
Navigating Health Insurance for Self-Employed & Small Non-Profits

Dive into insightful conversations on the Grow Your Non-Profit YouTube Channel! Host and CEO Tamika Peters, MSM, recently sat down with Pauline Jean Simon, President of Best Insurance USA, to discuss offering health insurance benefits for the self-employed and small non-profits. Best Insurance USA, a leading provider of insurance solutions in Florida, prioritizes customers at the heart of everything they do. Trusted advisors in the industry, they tailor solutions to fit unique risk management needs. Explore their services at Don't miss out on these enriching discussions! Like, comment, and subscribe to the #GrowYourNonProfit YouTube Channel for valuable tips and empowering conversations. Your support helps us foster positive change in our communities. A special thank you to our podcast sponsors: #VaxTruths: #BestInsuranceUSA: #AHVED: #TrinityLifeFoundation: #PremierMobileHealthClinic: For sponsorships and advertising opportunities, contact Tamika Peters at (239) 293-2009 or via email at Stay connected with us: 🌐 Website: 📺 YouTube: 📱 Facebook: 🎧 Podcast: Spotify: 🛍 Shop: 🔧 Service: 📊 Free Research: #fundraising #podcast #youtuber #youtube #millionaire #grants #nonprofit #entrepreneur #videos #content #nonprofitsuccess #Healthinsurance #Insurance #Affordablecareact #Healthinsuranceexplained #Besthealthinsurance #Besthealthinsurancepolicy #selfemployed #smallnonprofits #Healthcarecoverage #Insuranceoptions #Affordablehealthcare #navigatinghealthinsurance #selfemployedbenefits #nonprofitorganizations #Healthinsurancetips #smallbusinesshealthcare #nonprofithealthbenefits #Healthinsuranceforentrepreneurs #Healthinsurancestrategies #cortespodcast

Grow Your Non-Profit

3 months ago

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]  hello hello hello this is Tama Peters president and CEO of grow your nonprofit will we help  startup small and stagnant nonprofits grow through fundraising strategy strategic planning  and so much more guys today you're in for a treat I have my special guest Pauline she's back to  continue on about health insurance but with a little twist so if you're self-employed uh you're  a small nonprofit We got the juice for you before we get started I'd like
to thank the sponsors of  my podcast Trinity life Foundation Naples helping atrisk youth through the enrichment program  facts truths they received the Grant from the CDC to raise awareness of Co 19 and vaccine  resources in the black and brown communities Avid that stands for the associations of Haitians  living abroad they open an amazing support center right here in the beautiful Fort Meyers where  they will help you with immigration support utility billing and English as a second language  l
ast but not least best insurance USA your local agency provided through Florida Blue they will  help you with business insurance health insurance life insurance and so much more so guys like  I said my special guest here Pauline how are you doing again Pauline doing fine glad to  be back again good good good so what I like best about your business model is that the last  episode we discussed you called yourself a social entrepreneur what does that mean it means that we  don't do business only fo
r money we do business to serve I have to be able to serve the community  we're doing something that will help them that's what I call myself a social entrepreneur and then  we give back right right give back yeah that you know that's very important because I know when  I worked in uh for-profit and then I worked in government even though I made good money I was  not fulfilled I became fulfilled once I got into recruitment for nonprofit I worked at an abused  women shelter and I also worked at a
free eye clinic where people were going blind and then we  would help them uh rejuvenate their eyesight or treat them and I felt more fulfilled and then I  feel blessed with my um business gr your profit because I get to work with different types of  nonprofits I have for-profit clients but it's all making an impact in and and giving and like  my client's business I treat it like my own and I feel purposeful and everything we do and I  think that's why God put us here on Earth is to serve other
s yes because when you don't you  meet some rich people who are depressed and they have all the money in the world it's because  they they don't have purpose in there maybe they doesn't they don't feel fulfilled or exactly  so you need to whatever you're doing you have not only you have a purpose but you are reaching out  and helping others let's say Insurance to if we put numbers I'm a number person you know I'm an  accountant so if you see how much money you are saving the community let's say
you have 1,000  customers and then um even 100 of them went to the hospital over $100,000 in bills you you you  see like you ow much money you already save your community they would have to be the one own that  money you would have a community in death so when you do that you serve the community and when you  go and explain to them why insurance is important especially for my background I'm Asian background  and then where we come from we come from a public health you go to the hospital they see
