
Monster High Faboolous Pets Playset Review | Toy Talk Monster High #21

Toy Talk review of Mattel's Monster High Faboolous Pets Playset. Follow me on Facebook!

Heartless Spartan

11 hours ago

hey everybody it's heartless Spartan here with another Monster High toy Talk review today I have the Monster High fabulous pets play set now this set features two dowels Claudine and Dracula with their little pet buddies Crescent and count fabulous having a day out at a pet Cafe let's take a look at what we've got okay first we're going to take a look at the pets and the accessories and then we'll take a look at the dowels so let's take a look at Crescent here first there we go I mean crescent's
looking cute as usual uh it's also sharing like a little sort of sweater similar to what claudine's kind of wearing in the background and it's stays on by velcro it just wraps around I kind of like the way Crescent looks without it I think this is a little bit ridiculous but that's okay I still think it's cool that Crescent has that little scar there nice little different sculpt for crescent let's see is it difficult getting this back on no no it's good it's easy yep another cute Crescent figur
e let's go ahead and set Crescent down there then we'll take a look at count fabulous in another bat form I think we've seen this version before count fabulous is also kind of wearing a little scarf too is it held on by velcro yep there we go so that comes off just a little bit of pink frill it looks like count fabulous is just kind of chilling yeah I was kind of thrown off in previous videos because like count fabulous is a shape shifter and they have a couple other versions of Count fabulous l
et see how hard this is to put back on got to get it behind its wings well fairly simple cute always nice to have the pets all right let's take a look at the little like mini pet dining set we've got here this little cafe table and its chairs because it's got like this kind of uh Gothic style going on here which is really cool does it have monster feet I think it does it's kind of hard to tell but I think the feet of the chair are mon actually are like monster feet they have like little toes and
then there sort of like Gothic webbing that's kind of cool so the chairs are really neat pretty sure the other one looks exactly the same there we go the chairs are cool I like those now each pet also came with their own little sort of Cafe C coffee or teacups there's a pink one for count fabulous and a purple one for crescent now these don't come off or anything they're actually made onto the saucers oh little Monster High logos neat but the little batwing handles are cool set those off to the
side then uh Claudine and Dracula also came with these two bottles let's take a look at this one first I'm assuming it's some kind of a monster drink even though it has like a toxic or a poison label on it I don't know they're monsters maybe that's just what they drink it's kind of hard to tell what's molding on to here I think it's just some kind of slime just covering the outside of the bottle I mean it's plastic it's not like play slime do the top come up oh that's cool but it looks like the
re's actually stuff inside within the molded plastic then down here I think this is all the way down at the bottom so they can actually kind of like hold it like they're pouring it which would be kind of kind of cool then for draculara side of the table or count fabulous oh we have some sort of like bleeding cherries it's kind of neat and this is like sparkly too I just just noticed that now that's kind of neat little heart molded onto the back little bat wings this one does not open up like the
other one does the glitter in the plastic makes it look interesting though all right let's take a look at our table feet of the table have little monster feet whoops kind of a pillar going up to Middle does this come apart at all oh it does okay so that just pops right out but then you end up with uh I don't know maybe it's just a little bit easier to store that way does this pop off oh yeah so then yeah makes storage a little bit easier so those can just pop off you can pop those back on fairl
y easily there we go tables back together all right so yeah that's good because then storing something like this gets a little wonky just kind of like a cool web on the top of the the table unfortunately it's made for the pets and not the dolls kind of cool to have one like the table and the chair is full size for the dolls that would be cool all right let's take a look at uh cloudine first here let's take these accessories off of her arm and take a look at those Claudine let's set you back over
here for now pleas she doesn't like face plant okay uh just a cool shopping bag uh it's that Mal Bill plastic it's Hollow on the inside but I like the wolf howling in front of the Moon there little a GE I wonder who bought this one Claudine she also comes with this really nice uh Crescent backpack themed after her pet I knew it you're okay all right there we go yeah this cute Crescent themed backpack it's like a softer material not fabric but it's that uh malleable plastic or rubber you can sto
re things on the inside but I thought this was pretty cool this Crescent backpack and there's like little little extra straps hanging off the bottom that look like little paws that's cute that's a nice addition all right she's okay no damage done so she does have something new going on with her makeup on here she actually has this over here on the side of her face I don't know what that is or what it's supposed to be or why it's there I think it's just something they thought would be cool on the
re but I think it looks a little odd I don't know I'm finding her makeup on this version a little bit odd including like the what is that like neon green above her either now I'm not sure if it's like different styles of makeup that goes on the tip of her nose there or if they always paint her nose like that her fangs as usual the light pink uh lipstick is pretty cute though and her earrings little purple Crescent moons what's this one this little hook here going into her wolf here swing that ou
