
Lower Body ISO HIIT Leg Workout at Home - LEAP DAY 15

It’s Day #15 of your LEAP Challenge! This workout has it all! Strengthen and sculpt your legs, glutes, hips and core, using dumbbells, kettlebells and mini bands. Start back to basics strength, add some isometric holds with some variety, then finish with a HIIT round to get your heart rate up. 1️⃣ Subscribe HERE: (it's FREE and the best way to support my small business!!) Help me reach ONE MILLION subscribers, as this will help us reach more people and will allow me to develop many more programs for YOU! 🙏 2️⃣ Sign up for my FREE newsletter here: The newsletter allows you to get links to all the workouts in advance! Plus, keep up with my latest offerings and blogs on fitness and nutrition. 3️⃣ Need motivation, accountability, and nutrition guidance? Join the BodyFit Athletic Club (BAC) HERE: The BodyFit Athletic Club is a virtual community where we offer effortless and approachable nutrition, positive fitness, no-fuss recipes, accountability, motivation, and a supportive community for EVERY BODY - at a fraction of the cost of a standard gym membership. ➡️ Link to the LEAP Monthly Calendar: ➡️ Link to the LEAP YouTube Playlist: ttps:// ➡️ My Equipment Everything I use HERE: Discounted TRX HERE: (save 15% off your TRX with coupon code: BODYFITBYAMY) Mini Bands: Hope Fitness Gear ➡️ MY OUTFITS Grab my newest outfits on my LTK profile HERE: ➡ TODAY’S WORKOUT 0:00 Intro 0:33 Warm Up 5:00 Circuit 1 17:20 Circuit 2 28:35 Circuit 3 34:50 Cool Down ➡️ Connect With Me on Social Web: IG: FB Page: FREE Private Facebook Group: ➡️ Warm Up, Cool Down & Extra Stretching For an additional warm-up, start here: For some extra cooldown, go here: For some extended stretching (cause we all need it), check this out: Thanks for showing up today! Great job, everybody! Amy DISCLAIMER Please consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program. As with any exercise program, if you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort at any point during your workout, you should stop immediately. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agree to do so at your own risk. 🚨 Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel HERE:

