
MS in Education - Digital Age Learning and Educational Technology Virtual Information Session

This webinar on the Master of Science in Education - Digital Age Learning and Educational Technology program at JHU SOE will provide an overview of the Johns Hopkins School of Education, its curriculum, and the opportunities available to JHU SOE graduate students. Additionally, an admission representative will cover the application requirements for the DALET program. 20230921

JHU School of Education

5 months ago

well hello everyone thank you so much for being here with us today uh my name is James McCarty I am the associate director of admission here at the Johns Hopkins school of education uh thank you for joining us for our webinar today on the master of science and education uh in the digital age learning and educational technology program or Dallas for short um we we love our acronyms here at Hopkins so you'll hear that you'll hear that frequently um I want to just Begin by saying congratulations I
I think that for all of you attending today's webinar you've taken probably the next and maybe even the hardest step uh in continuing your educational journey I think kind of finding that that momentum and getting things started for many students is often the most difficult part and for myself and our team in in admissions as well as the program and faculty I think I can speak for all of us when I say that you are never ever going through this process alone uh so we are excited to be here with y
ou today to talk a little bit about Johns Hopkins University our school of education and our Dallas program before we jump in with everything just some housekeeping items I'll say today's webinar is being recorded so we'll send you the recording of today's webinar about a week after uh for you to go back and review also as we go through uh we'll have our formal presentation today talking about the program admissions financial aid some of the the bigger picture information but we'll leave time at
the end for a q a session so please as you go through as questions pop up please submit those in the Q a feature at the bottom of your screen just know that we'll hold off on answering those questions live till the end of the presentation but again please please answer those as we go through um jumping in just with some fast facts about the school of education at Johns Hopkins uh we're one of nine schools total uh and everything that we do at the school of education is focused in graduate educa
tion um as you can see we have just shy of 1800 students total in our graduate programs that range from graduate certificates master's degrees all the way up through doctoral studies as well um I think some some important highlights as you can see I mean Johns Hopkins University is top ranked um we were we were and are the first research institution in the United States uh and very proud to say that as of last week through the U.S news world report we were ranked the ninth best university in the
U.S so again very proud of that Prestige uh that we have at Hopkins but I think that you know it impacts our academic programs there's a huge uh push for research at Johns Hopkins and that sort of trickles down through our faculty and into our our classes and the experiences that you have as a student so again just some quick quick overview as far as uh you know speaking about the The world-renowned Faculty at Johns Hopkins our faculty presenter today is uh Mr Jim Diamond uh Jim is a is the fac
ulty lead for the program in digital age learning and educational technology he's a researcher in the field of digital media learn and learning focused primarily on the use of educational games to enrich K-12 learning and teaching for students and teachers Dr Diamond uses design-based research methods to create and study technologies that Foster individual individual learner agency in Real World Learning settings he has extensive experience in educational research design and evaluation and his a
reas of Interest include history social studies Civics education as well as stem education computational thinking and disciplinary literacy so I I will pass the pass the floor off to uh Jim Dr Diamond take it away and thank you so much for your presentation today on the Dallas program thank you so much for that invitation James I I really appreciate it uh good afternoon everyone uh my name is Jim Diamond as you just heard I'm a faculty member here on the school of education and I am the program
lead for Dallas so the school of educations program in digital AIDS learning and educational technology I'm very glad to take a few minutes with you today to give you a high level view of my program as always I am excited to talk with people who are expressing interest um you know whether you wind up here whether you wind up elsewhere uh to me as an academic in this broad field of educational technology it's always extremely exciting to know that there are many professionals out in the world who
are interested in furthering their studies in furthering their knowledge their skills their dispositions in this very Broadfield of educational technology so I'm excited to share uh an overview of our program and I'm probably more excited to get to your questions uh at the end um and hear about your specific interests uh where you may be coming from as professionals where you may be coming from geographically where you may be coming from uh at different trajectories in your career and uh talkin
g a little bit about where a program like dial it fits uh fits for you okay so to jump in uh the program is a completely online program uh as with many of our master's degree programs in the school of education we have two there are two components to our program so there is a graduate degree there's a masters of Science in education and there's a graduate certificate so the master's degree is 36 credits uh which is 12 courses and the certificate The Graduate certificate in leadership and Technol
