
Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Evolution III (CE9A) '1995.Documentary Film.(Japan)

Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Evolution III (CE9A) '1995.Documentary Film.(Japan) Subscribe and support the author of the channel so that there is a desire to continue to post interesting video materials about cars of different years of production and delight your subscribers and viewers of my channel. Подпишитесь и поддержите автора канала, чтоб было желание продолжать выставлять интересные видео материалы об автомобилях разных лет выпуска и радовать своих подписчиков и зрителей моего канала. Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Evolution III The Lancer Evolution (colloquially known as the "EVO") is Mitsubishi's flagship sports car. Based only on the unibody of the domesticated Lancer sedan, the Evo is a rally inspired, turbocharged, all wheel drive, durable, and finely tuned automobile.The number designation of the model is most commonly a roman numeral. Evolution models prior to version V were the officially approved models for Mitsubishi's efforts in the World Rally Championship's Group A class and SCCA Pro Rally Championship.In order to follow these rules, the Evolution is based on the same platform as the Lancer.However, it is much more powerful than the Lancer, with the unibody being the only major part in common between the two. Support and Subscribe Channel Vintage Motors Car Sound Engines Don´t forget to subscribe channel not to miss next video. Do not forget to put only LIKE. Не забудьте подписаться на канал, чтобы не пропустить следующее видео. Не забывайте ставить НРАВИТЬСЯ. Twitter Твитните и Поставьте Лайк. Twitter Tweet and Like. #mitsubishi #lancer #evolution #evo #4g63 #iii #gsr #evo3 #rally #jdm #wrc #mitsubishilancer #racing #turbo #mitsubishilancerevolution

Vintage Motors Car Sound Engines

1 year ago

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