you and  you leave but here if they do the same thing they get a bills at the end so you have to be there  telling them hey you need to have insurance even when you go to the hospital they take care of you  but you need that insurance so you don't you don't end up the one owing the money so education  it's extremely important we make it part of our business not only you come we always say I'm  not an agent I'm an insurance health insurance educator educator like I educate you but I'm not  an ag
ent because if you ask me to sell somebody a policy I don't know how to do that right right  right so I can I educate you it's important to have insurance and this is what insurance cover  and allow that person to understand and make their own choices and when people know how to do  that they're not going to buy bad plans the next day because people sometime can get confused and  buy my plane my plane is good my plane is zero but they'll be able to compare why this plane is  good why this plane
is not going to make their own choice yeah I I like that business model that  you're you're not only solving a problem there's a need but you're also educating and educating  is very important another P that I really like about your business is that you saw a need you  you mentioned that you your Haitian descent and you saw um under Ser communi such as the Haitian  and the Hispanic communities not being educated about insurance so which is very important I know  we talked about that in the previ
ous episode this episode we're going to really focus on that  entrepreneur and then that small nonprofit who does not have the budget to offer health insurance  for their employees so there whe there's a will there's a way we the right person here for you  today I just made that up so let's start with entrepreneur because I'm an entrepreneur you're  an entrepreneur I'm an entrepreneur I have a small business maybe it's just me or I have employees  of a f of five people how would you educate me i
n order to protect me cuz as we know one accident  can send you to bankruptcy that could ruin your credit and possibly make it really difficult for  a lot of things so let's talk about how you would help that entrepreneur um with finding I guess the  right health insurance policy for them yeah first of all um great question tamama first of all they  need to know the laws the law the laws is in their side Affordable Care Act it's a law that protect  people that who are self-employed actually what
is that law for because a lot of time they politicize  the law and people don't see the great the juice inside that law that law tells you if you are um  small business you have you cannot afford health insurance for your employees not only you can  go to the marketplace the shop Marketplace the government help you pay health insurance uh  for your employees but if you cannot do that you can actually have someone like me come and  educate your employees and make sure they can get individual ins
urance through the marketplace  the government helped them pay for the insurance there's no reason anymore for anybody to stay  without insurance and you as the entrepreneur you as the owner of the business business that  law is for you protects you because they know how expensive it is to have insurance for yourself  and for your kids the government will help you pay for it what I don't want people to be scared of  some people I make $100,000 I make $2 200,000 I'm not qualified so because reall
y the government  help you base on income so more money you make less help you get from them but the good news is  as an accountant I can tell you the law said also they will only count your net income not your  gross because can make and we know about that net income as social ENT entrepreneurs net income  is actually after all your expenses you can make $200,000 you only make $10,000 profit or you even  negative yeah so so if you the money that you make don't get scared about what you make but
see what  your net income so my suggestion uh you can you can see from your tax return count on your tax  return not the income that you make and look at the uh a business net business income that's the  one you count or you can ask your accountant or CPA to do a profit and loss statement for you  with that profit and loss you can clearly see how much money you'll be making for the year in  the net profit that's what you see that can help you a lot so the difference between you getting  your in
surance by yourself your family $2,000 $3,000 a month to the government helping you and  you pay $500 $600 a month or some people you pay nothing right so all you have to do is contact  someone an agent someone like us and uh that can help you see how you qualified and then how much  money the government can give you how much money you can save yeah so so when you you were having  that conversation I was thinking um having a low net income as a business owner is good until you  get ready to buy