ogy integration is 15 credits or five courses nearly all of our students are working professionals and that's probably uh between 95 and 98 of our students at any given time are working professionals which means that most of them are part-time right and that is the appeal one of the appeals of an online program is that professionals can continue um to do their jobs uh to lead their lives uh while pursuing a graduate education so uh for the Master's Degree um it could in theory be completed as ea
rly uh within a short a span of time as one year it's very unusual for all of the reasons that I just said right so typically we're having students in the degree program take two courses a semester so it can take about two years on average to complete students actually have five years to complete their graduate degrees or their certificates um from from their first term of enrollment um similarly for graduate uh for our graduate certificate students again all working professionals who are typica
lly taking one sometimes two uh courses a semester and the certificates are typically completed uh within a year uh we admit students on a rolling basis in the spring summer and fall and we are teaching courses uh 12 months of the year around the clock so when you apply and when you admit are admitted and You Begin your courses uh students Jump Right In as it were okay so a Masters of Science in education specifically in the field of educational technology or a certificate in this area in this a
rea is is a strong credential for a lot of people and the reason being that educational technology is a very very Broad and Deep Field right so I'll talk a little bit more about our student body right um many of whom are in K-12 education but there are also many students who are in this very broad area of adult education right and that can be an industry that can be in government that can be a non-profit organizations that can be an informal learning uh situation such as museums camps or after s
chool programs all of these areas have people working as instructional technologists within them and so people who come through our program are typically already working in one of these areas or are thinking about moving into one of these areas so a program like this is very strong for K-12 teachers and school leaders and I'll talk a little bit more about that specific population in a minute very strong for instructional technologists people either working as instructional technologists or think
ing about becoming instructional technologists right professionals whose job it is to design develop Implement and evaluate the use of educational Technologies in some context higher education professionals we have students come through who are either currently working as instructional designers or instructional technologists in higher education often for programs such as this one for online academic programs but not exclusively but we also have faculty members in other institutions who come thr
ough in pursuit of a master's degree or a certificate looking to deepen their knowledge looking to deepen their skill set in the use of these Technologies Consultants online course developers organizational leaders the list really does go on it's a very very broad area which makes for a very interesting student population and faculty population okay so a bit more about our student body composition we typically are about 65 students we fluctuate uh from year to year between 65 and 75 active gradu
ate students in the program it typically holds pretty stut uh steady about two-thirds or female one-third or male as you can see the majority are K-12 teachers and that holds true pretty consistently right so typically half of our incoming class and then half of our students who are taking courses are classroom teachers now because we also have students from other programs taking uh taking our courses that also increases the number of teachers who are taking our courses but interestingly because
there are so many different uh programs in the school of education it will also take courses with people in counseling education for example you will take courses uh with people in the policy program uh you will take courses with doctoral students from time to time in the EDD program and again the reason being that these courses the curriculum for this program appeals to a great many people um most of our students so by that I mean the students who are Dallas students are typically in their mid
-30s but there's quite a range right so we have people coming in who are in their early to mid 20s uh through their late 50s and early 60s right so there's quite a range of students in here but typically most students are uh in the mid 30s they are often uh early career or mid-career particularly for teachers um they're typically early mid-career and by that what I mean is is they're typically in the five to seven year spot maybe sometimes four to six year spot and they are pursuing their first
graduate degree as many of you uh maybe and we also have a fair number of career Changers who come through uh so by way of example over the past couple of years probably not coincidentally given the move to online education um we've had uh on average two Physicians uh so two medical doctors a year coming through the program who are interested in not only their work as Physicians but in working to become educators of other Physicians who use digital Technologies in their work right now that may o
r may not be a career change some of them are in fact looking to leave their dedicated careers as uh as Physicians and move more into this education space but we've had uh we've had lawyers come through the program uh looking to leave their practice as lawyers to become classroom Educators or instructional designers it's safe to say about a quarter of our teachers um at least as they are taking courses with us or considering leaving the classroom to take instructional design or instructional tec
hnology positions either within school systems or leaving school systems um all together so what this means uh to draw this to draw a link to what I've been saying is that you have a very diverse group of people in a program such as this with a wide range of professional interests with a wide range of personal objectives and one of the advantages of that sort of program is that the peer-to-peer learning becomes much richer right because you have opportunities to engage with professionals who are
