
Marine Education Advisory Committee Meeting - July 8, 2020

Kyle Troy: Or something separate know my my marine Center website. Kyle Troy: Marine education Kyle Troy: Okay, ...

VOM Village

3 years ago

promising you [Music] onto the beach from a birthday I do you don't know my birthday you [Music] oh I just started picked up work nice Peter Hayes this Peter can you hear me yep okay okay great you know I was going through hey Joe I was going through the [Music] looking for the link and I actually got it from the web site and Jim Desmond who can't join us actually mentioned he didn't receive it via email is it all right for me to take the link that's on me I'm sure it is on the website and just
send that out to the M ECAC so everyone gets it yeah I thought Sally I thought Sally I have a meeting right now they're like asking about my procedures and I've talked to all the parents of the ones that are there and like we we don't wear masks because you can't Kyle I thought you know I could get it out pretty quick I just Sarah was asking for it so it's yeah you could senator on me I got South Sally I thought sent out the by if she missed somebody just go ahead and you can send them that link
that's fine yeah I mean it's on the website all right yeah I mean it's probably yeah it is I think people that aren't actually joining us today let me just is there an agenda because I think yeah there is yes since Jerry's a way to attend but hey anything you need me to repair the trying to answer a follow-up a time yeah actually you know what then I didn't put it on the agenda cuz I hadn't talked to you all but I think if you could give a quick and I mean quick just overview of what the villag
e is doing in terms of opening and what's going on it's my first zoom meeting did your first wink either but sally was kind enough she just sent it right now yeah nice to see you all immersed in those riders more specifically to the park and our recreational resources are you your report those writer you're more specifically interested in our recreational resources oh I suppose more recreational resources but I think if you could give a quick you know I don't know how quick it could be but somet
hing maybe on the village too in general [Music] people - I'm curious yeah and the agenda [Music] its voice honestly this is I have a feeling we may wrap up a bit early and which is fine and this is more of a meeting for all of us just to touch base again it's been it's been a few months hey Sarah hi I got a swim in before the Thunder nice yeah you called me off in that great how that we're on the same way it's if I can get a swim in it's like my internal temperature drops for like the rest of t
he day it's Pleasant yeah it's not quite cold enough but you don't hear that complaint very often hi Anne hey Sarah I'm grace nice to see y'all come here okay the thunders getting freaked out yeah I know okay hi Dan Sarah are you doing you have a halo behind you I could do this better than my other background which I've been using which is this always makes me laugh too much I have a small screen I can't even figure out how to make it larger Oh on your laptop oh I hate that thing okay now we're
good yeah actually helps to go to gallery view too yeah oh yeah if you go it's in the top right corner switch switch over to gallery view then you can see everyone at the same time okay that's pretty useful if you do the speaker view and people start it it gets very bouncy yeah I haven't no yeah you can yep everyone can hear me sorry I can't hear it one can you can you can we see you I you're a computer not a computer I think you guys can hear me yep yeah in the lower left hand corner of the zoo
m screen you see the REC form you see the the icon for the video Kyle do you see that can you guys hear me yeah you want to see me I don't want you guys to see me ha ha ha have you turned into an octopus or something you turn into an octopus unfortunately Doug just emailed me and Sarah saying he couldn't make it I know Jim's not coming and Eddie I don't think is gonna join either so there might not actually be a lot of us on the call today we should give Brandon a few minutes though to join will
he be the last one Peter startup yeah I haven't heard from him yet I would think excuse me I think he's gonna still do it alright who's that talking no that's Joe Morelli he's one of our IT folks here in the villages law moderating be meeting for us okay so we do everything properly yeah my camera's not working for some reason but you could hear me right what I bet it is Kyle no village computer won't let my camera work okay I was Brendon look he had something similar but he's got himself there
twice Dan hey how's it going are you in this country Brendan I am for once yes sorry sorry about that whole China trip and screwing it up for the rest of the country my bet what did you bring back you don't want to know actually I and I said I think a lot of us have been talking about this I think I had it in December because I got wickedly sick and then I traveled to China and I was there for 10 days and I had no problem so the antibody test and nothing came up so don't think as sick as I was
earlier this year I heard a lot of people around Thanksgiving were very very sick but it doesn't they didn't they the same same story as yours Stan yeah it was it was a flu not the flu honey okay okay I was just sitting I was just sitting three benches down from where you are right now I know I I literally just got back I I'm at a work colleague for a quick meeting and the middle of Harbor Island Park so I didn't have time to sit come by and say hello so I I think we started all right I'll start
