
My Morning Mindset And Exercise To Create Success!

What is your mindset every morning on life, your family, fitness and this business? Everything starts with GRATITUDE! Get EXCITED about something! If you don't have something to be excited about you are going to go nowhere in your business and life. Motion creates emotion and energy! Some routines are good but make sure they are moving you toward your goals and not further away.... what are you doing in the morning right now that you could STOP doing and replace it with something else that can help you GROW, get more FOCUSED, and move you closer to your goals? For my family ... we set family goals together that we are all excited about and then we put in the WORK every day to make them happen. For fitness... it's something I love because being in shape feels GREAT so it's a priority because without HEALTH we have nothing. For Business... I have to stay focused and committed to my goals... NOT for me but for my family and my team! They are counting on me! Lead by example... because people are always going to watch what you DO more than what you SAY! Never expect anyone to do it for me... if it is to be ... it's up to me! Also any exercises you do such as affirmations, reading, hypnotic writing etc. Success is not owned... it's leased and rent is due everyday! Be Obsessed or be Average... the choice is yours! #mindset #motivation

Aron Parker

1 year ago

what's up facebook my friends listen i'm trying to go live here on youtube as well let's see if i can get this to work boom there we go facebook youtube what is up my friend so glad to be here with you do me a quick favor drop a quick like drop a comment let me know if you're on uh live or the replay so here's what we're gonna talk about today by the way this is day two i'm on day two of going live to share some value some information that can benefit you to help you get more results in your bus
iness in your life and if you get some value from this i would love to hear what your thoughts are in the comments so let's go ahead and get started first of all if you're on and you're watching let me just i need to make sure we're actually live right now so if you can hear me drop a quick comment let me know um if we are coming through and what i'm going to be talking about today is my morning mindset and exercises to create success in business and in life okay now this question came from hey
norma thanks for jumping on this question came from my buddy troy so thanks for asking and i wanted to go ahead and just go live and talk about it what's up michael glad that you're able to jump on what's up clarence thank you guys uh for the mic check so let's talk about this my mindset every morning on life family fitness and business that was the question so let's go ahead and dive in number one everything starts with gratitude all right so what does that mean it means that when i get up the
very first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to have gratitude in some way shape or form okay because i think that in life how many of you guys would agree that right now things are a little crazy in life okay things are a little crazy out there what's up clarence deb john tommy thanks for jumping on guys and so it can be very easy for us to quickly fall into this trap of feeling sorry for ourselves or you know thinking about how bad things are and one way that we can virtually eliminate a
ny of those thoughts which will never help you by the way anytime you have a thought of um you know oh what was me or things are bad or oh no the sky is falling or you know the economy and prices i mean the list goes on right there's always something that you could say is bad that is happening in in the world in your life and the one thing that i've always done to help me get through all of that very easily is just have gratitude be grateful because when you're grateful you can't complain when y
ou're grateful you rise above the the bs when you're grateful in all situations you have this this ease you hey we got south africa watching so glad that you're on lorraine steve what's up man so that's number one is to find the strength to be grateful what's up victor be grateful no matter what's going on in your life because realize and this is something that i do my wife sometimes you know she she like doesn't like this because i'm like the eternal optimist i'm always positive and so no matte
r what's happening in our in our life and we have like legitimate things to be pissed off about or upset about or worried about right i'm like everything's fine she's like no it's not fun right can anyone relate anyone is this always just a guy girl thing what's up kendall um and so for me it's always i here's what i always do i always say it could be worse and just sometimes she like wants to just ring my neck because like something bad's happening in our business or in our life or someone's si
ck or we get a flat tire or there's traffic oh no you know um we're late for something right and it's like everything's you know like we're freaking out and i'm always like everything's fine like it could be worse it could always be worse and so that's one of the things that i would encourage for all of you to do as far as having the mindset is realize that it could always be worse what's up nicole what's up norma glad you guys are on so it could always be worse what does that mean it means be g