BodyFit By Amy

11 days ago

hey everybody I'm Amy from body fit by Amy and  this is your lower body ISO hit workout in this workout we're going to work your entire lower body  legs glutes hips inner outer thighs mix in some core and we're going to adding in some isometric  exercises some back to basic strength and some hit don't worry I know that sounds like a lot but  I'm going to give you lots of different options to work to your Fitness level are you ready let's  do it all right let's go ahead and start just by getting
warm moving our body just March or jog  pump those arms you can even roll those shoulders we're not working that upper body today but we do  want to get loose we want to get the blood flowing we want to get the core temperature up and we want  to get ready to move this warm up is about getting mobility and working in those movement patterns  that we're going to be adding weight to right so we want to be doing it with body weight first just  to get our bodies is ready let's go ahead and roll thro
ugh those hips open them up right through  here as always I'm going to give you lots of different options in this workout to work to your  level what's great about this let's add a little side lunge step it out you can add some arms if  you want what's great about this workout is we're working in three rounds three rounds of 30 seconds  back to back to back although a few times we will be setting our weights down for our last round  so we have a couple seconds in between but we're starting with
back to basic strength so you can  always stay just with Back to Basics take those arms up and then let's hinge it down so if that is  where you need to be today you can keep it there our second 30 seconds is going to be a version of  an isometric hold isometric just means that we're not lengthening or shortening the muscle right but  we are Contracting let's hold this right through here let's round through our back flat back down  and then round it up looks like this so in that isometric we're
not just going to do a straight  hold don't worry you know me I like to make it fine so we'll add a few little things here there  to make it a little different and then our last 30 seconds sometimes we'll set our weights down let's  take our hands here standing cat Cow because our last round is our hit round so that's our higher  intensity interval for 30 seconds sometimes We'll add a little higher impact sometimes we won't  but again again you will have options let's take it back right here so
tap it back opening up  the hips you can take it into a low lunge if you want or you can just open those hips drive those  arms up to stretch out through the back so back to basic strength for 30 seconds isometric with a  Twist for 30 seconds and hit for 30 seconds let's take it right here if you can we're going to take  it all the way down world's greatest stretch open up that hip in the front you can reach it up  through here you can either just hold this or take a little rotation in through t
he back so  we'll get some lower body but of course we're going to be adding in some core as well towards  the ends of our circuits let's go ahead and switch that you can either switch from that high plank  or the lunge again you're here you can hold it or you can reach through with or without dropping  that knee up to you so I'm going to remind you in this workout this is your workout out you do you  find what works for you if you're able to step into that high plank go for it otherwise knees a
nd  let's just take a little child's pose stretch and then up into that high plank position warming up  the core stretching through the back so be where you are today that's both where you are in your  fitness journey and also just where you are today stretch it back and up let's get one more more and  either walk those hands back or walk your feet up I like to stay here pedal up those hamstrings for  just a bit this where I always retie my shoes just to make sure and slowly roll it up through y
our  back all right team so hopefully that heart rate is up but let's stretch across right through here  you can tap out those legs we're going to start with our very basic lunge now I'm working with  dumbbells and kettle bells and an optional mini band today you use whatever you have available to  you you can keep this entire workout body weight if that's what's best for you you have options  of dumbbell or kettle bell I'll show you what I'm using but you can use something else maybe you  want
to go heavier or lighter depending on what you have and again there will be a few times where  we set those weights down so we can get that hit stretch it out right through here all right team  so watch me first round I'm I'm going to go with a heavy kettle bell but you do you we're going to  step back our first 30 seconds is a reverse lunge so stepping back on those train tracks again you  can have two dumbbells one kettle bell then we're going to hold isometric lunge but we're going to  lift t
hat heel in the back so little lift then we're going to set that weight down and we're  going to do a little knee drive that's our hit you can keep it here or you can add a little jump  so grab that kettle bell or dumbbell right foot forward left foot back let's go ahead and get it  done here we go so lunging it low and stepping it up now you can of course make this a forward  lunge if that feels better for you you can keep it stationary just like this or you can do a little  tap back but this i
s your back to basics you can stay here the whole time if that's right for you  or in about 5 Seconds we're going to hold it down 3 2 to hold it here so you're trying to drop that  knee I want you to think about staying forward just a bit core engage you can either just hold it  or lift that heel in the front that doesn't feel good for your knees just hold or keep it with  that lunge don't worry because we're not here very long I want you to think about that cord what  is happening with your che