working in many different areas and who are guaranteed to bring different perspectives different life experiences different professional goals to their academic work and that becomes very enriching for each and every student because as you are working with other students you begin to become exposed to different perspectives to different epistemologies different ways of thinking and developing knowledge it's a very very rich graduate education this uh is regularly changing so this is just a snap
shot right this is an online program so we have students all over the world uh certainly from many states in the United States um Brazil China South Korea Japan uh Thailand uh India the list would go on uh for students from uh from other countries at any given time um and I'll talk a bit more about modality in a second um one of the advantages of an online particularly an asynchronous online program is that students can be all over the world and take courses together this is just a a sample of c
ourse titles you can certainly find more detail on our courses on the program website uh you can also email me or our Academic Program Coordinator preferably our Academic Program Coordinator who can share uh the program student handbook with you and that will give you more detailed information on all of these courses but these are here just to give you a sense of the flavor of the program right I'm not going to read all of these but technology and the science of learning is the program's foundat
ional course most of the work that we do within the program is based in the learning Sciences right which is an interdisciplinary field that brings in many different bodies of knowledge psychology anthropology education sociology it brings in many different areas of research and applies them to the design of learning environments right that's really about what we are about in a program like this is as we are preparing professionals to design technology supported learning environments and what we
want is for our students to leave with a very strong Foundation of knowledge in how people learn in different contexts design thinking is a critical piece of the program you will revisit design thinking practices throughout most if not all of your courses you can see that uh you will take a course that's dedicated to specifically to Blended and hybrid learning which has become even more uh important uh in in the pandemic and post-pandemic era uh and a technology leadership course as well right
many of our students again are either in leadership positions or moving into leadership positions and this is a course that is helping our students to develop visions to write vision statements for how to integrate the use of Technologies into different organizations and then to manage organizational changes with the use of these technology apologies again you can find a lot more detail on all of our courses on the website and in the the student handbook okay so this is just an example of an aca
demic program this is a part-time student this would be a fictional part-time student uh uh a graduate degree student who's taking two courses a term um some of the coursework is prescribed meaning that the sequence in which you take them is locked in in your first term of enrollment you will take technology of design and the science of learning and you will take fundamentals of design thinking right those are our two Foundation courses everything else that we do Springs from those courses so th
e learning sciences and Design and then you move your way through uh you can take up to two electives in the program and then you complete your program if you are taking if you are a graduate student in the degree program by taking the two Advanced courses which are six credits of Capstone experience and in those you are doing an independent study which basically becomes an independent Capstone project in which you are applying much of what you've learned throughout your time in the program and
then you're also developing your digital portfolio um as a way to curate your work and demonstrate the skills that you've developed from the day you walked in the door as it were there's obviously there's a great deal of variation in the way that these play out including uh for fluctuation in people's lives right so sometimes students are taking two courses a semester sometimes they're taking one course a semester sometimes they're taking no courses and very very rarely they're taking three cour
ses it does happen but so there's a lot of variation in in what this looks like and what progression looks like it's like okay so a little bit about us we are three full-time faculty members we're the first three heads there uh so you can see uh me and my colleagues Dr Chris Devers and Dr Josh shushki um all of whom have a significant amount of experience in the K-12 technology integration space uh with some different variations in our scholarship so my scholarship over the years has been in the
area of game-based learning Dr Devers has been in the area of multimedia instruction uh and a very strong foundation in the learning sciences and educational psychology and Dr shushki is very interested in social media and identity formation particularly in educational we have many other colleagues who work as adjunct instructors you see some of them here they are as listed K-12 School administrators instructional designers employees of the U.S federal government sometimes various state governm
ents and content area Specialists so one of the things that's very important in a professional degree program like this is that you have instructors who are working in your fields or working in your intended fields right so you have full-time academics but then you also have a core of dedicated instructors who can impart their knowledge their expertise their skills through these courses they can bring you into their into their professional Networks they can assist in advising you as you're think