the live stream and then I'll let you guys know and like 30 seconds you can start see we're streaming live now yeah okay so we can get started yep okay great all right well it's really nice to see everybody it's been gosh I guess we haven't met since February so it's been about five months so we have an agenda that we'll follow today hopefully everyone has it if you don't it's posted on the website there and I could quickly just reconvening based on where the villages and where the center has b
een and what they're up to and then a bit of a kind of planning on what we can do during these kind of challenging times to help out with the center I know most of the plans that we were working on in February probably took a backseat other priorities but just kind of revisit some of those objectives and just kind of check in on everyone as well on the committee and see how people are doing I do have kind of a not the best news Eddie probably will not be able to continue on the committee so Dan
in terms of how we handle that should I ask him to contact Sally needs to submit letter or an email to the village saying that from the board will transmit that to the board and the board will to make an appointment to throw that position yeah Eddie I can hear Peter cut out Eddie you know Eddie runs a gym that's you know so he's got a lot of other priorities you use really uh you know I won't read his email but he probably that's not gonna have the time right now to continue on the committee so
you know he can make that final call on his own but I wanted to go through the procedures so we know and if he is not gonna continue all it'll be good to fill that slot sooner than later or to the best of our ability I don't mean to say sooner than later so it sounds like we'll have him write to the village practice village board of trustees and the board of trustees or something in he cannot continue to serve okay and and he also took our February meeting minutes and you know what he seems to b
e kind of dealing with a lot so I said if you know if you can't find those meeting minutes don't don't worry about it we're kind of picking up from where we are now so we'd all have meeting minutes right now for approval so we're gonna skip that part of the agenda for today so I thought maybe we could take some general updates from members frankly we most of us probably haven't been up to much but and I was thinking in terms of like speakers and things that you have set up for the tent talks wel
l obviously we're not doing that now so maybe we just go around the horn and see if people have been active and if not we can just move on and then do some discussion on what we can get involved in because I could still get the August speaker that I had lined up I mean first of all is there a tent up I should really come over there I should walk over here as far as assemblies of people yeah so right now for communities and phase for which we are in we're allowed up to 50 people for non-essential
gatherings obviously but yet to maintain social distance so it's that that's the general that's the that's the rule no more than 50 okay socially distanced so you know what I probably jumped the gun and I'm sorry to interrupt you maybe we should I'm sorry maybe we can just flip these two agenda items why don't we start with a staff report and a report from the village and then we can pick I think that makes more sense dan you want to give us a quick kind of overview on where the village is it m
ight help us kind of discuss projects so as of yesterday the mid-hudson region which the village is a part of his Inn was known as phase for the reopening pretty much most of the most of the places in the village can be opened right now at 50% capacity the things which are still shuttered are malls which involves the village gyms which we have several gyms in the village but most everything else is can be open in to one extent or another with again proper salsa distance three percent capacity as
far as the harbour the you know the docks and the harbour has been open since May 15th and then you know people are taking advantage of that recreational resource the park is open to the public again people have to proper practice proper social distancing wear masks people are allowed on the beach we have some swimming not all the time looks at the docks open they were limited into the type of recreation programs we can operate right now pretty much nothing with any contact things like volleyba
ll basketball basically those things can only be done with practice sessions of one or a very small group of individuals no games nothing like that so but I know that little league is going to be starting up again pretty soon we've been talking with a volleyball people but that's basically where we are everything is you know open to one extent or another I think people are still a little skittish about participating in some of these events but you know we are working our best - especially in the
recreation aspect of our program meet the cultural spiritual and you know physical needs of the residents of the village it's that's the mission statement of our Recreation Department to meet those needs of the residents and we're doing we're doing the best we can with what we can do dan what about the spray that spray round the beach I can follow that a much sure if that's open right now just because it's with little kids it's nearly impossible to get them to maintain social distance it's it's
like herding cats yeah I've been down a couple times it looks like most people are adhering to the mast I feel like the village did a good job posting masts are important as you come in on that big sign and they kind of throughout the park as well I'd say only 90 plus percent of people have been kind of adhering to social distancing which is encouraging to see when I'm down there plenty of boats in the harbor - that's well I think being being shredded being able to take advantage of a resource
