
Migrants in Chicago park shelters to be displaced

Migrants sheltered in parks around Chicago will be moved out so the outdoor spaces can open to the public. Officials also say they are grappling with a measles outbreak at one of the city's shelters. Monica Eng, a Chicago reporter with Axios, joins CBS News with details. #chicago #news #immigration CBS News Streaming Network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from CBS News and Stations, available free to everyone with access to the Internet. The CBS News Streaming Network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. Launched in November 2014 as CBSN, the CBS News Streaming Network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on and Paramount+. Subscribe to the CBS News YouTube channel: Watch CBS News: Download the CBS News app: Follow CBS News on Instagram: Like CBS News on Facebook: Follow CBS News on Twitter: Subscribe to our newsletters: Try Paramount+ free: For video licensing inquiries, contact:

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21 hours ago

today Chicago city council committee on immigration Refugee Rights will meet as the city grapples with the growing migrant crisis this comes as the city's mayor announced that beginning this Saturday hundreds of migrants will be displaced as temporary shelters will be set up in Parks those will close for more on this story bring in Monica Ang she is a Chicago reporter for axios thanks for being with us Monica uh before we speak about today's meeting want to ask about the current migrant situatio
n in Chicago today what does this look like well we've got about 10,300 uh migrants living in 23 shelters um on Saturday the mayor will close five of those shelters uh we have a rolling um the city doesn't like to call them evictions but rolling time out periods where people will have to leave the shelters um dozens may be leaving over the next few weeks possibly thousands over the next month uh we have a measel outbreak uh where we have 31 cases uh most of them concentrated in a in a a Westside
uh uh pilson shelter and so uh lots of moving parts so uh where uh are these migrants being moved to well uh that's a really good question the ones that are leaving the parks will be moved to other shelters but those who have simply timed out on their um their time at the shelters will have to get to the back of the line and what's called The Landing Zone where the migrant ANS arrive when they come to Chicago we've got about 10 who are in The Landing Zone today awaiting shelter so Monica the ci
ty's council meeting on immigrant and Refugee Rights as we mentioned is happening today walk us through what's on the agenda well they'll be looking at how the the measles crisis has been affecting shelters are there new rules about mandatory vaccinations before you enter a shelter they're vaccinating people when they arrive at the Landing Zone they're going to be looking at this 60-day rule about what if any modifications can be made to it they've now made modifications where if you're a family
uh you can get extensions you can get exceptions to the 60-day rule if you are in quarantine because of your vaccinations you can get exceptions most of the people who are being asked to leave now are single men so um let's ask about how people are feeling about the influx of migrants in Chicago um and could that sentiment influence response from local government yeah I think it loyal University recently did a big uh study of more than 2,000 people across Cook County and what they found is that
more than 70% did feel that the migrant crisis is affecting the government's ability to help current residents but that they still you know do want to offer help and they broke it down by demographics what you found is younger people Democrats women and Asians all were more sympathetic and more more willing to help migrants than other groups um and that that kind of you know pushed against some of the sentiments because we saw one Asian-American Community push back against having a migrant faci
lity in their area you've seen a lot of um uh protests in some African-American areas um about migrants and what you found was that um sentiments towards migrants in the Latino and africanamerican Community were almost totally equal wow it's fascinating uh Monica thank you so much for your reporting and for spending some time with us this morning appreciate it thank you all right



They are here illegally why should we provide them with a place to live for free?


She gave nothing but a word salad to still say American citizens don’t want them here at all


Displaced into apartments. Tell the damn truth.


If you own a home or condo that's currently unoccupied, make sure no squatters break in and start living inside.


Chicago needs a committee to focus on citizens' rights.


Here illegally!!!!!!! SEND THEM HOME.


So why accept them in the first place?


Trump 2024!!


Gimme'grants! 😢Sad to see THOUSANDS of supposed adults operating with NO PLAN!


Trump 2024❤❤❤❤❤🇺🇸🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Are these legal or illegal migrants?


Trump 2024 🇺🇸


Antônio Geraldo Alves Martins Silva ❤🎉🎉🎉❤


Sux to be u single men


Hahahahaaaaaaa!!! Ahahahahahahahahahaa!!! Hahahahahaahahahahaha!!!! Hahahahahahaahha


We Chicagoans must accept these migrants as our long lost brothers and sisters.


AND MORE is on way - MUCH MORE UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/KsIfY6LzFoLM6AKanYDQAg