t real quick okay maybe just like a little chain like it's just kind of sitting in the ear there uh I do like her hair this purple is really nice it's cute it's shiny it goes into this ponytail that I mean this looks real nice and she's got that mix of like the dark and light brown that's really well done this time around I like that granted it's not loose and it's not getting all Tangled and messy now the rest of her outfit she has like the matching jacket like she does with crescent uh I don't
quite know how I feel about this this looks a little odd to me like I can't tell if she's uh going jogging or going clubbing maybe both but uh what she look like with the little jacket off and this is like a fluffy fuzzy material right here I mean that looks cute too without it I think I might like that a little bit more without the little fuzzy jacket and even her top has these blue stripes I'm liking the leopard print with the uh Crescent moons on it her necklace is cool it's chains with the
Crescent Moon and then there's a second necklace that's actually hung on there too she's got quite a bit of jewelry on this time showing a little bit of belly uh they're both held held down by Velcro so you got like the jogging shorts there going on I mean it's not a bad outfit the leopard print's kind of cute I don't know how I feel about the little fuzzy jacket though now if there's anything I'm complaining about it would be the makeup and then the boots so I'm not a fan of like the jello boot
s that any of the characters wear really except maybe that one time that Frankie had it over her prosthetic leg so you could actually see it but I'm not a fan of like the translucent Jello-O boots and then they're looking very plain I think they should have given her like some kind of like sneakers or something could have gone with the whole jogging outfit I don't think she's going to go jogging in like healed Jello-O boots I mean the Crescent heel is cool I always like when they do that but not
liking Jello boots no thank you I mean even though it's purple and it kind of goes with the outfit I just do not like the jello boots let's go ahead and put her fuzzy jacket back on and we'll take a look at Draculaura I still haven't decided how to pronounce her name yet either Dracula draculara you have to watch the show a little bit more just to get the name right guess it depends on where you live what your accent is okay no falling over this time Claudine let's take a look at draculara all
right she's got her own little themed uh shopping bag little Monster High skull on there also like a somewhat flexible rubber plastic it's Hollow on the inside I think these shopping bag designs are pretty nice and you know they're not flimsy like they're not going to break apart I like wellmade access iies like this even though it's something simple it's actually a really good accessory especially with how these monster girls are probably going to go shopping all the time all right like Claudin
e had the uh Crescent themed backpack draculara has a cute it's got a count fabulous themed purse it Hearts above its eyes and this one this doesn't open though but it does look nice so it's just something cute to kind of have hanging off of her shoulder her arm Dracula she's got additional hearts on her face this time her fangs usually sticking out across her lower lip her makeup looks kind of cute on on here the light pink with a little bit of purple little vampire pointed ears her bangs as us
ual her hair is real nice that shiny black with the uh light pink mixed in and no box here so it actually looks pretty good she's got this cute little bow on top of her head just for her day out with her pets and her friend uh her outfit's kind of cute her shirt actually has little bat wings on it don't usually see see this most of the time but it's there got a little bleeding heart with fangs and bat wings that's cute uh the velcro no necklace it's a nice little pink skirt with some frill on it
Pockets aren't real though yeah simple outfit but it looks nice I don't know what kind of weather it's going to be because like what are they dressed for exactly just cute outfits cuz Claudine has like a jogging outfit on and then I don't know they both have long sleeves I don't know maybe it's just a nice day out I'm overthinking this let's take a look at what she's got yeah see draculara has the sneakers on I don't know why they just didn't give claudina a pair of sneakers got some ankle sock
s sticking out there little heart with back Wings across the top like the molded laces on there hearts on either side there's like tiny Hearts across the tread too and across the bottom this almost looks like bones down here but then we have like a little heart on the tread yeah I mean why couldn't they give I mean she Claudine just looks like the one that's going to be running or jogging and they give draculara the sneakers I don't okay like I said I'm overthinking this but it's still a cute se
t now we can get into a short montage he yeah on h this set is cute and reused a number of reprinted accessories in a fun way I like that each character and pet got their own set of accessories and had somewhat matching outfits I really like the crescent backpack and the count fabulous purse accessories the dolls had nice hair that didn't get fussed up in the box and generally had cute outfits on both of them I liked Claudine leopard jogging suit but I wasn't a fan of her fuzzy vest and gelatin
boots it would have been nice to give her sneakers like they did for Dracula I would like to see more of the gothic monster themed furniture made for the dolls instead of the pets in the future though I hope you've enjoyed the video be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already it's nice to chat with friendly folks in the comments so feel free to leave a comment this has been heartless Spartan thanks for watching I'll see you next time go