like that is very appealing to a lot of people who have the ability to do so yeah and the beach right now I think is open to residents only from 9:00 to 12:00 and I think that's pretty common no residents only at beaches in Westchester County at this time I think Playland is County yeah waylynn is I think they're closed well the beach is open but the the amusement park is closed okay the county reopening their pools okay and by the way I'm taking notes today so I'll sign the notes out I don't kn
ow if someone else is plugging away but it saw me today so I'm on it thank you I think that one of the key things Dan mentions the mid-hudson regions on a run face course so that kind of has a lot of different things I'll send the link in the notes as to what that actually that the ride free land beaches were open at a limited capacity I think people saying capacity was on news 12 the other night good yes good it's good to see you know you don't want to see the wave of umbrellas but it's nice fo
r people to get them all Aaron likes arrows out swimming I certainly get out the water a lot so it's nice to be able to do you can stay away from people and ask you something Peter I know it takes a while for you to report it back on the sapling you do are you are you doing anything different to report more closer to when you get results yes yes this season in fact just like a week ago we started posting weekly results kind of a newer thing we haven't made a big public announcement about it but
you could go to our bacterial monitoring page look at 2020 and it will always have the week's results populating most recent samples can we get the Meredith one in America data both for us absolutely yeah you could just look at it yeah definitely I was just talking with our website comm specialist who just got back from vacation and we're gonna right now it so currently it's most recent sample but he's building in I would say within the next week it'll be built in so you can see all the weeks be
fore - so all 11 weeks will show at the end of the season but as we go along each one all populate all 603 sites that we sample including Harbour Island Park the beach and the boat launch okay and also around the harbor to want the ones because a lot of people swimming you know I mean the amount of kayaks and how the board is is just incredible and yeah yeah we would have wanted the boat one at the boat launch near where the river comes in one at the beach and then we have one over at shore a KE
RS and another one at beach point Club and then a couple around the bends kind of towards in our mansion no pots I'll work on the village and to see how we can use that but thank you I think that that's very that's that's really good yeah we're happy to do it we've gotten requests over the years to make it a little bit more save the sound has to make numbers good I don't have them right in front of me I don't recall any jumping out as like terrible so they're pretty good Sara's asking she was ju
st in the water today I was filing our ms full report from two years ago from I mean last year and in there was the data that you have provided and I just was that's why I was so surprised we'll see what we can do but maybe I'll get in touch with with you I don't want to take more time yeah it's not part of these you know as we're having to draft a contract or something with the way we we're doing things maybe just for whining that info will be part of it any will be hit great absolutely all rig
ht cool Victor yeah let's touch base and we'll kind of offline off the EM ECAC stuff but yeah happy to touch base Sarah our Kyle not Sarah excuse me before we move on also does anyone have any questions for Dan no all right great thanks Dan Oh Kyle's just like out and about it's like a reality selfie poll going or something so we're looking for a few things from you we're very interested in just kind of a general update from you and then you know what you have in place regarding at the center yo
u know if you're open fully and then also something you just took a spill or something also some some items that we might be able to help you out with and talk about in a planning discussion okay so a lot of stuff going on I have had our fun of volunteers I've cut it down to now three volunteers two interns and then to pay this offense and you guys well know that I that's 5k people last year but no need for that this year so I'm starting to do the programming it's all outside it's all masks and
so you know according to everything else everyone has to wear masks the boys and it's mostly boy dev - I have three girls three boys for my staff and they like on their parents they can wear a mask they don't have to obviously were sitting outside in 95-degree heat so only time they were masked is when the parents when the public walks in obviously they always have a mask around them and that's about it it's very slow this year it's like weirdly slow and then I also have a new campaign a couple
kids that were my past volunteers have started yeah website hasn't come up yet so that will be up soon and then I have another Bar Mitzvah campaign a kid that whose bum Mitzvah he's coming up he's donating all his money to the floating wetlands he's gonna put five so I've to LA now but he is going to put fried out which is super cool and then I also in working with Asia you know there's lots going on it's it seems like it's a crazy time but they actually a lot going on with the senator just not
a lot with the programming which is unfortunate that would make sense when did you officially open the doors of the center six weeks ago how is it cleaned how is it cleaned I clean it with that with what I myself I don't I and again the village manager and Dan they said they will clean it I don't want that so I clean it with all-natural products because the tanks are very open so I don't let anyone come in even though they offer to do so submit a maybe for Dan and Kyle submit we're partially reo
