
Modi in USA was a BIG WIN for India | World Affairs | Geopolitics by Abhi and Niyu

In this video, Abhi and Niyu explain what happened during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's USA visit. In this Modi in USA was a BIG WIN for India | World Affairs | Geopolitics by Abhi and Niyu video, we take a look at the key events of Narendra Modi's recent visit to the United States. We discuss the bilateral talks between Modi and President Joe Biden, Modi's address to the US Congress, and the signing of several important agreements between the two countries. #modiinusa #pmmodi #abhiandniyu A video by Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha & Niyati Mavinkurve PM Modi In USA PM Modi US tour India US Relations PM Modi US Visit PM Modi at United Nations HQ PM Modi US visit 2023 PM Modi in Washington Dc A video by Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha & Niyati Mavinkurve Get our equipment: My favourite camera: Budget camera to shoot videos: Best Tripod to shoot videos: Best Mic for YouTube: Best light for background lighting: Phone to shoot Reels: Best laptop to edit on: Cheapest laptop to edit 4K videos: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: About Us: Abhi and Niyu is the fastest growing Indian educational YouTube channel. Abhi and Niyu are a husband-wife couple who believe in the power of our youth. Abhi and Niyu started their page to talk about positive, impactful ideas and to inspire offline action from online content. It was a way to change the way our negative feeds operated and replace negative news with positive, action-oriented news that made some change. They decode and simplify issues for Millenials and believe small steps lead to big outcomes in the future. Their videos span different genres like history, environment, and sustainability, policy discussions, social commentary, economics, personal finance, among others.