something right so so don't do that just for health insurance and then say if  you your income your your business Nets a large amount don't be afraid of that either because  either you're going to pay now or you're going to pay later so if you're not insured because  of what it might cost you not being insured can be more expensive tell our audience what are  the ramifications of not having health insurance and God forbid you're diagnosed with uh a chronic  disease cancer or or you get in the ca
r accident yes this is white now from what's coming from the  health department um a 3 days s the hospital is at $30,000 without the chonic illness or anything  that's just basic just basic $30,000 to stay in the hospital for 3 days so you can imagine if you  don't have insurance I'm pretty sure most people do not have $330,000 in and the hospital is not in  business to lose money because the hospital again private and it's a business it's not a business  to lose money right right yes so it's a
business because they're not government owned even if  it is non most of the hospital are nonprofit but they are business so they need to make money  to pay the doctors pay the nurses pay the area pay the everything that come with a business to  run they have to pay for it and the way they pay for it is you come get the service you pay them  so when you don't pay them so they send you to credit and I always say something to these people  America the USA the country that we love we live here they
hate people who don't pay the credit the  system hat you you sy punish you punish you hard when you don't pay your bill because of what the  system is built on credit every big company you can imagine depend on credit to function so when  they have a bad apple who's not paying their bills they punish you so you make sure someone else can  look how hard is your life they don't dare to go that rout and that's one thing too when we say  our community suffering a lot of them could have Edge because
of credit and I I participated last  uh um last month doing the hurricane with um fima um not um small business administration is yes  most people here who could have that money they lost the business they couldn't you know why in a  credit credit wow they could have got that money very low interest the government give you very low  interest when it's SBA which is like it's it's so much opportunity when you can get a SBA loan they  couldn't get it they they are victim they didn't have proper in
surance to cover the losses and  they couldn't get the government help because they didn't have credit so credit is extremely  important we think about 70% of people from the minority group don't have insurance because of  medical bills so when we say it's important to be insured and stay insured it is extremely  important because the thing that you're going to lose because you don't have insurance I can't  even put numbers to it cre example you have bad credit because you didn't pay your $30,00
0 bills  at the hospital and you want to buy a car I want to buy Toyota you want to buy to for example  SIM card that's I'm not a to person but um it's $30,000 you pay you paying $40,000 for the car I  pay $40,000 for the car same year same everything you have good credit your monthly payment is 300  my monthly payment is 500 MH I don't have the money that's why my credit is bad but I'm paying  almost double than you because you have good credit we want to go rent a place right now you  go to th
eir apartment you have good credit they even give you one month free they want you because  they know you're going to pay your bills I have bad credit they say they want three that's right  you're higher risk first last security deposit so you see how hard they make your life yes when  you have bad credit and a lot a lot of people have bad credit it's not because they didn't pay  their credit card bills it's not because they bow money they they pay it's medical bills so one  way you can stop tha
t bleeding it's really to have insurance and know that the Affordable Care  Act a lot of people know Obamacare different name but it is the Lord that is there to help you  by insuring the government help you pay for it so you know you pay the government taxes every day  of everything so if they say they're going to help you on something you might take the help and it's  not very complicated it's very straightforward you get a advance premium tax credit when you do  your taxes you do the reconcil
iation is everything false straight you said you are going to make 20  you make 20 everything good they're not going to ask you for a dollar back but if you said you  are going to make 20 you make 30 they might ask you and then they C how much money they're going  to ask you back you have nothing to lose on the other end if you say you are going to make 30 you  make 20 they give you money back M wow if you are paying for your insurance they give you money  back it's a very fair system in Balance
so the risk staying without insurance it's not worth it  it's too high it's too high so so my question to you is I I know when the Obamacare first came  out it was it you know Congress fought it why is why is it that things that could actually help  people why is um the the truth is sort of Twisted and it it it's the connotation is so skewed and  it's it's misinformation and and it's almost like oh welfare we're going to be a socialist society  and and it's totally not true yeah that is not tru