pened now so as part of partially reopening our office we're limiting our capacity but we also have a form that we filled out and maybe this is more for Dan do you have that same form filled out for different office spaces around the village it's sort of it's a department health form for New York State cleanings and and other things that talk about the the safety plan that every business is supposed to fill out when they reopen we do have those we have not opened our facilities up as of yet made
that decision but you know we have been working in developing those safety plans and we will develop protocols for the public when we provide them access including things like making them say oh you know social distancing them sign in so if you know there is any sort of infection we can use that for tracking purposes to show where they've been who they've been in contact with so you know those things you know take temperatures things like that's all we're working on all of that yeah yeah they s
end it to me through the yeah yeah we're and we have our standing your staff reopening committee we meet on a weekly basis to talk about making sure that our staff is protected because we talk to the parents on a daily basis to make sure that the parents are okay with the kids not wearing last fall today I'm sorry I have to say I don't think that's appropriate for for function to have it no mass I just I don't care how old people are I mean I just I just just feel that that's not within the that
's not I mean maybe the village is different but certainly what I hear about the importance of mass that it's just it's just it's our reality you should have one on all the time Kyle unfortunately I just just that's the way I feel it's very very I would not go down to the to the center simply because I just unfortunately well I'm sorry but the kids aren't gonna wear a mask in 90 feet 95-degree heat all day long and I've talked to the parents and they've all signed a liability agreement and they'
re all fine with it and I'm sorry they're not gonna wear a mask and unless you want to shut me down completely the kids aren't gonna wear a mask 95 95 degree heat there it's not going to happen so they signed a waiver though the parents you know yes because I know we actually the parents have all come down and actually their younger days for most of my employees they are now volunteering for me so I'm not worried about that and to be honest like that that's crazy to me to wear a mask for eight h
ours out of the day and don't open me up if you guys want to shut me down that's fine I'm not talking about shutting you down at all Kyle I'm just saying what my opinion is as far as well maybe it shouldn't be opened it's just it's just safety factor for everybody that's all and of course the the statistics say that the children they want making the airing it and and and that's they're not going to get that sick and then they give it to their wonderful darling grandmother's like me and then all
right I get it I I totally understand and I totally get everyone's opinion on it but they opened me up a year a month and a half ago so you know to keep it safe and these kids and their parents are totally fine with me opening BAC you and you in the village administration so certainly make sure you're following state protocols all right I I follow everything state calls they opened me up way before everybody else I'm I'm completely following every guideline as soon as somebody walks in a mask th
e mask E is always on my employees they're not sitting there without a mask on the mask is always on but I also cut down my volunteers to two volunteers aside from thirty so like I'm doing everything I possibly can and it is hard for when everyone comes at me I'm trying my best here I'm trying my absolute best volunteer there's a lot of people that want to work for me so I'm trying to I got it it's a tricky time as a point of reference where if fifty percent capacity we're following all the New
York save the sound following all the New York State reopening plans we have a posted all the stuff we need to post the logs etc there's a lot of requirements on there we are on tiers most groups like save a sound are not using volunteers right now but you know if the village has something they feel is appropriate in terms of waiver and liability and and are doing their best to really help maintain and time of serious pandemic I mean you heard our opinions just make sure that that stuff is actua
lly completed make areum sign well I really am I'm doing my thing okay they will follow independently we don't need to belabor that one now but it's important to have the state requirements are you still doing those tuesdays and fridays programs i do them every day once a day we do program every day yes oh okay and what that's on what what do you mean well I meant the programs that you were doing earlier during the when when you did that hold that Tuesday and Fridays programs oh no so now there
I'm slowly starting back out there all outside though and all NASA obviously obviously but they're once a day and they're depending but they're all on my website and that's that's through the village website or is there something said no my my Marine Center website mean Education Center org okay yeah those are wonderful Kyle they really like I'm sunny keen today sunny came with a good time she was for those of you that don't know she was an old member I'm having dinner with Helen tonight she's g
