
Minimize Unwanted Email, Maximize Your Impact, with Melissa Moody from Gated

Want to create daily impact and minimize disruption? That’s the mission for Melissa Moody and her team at Gated. In this episode, Melissa and Tony discuss: - The Gated Origin Story - Gated and Category Design Marketing Strategy - Impact on Non-Profits Find Melissa on LinkedIn and send her a note at

Tony Winslow

1 year ago

[Music] good afternoon Melissa how are you doing really well thanks for having me well thank you so much for being here this is Melissa moody she is the founder head of marketing and uh Chief meme officer which I've seen that before on your LinkedIn profile but then I saw it again and it's funny actually was messaging Andy the other day because I saw he there was a meme shared playing on the from gated on LinkedIn and I messaged him I was like hey are you are you the meme King and uh he said he
only does Keanu memes accurate yeah yes I was actually uh that title was bestowed On Me by someone else as a tongue-in-cheek so I am after being teased about it long enough I decided to throw it up there as a header hey just embrace it I love it yep so gated is super unique and the way that it's uh described is noise canceling headphones for email and I love the the languaging there and you also when we talked the other day you talked about kind of like Amazon's smile but for your email and I tr
uly think that one day there's going to be like hey it's like gated but for whatever new uh social media platform is of the day so I think it's super revolutionary and excited to have this conversation with you so more Bob Alyssa she spent 13 years at Google and uh I was thinking do you have a name for when you work at Google is like a googler oh yeah Google there you go and the dogs the dogs are dooglers so googlers and googlers that that's a and tongue tongue tie right there yeah so and I saw
on your website as well it looks like you so you were there for 13 years and you did some work in partnership with Airbnb for I was I was impressed taking the website from 17 seconds to load to three seconds yeah is that accurate yes yes that was part of my team's job was to work on the full mobile web experience from ad all the way through to um to the you know through the user experience with different travel partners and Airbnb I was very fortunate to work with a couple of amazing people um t
hey were they're trying to get traction for that internally from the mobile web team as well so we were able to part with them and make it happen yeah potential yes so tell me about gated tell me about the origin story oh the orange and story of David well my co-founder Andy Moet um a lot of you might have seen him on LinkedIn he's a long time GTM exec for a couple of really well-known companies in Silicon Valley he's been uh he's grown three unicorns um in the GTM leadership roles and he was su
ffering um he'd he will admit himself that he'd press send or his teams had pressed send on you know a couple million a billion emails over the course of his career so he was part of creating this pain and email but he was also getting hammered left and right we live in a world where you don't just sell to the CEO anymore you're selling to every executive and not even Executives everybody's getting sold to in this world and so he was also getting hammered with so many sales pitches and on you kn
ow cold emails in his role that it was kind of an unsustainable level so he hacked together a solution you know with venmo and um and uh zapier I think and he put it all together and basically started what is now because the core of gated's model which is to say if you're trying to reach Andy and you'd like to get his attention but he doesn't recognize your address you're going to need to donate to his charity to reach his inbox and at the most simple level that's still what gated is today it's
a little bit of an automated reply that challenges unknown centers to donate to charity in order to reach you and really what it does is brings value in three different ways first of all it quiets the user's inbox of course which is kind of the lead goal second of all for senders it actually lets sender stand out in the inbox because there was so much chaos there and so much you know people just delete all the emails at once instead of having time to read um and then of course you know really fu
n part is it benefits nonprofits and so we're proud of creating this three-part win-win-win scenario that was based on an idea that Andy really needed and we're finding so much traction especially in roles where you get hammered with inbound emails so rev-ops there's a lot of pain there marketers especially kind of demand gen marketers CEOs anyone who's getting a lot of inbound email it's a no-brainer it's one of those things where the second you have it you go oh my gosh so that's where we're a
t today I think we've got a really big Vision as well to your point you mentioned I can imagine a world where something light-gated is on the other channels maybe it's going to be gated so let's see um but yeah that's uh that's where we are today it's been a lot of fun I came on early as a co-founder and head of marketing and you're employee number one correct yeah yeah I teased Andy to say I was employee number one because he was still in his exact job at um culture and all the time yeah yep so
you came on how long ago was that that you became co-founder and oh that's a really good question so that would have been very late in the year 2020 or maybe even like January 2021. yeah wow so right in the then the pandemic happened to romance started at that point but then the world kind of shut down two months later so it must have been a lot of uneasiness and um with starting the company so yeah I think a lot of people went through big changes then um some of it started because of the pande
mic and other ones just because we were in a whole different mind space in the pandemic right people yeah a lot of people were forced to take changes in their life and a lot of people just kind of had a change of heart during that time I certainly made a big change and a lot of people did yeah so we talked a little bit about this uh I've been very interested in category design lately and you know starting a business when you're thinking about you don't want to play the better game or the better