Abhi and Niyu

8 months ago

A few days ago, our Prime Minister was in America. From President, Joe Biden to Elon Musk, All the super powerful people from every field of America met Modi ji. But why? Whenever we see our PM going to another country, many people start getting jokes in their minds that our Prime Minister is the best travel influencer in the world. But is the truth that basic, or behind every foreign visit, an important reason? In today's video, we will learn what Modi ji achieved after visiting America. If you
want to understand foreign policy in an easy language, we every week bring important issues of the country and abroad for you in a video format. If you are new here, then don't forget to follow or subscribe to the channel. It is free for you, but it helps us a lot. Chapter 1: Who Did Modi ji Meet? India and America's partnership is going to be the most important relationship of the 21st century. These words are not ours, but the world's most powerful country, the President of America, Joe Biden
's. From June 20th to 23rd, Modi ji was in America. In this short period, many important meetings and developments happened. From Yoga in New York to Congress address and State Dinner in front of 1,000 dignitaries in White House On the last day, meetings with industry leaders also took place. In addition, Modi ji met Tesla CEO, Elon Musk in New York, where Elon Musk announced that Tesla will soon come to India. I'm actually incredibly excited about the future of India. I think India has more pro
mise than any large country in the world. He really cares about India because he's pushing us to make significant investments in India, which is something that we intend to do. On the last day of his visit, Modi ji met Indian and American industrialists. On the same stage, maybe for the first time, Google, Microsoft, Apple's CEOs were present. With the advent of AI, the opportunity for India to make more progress is definitely exciting. And we're going to support the Prime Minister's vision ther
e. His vision for Digital India was ahead of its time. I now see it as a blueprint other countries are looking to do. Along with that, Anand Mahindra, Mukesh Ambani, Zerodha's Nikhil Kamath was also present here. In this session, Modi ji encouraged global tech leaders, to "Make in India", that is to make their products in India. The country has moved from a very slow follower, where the government was very bureaucratic and very, very slow moving and rigid, and not a dreamer to the most innovativ
e country in the world. Through innovation handshake, reducing the regulatory hurdles companies of both countries were encouraged to increase partnership. Chapter 2: What was Achieved? In such visits, usually news gets created only on the fact who gifted what to whom? Who took the photo and how? And who said what? But in a state visit, these things are quite small. Real things happen behind closed doors. Such things that can prove beneficial for both countries. Come let's know those things. Indi
a and USA, both the countries, announced new deals. In which, defense cooperation, semiconductors and partnerships in AI were announced. All these areas are very important for India. Semiconductors are running the world today. In your mobile, laptop, even electric vehicles have semiconductors. Which presumably are the brains of your device. These semiconductors are made by Taiwan and China. Today the situation is such that America's relations with China have worsened a lot. And they are looking
for an alternative for China. And to start the semiconductor industry in India we need a heavy investment. American company, Micron, is investing $825 million in India. Semiconductor testing and assembling facility is to come up in Gujarat. There will be a 5-lakh square feet semiconductor plant where by the end of this year, semiconductor manufacturing will begin. From which, in total, 5,000 direct and 15,000 indirect jobs will be generated. People in India don't know to make semiconductors. We
don't have experience, but no issues. America itself has said that you send 60,000 best engineers to us and we will train them. The Lam Research Institute of America has taken this responsibility. This is a very big victory for India. To talk about defense, Security of Supply Arrangement, SOSA and Reciprocal Defense Procurement arrangement, RDP. These two agreements are being discussed. Due to which, both the defense industries will transfer technology and start trading with each other. The arme
d forces of India are one of the best armed forces in the world. Their bravery has no limit. But, we are behind in technology, that is a bitter truth. Our armed forces need a technical revival. We have made a detailed video about this. Getting hi-tech technology from America is very important to keep our borders safe. General Electric and HAL have signed a contract to manufacture GEF 414 engines in India. Due to which advanced jets will also be able to be made in India. At the same time, India t
oday exports defense equipment to 80 countries. And when it comes to defense, America is the largest spender in the world. The defense sector of India's target in the coming few years is to export more than $5 billion. So that we reduce our trade deficit and become an important supplier for the world. But this will be practical only when India becomes a DFARS-compliant country. DFARS means Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. The name is quite big, but if were to understood in shor
t, DFARS-compliant countries are the ones from whom America can buy weapons. Which are the DFARS-compliant countries? If you look at the list it becomes clear. In this, Russia and China, both these countries are not included That is, America does not buy weapons from countries like Russia and China under any circumstances. And now talks between India and America about DFARS are starting. If these talks go in the right direction, then this will be a big victory for India. Space is my favorite sub
ject and ISRO is the world's most efficient space organization. NASA and ISRO together are starting work on Human Spaceflight Corporation, whose framework will be ready by the end of this year. In the NASA facility of Houston, Texas, India's astronauts will be given training, Who will be sent next year to the International Space Station. India has recently encouraged start-ups in the space sector. We met some of the interesting start-ups among them during VivaTech in France and also talked about
space with them. In the coming time, through technology sharing, orders for NASA's space mission can come to our country's local start-up. That is, to stay in India and work in the space sector and collaborate with NASA will be possible for the youth. This signals towards a positive future. All these things are just highlights, the picture is yet to finish. Collaboration in 5G and 6G technology. 35 innovative joint research collaborations. Google's $10 billion investment in India. All these pos
itive developments took place during these meetings. India and America together are making INDUS-X systems, where think tanks, university students will jointly develop high-tech technology. From sustainability to cultural exchange, in total 58 big partnerships are about to take place. All this, was achieved just through a few days' visit. This is a proof that both the countries are moving ahead on the right track. Chapter 3: Negative Reaction. There is law of Nature, for every action, there is a
n equal and opposite reaction and this proved to be true in this visit as well. Trucks with "Crime Minister of India" written on them were driven on the streets of New York. 70 lawmakers requested President Biden to address human rights issues in these meetings. And also talk about religious, press, and political freedoms. When a journalist asked a similar question to President Biden he said that India is a democracy. And that is why India and America have good relations today, and not China. On
e of the fundamental reasons that I believe the US-China relationship is not in the space it is with US-Indian relationship, is that there is an overwhelming respect for each other because we are both democracies. And it is an America's DNA, and I believe in India's DNA, that the whole world, the whole world has a stake in our success, both of us in maintaining our democracies, makes us appealing partners and enables us to expand democratic institutions around the world. Organizations like India
n American Muslim Council, Peace Action, Veterans for Peace gathered near the White House and raised slogans like "Modi Not Welcome" and "Save India from Hindu Supremacy". Organizations like Amnesty International have also called many lawmakers for the screening of BBC documentary "India: The Modi Question", which is banned in India. The biggest highlight in this whole negative feedback is Barack Obama's comment, when he said that Modi ji should protect the rights of the Muslim population of Ind
ia or else India faces danger from within. What do you think? A country like America, who brought a law like the Patriot Act in the past, can give India a lecture? Through this act, after 911, they can pick up and take away any brown skin individual. Without any evidence, would enter the homes of Muslims and search it. Used to make them give false testimony and imprisoned them. They would torture them. Can the same America raise such questions on India? You tell me, the president who in his tenu
re, can make drone strikes in countries like Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, and take civilian lives how can he say India faces danger from within? What do you think? Tell us in the comments. Chapter 4: Conclusion: Look, my point of view is simple. In the world, some people like Modi ji and some dislike and that is okay. Everyone has their own reasons. But it becomes a problem when people forget to draw a line. People while criticizing Modi ji even criticize India. They trap In
dia in a box. They put a label on India. Which is not right. At the same time there are some people who are ready to ignore every mistake of the government, simply because they love a particular party and both these attitudes are dangerous for the country Because the people of the first category ignore the many good things mentioned in Chapter 2 of this video. And the second category of people ignore Chapter 3. To understand the whole story we need a balance. So that we can understand all the an
gles of a situation and take the country ahead. Often people, media houses, get so entangled in their political opinions that they forget to focus on work. That is why so many developments that happened in these 3-4 days do not reach you. And who is at loss? We all. Good decisions should be welcome in the tenure of any leader. And they should get support from everyone. Bad decisions should be questioned in the tenure of any leader. When India and America meet each other on an official visit, our
leaders and their leaders meet each other as equals. No one is up or down here. Everyone sits on one table. They are at the same level. At such a moment, focus should be on diplomatic relations to create economic opportunities for our respective countries and not to make new enemies. Where the world sees India as a market, India sees the world as a family. But maybe now we need to change our point of view. There is a need to talk to countries in the language they know. The one who understands
capitalism will have to be explained things through capitalism itself. Frankly speaking, America and India relations have always been very complicated. Our trade relations have always been very good. Our military relations are not that good because traditionally speaking, we always bought weapons from Russia. Now, because of the Russian-Ukrainian war, America has got a strong reason to bring us to them. And geopolitically, America has never supported us. From the UN to WTO, in all international
institutes, they have only abused us. And there is a dire need to change this situation. If you got value from this video, if you got something new to learn, then share it with your friends. Don't forget to follow us on social media. In the last few years, India has started to assert itself on a global stage. Our internal issues have been firmly termed as our internal issues. And who have been our long-term partners, by balancing them all, India is moving ahead. Because India is at a very intere
sting position today, where we are able to talk to the world eye to eye and not eyes down or raised. And conveying this important thing to you, makes a difference to me.