reat yes it's actually jam-packed there is never not a full class which is crazy I'm glad to hear that hey Joe could you do me you don't mind maybe we'll turn your video off it's a bit you're getting a lot of the trees it's we can hear you loud and clear but the video is not coming through that so in terms of ways that this committee can help you as an advisory committee we're about to move in to some planning discussions on what subcommittees can do to help out do you have any well so all I'm t
hinking is for fundraising obviously the building's kind of in disrepair that's all like I mean that's the only thing like so I'm meeting with Helen tonight fundraising sorry all right and then of course this advisory doesn't do the fundraising so in terms of like marketing operations programs speakers and advertising marketing like in saying I think the speakers would be a lot of fun I think that would be a great idea and I think we should maybe start going on that more okay yeah that's good we
'll definitely cover that so you're obviously with us here I see Victor we'll get to you in a sec Victor but as we're talking about this just jump in and make sure that what we're talking about fits in with what you're up to Victor what's going on just on that topic because just before the pandemic about to engage both with the Helen and with and in separate separate initiatives to support this with Helen on exploring with the possibility of having kind of found fundraising vehicle so I'll follo
w up with her directly but but you can tell her I'm going to of course I have to wake this up yep oh well he hasn't done it but as soon as we call it finish this call I give her a call and I'll emini getting contact with our religion attorney and his assistant and get this rolling again sounds good all right when I say hello please sub-committee lists and then just talk about some projects that make sense with you know the limited resources we probably all have so starting with advertising marke
ting communications one I mentioned it before but it sounds like he's probably coming off the committee and he was going to help out with this Peter Peter I'm losing you okay I don't know if other people can can hear me still you guys hear me yeah I can hear you Doug Brennan have you been talking with Doug and I'm not saying you guys should I try to avoid talking about this watch we uh we um we haven't talked about stuff related to the committee to be quite honest so it's something that we can k
ick up again and really you know whatever we can do to help Kyle we can dial up or dial back I know we're at capacity issues and a few other things one hear me hi Kyle we can hear you now sort of this is how each one of these go during my professional work day so this is marvelous for a day it's brutal its source ya know we haven't done on this front just because we're you know everything was shut down to a point but we can connect with Kyle separately can you guys hear me yeah sorry guys no pro
blem you're good for now Thanks so what kick things back up now that you know we're meeting regularly and we're getting to a point where things are getting back to semi normal or whatever they didn't or meliss right now I think that maybe since thanks a lot and if you had anyone in mind so that kind of works in that spirit if you guys are in kind of advertising marketing in the village I think it'd be appropriate for you to reach out okay we might have an opening tip on the committee for someone
to help fill in with that role Roger that Thanks and then a couple things I think without referencing the minutes but a couple of things that were kind of obviously on the back burner now one of them had to do with the that we could reopen a month saying any progress with me we open the signage over at the train station I think now is actually probably a good time to reopen that given that advertising and it's down the other thing is that capacity on Metro North is down significantly so it migh
t not land as much but given that there probably is a depression or open inventory on advertising and this is just my Kenny guys hear me really good sorry you're right I think also we should not think about that because the hour changed because they don't want me open on the weekends right now got it all right that's good I mean we could still move it like just yet I mean it could take six months to get something up there you know what I mean so be good to just maybe open up the lines of communi
cation cool sorry I got someone we mask up once people get into our space all right great so in terms of speaker is an adult learning so if we're up you know I personally doing something outside I love doing I wouldn't personally go to something outside right now if there was a big I go outside do work and I'm in the office but if there was a gathering you know probably wouldn't go that's just my opinion I'm not saying it's right or wrong for people to do it but I think there's some people that
might share it and it might be good to do a speaker as a like as something like this I mean my wife's a teacher reichman's read a school they've had a couple of really good natural speakers assume and they're run via webinar so people don't kind of get in there and start drawing on people's lives they're drawing mustaches on people while they're talking but it might be a kid I did digitally but like with a guest speaker still and we could open it up and people are looking for stuff to do obvious
ly so that's something that kind of comes to my mind in in terms of setting up a speaker and maybe partner with the village they can certainly help I would with all the zoom ends of things in the tech part to make sure it's a really secure locked up kind of presentation what do people think about that I can you guys hear me I guess okay I like it I have I do the Facebook for the Westchester Children's Museum I also do it for myself and I have 6,000 people that watch so I think great yeah so I th