e this is so sad when I see politician use that  People's Health just for them to get two or three people to vote for them that is very sad and then  I go to the re area there are some people if you said Obama Care they don't want itow you have to  say Affordable Care Act because they affordable care it's good I want the government help me pay  for I don't want obare so you can see how far they goes and these people are the one that are most  need for that insurance and they're telling them it's
not good because whatever party that's um  give them that benefit but they don't see how important it is to have that health insurance  so the law Unfortunately they Twisted so much you know you can buy I I am a agent for Florida  Blue exclusive with Florida blue but Florida Blue has any plane that you can buy you have the HMO  plane you have the P plane that PO plane covered you every 50 stat you can TR and still have  coverage and the beauty because you part of the blue course and blue sh net
work if you take  that you want a travel outside of the country you still have coverage almost over 100 some countries  wow so where is the thing where they say that it's socialism you cannot use it no you have so much  Freedom even with the smaller plane that is the cheapest plan in your area you have the right to  choose your doctor so if you say I don't want that doctor most of the U Florida BL I know within 48  Hours 72 hours you change your doctor you can see uh uh another PCP depend what t
ime it is uh on  the month so at least the most it would happen like 30 days for you to change your PCP but some  in some cases 48 hour 72 hours you would have your PCP change to the PCP that is in your network  so why would people think that it's it's PCP primary care provider okay okay yeah so so not  a lot of people might they might not understand our accur provider so another prong that we  we we promise to talk about I bring in a lot of nonprofits in my podcast and I interview them  how doe
s a nonprofit who's small who can't afford to offer health insurance to their employees help  them help their staff who's given so much to help others in the community Through best insurance USA  how could they take advantage of your services in order to offer uh health insurance to their staff  they have two choices as I said the Affordable Care Act has a part for individual it has a part  shop for the small business that the government helped them pay for the for so would you help  them look a
t both and see which is best they yeah they can look at both and see which plans  that going to benefit their employees more but most of the time the individual plans to uh  be more favorable to their employees so they can go that R and help they at least educate the  employees because if you're employer don't offer you insurance you have the right to go to the  marketplace and get insurance and then if they have less than 25 full-time employees they're not  going to be penalized for not offerin
g insurance so the nonprofit is not in the hook because they  don't have 25 uh uh full-time employees in the employee your um job don't offer you Insurance  you can still go to the individual market and get help from the government and pay most of it  if you don't make a lot of money people it's Z doar so $10 20 $30 people don't pay you really  don't pay a lot if you make a lot of money of course the government going to ask you to you know  pay your fair share about 10% of whatever you make but
beside that a lot of people can have a z so  my question to you Pauline I'm very disappointed in you because I want to know where were you when  I was at the particular nonprofit and they didn't have health insurance and my son and I had to go  uh without health insurance and we're on pins and needles and hoping that there were no accidents  or anything going on yes this is that's I'm here am and as I said that's what I don't stop I keep  going to podcast like yours go to other radios go to uh u
m local churches in my area educate because  I still realize still there still a hug 10 years later education miseducation misinformation I  didn't know I could have insurance I don't know a lot of people were losing the Medicaid coverage  because you know through Co from 2000 to 2023 they were not doing redetermination for Medicaid A  lot of people are in the Medicaid but never they never look at again how much money they making  because of fedal help but back in April 2023 FL government said n
o more we're not an emergency  anymore so they're not going to give extra money to the state so State like Florida drop a lot  of people out and those people because they're so used to medicate they take like half hour go oh  they have nowhere else to go but you do if you are Medicaid the government drop you because you not  qualify for Medicaid because you do not qualify for Medicare most likely you qualified for a  Marketplace plane with 0 you will still have um have a plan that probably don't