st and shoulders making sure not we're not rolling It Forward staying low  for five more seconds then we're set that weight down three 2 one set the weight out of the way  and then let's get 30 seconds of that knee Drive remember you can either tap it lunge it jump it  or no jump it 30 seconds here we go so this does not have to be super fast hit does not mean fast  and it does not have to mean jumping right you're still going to get that high intensity for your  heart rate for your muscles no m
atter what you're doing woo this this is going to be a burner team  I know 10 seconds what do you got hang with me for five four three two breathe it's going to  be a high heart rate workout too so again you do you if you need more of a breather in between  these circuits we're going to get at least about 30 seconds cuz we're going to need that recovery  right maybe you're like me you're feeling that heart rate you're feeling that leg burn but when  we take it to there we're getting that 30 seco
nds to recover and go back into it but if you need  more you just hit pause wo other leg you can do it team let's take it right through here we're going  to step back into that reverse lunge in three two one take your time Back to Basics here and drive  it up here and drive it up drop it low and up core engaged chest open I know your brain is  already thinking about what's coming up but remember it's only 30 seconds we love these  short intervals let's take it down and hold so hold it here I wan
t you to find that good  balance train tracks hip distance apart chest open if you want lift that heel all right if you  got two dumbbells it's going to help you stay a little more balanced if you got just one really  engage that core right we're trying not to pull anti flexion anti- rotation to make that core work  harder trying to stay low I know it's tempting you don't have to lift that heel unless you want a  little variety three two one set that kettle bell out of the way give yourself a se
cond we're going  to drive it up so remember the goal is a little bit of movement a little higher intensity for our  heart rate but keeping that burn for the leg in 3 2 1 here we go you can either just be here or  drop it low power it up whatever is best for where you are today all right feeling that burn  don't worry this workout is going to go quickly because we only have 30 second intervals and we  got five four three two breathe grab some water team I know I know right there is that heart ra
te  even if you're not tracking it you're feeling it right grab that water shake out those legs  whatever you need to do maybe it's hamstring curls maybe it's driving them up maybe it's just giving  yourself that real rest we're going to grab some dumbbells coming into a side lunge all right team  clear that space again this is another time that you can keep it dumbbells or kettle bells whatever  you want for you we're going to alternate on this so side lunge we're just doing a little shift  rig
ht to left I want you to actually shift your weight into that hip then we're going to go all on  the right we're going to do a 15 second hold guess what these are quick and then a 15sec hold pop off  or knee drive whatever it looks like for you if it's just stepping into it then we shift here 15  seconds grab those weights join me here shifting your weight in three 2 one here we go side lunge  step up and through so we're alternating so it won't be the same kind of burn don't worry got  that lun
ge sequence out of the way you know I like to front load our workouts so we get those  hard things up top keep our body working start start off with a bang right shift your weight  right through here 5 Seconds three 2 one I want you to take it right here hold you got 15 seconds  only hold whatever that is for you if you need to drop these weights you can shift your weight into  that hip keep those shoulders back keep that core engage we got three two one here we go tap it  in here's your hip dro
p drive it up drive it up whatever you got team it's only 10 more seconds  here we go this round is going to feel so fast compared to that other one take it over here here  we go anytime we have right side left side it's going to feel longer but don't worry team we're  just right here shift your weight shoulders back chest open and proud core engaged and get ready  let's pop it off here up and down take it up and down yes you can Team you can just tap it in if  that's better for you but let's ge
t that heart rate up little hit whatever that is for you last  one boom right we like those 15sec intervals right still getting that heart rate up getting it done  team catch your breath roll your shoulders we're taking it down to the mat all right let's get a  little bit of core we're going to be doing some versions of some dead bugs if you need to keep it  standing or I'll give you a bridge option that's an option as well so here we go team down on your  back oh doesn't that feel nice all righ
t we got our regular dead bug safe for most people if it  bothers back you can do a or you can do a little Bridge with those arms and if in your second or  third trimester of pregnancy you might want to do the Bridge as well but here we go we're going to  start with a regular dead bug bring them up here we go alternate arms and legs you're extending out  if you can but we're not flexing or extending at the spine right we're taking the arms and legs out  to make the core have to stabilize so real
ly think about that deep core that internal transverse  abdominis wrapping that core in tucking that pelvis 5 seconds and then we're going to hold hold  one side so that's all we got right through here you pick a side hold it out you can even lift the  flex that foot it's only 15 so I want you to hold it here nice and tight again wrap that core you  can be here you can be here everything pulled in three two one switch your sides you're here little  lift if you want try not to have that knee too
far in how about about 90° feel the difference again  wrap that core everything tucked when we go to our hit we're just taking it to a bicycle so join me  here for 30 here to here if that's not right for you take it here or with a bridge alternating  knees so we're not worried about heart rate on this even though it's the higher intensity  interval of this move hopefully this good core burn was a nice little break for your legs cuz  then we're back at it we got five four three two one hug those