ing about making moves or changes in your career and again because the field of educational technology is so wide we have a broad representation of people here we have K-12 Educators we have people who are instructional leaders for the U.S federal government we have people who are School leaders we have people who are instructional designers and instructional designers in multiple areas of higher education again the idea being because we bring students from so many areas we need to have as many
of these areas represented as possible among our faculty at the risk of repeating myself uh so uh we have people coming in from K-12 instructional design higher edtech Consulting media production and we have people who are moving into those spaces right coming potentially from one of these spaces and moving into something different or coming from something quite different and moving into one of these spaces the program curriculum does not make many assumptions about your educational background o
ther than the fact that you have a baccalaureate degree um and it doesn't make many assumptions about your professional trajectory to date it can be that students who have a background a formal professional background in education already are starting in a stronger space from the point of view that they may have some foundational knowledge and indeed some professional chops some professional skills that others working in other areas may need to develop as they go through the program the program
brings people from from many different areas so it is not a requirement that you are a K-12 teacher it's not a requirement that you are an instructional designer to come through the program advantages of a program like this I've already discussed a number of them it is completely online it is applicable to many careers and industries we have the faculty with significant real world expertise we have a strong focus on K-12 education and I want to focus for a minute and I may have missed a slide so
let me see let me just scroll back I may have jumped over a slide yes I did so let me jump back for a second because I want to tell you specifically about the modality about what this online program looks like so all of your courses are delivered in a learning management system uh Johns Hopkins University uses the canvas learning management system what you see here is a um I would say fairly plain uh uh overview of a course they don't all look like this sometimes they do um but this is what it
looks like when you're working inside a learning management system right so courses go live on a certain date and they go for an entire semester and as you progress you are progressing with your classmates so this is not a program in which you go through at your own pace right we are thinking about cohorts we are thinking about the necessity of students and professionals learning from one another so for example in a typical course like this you may have eight two week sessions as you progress th
roughout the term sessions unlock so for two weeks you're working on session one for two then you're progressing to session two session three and so on right um there are I would say 25 to 30 percent of the time you will have asynchronous meetings uh a bigger pardon synchronous meetings scheduled right so this is an asynchronous online program that means the the Baseline expectation is that people are all over the world they are coming in to do their coursework at their own time but they are pro
gressing together with a cohort right and much of the work that you're doing the reading engaging and discussions that's you interacting via the learning management system you will periodically have live lectures they're not required you will be strongly encouraged uh to attend them they're always recorded the number of those live lectures will vary from instructor to instructor you will be doing a lot of collaborative work with your peers so this is a program that relies very heavily on project
-based learning and on Collaborative Learning Experience so it's safe to assume that across the entire program at least 50 percent probably more of your work is going to be done as a member of a group right sometimes you'll be doing that with people who work in the same industry as you do sometimes you'll be doing it with people who work in an industry that seems quite unrelated except again you have this common focus on instructional technology and instructional design but a lot of the work tha
t you do will be with peers and students meet quite regularly online to work on their projects to discuss ideas to craft arguments to produce uh various pieces of work depending on the assignment and we have students who stick together um across courses it's not necessary so the cohorted model is not such that everybody is moving in lockstep across courses but we typically do have students who find that they have a kind of simpatico and they work well together and in fact they're learning well t
ogether as they are going through courses so we find that students start to try to enroll in forces together across the program again that's not a requirement and that's not necessarily going to work for everybody but it does work for a fair number of our students okay I'm gonna race ahead because I think that is uh the last slide that I jumped over that slide um but otherwise I think I've uh I've hit everything so I'm gonna hand it back to James and then I look forward to your questions thank y
ou so much Jim uh yes yeah perfect segue uh just a friendly reminder everyone as I kind of wrap up the formal presentation for today uh please feel free to add any questions that you have in the Q a and we will we will jump into those as soon as I'm finished um I I think today is you know this presentation is really a great foundation for all of you as far as information and getting connected and I I view myself and our role in admissions as really kind of a a vessel to keep you connected so I t
