
Man Accidentally Hears Podcast Predicting Their Plane Will Crash In 1 Hour

A journalist finds an MP3 player with a true crime podcast that details how the airplane he is currently on will disappear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to watch more movie recaps videos like this! Subscribe to our other social media accounts for daily updates, movie recommendations and more 1. Twitter = 2. Instagram = 3. Tiktok = 4. Adam's YT=

Mystery Recapped

8 months ago

in the opening scene we are introduced to a journalist named Justin Sanderson who is known for his investigative prowess he is currently at the airport preparing for his journey to Tel Aviv Israel as he enters the terminal he notices a familiar book resting on a shelf titled the end of Civility turns out the book is his own creation curious Justin makes his way towards the bookshelf only to stumble upon a fellow traveler named Joe Beaumont Joe recognizes Justin immediately and says that he is a
big fan of his work he then excitedly asks for an autograph showing appreciation for his fan support Justin personally buys a copy of his book and signs it for Joe later on while waiting in the airport terminal Justin talks with his wife over the phone she appears to be sad about his departure claiming that she will be lonely however Justin explains that he has witnessed something highly unusual which has persuaded him to go on this journey and gather more information about it as the two continu
e talking A peculiar series of coincidences catches his attention the date today is October 15th and the flight number is 10 15. furthermore an unexpected delay in the departure time means that the plane will now be taking off at 10 15 instead of 9 30. careful Justin you don't want to jump the shark like Jim Carrey after a while the passengers including Justin proceed to board the awaiting flight as he steps inside he notices a family having difficulties with their seat Arrangements they are str
uggling to adjust their children surprisingly Justin offers his own seat to the family generously accommodating their needs he then retreats to the main cabin compartment where he reunites with Joe just as Justin settles into his new seat he discovers A peculiar MP3 player hidden behind the seat in front of him intrigued by it he plugs in a pair of earphones and starts playback of a podcast entitled enigmatic featuring an episode titled the tragic mystery of Flight 1015. surprisingly the narrato
r is talking about this very flight just like I am whoa he says that in the next hour the flight will vanish from the radar never to be seen again hearing this Justin becomes intrigued and he continues with the podcast the narrator of enigmatique then reveals the name of the flight Captain which is Donner this finally makes Justin worried so he urges a fellow passenger to listen to the podcast hoping that he's wrong however the man rudely refuses and relocates to a different seat instead due to
this Justin finds himself compelled to continue listening to the podcast unable to shake off the mounting unease in the next chapter the narrator foretells that a bird will collide with the aircraft precisely at 10 21 to Justin's astonishment and horror a bird indeed strikes the plane at that exact designated time intensifying his panic-stricken state in a desperate bid to regain composure he rushes to the restroom and tries to calm himself by repetitively reassuring himself that the past is the
past he then contorts his body to the shape that 1015 would make on a clock and takes a dump after this Justin goes back to his seat and calls one of the flight attendants seeking clarification regarding the bird accident and the peculiar engine noise however the flight attendant claims to know nothing about such incidents he even declines Justin's request to talk to the captain claiming he doesn't want to create an unnecessary scene in response Justin shouts in Anger something which he hasn't
done all of his life but he soon realizes his mistake and apologizes to the flight attendant assuring him that he will shut up with this sense of composure Justin resumes the podcast in which the narrator ominously declares that the airplane will vanish at precisely 11 15 with the Pilot's final words good night New York hearing this the poor guy becomes even more agitated and Restless so Justin finally gets up in search of some Clues he soon discovers that the passengers on this flight can see t
he pilots in the cockpit through an array of cameras the podcast further explains that a device interfering with the flight's Communication System may be responsible for the perplexing circumstances filled with suspicion Justin fixates on two foreign men who are busy on their devices he then approaches them and rudely asks them to turn off their phones the podcast is exposing Justin's racism however in response the two men assert that their phones are on airplane mode this makes Justin upset and
he gets into an argument with them until flight attendants intervene instructing him to return to his assigned seat following this Justin delves deeper into the podcast and learns about a gentleman named Igor orloff a fellow passenger on the same flight to Tel Aviv turns out he is going to testify against the Russian mafia this makes Justin suspect that the flight may have been sabotaged due to the mafia's involvement but he also thinks that there is a high chance of the presence of an undercov
er U.S air marshal on board who would possess crucial knowledge regarding the safety of the aircraft with this newfound information in mind Justin for one more time goes to a flight attendant and requests to speak with the air marshal however the flight attendant understandably annoyed by his persistent inquiries asks him for a huge favor to remain in his seat with no one to listen Justin goes to and confides in him Joe being a pilot himself says that the Air Marshals often possess a similarly d
eceptive mindset to that of terrorists inadvertently persuading Justin to investigate the Russian passengers belongings Justin then sneaks into the Russian passenger's luggage compartment and begins checking their bags while they are asleep the other passengers in the plane notice this but Justin doesn't stop as he attempts to open the overhead cabin he unintentionally drops a bag on one of the Russian passengers this causes a scene and the two men start arguing just then Justin spills at the fa
ct that the Russian mafia intends to execute Igor orlov sending everyone into a state of panic even Igor orlov himself emerges from the first class section worried and scared in order to resolve the situation Captain Donner walks out of the cockpit and warns Justin against causing further problems the other passengers also start recording him forcing Justin to silently return to his seat following this he turns the podcast back on and the narrator shockingly reveals that Justin is the one who is
directly linked to the flight's Disappearance in addition he plays the audio of Justin's previous altercation with the Russian passengers this leaves our protagonist completely speechless but before he can react Captain Donner takes him to the flight attendant's Dock and talks to him about his erratic behavior however Justin continues arguing and warns the captain not to utter the phrase goodnight New York as it will be the last thing they hear before the flight vanishes this convinces the capt
ain that Justin is mentally unstable and experiencing a psychotic episode shortly after the air marshal finally reveals her identity and arrests Justin for threatening the entire flight Justin is now seated alongside the U.S air marshal who tells him that he will receive immediate psychological assistance once they land nevertheless Justin still tries to convince her that he is not undergoing any form of mental breakdown and asserts that he possesses evidence of what is about to unfold however t
his is not enough to persuade the air marshal she then goes to the pilot for a discussion while she is Away Joe approaches Justin and and expresses his belief in him he also suggests that the mere fact of being aboard this plan signifies the realm of possibilities after careful consideration Justin proposes that Joe being a pilot himself take control of the aircraft and land it in Canada or somewhere safer before it vanishes but for this Joe requires a passcode to access the cockpit Justin is pr
etty confident that the code is 10 15. since everything that is happening here revolves around that number with this information Joe enters the cockpit incapacitates the captain and forcefully takes the control of the plane's operations this instills Panic among the passengers but before they can react Joe lowers the cabin's air pressure eventually causing everyone to lose Consciousness in a shocking turn of events he then utters The Haunting words good night New York later we see Justin walking
up on the shore of an island with a floating doll next to him it becomes evident that their flight has crash landed on water Justin freaks out and looks around but no other people are in site shortly after he discovers the same MP3 player and decides to Play It Again the podcast narrator continues to recount the second part of flight 1015 as per the narration an extensive search was conducted for the flight but the efforts were in vain after several days a cargo ship fortunately discovered a sm
all strip of land where all the survivors except for one had managed to stay alive the narrator mentions that Justin Sanderson was reported missing as he could not be found anywhere on the desolate Island at the same Moment Justin looks up and spots the entire flight crew and passengers approaching him understandably enraged by the circumstances they hold Justin responsible for the plane crash and begin to assault him physically this results in his unfortunate death it's okay though it wasn't re
al it was just an episode of a TV show about an author who's listening to a podcast that was made by somebody and then the whole thing was written up by our writer and then I told it Adam Scott is fine watch Severance subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching



It could've been prevented if he never picked up the MP3 player in the first place or played it at 2x speed


This all could've been avoided by letting any of the staff take a listen of the podcast.


He should've listened to the entire podcast, so he would've known what NOT to do...


We will support this channel no matter what. They're the best at what they do.


You missed the opportunity of making this video to a length of 10:15 and predict that this video will end exactly at that timeframe.


You are a great Narrator, I thought perhaps you were AI because you're too good. Good to see you interject with sarcasm every once in a while.


This is how I watch most movies now. Everything good about it and nothing boring.


“The podcast is exposing Justin’s racism” 💀


The doll next to him on the beach is a replica of the animal that was on the wing of the plane in the Twilight Zone episode that this is a remake of. Fun fact: William Shatner played the lead role in that episode. In 1963!


"watch severance" awesome sign-off, what a show!


if I ever hear "Goodnight new york" then I will definitely start panicking 😂


I absolutely love this you make jokes through the whole video ❤


The narrator is everything.... ❤😂 The way he said "and takes a dump* 😩🤣


Already seen a recap of this series, however yours seems very good too. Upvote!


Podcasts must be stopped.


Best recap channel ever


Hi mystery recapped❤we miss ur intro and that background music u used to do when the clip is ending, that was relaxing❤big fan!!


😂😂😂😂😂 he takes a dump in the shape of 10:15!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


As soon as it was revealed that a device on board would cause the disappearance, it was obvious the mp3 player was said device 😂


That MP3 must have been manufactured by Nokia to have survived the plane crash.