Can INDIA have a strong geopolitical presence? Say "YES" if you agree!


Seeing this as an Indian gives goosebumps, kudos to PM Sri Narendra Modi ji 🔥


Proud to be an Indian 🇮🇳 I Think we should be thankful of Modi ji for the effort he is doing to make India a powerful country ❤


I am very glad there are content creators like you that address real issues and do research on the solutions. I am glad to see that there are people who create videos like this and educate people complex geopolitical issues in simple manner unlike those news channels. I hope the channel grows and you continue to lighten the minds of people watching this. Love this channel ❤️❤️❤️.


Criticism of a country's current government is a good thing. But maligning a country's image using false propaganda, fake narratives and overexaggeration of incidents is extremely bad thing. There is a strong network working against India which is controlled by our nation's enemy.


"Make In India" is not only a Sentence. It's our beloved India's Success Mantra.


What an content!!! Abhi&Niyu really really appreciated👏🏻! The level of Creativity, Research and Hardwork you guys put in your videos is just brilliant!!! You guys are carrying the greatest responsibility of awaring and educating people of India about unwared subjects and topics and making the future of India Bright!! And you guys need to keep going on no matter what!! Please just go on how you are now! Really appreciate your love and nationalism for your Country❤!! Jay Hind Jay Bharat🇮🇳🙏🏻


Wow... India is gonna become stronger and digitisation is best way.❤❤ I love my India ❤❤


Ex PM's of Bharat Just used to go, enjoy and come back. You bring us Manufacturing, Growth, Jobs, Business and Make Bharat great again. Thank you so much


India is setting the best global diplomatic standards for 21st century. If you ( world ) care for us, we ( India ) would take the best care of you. From PM to Foreign Minister, everyone is working round the clock for the best interests of our nation. 🇮🇳


Great work! You are creating awareness about real issues that our mainstream media ignores. This kind of content must reach every citizen to make aware of where Bharat stands today.


So happy to see India is growing.. You are doing great job @AbhiandNIyu.. Explaining everything to us.. Thank you for the great video.


"Most powerful countries will get their way by any means necessary" is one of the most accurate sentences said in history. 🇮🇳🚩


Modiji's every foreign visit had a purpose.. Modiji + Jaishankar + Ajit Doval is an amazing combination


The Chapter 4 Conclusion was just spot on!!! The talk about the Balance is something needed to be promoted and told more to the people of India.


This is information is awesome... I am very happy for new Bharat... Many many Thanks to Modiji from bottom of heart and definitely he will take positive actions / things to next level ❤❤❤❤


The total Number of Planes on Order by Indian Airlines are over 1,600+ which is 2nd Highest on the Planet,Google to Invest $ 10 Billion USD,Amazon-Total $ 26 Billion Micron $ 2.75 Billion USD,Applied Materials In Semiconductors& Digital Economy in India


PM Modi has a vision for India and he has taken us ahead to become equals with the top global leading nations within this decade. Not an easy task for any leader especially in an age of mass destruction (both manmade and natural) when only rapid and speedy development can mean survival for Bharat. That's why Modi ji is a man in a hurry. We are actually in a race against time and can win only if we stay strong together.


Yes you are right bro thank you so much 🙏


Bhaiya, perfect explaination... As always... 🙏💐Thank u