hink from my point of view that the most important piece after today is doing just that staying connected um so as far as uh Next Step goes I would love to meet with all of you one-on-one for a one-on-one appointment um I offer those throughout the course of the week uh both via phone and zoom and you know I would love now that you have a baseline of knowledge to talk to you about you know your specific situation um and be able to work with you through this process so if you take anything away f
rom the admission side of today's presentation again as I've stressed already you are never ever going through this process alone uh and as far as our team goes I'm excited to be here with you today because I am the admissions Point person if you will for the Dallas program so I work with all of the students that are interested in this program uh so again I'm excited for all of you because you now have a name and a face uh and very soon at the end of this presentation you'll have an email to aga
in keep those connections going as as we progress forward uh so jumping in with some of the admissions and application requirements um essentially you know when it comes time to apply um you'll want to complete the online application form uh we if you've been on our website I'd say within the last you know month or or even weeks uh you'll know that you will have noticed that uh within the last few days our website has been completely redone um and it's it's very exciting because on any admission
s page if you scroll to the bottom there's a big yellow box that says apply now and that takes you directly to our our application uh so you can navigate to that to complete that online application form uh know that when you apply there is an 80 application fee that you'll pay as a part of that process and just some of the pieces that you'll submit when you apply include official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions that you've attended I do want to stress really quickly uh it is all
of the institutions that you've attended so sometimes times we'll have students that will only submit a transcript for an institution that they've received a degree from we do look for official transcripts from all institutions so even if you only took a few classes there you were only there for a few semesters please still send us those transcripts also as far as official transcripts go for our definition of that essentially official transcripts are ones that come directly from the institution
directly to us at Johns Hopkins through the school of education we work with a lot of virtual Partners so a lot of times probably the easiest thing to do is to type in your school's name and official transcripts it will in most cases take you to their registrar's office and again in most cases you can virtually send them directly to us that being said you do want to have them sent to the Johns Hopkins school of education or the other option would be Johns Hopkins graduate admissions either or t
hey will get to us I stress that because sometimes there's an option for undergraduate Admissions and you do not want to have them sent there so please School of Education or Graduate Admissions and we will we will get those transcripts and sending them virtually is by far the easiest mode to do that you can physically have them physically mailed to us but virtual is just quicker easier for for all parties uh there is uh within the application a brief essay and personal statement uh essentially
you know you explaining why Why Us why would you be a good fit why are you interested in our program um so that that is a component you'll submit uh an updated resume or CV uh there's also two letters of recommendation I get a lot of questions about those letters of recommendation uh we are ideally and I know this is not possible for everyone but ideally we're looking for at least one of those letters of recommendation to be from someone in Academia in some capacity to be able to talk about your
skills as a student you know you're you're applying to a graduate program so being able to touch upon your skills to be able to conduct research write scholarly um work in groups Etc um so again I know that that is not always the case but um if possible that's that's ideally the route that you'd like to pursue um I am joking but still serious I always say this is this application in process is not a time to be humble you you want to you know show us exactly why you would be an incredible fit fo
r our program and that being said you know I tell students the two best people that are going to give you the two best letters of recommendation are essentially who you should ask to write those and submit those on your behalf when you're applying and lastly as you can see we do not require G that we do not require GRE scores for this program uh so I can I can hear all of your cheers and Applause from from afar uh to not have to submit GRE scores when you apply but that in a nutshell is the appl
ication process for any students that have any type of international coursework or experience um we will be looking for you to submit some proof of English language proficiency um if as if if you are an international student and you've done at least two years of coursework in the United States when you apply fly in place of submitting one of those test scores there is an English language proficiency waiver where you can submit that and basically explain you know I've done two years of coursework
in the US already uh so that that would not be a requirement for you and again that waiver is built into the application but if not again you can submit either the eyelets or a TOEFL score as far as International transcripts go we do look for a course by course evaluation um and an evaluation from a third-party company if you go through our admissions website under international admissions uh there's a whole section that lists those different third-party companies uh probably the the biggest on
e is Wes um I know span span Tran is another one and there's a number of other resources out there for you but essentially if you if this does apply to you you have any International credentials you would request your transcript to be sent from your that home institution from outside the U.S sent to one of these third-party companies and as you can see you want to request a course by course evaluation of your transcript that will then be sent to us in the admissions office and that will you know