rateful and so if you're grateful in all situations you're going to rise above the noise rise above the bs and you're going to be able to perform you're going to be able to see through all of the the crap that's happening and you're going to stay focused okay that's number one be grateful it could always be worse and just stay positive okay next get excited get excited about something okay so when i get up in the morning guys i'm excited i'm excited about something so you've got to figure out wh
at that is for you what are you excited about feel free to drop a comment let me know what are you excited about is it a family trip is it buying a new car is it getting a new home is it paying off debt is it hitting your next rank in your business what is something that you are flat out freaking jacked excited about it could be it could be a fitness goal it could be i want to lose weight i want to get in shape it doesn't matter what it is find something you're excited about because this is one
of my secrets to success is being excited okay because if you don't have something to get you excited in the morning okay and throughout the day guess what you're going nowhere you are not going to go anywhere in your business or your life if you don't get up and get excited so what are you excited about let me see guys come on drop some comments nicole she's she's excited about paying off debt and hitting her next rank in her business okay victor is excited to wake up another day and the opport
unity to change at least one life a day now victor while that is an amazing thing to get excited about i will encourage you to get a little more specific in your excitement right because if we just say things that are just very warm and fuzzy and things that are very just like very broad it can be difficult for that to really move you in your life and business to take the actions to really change your life or to really change one life a day as you said right so just being excited to have another
day to have more opportunity and i'm excited to change a life today right that sounds great i love it but at my recommendation get a little more specific what exactly does that look like what does it feel like what does that mean whose life are you going to change how are you going to change their life how is that going to make you feel right be more specific in what gets you excited okay kendall her rank her fitness her house boom those are specific things and how are those things gonna make y
ou feel when you reach those goals okay so guys these are my secrets i'm sharing with you okay gratitude being excited can you guys tell that my energy is high okay this is one of my secrets okay michael says hitting 1k awesome okay motion creates emotion and energy okay somebody put that in the comments motion meaning moving creates emotion and it creates energy and in your life and in your business if you do not have emotion and energy behind what you're doing you're going to have a very tough
time having success so my recommendation is to get moving as soon as you get up do some push-ups jump around get excited sing a song do a dance right whatever it is for you to get your blood flowing a little bit okay motion creates emotion and energy okay realize that some routines sometimes we get into a rut or we get into a routine in our life and our business and sometimes those routines can be good for us and sometimes they can be very bad for us and i'd like for you to maybe share in the c
omments what is something that you do that's a routine you do it every day right brushing your teeth obviously but like something else that is going to move you towards your goals because there are some routines that are actually going to move you further away from your goals and i want you to be aware of what those could be okay like for example what are you doing in the morning that could stop that you could stop doing what is one thing in the morning that you do that you could stop doing and
you could replace it with something else that could help you grow that could help you get more focused they could help you get more energized and that could move you closer to your goals so think about that okay so you know for example uh goals and stuff for our family we set big family goals and then we go to work to go make it happen and every day the whole family is excited about reaching no goal those goals for fitness okay who likes fitness for me it's just something i love and that wasn't
always really the case and i'll do a whole nother thing talk about crossfit and fitness on another live but for me it feels good to be in shape it feels good to be in shape because guess what without our health we have nothing okay it might sound a little aggressive but it's the truth ready get fit or die it's kind of a reality in today's world get in shape get fit or you're gonna have an early life like we know that these are facts right you can't dispute that so make it a priority to go for a
walk to do some exercise and guys there's no excuses right you don't need a gym you can get in shape and do some exercise in your home you can go for a walk you can get some dumbbells right you can always find time to do that now for business um i've got to stay focused and committed to my goals not for me but for my family not for me but for you one of the things that drives me on a daily basis and this is the question so i'm answering this what is driving me what is keeping me focused and ener
gized and excited yes we have our personal goals but one of the major driving forces is i'm doing this for my girls doing it for them not for me i'm doing this for you i'm going to have success because i need to help you have success and that is something that i am driven to do on a daily basis okay um this is a big one guys we're going to wrap this up because my goal is for these lives to only be like 10 minutes long so i'm already over i apologize okay we're almost done so stick with me by the