trap or you're really trying to be different and set yourself apart and create a category where you can be you know the the category queen or King so do you think that gated is creating a new category it's a good question um I would say and we have a couple of really amazing advisors so um John rigel at uh design leader yeah um he probably have good thoughts on this from my perspective there are some things we are doing that are certainly category design-ish we are not approaching what we're doi
ng from a full category creation standpoint um but there are certain things that certainly resonate I think the first of which was in the spring of 2021 we did not have you know we didn't really have much of a product beyond the MVP right like we had a product we had a really small tight group of users but a lot of what we did in those early stages was built around developing principles and a narrative of kind of like the future space that could be associated with category design so we wrote a M
anifesto It's on our website if anybody wants to see it but we worked very hard to craft a Manifesto that was is you know it's three lines it's not a rambling bumbling thing it's three very clear lines about the future that we predict and the future that we are committed to making and that type of activity any kind of smells of category design right so there's this element of taking a stance building a company on principles and really for me at the time it was probably the biggest weapon in my A
rsenal because I didn't necessarily have the product to go to market with what I did have was a way to bring people into the Gated space and to get people aligned around what we were building before we even necessarily had something to put in their hands yes and as a marketer it's fun but it's also kind of critical I mean if you're marketing before you have a full to Market product it's hard to do but when you have principles to align around and you can talk to Partners who are looking in the sa
me direction it's a it's a wonderful tool um yeah when you have that the other thing that I use a lot of that's very category is it comes up on category designer like lightning strike type of marketing activities um so I can talk to those later but there are things that we're doing that are definitely category design-ish and I have visions for what that category is but um I don't I wouldn't you know say this we're going by the book it's yeah very totally totally understood and I I love the part
where you're talking about talking about the future that's you know probably my favorite aspect and something that I'm taking into my podcast is you know I want to tell of a different future where taking the examples from talking to people like you and how they're incorporating social impact how they're identifying people that need to be served and so that's that's awesome you can align people around that so let's get back to gated in terms of the actual product so I know because I've tested it
as a user and had fun fun with it so it goes into a gated folder and the sender is challenged and again it's challenging that sender like okay hey they have to really like email Isn't just a just because you have somebody whose email address doesn't make it free yeah and there's this little book called or average size book indistractable by near ayal and he talks about the problem of email and he gives strategies not just email but you know all these strategies of how you're distracted as a pers
on at work or in your personal life with your phone with email being one of them and how some of the stats I was looking it over like an average office worker they're going to get 100 emails a day they're going to waste time checking habitually rechecking it's like you know that that Ding or that notification they're waiting and they they feel that kind of sense oh I gotta respond to that yeah and then you know the fact that you have to reorient yourself after you've checked your email or respon
d to get back to what you were doing so how does gated work to either work in concert with that or just help help the Gated user better their productivity yeah I think I mean that nears book indistractable is phenomenal I think it really sets the problem space very well um very much like you know when I think about kind of the enemy in our strategic narrative it is digital noise it is overwhelming noise um and I think he makes it very clear there's an urgency to it a lot of people think oh I'm f
ine I'm I'm doing fine now but we are in an increasingly noisy digital space so the champ there's more channels and they are more automated and they are coming louder and louder I mean imagine two five ten years out we're not going to be able to keep up as humans in such a distracted world and so the question that he addresses a lot is how do you make space to think well and to you know be a focused human being and to not be distracted um in that world and so I think he sets it up very very well
um the psychological burden of you know micro anxiety of having to check email the psychological burden of um I got a response like guilt the stress around needing to be everything to everyone is frankly unsustainable and so truly the inbox right now we believe and our mission it kind of says email is where our Journey Begins because the inbox there are 347 billion emails sent a day a day so the inbox is an onslaught and a lot of other channels frankly have already figured this out or they have
mechanisms to to uh restrict the unfettered access right so with gated one of our early metaphors was a postage stamp for email because if you think about your mailbox people can't just drive up and dump a truckload of stuff on your front porch there's that little cost and sure we still get a lot of things that maybe aren't perfectly relevant in our mailbox but it's only a mailbox full yeah in email anyone can reach you at any time with whatever they want you don't have to like it at all it's j