knees in relax your back slowly  come up onto your feet team we're going to get on some kettlebell swings all right so this round  go ahead and bring it up it's just its own as you know I like to put those swings at the end of  circuits or in between we're going to start with the deadlift so one heavy cattle Bell I'm going  to go with this 35 you can go heavier especially if you've done a swing before but we're going to  start with just your deadlift so just driving the hips to the back standing
up straight so it's just  that hinge movement then if you've done the swing before you're comfortable with the swing we'll  take it to that so again wrap that core shoulders back core engaged let's start with that deadlift  hinge those hips to the back here we go stand up straight connect with the core lock out in the  glutes and hamstrings squeeze so this is our version of our hinge except we've got some bridges  at the end but we're not going to do a whole lot of extra deadlifts in addition t
o this and we're  not going to do an ISO deadlift doesn't always work but we are going to do a hit version of this  deadlift which is your power which is your swing we got three two one relax all right you can keep  it right there especially if you're a beginner or you need to take that nice and slow version of the  Dead lift if you want to add the power if you're comfortable with the swing we're going to drive  it up Let It Drop lock it out at the top wrap that core lock out glutes and hamstrin
gs Let It Drop  arms are not lifting just alone for the right here we go shoulders back core engaged hinge it low  prep it back three two deadlift or swing here we go use your breath that's going to help you  get that power as you come up it's also going to help cue you to get that Rhythm to know when  to lock it out drop drop keeping those armpits squeezing I know it sounds weird but that's going  to activate your lats drop in the chest but don't round in the back we got five 4 3 2 one and rela
xo  pedal those feet right through here all right team quick sip of water again kettle bell out of the  wayoo we're on the circuit too I know would you believe that was the whole First Circuit I  know it's going to feel a little different today because each move has three variations again  you can always keep it Back to Basics you do you all right let's take it back so we're going to  start with a paa squat I'm going to go two heavy dumbbells here cuz I like to rest my weights on  the top of my
legs in this paa or sumo legs out we're going to do a little ISO slide so you can  either just hold it or you can slide those heels together that's why you can have that kettle bell  or two dumbBells here but you may want them here that's going to really activate those inner thighs  then we're going to set those weights down we're going to do a little pop in I really want you  to think about bringing those heels together low impact or jumping but bring the heels together for  inner thighs heavy
weights if you got them join me right here shoulders back regular paa squatter  Orum squat in three two one think you're going to like this round it's going to go by faster  than that first one I promise right here and here yes you can drop it down squeeze up through the  inner thighs but remember they're also connecting to that pelvic floor little lift as you connect  with the glutes we got five more seconds Back to Basics moving through you can keep it here or you  can join me with this hold s
o isometric hold you can just hold it here if you want to get those  inner thighs working drag those heels together it does not have to be a big movement just take  it side to side here we go think about bringing the heels together you don't have to come all  the way up I want you to stay down for that ISO but really think inner thighs glutes deep low  core five 5 4 3 2 one set those weights down all right team give yourself a second we're going  to pop it in either bringing those heels together
with a jump and then out or drag it in quickly  for a little bit of hit 30 seconds here we go and here and boom I know a little different  than when we're just doing a basic jump squat right we're really trying to bring those together  even if you're low impact squeeze squeeze feel the difference in and glutes and heart rate I  know and breathe yes team five four three two hit tap it out team you may even want to tap them  out a little bit off front all right how about a little curtsy I know on
e more time right and left  but you're going to like it we're going to take it just alternating right and left like we did with  our side lunge then we got our right side we're going to tap it in so here's your ISO you can  hold it or tap it in then we got our left side tap it in then we're setting our weights down good  oldfashioned skater right side to side so join me here heavy weights whatever you got I'm going to  stick with dumbbells we're going to alternate that curtsy lunge then right si
de tap in left side tap  in skater here we go drop it down step it through drop it down keeping the chest open Crossing that  leg behind but it doesn't have to be super far but we're really activating those outer thighs  we got inner thighs with our paa if you want to just tap back you can tap back too yes you can  breathe drive it up take it right here I want you to hold it down find that ISO on that right  side try to get low you can keep it here or you can tap it in tap it in yes team tap it
in and  breathe so we're low 30 seconds each I know this one's a little longer you can stay up top if you  need to but try to get low either holding or tap or tap three 2 One Step through it other side  find that ISO find your balance first right get low tap it in bringing that back foot in I know I  feel it too what's happening with your core keep it engaged yes you can this feels like hit in  itself I know but ISO hold little tap in five seconds is all we need four three two one I know  team s