satisfy the the official transcript component to your application uh so again big takeaway we do not want your International transcript directly you'll want to have a course by course evaluation done and that's what we will utilize in the admissions evaluation component and as you can see that website there uh through our our admissions website there's a whole international student section that talks about test scores transcript evaluations Etc um as far as cost goes so you can see the breakdow
n listed here on the screen uh for cost for online courses the the cost for attendance is one thousand twenty five dollars per credit and then there's also a 20 per credit technology fee um so again just giving you a rough idea of that that overall cost uh there is a 175 dollar per semester registration fee uh and then that 80 application fee that I've already talked about um Now sort of transitioning to the other half of that cost and and funding if you will uh so really the the important piece
as a prospective student which I'm sure many of you are probably already familiar with um is submitting your FAFSA free application for federal student aid um that is really the the one and only form that we require for you to receive any type of financial aid we do offer a limited number of partial need-based scholarships uh from the school of education that we award to students uh and lastly as you can see in the bottom left corner of your screen there are some external scholarship resources
as well um I would strongly encourage all of you after I'm finished today I'm going to send a follow-up message for all of you to um get connected with me and schedule a meeting but I'll also send some resources as far as those external scholarships go um of course we would love for you to attend the the school of education and our Dallas program uh but those those uh scholarships can be used at any institution so I always tell students it's good to sort of explore some of those resources as wel
l because they can be used anywhere and again we have a whole list of those on our website for you to uh to dive into as well um as far as you know wrapping things up today uh as I mentioned my big takeaway is as a Next Step meet with me one on one but also we want to stay connected with you and you've been here today you've heard about our Dallas program but I think a good Next Step would be coming back for another uh virtual information session on November 16th we're kind of doing the the next
version if you will of this virtual information session uh and we're going to be offering a class preview essentially it's sort of a deeper dive into some of the topics and subjects taught within the dalot program so again that's just another great way to stay connected as you go through this process uh both working with myself with Jim and any any of my other colleagues here at the the School of Education uh so now we'll we'll transition to the Q a portion uh again I don't see any questions ri
ght now so I will uh Jim I'll ask you a couple questions hopefully just to kind of get get people thinking and questions rolling uh but we will we will dive in um and at the very end the next slide we'll have my contact information so uh again anything you know as far as follow-up after today please stay connected um just to to get things uh going Jim so a question that I get a lot in admissions is you know how can I stand out as an applicant you know when when I apply what is the faculty Review
Committee looking for what can I do to kind of shine and stand out and really grab your attention as an evaluator when it comes to my application so that's a great question thank you um the essay and your references are especially important so the essay is a challenging exercise as you likely know uh in pursuing graduate education because you don't have a lot of space to make your goals very clear and to help us the faculty reviewing your application to understand how you connect to this progra
m right so graduate education is a significant undertaking it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of money and we want to make sure that we have the best fit that we possibly can and one of the best ways for us to do that is in an essay and sometimes occasionally an interview so your essay it's very important to build very specific connections to this program right less compelling are generic statements about your interest in graduate education or where you might wind up far more compelling is us
as faculty reviewers seeing that you've studied this program you know what the courses are you know who the faculty members are you know what our scholarship is in our research interests are you know what the potential professional networks are and you're able to say how these things connect to your own goals as a professional so that it becomes a much more compelling statement of why you are a good fit for us and why we're a good fit for you similarly a reference letter should give us insight
into your academic background if you're able to have a letter from an academic in an undergraduate or other graduate program and a letter from somebody in your field gives us insight into your particular skill set any leadership that you've demonstrated any particular initiatives that you've worked on that help us again to understand how what you've been doing as a professional relates to our curriculum relates to our work relates to the specific learning objectives that we're hoping to see you
achieve As you move through the program so those really are two areas uh to to Really emphasize your transcripts there's not a lot you can do about you're done right you've already accomplished those grades uh but what you can really work on in your application is your essay and ensuring that you've got very strong reference letters thank you so much Jim I I appreciate that Insight like I said I got a lot of questions in that area so thank you very much uh we we did have some questions come in u