ust here it comes and so the everything we have built at gated is built around this idea of a very small marginal cost a little change in incentives can radically change the behavior of your patterns that are existing in email today now to nears point it's not always a comfortable change when the pings and the dings go away there's actually this amazing empty space which are we're kind of as a human brain you're not getting that dopamine hit of somebody loves me somebody wants me all of a sudden
there's a space like oh um what was the quote it was something in one of our most recent interviews with Sam senior he talks about um like all of a sudden you find yourself in an open space and that's not just a good thing sometimes it's a little uncomfortable you go what am I going to do with my time am I needed why is nobody demanding my time but what we're hoping we can make this really fundamental Behavior change for humans which is to say like you deserve that mental space and you aren't a
ble to keep operating in a space where you have to do everything for everyone like yeah to be a winner in the future you're going to have to start setting boundaries and what one more call back to near's book is he talks a lot about doing that with your human efforts right like time blocking turning off your notifications everything to date has said yes that's important you work harder you quiet the noise like Tony this is your job to quiet all that noise and what we say a gated is we need the t
echnology to start protecting ourselves as humans right and this gets back to category design and then yeah I love it I'm just eating it up I love it yeah to quote you know really this gets back to your question of category design which is I see a category which is attention Tech on the side of the buyer um everything we're building is to get and steal your attention you should have technology that's on your side to protect yourself and to keep you focused on what matters and really I mean there
are some other interesting things going on in the space but I do feel that gated is the first first one in a lot of areas certainly an email to stand up and say we're going to build it for you you don't have to do the work we're going to build it for you so end of rant no I I appreciate that I've tried the various techniques and I just haven't found one found one that's really fits into my my day or being telling you to continue to take these steps to hack back my email well like fundamentally
like you shouldn't have to work harder to be more productive like that's it just sucks like I wish a lot of us would get more mad about that like it shouldn't be my job deal with all that crap so yeah well I I love it and I think to the social impact piece because you were you have this Noble Vision you want to really improve people's uh attention and get them to be more in this there's the part where you want to save them time but you're also want them to be comfortable with without all of the
noise and to learn how to deal with that and how to appreciate whatever it else it may be right in front of them so before we move on to the social impact piece you've been syndicated since 2020 why don't you tell us the biggest Leadership Lessons that you can provide from your time so far from Atomic gated or all together all together and but with the focus on starting a new company important is space for autonomy I think the best leaders I have ever had and the leader that I aspire to be is on
e who says this is where we need to get now you guys get me there you go take the route you need bring new Solutions think about it differently I expect you to get here how you do that there should be space I've had some incredible leaders and that was the defining feature of what they did was they weren't in my business throwing Frameworks at me demanding that I report back on XYZ they they put a very high expectation and they said hit it now some people maybe that's too stressful but for me an
d for the teams that I've seen the happiest teams the most empowered teams the teams that worked best together were given a goal and then said hit it you know and it wasn't about missing it or blowing it away it was just like this is where I want to see where how what can you do and so I hope to be that sort of a leader at gated I'm I have one team member under me now but even in how we cultivate all the team you know engineering and product and marketing and customer all together uh one of our
we've actually got three company values and they play really well together but one of them is curiosity because we find it very important to leave space for curiosity not over setting this is a process this is how we do this is how we work but leaving room for people to feel empowered and to have autonomy to to work well um yeah if that makes sense yeah yeah it's great so I that's like definitely a big one that I think I got through the best leaders I had at Google but I'm definitely bringing in
to the startup world plus people at a startup aren't the kind of people who like to be told what to do or to work within Frameworks they usually those people are the people who are demanding the autonomy right yes I uh think Scrappy yeah I think if you're a Hamilton musical fan I think they really I I always think of young just crappy and hungry when I'm thinking it that's about startups and they I think they they very much made a positive uh connotation with that word and brought it back to som
ething that's exciting so they are not throwing away their shot I love it exactly yep so let's talk about the social impact part of gated and what it means for for users and what it means for the non-profits that you serve um I'm excited to talk about this because from a marketing standpoint we do not start with the non-profit we have built a user first product we built a product to help your inbox be quieter to help you focus more the amazing part about it is that it can benefit nonprofits but
I always say if you're going to support a non-profit the first thing you should do is go donate or work there right like or or volunteer um gated is not the thing that you do the one thing that helps the non-profit what we offer is while you're out living your life and doing these things using email why not amplify that impact if you have a cause you love why would you not amplify it so you won't see our marketing um especially not to a kind of sign up CTA with you know start here um sure or at