et those weights down we still got to get a little hit right let's do it you can step tap  behind you can jump it you can keep it low you can take it high join me for 30 hit here we go  now I know like me your heart rate may be way up from those lunges so it's totally fine if you  want to keep it low impact if you want to get lower for more of a burn if you want to keep it  a little higher here or even lower here yes into those hips side to side outer thighs we got inner  thighs with that ple we
got three two one I know it's grab some water so little quicker not as much  right side left side but a little right grab that water all right team give yourself a second  catch that breath right I know heart rate is high join me down on the mat remember we want to  get those heart rates up during that hit interval but we want that recovery time too recovery is  part of the process rest is a part of hit join me down here team into a plank position here's  what we got our regular plank but we're
going to add some movement so we're holding here if you  can we're going to drive the knees in little Pike little knees are isometric we're going to get 30  seconds each side with a side plank our hit is going to be a climber if you need to do any of  that standing up top you can if you need to do any of that on your knees this can be your knee  Pike this can be your side plank you pick what's best for you we got 30 30 30 30 I know it feels  longer but we got some variety so join me here little
stretch for your back big inhale to expand  exhale let's lift into that plank this is our back to basic strength let's add some movement Drive  the knee to the chest lift the hips so what we're doing here we're creating the space with the pike  you might find this more comfortable here but when we're on our elbows we have to make the space  right so that really forces us to lift through the center that's why I love this move three two  one join me on your side lift it up and hold you can be on
the knee here it's just ISO we're not  doing anything crazy we're just holding so you can bring all the way up if you want so plank  is the isometric that we hear about the most right isometric again meaning the muscle is not  lengthening or shortening but it is Contracting we got all through the core we got that lower  oblique we want want to open up in the chest for three two one give yourself a second slide it  over let's get same thing other side so we're here team find that good positioning
you can start  on the knee if you want 30 seconds side plank lift so on the knee or all the way here again just  holding but we're zipped up here chest is open try to bring that hand up if you can staying lifted  driving up through the side right right through there 10 seconds lift up through that hip above  that shoulder for three two one relax all right team we've got our climber for our hit you  can either be on those hands driving those knees in here running them or take it standing  if you
want go ahead join me here 30 seconds hit zip up that core 3 two one here we go you can  drive the knees in to the chest or cross them maybe we'll add that little cross so we get  more of those obliques more of that rotation up to you making sure especially as we're tired  that we're not shifting back we're staying above those shoulders driving through we got 10  seconds to go and then guess what team our last round little bonus round we're using  our bands or body weight three two one Big Stre
tch yes team stretch it back bring it up  all right team let's come up on to your feet take your time coming up how about another  swing you know I like to put a couple swings in a workout so I'm going to grab my heavy  cattle Bell again you can do kettle bell you can do dumbbell you can also keep this just with  a deadlift I want you to give yourself a second to get set let that heart rate come down shake  it out maybe do a couple practice hinges because that's what we're going for you're going
to  feel that core cuz it was just working hard so either way you're just doing your deadlift  stand up or take it to that swing lots of power join me here team and then we're on to our last  circuit little bonus circuit shoulders back core wrapped hinge it here if you're swinging prep  it with me three two power drive it up Let It Drop so we do want to let that chest drop but  not rounding in the back so keep those eyes up that CLE bell is coming chest level or below not  over the head not too
high across the eyes keep it low if it's going high you probably  want to try heavier drive it up Let It Drop use your breath lock it out push into those  feet three two one swing and relax let that kettle blow drop pedal your feet get a little stretch to  there catch a breath put your weights away team now a lot of times I do these workouts and I can  keep them in around 25 to 30 minutes I know that's a why a lot of you guys are here grab some water  if you need it but if you're short on time
you can only do 30 minutes you can be done get some  stretching get some water we covered it if you want a little bonus circuit with the bands hang  with me all right team it's going to be a shorter one and we're going to put some things together  so if you have a band if you don't know big deal I'm going to start with my thicker one for the  standing I'll go to my elastic one as we go down we're starting here above the knees watch me here  we're getting a monster squat what does that mean that
means that we're moving at the diagonal you  can decide maybe you want to step back make it a little star maybe you want to step forward maybe  you want both but join me here grab that band bring it up above your knees then we'll have a  little hold with some pulses then we'll have a little side shuffle so grab that band if you don't  have the band you're just moving with me monster squat 3 2 one so open it up diagonal you can think  of it as or you can go forward whatever feels better I'm going
to try to take it like a star  right or an X but we call it Monster squat because we often do the monster walk right well let's call  it an X right through here you don't have to get super low but we're pushing out and we're going at  the diagonal if that's not right for you just keep a regular squat but this is going to get that hip  mobility as well as that string that's your back to basics if you can hold it down here with me I  know guys I know they're tired can you get low I know we want t