ink that would be a great idea together speaker they contacted me last week so I think they had 3000 people that watched last week which is crazy awesome but I do it every TV yeah exactly meeting and then I could stop by and then they could figure out collaborate on reach out to them yeah yeah sure i I did have a question its it didn't really and you moved on from Kyle but I just had a quick question uh are you still keeping tally the number of people coming in yes when they do a program a lot o
f people come in I mean it's much less than last year so it's sad so like see the tally like 15 per day so if that's ok and then I'll reach out immediately to some of the speakers to see if they would be interested in doing it since it'll focus on the already changing listeners exactly exactly good idea we were exploring the idea of doing some adult learning too so it might be fund out maybe offer to still something that's more family based and then something that is more geared to an adult crow
d yeah you know I always want to do the paddle boarding but they accounting shut that down so they're just letting that up and go again to do they like the nature tours so well regarding the adult learning I can I reach out to the speaker I have mind up for August he's traveling this next week or two but upon his return I could ask him if he would still be interested that was relating to zero mass is the he would speak on that behalf and pure Earth so they're both familiar on type organizations
that they help purify the water I like zero mass a little bit more because they do more us but pure doesn't around the world so there are a little bit different type organizations but I think that's interesting for people to learn about yeah and it for me to get that speaker one of the people I know and we you and I had correspondent on this and we left it but one of the kind of I guess one of the benefits of what the situation rim is we necessarily expected to you like live presentations so we
asked a professor who told to do something via zoom and you know instead of traveling all the way down here to meet live and I will mention I did have there's two professors that I worked with at the Museum who I'm not saying I've maintained like exceptional contact with but I'd be happy to do the first reach out with one of them is a specialist with sharks and does like lots of stark tagging and shark research and that stuff is obviously popular with the general public I think shark month is ev
en coming up and then the other one does deep sea lots of deep sea research which is kind of interesting but might be a little bit more far-fetched with our kind of Long Island Sound focused work I don't know how you feel about it but I think it'd be kind of fun to try to get a shark specialist his presentation of food was amazing lots of footage and like very just lots of great visuals and a very engaging speaker so I think he'd make for a pretty good like zoom kind of yeah alright I'll get you
in touch with them and then I just wanted to catch the names it was pure earth and Norton and the other organization is called zero mass mass mas s not mas que alright and I'll get you in touch with the professor his name's Simon I forgot his last name but I was contact yeah I'd be happy to reach out to him especially with shark coming up yeah my speaker he could be available at any time so we could hold him till the spring and we're in you know hopefully next spring weird yeah and this I think
I'm suggesting with Simon from what's hole that we haven't do it digitally anyhow so you're just much easier to schedule people that way too and we could ask them if we can record it and then potentially post it to just kind of fun awesome if other people have ideas they want to send in and Kyle I'm outside of this meeting for either family or education programs is me and Sarah and I'll admit I haven't had abundant a time to help with that but we will get back on track Sarah and I have talked a
bout it just developing some kind of simple sheets that connect quick curriculum and standards with what you're up to now so you can yeah have you as their schools reached out where you all left off nobody has because they don't even know if they're gonna be back in session right yeah so just to put that out there I know I have a lot of kids from high school that didn't get to do the internship program with me and they're they're interning with me area no they don't have to but ya know most the
most most of the kids don't they're not comers Hey yeah I think I'll have to be Zoo meaning sad I had a lot of kids songs and they were like they're like oh it's so sad the seniors keep talking about they didn't come down through the Marine Center last year and I was like yeah cuz they didn't get to do their class trips would you sad yeah widespread impacts so in terms of operations I think we'll probably leave that one for now but it would be nice just to remember the reopening plan and the hea
lth department and make sure that that stuff's posted as required by the state anything else people want to bring up I feeling we might wrap up a little early but we're onto the new business kind of other section all right well I'll type up these meeting notes we kind of we can just pick it up kind of slowly but I think we got a couple nice projects queued up and we'll plan on meeting next month but let's all do our part to keep our kind of subcommittee programs moving forward until we meet up a
nd Sara and I'll follow up to on a specifics and I'll send you guys a link to the new permits for projects as well as the kids that are my old volunteer that I make in future okay that'd be great thanks a lot Kyle all right cool good to see you and good to see the other committee members Thank You village IT for making this happen Dan thanks for the update thanks guys we'll be in touch see ya



fabulous display lmao ^_+