least it won't be like if you love your you know if you want to benefit your nonprofit do this no it's if you want all these other things and also would like to be supporting your cause turn this on um so I'd like to get to that up front because non-profits we provide a lot of value too but we are building still for the user and what's cool about that is we don't turn non-profits in on in the system to be in our gated system a user has to request that non-profit so when you turn on gated you can
pick from any non-profit that another gated user has already picked or you can request a new one that is no I had that question yeah so we work with an incredible partner called get change and they have you know the full verified database of I think well over a million non-profits um and as long as there is you know a verification Ein and they're on the up and up for the taxes we can make it happen we just um one woman is very passionate about a bat sanctuary and we were able to verify it and g
et it up and running so she can benefit something that really means something to her um and and do that with gated the fun thing that's coming up is we're starting to create more assets that will be of benefit to the non-profits so you can imagine one of the things we're creating is actually a landing page that says if you support what let's say team Rubicon is the one that I support it's a veteran related charity if you support team Rubicon and you use email here's some reasons why you might wa
nt to turn on gated and amplify your impact and we're going to be creating those and sharing those so that non-profits could effectively say like Amazon smile you know if you're shopping at Amazon why not a little bit more if you're using email why not a little bit more um yeah so it's a fun little new thing that we're working on but we love the nonprofit component we love how it's built into the product and and people I mean there's so much good being done in this world and I think any chance t
hat we can use to amplify that and give more support to those causes is really needed and you're giving that constant brand awareness for these non-profits and you're also empowering the the Gated user to make it part of their everyday life so they're they're able to think about it and it comes to their mind and they're able to like that can stir in some some affections and emotions in them and get them to think about the impact that they want to make and get them to think Beyond you know their
their everyday so I think it's super cool you hit a really good point there when I talk to non-profits it's not not really the dollar amounts I think it's scale the dollar amounts will be exciting but one of the biggest things for them is you know a lot of us are passionate about something but we wait all year and then around the holidays at the end of the year we get we write a check right what gated does is it basically to your point it helps you align your your personal brand to a cause that
matters every darn day like it's it becomes much more an ongoing supporter engagement and the nonprofits for them that's actually really important because understanding top of mind yeah yeah so let's talk about the product first versus impact first marketing and you mentioned that you know you're really focused on that product the user experience of gated getting them you know to to sign up to reduce the noise and then hey there's a social impact piece like what do you think the balance is for o
r what advice would you have for companies that are you know have this great product but also this huge impact piece like what's the balance between you know what yeah yeah I'm with you um I think one thing that's really interesting is as any good marketer would dive into you really got to listen to your customers and your your kind of core personas right so yeah we've done a lot of work um my team and I stay very close to what the customer is saying um both potential customers and people who ar
e actually gated users and have turned it on it's very interesting because actually within our kind of target audience we actually have certain personas where the non-profit matters a lot for them and then other ones who basically say I love doing good but I don't really I don't have a specific non-profit that matters to me just yeah and usually what we have in places of featured charity so everyone today our current future charity and we rotate it every so often is Doctors Without Borders they
were chosen specifically for the work they're doing in Ukraine um and so everyone starts with Doctors Without Borders and then you can choose to change and we've seen about 40 percent of gated users go in and pick their own which actually is maybe lower than I would have initially predicted um so it kind of tells you a lot of people like the idea of doing good they aren't necessarily super uh focused on doing good for a very particular personal charity they just like the um the good component wh
ich is interesting because that's certainly going to impact our marketing as you would imagine yeah okay so I see some ideas that are some ideas that we had talked about um so the advice for businesses who want to be want to make an impact but doesn't tie into their revenue model which they do yeah I uh I'm very lucky that ours does but I've talked to quite a few other companies I think if I were working at a if I was leading at a company it didn't have like a direct product alignment um I've se
en two things that I think would be really cool maybe this is my perspective as a potential employee versus a leader but I do think um using the the impact component as part of your employee um happiness and employee retention so one of the things I care remember the company I wish I could but they essentially every single week they said it was a thing for the employees and every week they could go in and click redeem my five dollars and give it to this charity that's cool and I'm not sure the i
ntent behind it but I love the idea of continually surfacing giving back and I like doing it employee first I think there's always companies in the news who just cut a big check right and that's awesome and great and wonderful but why not make social impact actually part of your culture as opposed to just like a you know the finance department writes a large check and you get some PR out of it like good for you but if you actually think about social impact as cultural and and supporting employee