o be here let's be here here can we  push those knees out push those knees out yes you can I know I feel it too if you need to come up  a little higher that's okay but keep that chest open push the knees we got a shuffle coming with  or without your band hold it and push for five four three two here we go side step start here  here's your hit let's go for it shuffle and out shuffle right through here team breathe yes burn 10 seconds what do you got team five 4 3 2 one yes take it off join me  on
the mat guys so I'm going to take it right through here one more getting those glutes getting  those outer thighs let's put this above our knees one more time and we're going to start down on  the mat so join me here we've got that bridge we only got one team so make it good we're up  and out all right then we're going to take it to an isometric you can keep the band here you  can put it at your feet for an isometric bicycle pulse through here pulsing it in pulsing it in  then we're flipping ov
er a little plank Jack to close it out I know it flat here we go up and  out up and out so last big push for that booty I know it's tired especially after those banded  squats if you want to add some weight to this you can I'm not going to but you can right through  here up and out team yes burn you know what but I think we can make that ISO just hold it at the  top right through here hold it here let's get 30 seconds I know I snuck that in on you but don't  worry then we're just getting back to
basics and hit with that core pulse yes if you just want to  hold work on that Mobility stretch out through those hip flexors wrap that core if you want to  pulse it out you can we got 10 seconds three two one booty all right guys if you have the band  let's take it to your feet let's give ourselves a second so we're bringing it in we're going to  pulse for 15 so strength and ISO right you're holding this but then you're pulsing the knee in  pulsing here same thing other side then we got a plan
k Jack so go ahead and join me here it's 15  seconds each side not bad band at the feet if you got it pelvis lift get set in three 2 1 pulse if  that's not right for you I want you to hang out in that bridge or keep one foot on the ground  and drive that knee in small pulses connecting through here think just as much about pulling  this in and switch here we go so the isometric is here in this extended leg that's creating your  tension then you're doing a little cross pulse for core and rotation
and bringing that knee in for  extra core and hip flexor three move that band right above your ankles between your ankles and  your knees if you got it join me here if you're modifying just tap to the side if you can join  me here we got 30 seconds last move we're going to do a little step out or a little jump It's  Your hit breathe for a second stretch your back I'm going to give you five more seconds cuz I  need them in three two Bandit plank Jack here we go out in yes you can this is it team
hang  with me if you need to tap it you can I know you're feeling a lot of things we're feeling the  glutes we're feeling those legs those quads are tired you're feeling that core so if you need  to alternate to maintain that form maybe you're going low impact maybe you just need to hold that  works too but let's going strong for five 4 3 2 1 stretch team when I was first programming this  workout bring it up roll through that cat Cow I wasn't sure if we'd have enough  ISO enough burn or if we'
d have enough hit but I think we did it right I'm feeling it  you let me know in the comments how you're feeling let's take that band off let's hang out  right here don't worry there's not a bonus swing there's not a bonus move if you want to get  that swing on your own after this go for it let me know in the comments if you did it  let's get a little hip stretch after that so you can either cross it here sit in a  chair or cross it here press that top knee down open up that chest you can bring
that  lower leg in yes team lots of hips lots of glutes outer thigh let me know in the comments  either way how you felt after this workout did you like this format I know it's a lot of  burn especially up top it's a lot of high heart rate but you know me I'm always trying  to get it all in so we can get you in and out press that top knee down bring that foot  in yes team we're going to keep this stretch pretty short so please make sure that you get  some stretching on your own that you hydrate
and again that you leave me a comment leave me  a like don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel guys we're getting close to that million  I would love to have you be a part of that please subscribe that helps me reach more people that  helps me be able to keep making these workouts for you so please subscribe and of course  check us out in the bodyfit Athletic Club on the bodyfit by Amy app if you want all of  these workouts plus more access to me access to our registered dietitian live
streams  q&as exclusive live workouts and more that is the place to be swing those legs behind you  child's pose get that nice good stretch thank you for being here team I know it's not hard  to show up every day listen I get it it's hard for me to I know it's not easy did I say hard  it's it is hard it's not easy roll through I know you're busy you have lives you have jobs  you have families but you're prioritizing m movement you're prioritizing yourself roll  back onto those feet carefully tak
e your time even if it's just 30 minutes even if it's  just 5 or 10 making that time to move your body because you know that you are better for it not  only are you going to be stronger you're going to have more endurance you're going to be healthier  but you're going to feel better and that's what we're about here thank you for being here with me  today get some more stretching on your own let's get one big deep breath in and out you did it  that was your lower body ISO hit workout great job ev



