city, and this video with astounding quality is even bringing it to the next level.


Portugal looks so divine and beautiful!


I live in Lisbon, I must say, it's the best video I have watched so far about Lisbon.


Lisbon is a magical city. I loved it. One of my best vacations.


what a wonderful city with great outback. Europe is my best continent. I'd be more than happy to reside in places such as this.


Western Europe is so amazing... I wish I was rich enough for all this travel


Lisbon is a truly magical city with absolutely beautiful architecture and such friendly people who really go out of their way to make you feel welcome. I’m very lucky to be here right now for the second time and it definitely won’t be my last.


Such an inspiring & place, full of discoveries, a unic place like no other place in the world... Where the biggest worldwide explores once ruled. ❤ Much love to lisbon/Portugal. USA!


Visited Lisbon in Dec 2017 with my family relectantly. Wow amazed by its beauty. Visited shintra and cacais too. Superb video


LISBON the queen of the seas. I like it!


God bless Portugal 🇵🇹 Can’t wait to go back visiting Lisbon again! Absolutely love this country and the people 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼


What a wonderful video from Lisbon. The locals are truly a fantastic and cordial. Thanks.