s and being interested in your employees I think that's worth a lot I wish I could think of which company that was it's really cool that is that's neat I've never heard of that and I I think it's uh yeah if it's part of the employer brand you know getting them involved with different nonprofits that they can support and making it about them and what they care about it's super cool a couple other companies I've heard of too also do like um essentially days off but for volunteering right like so e
verybody in the company take a certain amount of hours all you know off and go and volunteer and then share I think that's another kind of version of the same thing which is tell us what was important to you bring it back to the company we I definitely want to get that rolling for our team when we're a little bit bigger we're still kind of a super Scrappy do it and share it but I think that'd be a neat one to build into kind of a company Norm so yeah so tell me about your favorite story so far f
rom your time it gated story is when we it's tied to when we launched in March of 2022 so actually not that long ago um we have worked very hard to craft what I like to call kind of a concentric circles of influence we've got a really great advisor group and then we've got a really core set of fans um and then kind of making sure that there is uh there are people speaking on behalf of gated really what it it comes down to is it makes me the happiest because as a marketer I have a very small team
it's been just me for most of all of this and by building those circles it feels like we have a bigger team it feels like there's more people out there talking about gated and so the story that I have is kind of tied to that it's on March 22nd we did an uh a launch and it was a essentially the goal was to kind of take over LinkedIn for the day with no paid ads was just organic and um is a little I mean there's a lot of work to kind of like mobilize the r the troops and get them all ready um and
there was some definite organization on the back end but basically on March 22nd every fan of gated and all of our advisors posted from their own perspective I wasn't shoving you know pre-scripted messaging out of people we encouraged them to post from their own perspective about gated and what it was doing and why it was cool or and maybe they were senders we had a lot of people who were on the seller side we had a lot of people who were users it's non-profits and waking up that day and kind o
f waving my hand and saying go team and then throughout the day just the love that was pouring out yeah was I I mean I it's gonna carry me through a lot of a lot of the ups and downs of startup marketing because to see authentic shared perspective like not incentivized you know I'm gonna thank them as soon as we have schwag like a year later probably but um that was just a day that I'm always going to remember because of the it there was a big hope right like we kind of waved our hands and said
we hope that this is going to go well and the snowball that occurred that day was re I mean it really took my breath away and we're um I feel so grateful it was a lot of work but I also just think it was on the part of everyone else so um yeah that was right around the time that you launched that was the day we launched it was today is the day gated is now available for everyone yeah well I would consider that a successful lightning strike strategy going out going out with a bang for sure and so
you built you used your community of these fans your the board of advisors your employees and said hey go out into the LinkedIn and advocate for us no script you you tell people what it means to you yeah I think we had a I think I'm trying to think we have the sales rapper he did a rap for us we had Tim Davidson did like a like a tick tock video yeah there are some really fun creative sharing and it was really enjoyable so so let's talk a little bit about your the future updated you're working
on the landing pages now and you want to focus on scaling what are the next six 12 months look like for you that's a great question um you know I think a lot of the pieces that we've put into play have been very foundational um potentially not my best startup marketing strategy but I'm I'm someone who loves to build for the future so instead of just doing what's in front of my face I like to kind of set up systems that are going to pay dividends down the road and I think we're finally at a place
where a lot of those are rolling like our testimonial engine is just it cranks like it works and it Loops back in um same thing with my newest hire around blog and social like we're starting to build this system and podcasts like creating a system that is going to generate things on a more ongoing basis where my focus is now is a little bit more of a return toward catching people's attention I think some of those systems are now churning so we've built this Baseline and now it becomes back to h
ow do we speak to the moments when people really need gated how do we even not even speak to those moments how do we create those moments where somebody says wow I need to be thinking differently or I need this new technology so a lot of my mental bandwidth is moving from you know build the foundations that crank into create those moments that are going to really take us to the next level yeah I imagine there's a challenge with that when you're trying to you know gain more users as you don't wan
t to be a part of the noise and you don't want to be interrupting them or take away their you're trying to help them with this awesome message but it you know so what's the balance there like have you uh how do you go yeah I mean I think number one is you provide value right so like if you show up somewhere and you're providing value to someone it's not as much of an interruption it's not a showing up and demanding they do XYZ right like so a lot of probably what we'll do is focused on showing u