ah yeah, enough burn and enough hit and holy cow! I'm glad the faces I was making during the iso moves were not public! Haha! Great workout, Amy!


Another kick-ass workout there Amy burning those legs and Abs today! I just love it when you have full body, upper and lower all separate workouts.


Whoa burn! 🔥 those 30 seconds holds were challenging!


WHEW this was CHALLENGING and a BURNER 🔥🔥my legs glutes and core are feeling that 🔥🔥🔥. Really loved this format Amy!😅😊


I cannot wait for you to hit a million followers! I see it goes up every day! You deserve it!


Couldn’t find my band but still stuck in there until the end! I liked this workout. It was fun and that inner thigh workout was something I have never seen. Thanks Amy


What a way to end my week! I was feeling a little down and anxious but did the workout anyway. As always, I felt much better and my energy returned during the class. Thank you.


This is one of my favourite workout! Thank you Amy ❤💪💪💪


Wow that was really a burner!! Loved it!


30/30/30 format was 🔥, great heart pumping workout!


I am so proud of myself for making it through that! 🔥🤘🏼


Your workouts have been a huge part of my 2.5 year recovery from a double mastectomy. Thank you!


A real burner but so worth it. After a very tough week at work, this workout has made me feel better both mentally and physically. Thank you so much, Amy❤😊


Love love loved this one! My heart rate was up the entire time. I really enjoyed the addition of weights and bands to a Friday workout. I was exhausted when I woke up this morning, but I told myself to just get up and do the workout. It’s like coffee for me. Now I’m ready to go for the day. Have a great weekend!


I love that we isolated the lower body and abs; I was able to go heavier than when we do both upper and lower together. I also love that you added the mini bands to a bonus circuit!! Thank you for keeping me fit, Amy!!


that was a burner, wow!!!! loved all of it and definitely feeling it!!! thank you!!!


That was a BURNER!!!! So amazing!!


This was awesome! I’ve done every workout since January 1 and after doing this one I feel so STRONG!!! Thank you Amy & the Body Fit By Amy team!!


This week and this workout were great! I love the mix of dumbbells and bands. Thanks again.


Legs on fire!❤‍🔥Great lower body and core workout, and especially love your words in the end!❤