way if this is helping you in any way drop a quick like drop a comment let me know and also share this because someone you know might need to hear this information so um this is a big one i want you guys to i'm gonna actually put this in the comments because this is a big one okay this is something that i live by and it can be tough this one can be tough but this can change your life when you adopt this mindset never expect anyone to do it for you not your spouse and guys i by the way i'm shari
ng this information with you this is from all from personal experience mistakes that i've made in business and in life expecting other people right i need my spouse to do this before i can do this i need my spouse to do this before i can be successful in this i need my spouse to support me or i can't build the business right anybody ever been there okay i need my upline my sponsor to support me and help me and and build my business and my sponsor you know guys listen all of those things are neve
r going to help you move forward all of those things are never going to help you reach your goals they are only going to prevent you from reaching your goals so what i just put in the comments is this never expect anyone to do it for you and write this down if it is to be it's up to me it's an epiphany right there if it is to be it's up to me it's not up to your spouse it's not up to your kids it's not up to your boss it's not up to your upline your sponsor if it is to be it's up to me i want yo
u to live by that simple phrase and as soon as you can take full responsibility for your results or your lack of results things will shift for you and you will start to create your goals will start to happen okay really quick um some some quick you know affirmations and something that i also live by uh and mistakes that i've made is this okay you want to save this one this is a big one success success it is never owned do you know how many people in all areas of life movie stars singers professi
onal athletes entrepreneurs network marketers how many times have we seen people rise to the top create success and then one day you look around it's like where'd they go they're gone and they're probably not living on a beach somewhere or on an island they're they're like gone they're struggling they're not doing good okay don't ever think just because you've created a little bit of success that it's gonna always be there why do you think the sharks on shark tank are still buying businesses why
do you think elon musk and all the greatest entrepreneurs that you look up to why are they still out there hustling not because they have to because they understand success is not owned i want you to go identify who who are the one two three network marketing leaders for those of you in network marketing or in business that you look up to who are those people maybe tag one of them and say this is someone i look up to in business guess what they understand this success is not owned it is leased
and rent is due every day you got to pay rent every day okay if you don't pay the rent every day on your business you are going to lose your business and then finally a mindset that i've adopted in life and business comes from grant cardone it's a little aggressive but it's an amazing book it'll blow you away if you're ready for it and it is about how you live your life most people live their life being average and they're okay with that and if you're okay with just being average and living an a
verage life you're probably not watching this video right because that's not you you want above average you want an above average lifestyle true or false let me know so are you going to choose to be obsessed and some people don't like that we're all upset i don't want to be obsessed i don't want to be obsessed with such an aggressive word i'm scared of that word i don't want to i don't want to be listen guys you can either be obsessed with your goals obsessed with what you want to accomplish in
life be obsessed with where you want to go who you want to become or you can just be average and be like 99 of the rest of the world what are you going to choose and i want you to comment let me know are you going to be obsessed are you going to apply this are you going to implement what i just shared with you in this video or are you going to be average what's it going to be let me know thanks for watching this is number two video and my intention is every day i'll be going live at noon eastern
9 a.m pacific right here right here don't miss it if you got some value drop a quick like drop a comment let me know what you like best share this video because someone you know needs to watch this i love you guys i appreciate you and we'll see you on the next video later



Thank you for the wisdom bombs!


YouTube here!!


It can always be worse. That's how I came up with my first gratitude list almost 12 years ago now.


I guess the biggest thing I'm lacking is excitement, over anything these days.


I have learned throughout my life to own my mistakes and if I want something done, only depend on myself no one else !!!!!


I am aware, only I can change me. I should be a philosopher. 🙂 haha.


I always say “ it could be worse” too… if everyone put their problems in a pot, you’d take yours back, you won’t be handed something you can’t handle


promosm 💃