h so first one is it beneficial to have background experiences in programming for the the dalot programs it's not necessary it yes it 'd be beneficial for some courses you will not be required to be a program for any of your courses however there are courses in which projects may push on you to develop now if students don't have those skill sets and we don't require them right then what we have are students doing things like developing very comprehensive design documents but we sometimes not rar
ely but sometimes have students with a background in coding with development knowledge who can actually go and build prototypes of their projects that they're interested in for a course or their Capstone so it is not necessary it would not be a determining criteria for admission to the program but yes it could certainly be helpful and if you're working collaboratively with others when you're bringing that skill set and you have others bringing other skills you really have an opportunity to reall
y have very strong um collaborative experiences through through these assignments because people are different are bringing their different skill sets together um and you really your work products through these courses can be that much richer thank you so much Jim that's actually a perfect segue into our next question kind of talking about just connectivity within the program and being connected with fellow students um the question was although this program is virtual do you conduct any uh IRL n
etworking events I'm guessing like in person networking in real life networking events or any experiences on campus we do not have yet yet uh any formal experiences on campus we do periodically have in real life Gatherings we don't do them regularly because students are all over the place so we have tried periodically to have uh get-togethers in New York City or Chicago but it's not it's not done on a a regular interval again because we have students um all over the place so there may or may not
be opportunities for that when when you're uh when you're a student here it really just depends on where we have students at the time plus where we have alums at the time and whether we can bring them all together in the same place thank you Jim uh yeah and thank you for that and sorry Cynthia as I mentioned acronyms I'm still learning so thank you guys for uh for helping me out there um so speaking of alumni just I guess one final question uh to kind of wrap things up for today um as far as yo
u know finishing the program you know what are what are some potential career opportunities or next steps for students that you've seen from our graduates after they finish our program whether it's the Master's Degree graduate certificate um you know essentially what what kind of how does this help propel them into their next step of their career and what might that look like so professionally we've had people what so let me start by saying this uh particularly in the K-12 space many teachers of
ten stay in the classroom right so they're pursuing graduate work in this area with a specific intent uh to be develop Mastery in using instructional Technologies and they stay in the classroom for people who leave uh we've had students go on to take district and state level leadership positions in instructional technology for teachers who are leaving K-12 or now our other students in the broad adult education space uh we have students who regularly go on to become instructional designers often
in large publishing houses or curriculum development companies we have students who've gone on to become media producers we have pretty regularly a fair number of students who go out and start their own educational consultancies in instructional design and Technology we've had people who go on to delve more deeply into the area of assessment using digital Technologies and we do have a small number of students every year who go on to do doctoral work who go on to pursue either a PhD uh or an Edd
and because it is a Masters of Science degree you are having opportunities through coursework to engage to learn something about research methods to learn something about analysis and to put those into practice and then again we do have a small number of students who build from that to go on I should say it to do doctoral work we also have I would say a handful of people who would self-identify as entrepreneurs and who go on to create their own instructional technology uh organizations we had a
student graduate last year who uh was a K-12 teacher who's now gone gone on to found his own firm in AI supported curriculum development for teachers right so who is developing AI tools to help classroom teachers create and curate lessons and units and other instructional materials we had another student a few years ago uh who went on to create her own um technology supported math coaching uh firm which then branched into the creation of several digital Technologies digital storytelling um apps
for for students to read about math and to put math into practice in these digital storytelling environments so that those are a few examples of where students go on to thank you so much Jim um so thank you all for being here with us today and uh and learning a little bit more about Johns Hopkins the school of education and our dalot program um I would be remiss if I did not share that the application is open active and live for all of you to be able to apply for the upcoming spring semester the
upcoming summer semester and even next fall as well so please feel free to dive into that application process as as I have said time and time again today you are never ever going through this process alone stay connected reach out and we are here to walk with you every step of the way uh to become a student here at the Johns Hopkins school of education we look forward to reading your application soon uh and thank you again for being here with us today for our program have a great day everyone a
nd we look forward to chatting with you soon take care