p in places to create that urgency and to create the need but in a way that makes sense for our users I mean that's The Sweet Spot of marketing right like show up and bring them something that they really need I think a lot of it will also be the the best thing about gated in my opinion is that we are built to make you better right like everything that gated does is not to be gated on its own but to help you no matter who you are you know Tony in this case but someone else to help you focus on w
hat actually matters to you so for you Tony that may be one thing for someone else it might be completely different and gated is just a facilitator of you being greater right yeah you're having more focus and so a lot of the moments that I think about how we are going to create more excitement are tied into how do we up level others like how do we create more focus on the great things that other people are doing um and then ideally you show they can do these great things because they have techno
logy um it's a challenge it's a lot of fun I mean I'm I'll take any and all ideas so whoever's listening if you're getting excited about this bring them on yeah so recommendations that you have as far as books that you've read that have helped you as a marketer technology leadership Frameworks anything that you'd like to share to to help the founders and marketers better their craft and improve their lives that's good and very broad I love it um it's kind of at the stage where we are where you'r
e really building and you're building ideally in public and sharing it um a couple of the things that I always listen to so one of which is newer but I really love is the team at metadata Mark Huber and Jason widup they have an incredible new podcast called demand gen you or demand you um I've loved it it's just super candid it's very much my style like authentic under the covers how are things getting built um I love that that's a big a big one for me I do also think I've said this before and i
t gets very philosophical but I think the big challenge of certainly startup marketers but probably all marketers is there is always something more to do um and prioritization is hard so besides just getting gated one of the things I would suggest is tapping into any philosophy or guidance that helps you focus and helps you set aside the stuff that's not priority for me I'm a big fan of like the daily stoic and Ryan holiday's work I find that it keeps me very uh focused on what I can control and
setting aside everything else because there are just certain things that you could bang your head into a wall and never change and as a marketer and a startup marketer you've got to be working on the things that you can change um and so for me anything Ryan holiday is huge um yeah those are my big favorites I would also say um right now we're in the thick if anybody's read the book Crossing the chasm it's a marvelous it's really good and it's kind of our current Bible at gated right now yeah so
yeah that's a great one it's basically if you know moving through the stages of of where you find success and what your current segment of audience needs versus what you're providing it's just a constant Evolution and so the book is a nice way of putting a framework around that awesome so demand you cross that's the podcast yeah demand gen you but who's the name of the people who are building they're the guys from metadata so it's Mark Weaver and Jason Witt up okay and crossing the chasm and th
en finding that that resource that's going to help you you know get that mental space and separate from the noise and that's probably very important for you especially as a leader I gated to because you are an example and you want to create that uh spread that the the noble Vision that gated has to you know big cognizant of okay what's taking me away from yes there's I Gotta Throw It One More in because I just finished reading it a couple months ago and it was like one of my new like eye-openers
actually um our team is doing a lunch and learn on it there's a book called Breath by James Nester and it's um all about breathing like the history of how we've started breathing wrong and how what it damages to us and how it's it is so compelling and it is fascinating um so I won't spoil it but I would recommend that everybody pick up a copy of breath by James Nestor that is interesting yeah I've tried the deep breathing exercises and sometimes they work but many times I get way too impatient
and I'm like anyway so that's that's I'm curious so um I mean it's a great read it's a great read yeah well this has been an awesome conversation Melissa I really appreciate you being on here and sharing the Gated story is there anything else that you'd like to share uh with the audience here or um yeah I mean um I would love you know everybody we're we're at a point where we're kicking the tires on gated and we're loving everyone who uses it um getting feedback and seeing you know who's happies
t with it especially if you're a REV Ops or marketer you should absolutely be trying it um give it a go see what it does for you um but the other thing I will say is we have um sorry I have in my kind of side time which is not really a thing I accidentally along with another amazing peer of mine kind of accidentally started a small slack Community for small team marketers cool people who are on teams of less than eight mostly it's a therapy session um it's not one of those things where you have
to show up all buttoned up you it's kind of a group where you can show up and say oh my god I've got this problem who's done this before yeah for small team marketers sometimes we get to feel very isolated and we're doing things in a bubble and it's a really great place to share so if anybody's interested in that um you can I guess email me because I'm dated but you you can click that you know me thanks to Tony's podcast um so you can reach me at Melissa anytime awesome well uh please
give Melissa a follow on LinkedIn if you haven't already and you'll see the chief meme officer at a title and uh I'm gonna just troll Andy and tell everybody I tell everybody to send him some Keanu memes uh he needs some fresh ones he needs some fresh ones yeah all right Melissa we'll take care thank you so much thanks for having me done bye