have deductible  all your preventive uh um care uh covered and you don't have to pay mostly anything if you have to  pay it's very low but you would have the coverage so I always tell people please please please if  you hit poverty be inured ooh I love that you hear that guys if you hate poverty be insured and  Pauline I don't think you're just talking about health insurance there's other insurance period  we're talking about life insurance too because we don't want to we we're tired of Gund Me
es in  our community to pay for funerals we don't need gofundmes we can get insurance and if you get  it actually you should get insurance for your children when they're first born because long  behold if your child is diagnosed with some sort of chronic illness or disease guess what  that's a preexisting condition and they won't even qualify for life insurance and then you quit  for your for your kids I got insur and when the kids are small you know what you don't take  it to pay for the entire
for 100 years that's the mistake too people take when they take life  insurance for their children they do those little plan and you pay $1 $2 that's a mistake you take  a plan where you pay it in 20 years it's almost the same price you finish paying for the interest  in 20 years if you take it while your baby's Baby by the time they go to college the plane is paid  off you can buy up to $100,000 for your kid and then it's paid off every dollar that you put  in there will be sitting there for t
hem with interest and if they have an issue they can take  that money out to pay for a car and borrow the money because it's asset it's not money that you  lose we have to come back this is so juicy Pauline we're definitely going to uh record Another uh  podcast specifically just about life insurance and do you have any brochures because I would love  to have your brochures here when I have guests and if I know they have a small nonprofit We could  provide that to do you have that yes I do I do
have literature I can offer that to I bring some  yeah and and also best insurance USA just came on as a sponsor for grow your nonprofit so I feel  so passionate about this and there's a need I'm going to put add a page on my website specifically  for well insurance with with a tab leading to best insurance because if if a nonprofit does not offer  life insurance or or I'm not saying life insurance insurance to their employees this is a great path  to take so Pauline would you please share with
our audience to to your information your website  to reach out to your staff for a consultation to uh educate themselves this is about education  this is not just about selling you a policy this is about education yes we're telling the um the  audience to be prepared be insured so never think that never take your help for Ed I'm healthy I  don't I'm not going to be going to the hospital one accident can bankrupt you and the only way  you can be prepared it's buy insurance and then having that in
surance give you the guarantee if  you go to the hospital you will get the care if you need to take a medication you can go to  the pharmacy and you'll be able to buy your medication if your health is important to you if  you love yourself and today you don't have health insurance I'm asking you to please reconsider  find a place find someone an AG it doesn't have to be me any agent out there hopefully it's us but  you you talk to us we can explain to you what are your options and then have insu
rance even if you  have insurance with a very high deductible but at least you have insurance because the deductible  limit how much money you spend out of pocket if it's $88,000 that's the most you would have  to take uh to pay for the year so make sure make sure make sure you buy uh a health insurance  and then for us you can visit at the website it's best Insurance you can call us at 1 80049  971 or visit any of our locations we have offices in Orlando area Central East Coast Three lo
cation  on the east coast and three location on the west coast Fort Myers Le um imar Naples area so visit  our website you will see all those and request for a qut we'll be happy to talk to you over the  phone or sit one in one and explain your choices and you can make the best decision for you and  your family thank you so much Paulie thank you to it was a pleasure yes so I hope that you got  something out of this episode the importance of uh insurance to cover yourself and your family as  an e
ntrepreneur and as a small nonprofit who's not able to afford health insurance for your staff  so like Pauline said even if your deductible is high at $88,000 that's better than that $30,000  base price for hospitalization and that's not including if they need to do surgery or any other  things for for an issue that you may have so I hope that you got something out of this podcast  if you know someone who could benefit please share this particular episode with them please  don't forget to like A
nd subscribe to my YouTube channel stay tuned for more grow your nonprofit  podcast episodes thank you thank [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
